I'll add ya waypoetic.
Couldn't join ya last night thn as I don't have premium.
Couldn't join ya last night thn as I don't have premium.
The cross-bow is suited for anyone. Recon with C4 has the ability to defend themselves (even if that C4 is weak), they have the ability to shoot an area to "ping" it once as a sensor arrow. Sensor is good as a support to see areas of interest or just medic to see if you can get into an area or not to revive someone. Engineer can see if a tank is around the corner or is someone is in a building before stealing a tank.
Heavy Arrows allows for better sniping, but the cross-bow still has an insane drop to balance it. It seems DICE hasn't given an overpowered weapon for once and thought the pros/cons around.
Really, you have to play with it to see if it's your thing. But still: Slot-1/Slot-2 options are a better option over it and I can't really see games being won with just cross-bow users. Certainly not in Rush where healing would be more useful in crowd control situations.
I am getting way more kills in a regular cq match then I did pre-patch. Is this the missing input lag or what? Anyone else experiencing the same?
Is premium content attached to your PSN username or your EA account? Also, do you add players to your friends list by their PSN username or EA account?
For what it's worth, I had the limited edition of BF3 which had access to the Back To Karkand expansion but I traded the game in after I downloaded B2K because I couldn't deal with the controls.if someone currently has the limited edition BF3 that only came with b2K and has never bought premium, will they be able to buy the BF3 premium edition without losing all of their current stats or create a new origin id?
I assume once they put in the BF3 premium disc, it'll auto-unlock premium on their current origin and psn ids? Or does it come with psn codes to unlock premium?
EDIT: I think I found the answer. the premium dlc is just a PSN code.
I'll add ya waypoetic.
Couldn't join ya last night thn as I don't have premium.
I'll add ya waypoetic.
Couldn't join ya last night thn as I don't have premium.
Saw a guy with the crossbow in a B2K map i was playing. Didn't follow him, but it got me thinking - if he dies, will i be able to equip the crossbow he "dropped"?
(I dont have premium or the AM-DLC)
The crossbow is awful.
- Normal bolt isn't a one shot kill.
- Sensor bolt only pings once upon landing, which is hardly enough to change the balance of an altercation between several players.
- The explosive bolts damage is awful against anything that isn't light armour, and since light armour usually poses a minimal threat, why would anyone even bother with it? It also has the steepest bullet drop (arrow drop?) in the game.
Haven't got the ranged bolt, so I wont comment on it.
The thing takes forever to reload, and cycling through ammo too fast means it'll take even longer. The time vs risk/reward in using it just isn't worth it.
- Sensor bolt only pings once upon landing, which is hardly enough to change the balance of an altercation between several players.
Yes, just like you can with DICE's M1911 Silencer Tactical Light.
You won't get kills toward the assignments since you don't own it though, IIRC.
Christ, I'm trying to unlock the M5K but I have to finish in at least the top 5 in Gun Master to get it. I have the 100 kills needed but that mode is infuriating. The closest I have come is 6th place.
I really don't like that mode at all, it's hectic as hell and half the time I'm running around like a chicken without a head looking for someone to kill, then I'm unfortunate enough to round a corner just before I saw someone coming up behind me and boom: dead.
What sensitivity have you guys settled on? I pretty much settled on it right at the halfway point on the sens bar.
Christ, I'm trying to unlock the M5K but I have to finish in at least the top 5 in Gun Master to get it. I have the 100 kills needed but that mode is infuriating. The closest I have come is 6th place.
I'll try this, thanks.Run a custom Gun Master filter for everything, join a map with the lowest player count and just stick with it. You'll eventually come in the top 5.
I like when there's a rented server, an admin who's sets rules like "no baseraping, no base stealing heli's, no teamkilling" and all those things happen and NOTHING happens from the admins part - like no kicks etc.
hold up... the SOFLAM can target RHIB boats now?
Guided from the Little Bird/Z-11 can also lock-on without them being painted.
hold up... the SOFLAM can target RHIB boats now?
Mr Burns Excellent.mp3
If my connection is fixed tomorrow you're going Javalin duty for me on Kharg. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Maybe now I can get that laser painted medal.
admins are such cunts... they teamstack, have every flag, but because I squad wiped them I get banned.
So sick of the suppression effect. I know it's just beating the dead horse but I really... really do not want this in the next iteration.
the suppression effect doesn't bother me as much as the extremely blinding sun/flashlight/laser sites. Sometimes I'm even blinded by a lamp that's outside during the effing day. wtf dice!?
Pistols have alway been my expertise in online shooters, so I'm loving scavenger, I don't even go looking or guns. Well only when I run out of pistol ammo. I played for like 5 hours yesterday.
admins are such cunts... they teamstack, have every flag, but because I squad wiped them I get banned.
You're completely outgunned with the primaries though. It's a neat idea but you have to scramble for slow-spawning guns to stand a chance against a team that has all the points.
my best streak in Scavenger was with the 443! i gunned down an entire squad and then some including 3 headshot kills!
I'm online right now and playing. Any other gaffers?
I hope you guys are on tonight, I plan on sacrificing sleep to play a bunch.thn and I are cursed. 70% of the time we play together we get thrown into the shitty team and now that Aftermath is out I'd say that percentage grew to 90%
Still, fun games last night xD
I'll jump on... but I might have to make room on the FL... think it's probably full.
Also, won't have mic atm. Couple people over so I have to pretend I'm listening/paying attention to them. lol.
"Yes, mom, if you'll--JUST GET ON THE FLAG, IDIOT!"
*knock on wood* Faceless, I should be on tonight. Hopefully. I'm going to test my connection to make sure but just letting you know in case it's working.
Me and you are gonna rush and rush and rush.!
Lol... I'd prefer that situation.
BTW, what time are you playing tonight?
Faceless said:well, i have to pick someone up from the airport so that will take a 3hr+ gap out of tonight...
I'll be testing my connection as soon as I get home, so that'll be like.. 5:45-6:00-ish unless I keel over dead.
They can call a taxi themselves, SMH. :/
I still need to unlock the C4 bolt. sad face.