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Battlefield 3 | Console Community Thread | Pleasant Entertainment


I don't know man, I feel that with even skilled teams the russians are always going to win.

The LAV is awesome, and on a 1 on 1 fight can take out a tank out faster. But both the LAV and the AMTRAC are too much in the open, vulnerable without solid means of counterattacking when they are traversing the water, easy targets for tank sniping or javelin/RPG abuse.

The little birds are the biggest US advantage on the map IMO. But only if the pilot is skilled, most of then just march head-on on guided shells, and the russians have one chopper too.

I think a great way of balancing that map would be adding another flag on that little base on the left side of the map (russian POV) under that big bridge kinda between C and B, forcing defenders to spread more. On PC there's already a flag there on conquest 64 players.

Or at least making one of the russians tanks spawn on B or C, making it the most important flag in the map and letting the other two with less defenders, easier to capture.

That's why you have to rush them to A and keep them together. If you have two repair/rpg guys you should beat out any tank. Plus javelins are worthless if the LAV uses smoke and the Amtrac already has smoke.

It really only becomes a problem if your capped out. Because like you said the travel time for the LAV and Amtrac in atrocious.


I will throw him an invite! Err stupid me I tried adding both Faceless and The Faceless Master on live, the former isn't registered the latter wouldn't fit character wise. I goofed, I guess I will have to uh talk to the guy haha?!?/

I will look into the platoon but if it's a clan again sadly I am already in one =( (but I did just get promoted in it too!)

It's not a clan, and there's tons of people there with other clan tags I'm certain you don't even need to change yours! It's just a platoon for the community. It's the best way to meet BF3 players from GAF, make friends, etc.

Just ask your clan peeps if there's no problem you entering a second platoon, there's clans that don't allow that!

Faceless is the 360 platoon leader, he's always online playing BF3!

That's why you have to rush them to A and keep them together. If you have two repair/rpg guys you should beat out any tank. Plus javelins are worthless if the LAV uses smoke and the Amtrac already has smoke.

Amtrac has smoke default??????????????? What the fuck I've been doing this past 300 hours... :-(


Amtrac has smoke default??????????????? What the fuck I've been doing this past 300 hours... :-(

Yeah it has smoke, a light machine gun, and grenade rounds. Lol you really didn't know that? The Amtrac is pretty OP on rush IMO. People just don't use it right.


What don't you agree with? You saw the report didn't you? I said I was disappointed in him. I just pointed out that he mentions going rogue and than he joined a stack GAF team. Where was the rogue than, because I've could of used some help. Anyways when I talk shit I'll tell you straight up.

And I don't think dream call you out. He was just pointing out that everyone team stacked. Anyways I'm just upset at GAF vs GAF team stacking. If its GAF vs anyone else and you team stack than I don't care because you obviously want to play with your friend. But when it's GAF vs GAF team stacking than it gets stupid.

I just want to say in Evolved's defense, that he joined when we were on Operation Firestorm.

At that point, the GAF team (which was only olimpia and myself at the point I joined) was down by 4 people. Even if Evolved wanted to play against us, the game would have never let him switch teams with a 4 player deficiency.

With that out of the way, I'll admit I'm a team stacker. If I join a server and it puts me against GAF and won't let me switch teams, I'll finish the round against GAF in hopes that people quit and I can get with them the next round. If not, then I'll just leave and go back later. I don't have much gaming time compared to what I used to now that I work 50 hr weeks. So when I do play I want to make sure I'm with friends. ;)

If the server is evenly mixed with GAF, then I have no problems playing with a few GAF on one side against another handful on the opposing team. That's when it gets real interesting.

My hat goes off to those of you that do play the "X GAF vs. you" games consistently.
I haven't been on here in a while and was catching up on the last few pages and thought I'd give my 2 cents on team stacking. I am definitely against it. This is a post I made back in March when I started playing with you guys for the first time. But at the same time, if I'm alone in a team against a couple of gaffers, I probably would switch, cus playing alone against gaffers is not just challenging, it gets frustrating. Gaffers split between the 2 teams is always more fun.

On that note, why haven't we had any all gaf battles yet? GAF vs GAF in one of the private servers. I imagine they would be a lot of fun.


I think a few things need to be clarified. The end results of those Op. Firestorm and Canals games (and I'm using those two as examples since after those games I turned my PS3 off) were not necessarily a product of GAF stacking/not stacking but the unbalance that was created due to randoms joining/quitting.

As JM mentioned, the Op Firestorm game had our team with a 3 player disadvantage for a good while and shortly afterwards it even went up to 4 players when some dude quit and I believe evolved and bkak were already in our team by then. We even lost all the flags for a good while and had a big ticket disadvantage until some randoms joined and we ended up a having more players (I believe) so obviously the tables turned by then and we managed to win.

In the canals game I believe the teams started even and we had a good start by capping all the flags but then the RU tanks started to take over and we lost all of them flags. It was incredibly frustrating because we had NO flags and I had to keep spawning as a Recon to have a spawn beacon alive to prevent my squad from spawning 1326 miles away at the US base, which meant I had no tools to help take out any of the RU tanks . To make matters worse people in our team started to quit because they were probably like "lol we are losing and we don't have any flags, peace out" but them quitting allowed us to get new players and we lucked out and got two very high ranked Colonels (one of them was lvl 100). We then managed to steal a tank and we regained control of the map, this made a lot of the people in the RU team quit and that way we managed to overcome the huge ticket deficit.

So yeah, basically it all boiled down to randoms quitting and joining throughout the game and we got lucky in that regard. Also, I personally went through hell in both games trying to give out orders to my squad and even switching squads to give orders to some of the useless randoms we had so I didn't really feel like switching teams near the end of those games just to balance teams out...no, not after all the effort I put to keep my team alive and pushing.


I just want to say in Evolved's defense, that he joined when we were on Operation Firestorm.

At that point, the GAF team (which was only olimpia and myself at the point I joined) was down by 4 people. Even if Evolved wanted to play against us, the game would have never let him switch teams with a 4 player deficiency.

With that out of the way, I'll admit I'm a team stacker. If I join a server and it puts me against GAF and won't let me switch teams, I'll finish the round against GAF in hopes that people quit and I can get with them the next round. If not, then I'll just leave and go back later. I don't have much gaming time compared to what I used to now that I work 50 hr weeks. So when I do play I want to make sure I'm with friends. ;)

If the server is evenly mixed with GAF, then I have no problems playing with a few GAF on one side against another handful on the opposing team. That's when it gets real interesting.

My hat goes off to those of you that do play the "X GAF vs. you" games consistently.

I was fine with the operation firestorm game. And I'm sorry but that makes it worst. 5 GAF started the canal round vs 1 GAF. You also had more players throughout the canals game. Evolved was one of them and he was the one that brought up team stacking and how he is a merc. I'm just saying don't preach about team stacking and how your rogue and then play 5 vs 1 GAF.


I think a few things need to be clarified. The end results of those Op. Firestorm and Canals games (and I'm using those two as examples since after those games I turned my PS3 off) were not necessarily a product of GAF stacking/not stacking but the unbalance that was created due to randoms joining/quitting.

As JM mentioned, the Op Firestorm game had our team with a 3 player disadvantage for a good while and shortly afterwards it even went up to 4 players when some dude quit and I believe evolved and bkak were already in our team by then. We even lost all the flags for a good while and had a big ticket disadvantage until some randoms joined and we ended up a having more players (I believe) so obviously the tables turned by then and we managed to win.

In the canals game I believe the teams started even and we had a good start by capping all the flags but then the RU tanks started to take over and we lost all of them flags. It was incredibly frustrating because we had NO flags and I had to keep spawning as a Recon to have a spawn beacon alive to prevent my squad from spawning 1326 miles away at the US base, which meant I had no tools to help take out any of the RU tanks . To make matters worse people in our team started to quit because they were probably like "lol we are losing and we don't have any flags, peace out" but them quitting allowed us to get new players and we lucked out and got two very high ranked Colonels (one of them was lvl 100). We then managed to steal a tank and we regained control of the map, this made a lot of the people in the RU team quit and that way we managed to overcome the huge ticket deficit.

So yeah, basically it all boiled down to randoms quitting and joining throughout the game and we got lucky in that regard. Also, I personally went through hell in both games trying to give out orders to my squad and even switching squads to give orders to some of the useless randoms we had so I didn't really feel like switching teams near the end of those games just to balance teams out...no, not after all the effort I put to keep my team alive and pushing.



No, you had a player advantage most if not all of the game.

Lol lucked out? Did you see the team I had??
Anyways I didnt expect you or JM to switch but I did expect either evolved, Codmaul, or bkak too. I guess when GAF is in team stack mode I shouldn't expect anything. So your saying if I had 2 more GAF instead of the randoms I had you would of still won? Because I don't think so.

Omg when I look at the report I'm just astonished at how we even kept that game close. If I wasn't on that team, you guys would of been base rapping that team in the first 5 mins.



Yeah I don't know about a 3-4 player advantage. And I don't consider it an advantage if the players suck.


Lol lucked out? Did you see the team I had??

Yes I did, and that same team you mention held us for, what it felt like, an eternity without flags and managed to create a big ticket deficit. Of course, it was you doing most of the work but the rest of the randoms were doing an OK job I thought (or at least they got me quite a few times). If it wasn't for those two high ranked Colonels that joined the game late in our side we would have never won that Canals game, so yeah I think we were lucky. I believe it was that lvl 100 dude who stole one of your tanks and at that point people in your team started to quit so it made things very easy for us.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
First of all dawn and I got kicked by admin. And than when I joine back I was on their team and dawn joined me. 2 vs 2 aint team stacking especially when u had a 200 ticket lead and us capped out.

Tn, I actually tried to join you three times when your team quit out. Then autobalance created "even" teams and it wouldn't let me switch sides at the start of next match.

Also... at least the games I was in... you guys came out strong every round. Had we not gotten one of the tanks on Canals, that was a clear loss. D.Peak too was pretty dicey in the beginning.


Tn, I actually tried to join you three times when your team quit out. Then autobalance created "even" teams and it wouldn't let me switch sides at the start of next match.

Also... at least the games I was in... you guys came out strong every round. Had we not gotten one of the tanks on Canals, that was a clear loss. D.Peak too was pretty dicey in the beginning.

Well I apologize for going off on you and singling you out. D. Peak game I was just mad and my game was off but you guys beat us fair and square that game. I was just upset because you out of everyone here knows what it's like to go against 4+ GAF by yourself. And when I saw that you stayed on that team and the combination of idiots on mine just set me overboard. You have the right to scold me for targeting you yesterday so im not gonna say anything else about it and let you do so. Again I'm sorry for being an asshole. Wasn't the first time and won't be last time.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Well I apologize for going off on you and singling you out. D. Peak game I was just mad and my game was off but you guys beat us fair and square that game. I was just upset because you out of everyone here knows what it's like to go against 4+ GAF by yourself. And when I saw that you stayed on that team and the combination of idiots on mine just set me overboard. You have the right to scold me for targeting you yesterday so im not gonna say anything else about it and let you do so. Again I'm sorry for being an asshole. Wasn't the first time and won't be last time.

I'm still catching up on the thread... just got to the point where there are a bunch of my quotes posted (not looking forward to reading those haha).

So maybe I'll comment on some of that stuff later.

However, I know exactly where you're coming from since it was right after a vs gaf session that originally set me off. I was bothered by the team stacking and I was really bothered by the general state of the game... my conclusion was that I needed to stop concerning myself with stats and just play for fun. And not roll over people and spawn destroy them every game.

My first few days of lone playing I was pretty hardcore about it. I didn't even want to play with any gaffer. But tempers cooled and I felt a little bit retarded about it all. I still want balanced, challenging games, but I'm not hardcore like I was those first few days. I still switch sides sometimes, and sometimes I don't.

Probably fair to call me out on it, to some extent. It's a little hypocritical, but honestly I think it mostly comes down to (my) being a little lazy. Dude, sometimes you just join the game and play for a while on autopilot before you have to go to the store, run an errand, whatever. And sometimes you're really in the mood to play some battlefield. Yesterday was somewhere in the middle. And there actually was a point I tried to join you. So imo yesterday is moot. But I'm definitely guilty of not being as hardcore v gaf last few weeks. I was honestly just thinking about it the other day...


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
And as far as my switching... I rarely do this during a match. For the most part, unless things are really unbalanced, once I'm playing, I'm playing. I prefer switching on the post-game scoreboard. (this is what I tried to do with you Tn, when your team left, but I guess your squad was full) If that doesn't work I will try at the start of the match before I spawn, but then you're at the mercy of the autobalancer, and sometimes it wont let you. I might try again if the match is flowing really one-sided, and I usually try again if a spawn rape starts... I seriously stand by that last part... BUT... sometimes I just don't care. I'm not in the mood to carry a bad team and I know it won't do much good either way/either side. There is also the fact that I really like gaffers, some of these guys I've been playing with forever and it's just fun to be in their squad and playing together.

So sometimes I switch, sometimes not. Depends.

What I will not do... is quit out of the game to get on the other side. If you had a spot open on your squad, I would have been playing with you. But when the squad is full, switching is a pain in the butt, and I'm not going to quit out and rejoin.

And one thing I can say 100% is that had you made room and sent me and invite (and this goes for any gaffer) I would join you no matter what the ticket count.

So that's where I am with it.... luke warm.


New day new topic. Who gives you the most problems? For me it's Dawn and JJD. So annoying to play against those guys. Dawn is an infantry beast and JJD is a smart guy.

Dawn I had a question for you, how do you have 23% accuracy? I swear I'm getting a ton of hit markers but my accuracy is shit compare to yours. I think my accuracy is the one thing holding me back from a 3.00 KDR and a 850+ SPM.


Yeah it has smoke, a light machine gun, and grenade rounds. Lol you really didn't know that? The Amtrac is pretty OP on rush IMO. People just don't use it right.

Lol! I did know about machine gun and the grenade launcher but it never occurred to me about the smoke, I'm so dumb!

I know the Amtrac is a great tool in Rush, and I'm glad we're playing that mode more lately!

It's a nice change of pace, after playing so much Conquest I'm kinda rusted on rush. Gotta step up my game!

New day new topic. Who gives you the most problems? For me it's Dawn and JJD. So annoying to play against those guys. Dawn is an infantry beast and JJD is a smart guy.

Dawn I had a question for you, how do you have 23% accuracy? I swear I'm getting a ton of hit markers but my accuracy is shit compare to yours. I think my accuracy is the one thing holding me back from a 3.00 KDR and a 850+ SPM.

Well, I think it's pretty obvious that I don't really like playing against GAF! :p

If it's a GAF vs. GAF game then I'm OK, but I'm not a masochist so I'll only play against a team of gaffers if there's a friend on my team/squad 'cause I wouldn't feel good about quitting on then.

I usually have trouble dealing with you THN, Dawn and Olimpia simply because you guys are more skilled players than I am.

Then there are the people that are on my skill level but just seems to have my play style completely downloaded. Evolved is one of those, not only I feel like he always get the jump on me, but he is a skilled tank pilot and a chopper ace. Kurisub is the other guy. He's not playing that much anymore but when he was he played a lot against us, and if I had 7 or 8 deaths in a game usually half of those were on his hands.

Then we have guys like Hunting, Dan and Dream who are as good as me if not better and objective hounds. If you're trying to get a flag or mcom around those guys prepare to die a lot!

Oh and I dread playing on a big map against kakefes, I just know his chopper is gonna rape our vehicles so I go infantry only (and still get abused a lot!).

Those are the ones that I feel are more a pain is the ass to deal with. I just don't have much experience playing against the other gaffers (Codman, nostyle, JM, Seks, Faceless etc.) but I'm pretty sure they would be annoying as well! Haha!

Your accuracy is not bad TH, it's Dawn that is way above average. He have on the PS3 the same accuracy a very good player has on PC. That's just insane.

All your other stats are way above average like SPM and KDR. I don't really know how you can improve then, they are all way better than when you joined, and they were pretty damn good by that time to be frank.

If you really want to know where you stand now just reset your stats and play with the new ones for at least 50 hours. I think that would be a good indicative.

You said before that your start on BF3 was pretty rough and those first hours are surely hurting your overall statistics.
I'm not calling you a stacker or anything.
As I've said, almost everyone in here has been guilty of it at one time or another.
Just saying that you've complained about team stacking before also, and I think you should be more considerate of thn's viewpoint (ex: getting the MVP pin doesn't make things better.)
It always suck for the receiving person, and that's just an unfortunate thing cause we're not always that considerate(?) lol.

The point of bring up the example isn't to name and shame a particular player.
The point is that I don't trust anyone in here when they say they won't team stack/want challenge/gonna go rogue (not referring to evolved, sorry dude, although I don't 100% believe you either. Not even 75%), blah blah.
In general I just don't think anyone in here should make those sort of statements unless they're really going to stick to it.
Nor should anyone trust those statements.

Otherwise it's more hurt feelings for the poor guy who ends up on the inferior/lesser team, waiting for some idealistic gaffer to switch over.

Things would be much easier if everyone was just like Faceless lol.


this entire argument and line of thinking is bizarre!

why would someone WANT to play *AGAINST* their GAF peeps?

i mean ... on purpose!?

i can understand if the game is full and you just sandbag around until you can switch...

but ...on purpose!?!?


You guys probably saw this somewhere else, but Battlefield 4 beta was confirmed for the second half of 2013. The game will probably be shipped on the fourth quarter.

And it's coming to the PC, PS3 and 360. No word on next gen consoles.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
And it's coming to the PC, PS3 and 360. No word on next gen consoles.

Frostbite 2 works on PCS360, so I'm not surprised about those. Next-gen should be possible since IIRC DICE was running on "next-gen" specs for a while.
And just for the record, kurisub has played more games against GAF than anyone I can remember.

Kakefes too, from the moment he added me he was always on the other side until we finally started playing together!
Love to gun for you man!!! Hahaha

Haha, man those games are so boring for me…I still try, but usually all I can do is attempt to capture a flag or two and just wait for faceless to kill me. How I manage to kill any of you is beyond me considering it feels like these days 95% of the gunfights I get into I lose regardless of who it's against…stupid R3 button.


New day new topic. Who gives you the most problems? .
The only people I would ever consider a threat is you, JJD, Evolved, Dream, Dan, and Olimpia.

You because I've seen you play and all you ever do is wreck havoc to everything around you.

JJD because I have never went against him in a tank and won and he is skilled on foot as well.

Dreams because he is a good defender and keeps a constant eye on the mini map which becomes a problem if your not using a suppressor. Even then you can tell whereabouts an enemy soldier is because of the skull that appears when you kill someone.

Evolved since he is fantastic on a chopper and can seriously cripple teams that need vehicles to push forward and if he has a good gunner then most on foot soldiers will end up running around like headless chickens until they get taken out.

Dan because he is fucking annoying with his C4 when I'm in a tank.

Olimpia because he seems to know what needs to be prioritised and can become a problem when he starts going stealth.

Obviously there's quite a few people that I've missed out but that's only because I've yet to play many games with you guys.

I forgot Meppi since he no longer plays on his PS3 (Did you sell it?) and most of my experience with hi is from BC2. I don't think I've played many games where he was on the other team but I've seen him steam roll through soldiers after soldiers with a shotgun as an aggressive recon.

EDIT: The only person on GAF I see improving is JJD, he's grown leaps and bounds since BC2. He's gone from a great player that can watch your back to someone that can slaughter an entire team if their not looking.
Just jumped back in after not playing for 6 months. Gaf account was just approved so it would be nice to play with a team for once. Feel free to add me and I applied for the Gaf platoon.

zerostrife on both PSN and PC


The only people I would ever consider a threat is you, JJD, Evolved, Dream, Dan, and Olimpia.

You because I've seen you play and all you ever do is wreck havoc to everything around you.

Is this hunting beast? If it is than I hate it when your using the p90. Everytime it's like you hip fire right into my face. Aggressive, smart, and overall a really good player.
Haha, man those games are so boring for me…I still try, but usually all I can do is attempt to capture a flag or two and just wait for faceless to kill me. How I manage to kill any of you is beyond me considering it feels like these days 95% of the gunfights I get into I lose regardless of who it's against…stupid R3 button.

Kuri, my tips for you:
1)Wait for the enemies to come to you - I often find you jumping out way too early to try and take out an enemy in a narrow hallway/corner, etc. Sometimes it's better to retreat out and let the enemy come to you instead.

2)Take an extra second to plan your move. - Sometimes your instincts is to move to the closest flag, even though there's a tank/mob nearby. Of course, you'll try to dodge them...but I often watch you do that with little success. Sometimes you just have to retreat

3)Flank/move more - You're a much better player flanking/on the move more, and you're one of the few who will adjust plays based on others. That being said, don't get influenced by the aggressive/charge-in crowds, cause that's really not your strong point.
3 GAF and 6 random low ranks vs 7 colonels and 2 low ranks on Seine?


Game is close?


kick GAF players because your team isn't steamrolling?


and server admins, don't worry... i don't blame you.

i blame DICE


Is this hunting beast? If it is than I hate it when your using the p90. Everytime it's like you hip fire right into my face. Aggressive, smart, and overall a really good player.

I started using the P90 because of him after he killed me a bunch using it. I never really gave that gun much of a shot. It's great on Rush attacking.
It's not a clan, and there's tons of people there with other clan tags I'm certain you don't even need to change yours! It's just a platoon for the community. It's the best way to meet BF3 players from GAF, make friends, etc.

Just ask your clan peeps if there's no problem you entering a second platoon, there's clans that don't allow that!

Faceless is the 360 platoon leader, he's always online playing BF3!

Amtrac has smoke default??????????????? What the fuck I've been doing this past 300 hours... :-(

they added the smoke to it in the last patch.

His friend's list is full =(

you can still add GAF BF3 to your friends list and use the special technique to join friends of friends games


Haha, man those games are so boring for me…I still try, but usually all I can do is attempt to capture a flag or two and just wait for faceless to kill me. How I manage to kill any of you is beyond me considering it feels like these days 95% of the gunfights I get into I lose regardless of who it's against…stupid R3 button.

Have you ever considered using more PDWs or automatic sniper rifles with your recon?

You're a great recon really player, sneaky, doesn't needlessly engage enemies, flank a lot, and really know how to use beacons and sensors, but the bolt action rifles are just not suited for this game like they were to BC2. Scope glint, sway...they nerfed the sniper rifles too hard.

I remember (still salty) a really hard firestorm game where I was capturing A on a tank after a huge firefight with another tank and some soldiers. After I killed then I got out of the tank for a second to repair it, BLAM headshot, you killed me! I lost that game! Hahahaha!

That being said I'm having a blast playing recon with the M417 automatic sniper rifle, have you tried it? That gun is a monster! Many times I manage to kill assault players on 1 vs. 1 battles and that is just insane.

I got more than 300 kills with it, never imagined I would have that much kills with a sniper rifle in this game. Just put a holo sight in it, it doesn't even need a fore grip. Silencer too is really great on infantry maps.

If you want to engage a little farther away the ACOG is still great with it.

Sweet. I'm not mentioned..

I like it =D

What I like most about your style is that you're not as aggressive as some players on PS3 GAF.

You're as skilled as anyone but you're much more careful when pushing. This is important, balance is important, if we're all super aggressive we will have to spawn on the base, far away from the action too many times.

Most of us aggressive players die a lot, and you're always alive close to the objectives allowing us to spawn on you. That is super important, specially on rush.

JJD because I have never went against him in a tank and won and he is skilled on foot as well.

Really man? Wow...that makes me happy because if there's two guys that I don't look forward to facing on a tank are Boa and you.

I think on foot we're even, but I do feel like you're the best tank driver.

I played too much with the zoom optics on tanks in the beginning and that is just a crutch for bad aim. There's better perks out there so I don't use it anymore, I'm trying to improve. I run mainly smoke now, sometimes thermal.
Dawn I had a question for you, how do you have 23% accuracy? I swear I'm getting a ton of hit markers but my accuracy is shit compare to yours. I think my accuracy is the one thing holding me back from a 3.00 KDR and a 850+ SPM.

I can think of 2 reasons for my accuracy: burst firing and being ocd about my ammo. I hate wasting ammo. That forces me to be accurate. Even with LMG's, my lowest accuracy is around 18%. My accuracy has gone down in the last few months since I force myself not to use the m16 or m4 all the time. The only reason I don't have a 2+ kd is that i have no patience, always rushing. Need to play a little more smart.

Tn is easily the most annoying to play against for me. If he"s on the other team, I have to use the m16, only way to counter him.


Tn is easily the most annoying to play against for me. If he"s on the other team, I have to use the m16, only way to counter him.

Dude you rape me with any guns one on one. I just try and let other people rush you first and than I start shooting. The only reason that I think you KDR is under 2 is because your usually by yourself against 3 guys. But when we play together I just go behind as a backup and get the scraps or revive you if you need it.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I can think of 2 reasons for my accuracy: burst firing and being ocd about my ammo. I hate wasting ammo.

You and me both, dude. Unless I'm in a vehicle I hoard that shit like it's going out of style since I can't trust supports to throw ammo packs down. :|


You and me both, dude. Unless I'm in a vehicle I hoard that shit like it's going out of style since I can't trust supports to throw ammo packs down. :|

Why don't you just steal their kit and throw it down yourself? It only takes a few seconds. See what I did here?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Nope, I don't know what you did there.

Stealing kits is admirable, but in heat of the moments stumbling around for a support kit prompt to throw a kit can cost your ticket/life than if that support had threw it down before running into the open to die.

It's why I conserve ammo. No point in going dry if I can't keep my ammo topped off to suppress people.
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