bbagwell said:Also, do you actually have to play the retail game before you can access battlelog on the net?
2darkwing said:how many jets per side ?
Marvie_3 said:
Noisepurge said:oh evo don't be such a killjoy!i'm sure they will bombard us with weekly patches and the game will be perfection!
Evolved1 said:They changed all the controls for every vehicle. I get in a chopper. Another dude jumps in. You know what happens? About four seconds after lifting off the carrier I put in the drink. Twice!
Omg that's what noobs do! I am not a noob but this makes me feel like one.
BC2 vehicles are a second skin for me. It is so ingrained that I don't even actually know what the controls are. It's just muscle memory. I realized this playing BF3 when I went into options trying to find the setup I use in BC2... I was having trouble even remembering what config I use. It was pretty funny (well now that I'm thinking about it after a few hours of sleep, but last night I was frustrated) I'm in the menus trying to get some config that lets me pilot a tank without popping smoke in my own goddamned face when I try to fire on a guy or going reverse every time I try to go forward. I mean it's almost comical how wrong I was every time I touched a vehicle. Every time. I weep for my passengers (if you guys are reading this I'm SO sorry. Blame DICE!)
I'm just left asking myself: why? Why change every damn thing about the game? I think I use "BC1 controls" for buttons in BC2 iirc and as far as I can tell this option is not available.
While they're at it they should have just force inverted my reg camera as well... I probably wouldn't do much worse!
Evolved1 said:I think I use "BC1 controls" for buttons in BC2 iirc and as far as I can tell this option is not available.
Mikasangelos said:I think you can set it to Alternate and inverted for BC1 controls....dont quote me on that.
darkwing said:wait, so you can't change the vehicle controls?
Evolved1 said:FACELESS or SEKS:
help me solve this riddle... lets say I want to fly a chopper in BF3 and want to use a config that mirrors my BC2 config (default everything, inverted vertical flight). What would I have to use on BF3 to achieve this?
Everything I try ends with me crashing ten seconds after taking off.
In BC2 "inverted" means "inverted", but in BF3 "inverted" is apparently "non-inverted" since it's inverted by default, and selecting "inverted" gets you "non inverted".
If you had trouble following that sentence, well welcome to the BF3 options menu! But for full effect try to figure this out in the middle of a hectic game! And crash ten vehicles in the process while your team loses flags and the brand new K/D tracker rubs it in!
lol... and of course for extra awesomeness the inverted stuff is opposite for planes. Makes total sense.
Evolved1 said:FACELESS or SEKS:
darkwing said:argh, so different controls for helos and jets?
TheSeks said:Considering I don't have the game and probably won't have it until later today because I'm waiting for UPS shipping, I suggest you hold your bitching until I have the game in my hands and can honestly tell you some shit. :|
Fersis said:Why do we have PC and Console exclusive threads? Due the trolling?
Also: WAIT FOR ME HERMANO ROCKSCAR ! Two more weeks until i get internet again. (Better connection this time!)
Evolved1 said:I was hoping you'd be like Rain Man and have all this shit in your head ready to solve problems.
*crosses arms* I am disappointed.
I think to myself..."whats an APC with no gunner??...A BIG METAL DEATH TRAP!
I have the option to sit and wait to die with no ability to attack back..the ability to drive off and not beable to attack back...or to jump in the gunners seat and become a stationary gun just waiting to be C4'd or AT smacked.
hamchan said:My PC barely meets minimum so I'm joining the PS3 crowd this time. I wonder if Australia to America matches are possible or will it be too laggy.
Evolved1 said:And we actually talk about the game. Well... Seks would probably say that I bitch. But you know what I mean.
Pkm said:Yeah, everytime a game comes out for console and PC and it has just a big of a following, if not more players on PC, the thread is basically 2 post discussing the game followed by 150 post from PC users trying to get it to run, optimizing settings, etc...
I actually posted in the thread about where the console players are and meet ups moments before finding/posting here.
Being un-PC savvy that thread just makes my head hurt, once a game becomes more then "insert disc and play" I cant F with it.
Yeap!Ubersnug said:Are we able to view all the squads in the game match and attempt to join or create our own like Dice said we could?
I think all it does is very briefly lock onto someone if they're close to you, just like in BFBC2. Doesn't really lock on for you.Evolved1 said:Does aim assist work in MP? I always turn it off, so I'm just wondering...
olimpia84 said:It shouldn't be a problem, or at least it wasn't in BC2. Played with HuntingBeast (Australian gaffer) several times and never had any issues.
Cornbread78 said:Are you playing on PS3 again? If so add my, so I can jump in with you guys from time to time. I usually play Tues. Friday and Sat night, but I'll be splitting time between R3, WKC2 and BF3... Too many games, not enough time!
Cornbread78 said:Are you playing on PS3 again? If so add my, so I can jump in with you guys from time to time. I usually play Tues. Friday and Sat night, but I'll be splitting time between R3, WKC2 and BF3... Too many games, not enough time!
greenjerk said:Hey cornbread, todahawk (PSNid) here, we've played BC2 and CoD together. Just got my PS3 copy delivered @ work and I'm trying hard not to bail and leave early to play.
Definitely taking Friday off.
Shit, BC2 PS3GAF nostalgia </tear drop>:
RoboPlato said:Is this the thread where we post PS3 IDs? It seems every other platform has a meet up thread except PS3 and I really want to link up with Gaffers since I'll actually be playing MP in this for a long time.
Deadly Cyclone said:So, how is it on Xbox? Anyone playing? Look better than the beta?
Awesome, I didn't realize the OP had been updated. Filled out the form. My ID is also the same as my username here. I have the game but I'm just waiting for UPS to come with the new PS3 stereo headphones before I start. It's torture but a Breaking Bad marathon is making the wait easier.Cornbread78 said:Yes, chat in here, and you can sign up on the unofficial roster in the OP. My PSN is the same as name here, so you can add me, but I'm not on as much as the others and I'm part of a large gaming clan as well, so I'm sure they will be harassing me constantly as well, lol. 'Dem my boys though, just like Blue. Speakign of Blue, I wonder if he is getting BF3.
Mikasangelos said:OH yeah it looks better. I mean at this point you shouldnt even bring up the BETA. Its a totally different game. IMO.
RoboPlato said:Awesome, I didn't realize the OP had been updated. Filled out the form. My ID is also the same as my username here. I have the game but I'm just waiting for UPS to come with the new PS3 stereo headphones before I start. It's torture but a Breaking Bad marathon is making the wait easier.