Noooooooo damn you!! But I'm still TANK KING SUCKER!!!
WE;RE BOTH KINGS!!!Noooooooo damn you!! But I'm still TANK KING SUCKER!!!
Ok, I think that finally I've learned to properly shoot with the sniper rifles. Yep, we cornered them in the russian spawn and they were pretty bad. And I like the sniper recon miles ahead from BC2, it takes skill to properly sniping, and you have gadgets very useful for the team, not the derp mortar strike derp wookies of BC2. Good games tonight, typical gaf steamrolling flavorbut I actually joined in the last third of the game, I think I missed only one shot and I was killed only one time by sniper fire. And even if it was short, I thank JM671 for his excellent pilot skills.
Who is number_2?
About that.... look
but not even in the players list
Ok, I think that finally I've learned to properly shoot with the sniper rifles. Yep, we cornered them in the russian spawn and they were pretty bad. And I like the sniper recon miles ahead from BC2, it takes skill to properly sniping, and you have gadgets very useful for the team, not the derp mortar strike derp wookies of BC2. Good games tonight, typical gaf steamrolling flavorbut I actually joined in the last third of the game, I think I missed only one shot and I was killed only one time by sniper fire. And even if it was short, I thank JM671 for his excellent pilot skills.
Disconnect 5 seconds before the match is over...fail
Yeah we really held it together even though we were down all game. But that metro game, we came through like a real clan. Our defense was so awesome except when I got too agressive at the end and we lost A because of it. But the best moment was when Dave went all hysterical when someone got through at B. Really good team work by ejas and boatack, even though you guys were in a different squad.
With a tugs at every entry point and people staying pat on B I think it would of brought a tear to Dreamgazer's eyes(my eyes got a little watery)
Good games everyone today!
Have you tried changing all your ethernet cables? I was having a lot of disconnects and I would lose my internet connection for a couple hours almost everyday. My ISP didn't know what to do or what was happening.
The I had the brilliant idea of changing all cables and the filter on the phone line plug and now I'm not having any problems again.
Actually I don't want to change anything about my Internet setup because as it is right now is working great compared to 2 to 3 months ago, where I would get disconnected pretty much every other game. It's weird since I didn't call my ISP, didn't change cables, didn't change routers and the problem sort of fixed by itself. I still get the occasional disconnect like I did yesterday but it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be.
Too bad, you miss the part where half of the enemy team tried to C4 JJD over and over again.
Did I? I literally got disconnected a few seconds before the round ended. I know JJ kept saying out loud that this one dude (finnplayer or something) kept trying to C4 him over and over again and kept killing him lol
I didn't get to see any of the action though because I pretty much rolled on my own the entire game.
Also, I don't care how good you are on a tank, if you're rolling alone a semi competent duo on another tank will get you almost every time. Dream saved my ass a lot of times on that game, thanks for gunning for me man!
I got 3 nemesis ribbons on that round, I guess I got then on all those 3 FOX guys...
I don't understand people, it's easy to realize when someone is rolling with proximity sensor.
Why they kept trying to C4 me when I would either blow then away or Dream would put a thousand holes in then?
They were just stupid, I bet they could have taken us out if they were engineers, there was a moment close to the end of the game near A where 3 guys were chasing us with C4 and the back of the tank was turned towards then, it was hilarious. One good RPG shot and I would be close to or disabled...
Those Fox guys were not good players. I thought they were because one of then kept killing me on that Metro match prior to Firestorm, but after the last game and seeing his stats I guess he was just lucky.
Is there a bug on mine spotting? Sometimes one or two won't show up. I hit about three mines on that game and only one were in a place were I couldn't spot (that small hill between B and C, I couldn't spot it because of the angle). I hit select practically all the time when I'm driving around and not engaging people...
Also, I don't care how good you are on a tank, if you're rolling alone a semi competent duo on another tank will get you almost every time. Dream saved my ass a lot of times on that game, thanks for gunning for me man!
Also, I don't care how good you are on a tank, if you're rolling alone a semi competent duo on another tank will get you almost every time. Dream saved my ass a lot of times on that game, thanks for gunning for me man!
You're assuming people even know "Proximity scans" exist.
Many people don't use it, so therefore they have no idea what it is.
I thought proximity scan was one of the most used upgrades. I just think some people don't pay attention to the load-out of the enemy who killed them. That, or the driver kills them and the enemy doesn't see that the gunner is running proximity.
I roll with canister shells, proximity scan and thermal optics. Driving into a capture point or near an M-COM and being able to see right away if/where people around the objective is incredibly useful so I always roll with proximity scan. Thermal Scan makes it incredibly easy to spot enemies and mines so that's definitely a plus. And canister shells are really useful against infantry. I guess my entire setup is geared more towards killing infantry than other tanks.
Yeah... that's a powerful loadout vs infantry and I used to roll something similar, but you're incredibly weak against other armor.
I get into so many head-on's with other tanks (yes I usually instigate these) I need to be strong vs armor. Now I'm even going guided rocket instead of canister shell which was my favorite spec in the game.
David Goldfarb was the guy who gave us the SP campaigns in BC2 and BF3. I never rated him.
I think smoke is a must have perk nowadays, at least on heavy tanks.
You know what would be awesome? A tank duo with the main guy using reactive armor/thermal/canister and the gunner/repairman using proximity/smoke/guided. Just fast switch the two if your getting locked on.
Hint hint Codman24. You can be my tank partner.
Trying to position Olimpia while in the little bird for easy rocket/infantry kills was hilarious. That guy in the window trying to snipe must have felt like the agent from the matrix when I lowered us sideways right in front of him.
So according to EA, we get Beta access for Battlefield 4 if we pre-order MOH Digital Deluxe edition for 70$.
So they're killing the BadCompany series. I was hoping for BFBC3.![]()
That crossing game was embarrassing.
No movement.
No common sense.
People spawn in and run straight to be killed by a fucking tank.
Gaf scatters to shit when decent competition comes around.
Revenge is sweet.
Although 1-1 is a tie.
Sorry about the L96 thing Dave.
I'll try very hard and shut up from now on.
Edit: nm, I'll seal my bf3 game away and focus on studying till September.
That way no one will have to hear me. For real this time....>.>
I'll write up a list of tips when and have olimpia/evolved/sekoku/faceless edit and then post it.
Thanks for the gg.
Well JJD, people are right that I take the win/loss thing too seriously.Oh c'mon man! You're always giving constructive criticism...
I bitched with Dave about using a sniper rifle on the second set of Kharg too, then I felt bad about it but we just want to win. Dave is a great guy I'm sure he understands! You have done the same thing with me and helped me improve.
You should study as much as you can for your stuff and when you have the free time and don't have anything better to do just play with us! You're a great teammate.
^Nice to know how many people want Bad Company 3 over Battlefield 4, lol.
man I miss the "sound" of that game: