ewWe should also play some Aftermath conquest or conquest assault some time! I love those maps.![]()
ewWe should also play some Aftermath conquest or conquest assault some time! I love those maps.![]()
Today we mourn the passing of our friend, The Faceless Master, who received his banning in the midst of the great console wars.
It is a battlefield that just can't be won.
lostsupper, listen to this. Classic is fun and all but only playing that is getting old. Time to switch it up a little and play some DLC maps.
He should've went PC. *smug*
On the 360 I only ever see a few Scavenger servers, and then maybe one full Conquest server. That's it. It's barren as hell.Are there no official Aftermath Rush (maybe in combination with Conquest) still populated?
Uh, what?Have you checked outside the country of barbarism?
Today we mourn the passing of our friend, The Faceless Master, who received his banning in the midst of the great console wars.
It is a battlefield that just can't be won.
Word. I might step away from Civ if we change it up.lostsupper, listen to this. Classic is fun and all but only playing that is getting old. Time to switch it up a little and play some DLC maps.
Huh? I love playing Back to Karkand. There's always quite a few populated DICE servers to choose from. I play the basic B2K rotation that's a mix of Conquest, Conquest Assault, and Rush. It's mostly Conquest stuff though.Word. I might step away from Civ if we change it up.
My big lament is there's no conquest karkand servers.
East? I came up blank when I searched a few weeks ago, but maybe I didn't search for CQA as well.Huh? I love playing Back to Karkand. There's always quite a few populated DICE servers to choose from. I play the basic B2K rotation that's a mix of Conquest, Conquest Assault, and Rush. It's mostly Conquest stuff though.
I think I usually find East Coast servers, but I almost always include West and South in my search query as well. The latency tends to be more than manageable. I don't mind playing on West or South servers at all if that's what's available. Often I'm rolling with a at least 3 to 5 people, you have to be a little flexible if you want to find varied maps/gametypes in servers with enough room. Stupid 24 player count. I hope that's not as much of an issue with BF4 on the PS4 and 64 players.East? I came up blank when I searched a few weeks ago, but maybe I didn't search for CQA as well.
He should've went PC. *smug*
East? I came up blank when I searched a few weeks ago, but maybe I didn't search for CQA as well.
Dreamgazer said:Shut it, you less than 50 steam games peasant.
Oh, that's how it's gonna be? Just wait for the Steam sales!I have a lot more than that on GoG/Uplay/Origin/Steam/CD-ROM/Floppy-disks 3.14" and 5-7"'s. So shut it.
Are there no official Aftermath Rush (maybe in combination with Conquest) still populated?
Gotta record your own voice, you fool.
We should play some Aftermath Rush some time.
That was too funny.
Never mind, I hate you.
Hahah, I am somewhat relief the video didn't contain any purrrrrrrring or moaning imitations... even though the edible discussion was bad enough.![]()
You could have warned that you are recording... even though that wouldn't have changed the fact that I sound like a chipmunk. I don't know am I ready to face that kind of information about myself just yet.
Today we mourn the passing of our friend, The Faceless Master, who received his banning in the midst of the great console wars.
It is a battlefield that just can't be won.
I have been feeling generally quite positive about private servers this far, but today has proved me wrong numerous times. I also needed to back out from numerous games that will be counted as a loss to me, but I am just not ready for 1200 tickets Operation Metro. I am very unsatisfied at the moment.Most of us like Rush. We also like not getting booted by lousy admins. That limits our choices greatly. We can play some Aftermath Conquest for a while, until the orange burns my retinas.
I have noticed that even if me and couple of my friends would be able to join a server in a way that we end up to the same team, the adorable admins always change couple of us to back him/her up.I think I usually find East Coast servers, but I almost always include West and South in my search query as well. The latency tends to be more than manageable. I don't mind playing on West or South servers at all if that's what's available. Often I'm rolling with a at least 3 to 5 people, you have to be a little flexible if you want to find varied maps/gametypes in servers with enough room. Stupid 24 player count. I hope that's not as much of an issue with BF4 on the PS4 and 64 players.
I can play for the next ~5 hours or so.There's an Aftermath Rush rotation, but it's always empty. I'm up for B2K or Aftermath. I'm home for the rest of the night--message me when you get on.
You already lost by the fact that you can't play RTS (lol) and Japanese language games.
I am sure he loves you back. I am also madly in love with both of you, so how about you settle this little argue so we can all hold hands, have a lovely walk in the beach and make a sandwich...But I love yooouu!
Your memory is somewhat blessed.Completely forgot about that
Hahah, it might be better that I didn't hear it. I had so much fun and didn't think too much about anything.I did give a warning :/ With a full party chat I don't think many people heard me
I am sure he loves you back. I am also madly in love with both of you, so how about you settle this little argue so we can all hold hands, have a lovely walk in the beach and make a sandwich...
Is it a temp?
Who gives a shit about RTS's, foo. Only Koreans care about RTS. The rest of the world cares about Western RPGs and Shootan games.
I am sure he loves you back. I am also madly in love with both of you, so how about you settle this little argue so we can all hold hands, have a lovely walk in the beach and make a sandwich...
Most of the console war related bans been temp or "up to the point of new console releases." I'll ask a mod friend about it later or if we hear something from faceless.
Actually the rest of the world care more about "puzzle" games in the form of needless gem matching and FPS.
At the moment, I want to spend my money on a new 3DS XL and animal crossing new leaf. However, Target is oos already.
Actually the rest of the world care more about "puzzle" games in the form of needless gem matching and FPS.
At the moment, I want to spend my money on a new 3DS XL and animal crossing new leaf. However, Target is oos already.
So... Battlefield 3?
I talked to faceless on PSN... he'll be back in 24 hrs.
...I need to get one eventually for SMT4 and AAI2/AA5 though.
Reach it is.
Been having a lot of fun playing TDM lately.The average battlefield player is so bad... I think CoD players are probably better on average that BF players.
At least CoD players can read a minimap.
Been having a lot of fun playing TDM lately.
Yes, yes, lolTDM, but things get interesting when I use the MAV or Recons start spotting, I was throwing mortars at almost random but after a precise spotting, got a double kill and a separate one by destroying a mortar emplacement with two recons, got an uplifting message from a high ranker colonel guy who praised me for spotting and not taking only kewl headshots. :3 Been finding a lot of great teamwork in that mode.
Got another fellow squad protecting me, throwing medkits, reviving and keeping guys off me in Kharg Island.Wow, you weren't taken out for the Mortar in TDM? I don't think I've honestly see anyone "out of body" in TDM at all. Consoles or PC, since someone can and probably will find a way to kill you quickly in those small-packed maps.
Seriously, sometimes it is magnificent to play TDM and feel that we are actually working as a team.Got another fellow squad protecting me, throwing medkits, reviving and keeping guys off me in Kharg Island.
It was fucking glorious. :') And yeah, it's pretty difficult/dumb to use the mortar in TDM, but y'know, having a helpful team really worked.
https://twitter.com/Demize99/status/367172235632840705BATTLE-FACT: SUPPORT EVOLUTION
The XM25 Airburst Launcher and a redesigned, remote-controlled Mortar will allow Support players to give indirect fire support while staying with the squad. Pre-Order ‪#‎BF4
Well I found some Karkand servers last night so I must have left CQA out of my searches.I think I usually find East Coast servers, but I almost always include West and South in my search query as well. The latency tends to be more than manageable. I don't mind playing on West or South servers at all if that's what's available.
Today we mourn the passing of our friend, The Faceless Master, who received his banning in the midst of the great console wars.
It is a battlefield that just can't be won.
Go time.