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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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GraveRobberX said:
When you get 800+ points from destroying a vehicle, this game gives you the Hardest Gaming Boner EVER!

Vehicle Disabled
Vehichle Destroyed
Player 1 Killed
Player 2 Killed
Player 3 Killed
Player 4 Killed
Player 5 Killed
Squad Wipe
Suppression Assist

The thing kept going for like 5+ seconds of points galore =D
Love that feeling when a tank drives over my AT mines and score spams on my screen, always makes me grin


GraveRobberX said:
When you get 800+ points from destroying a vehicle, this game gives you the Hardest Gaming Boner EVER!

Vehicle Disabled
Vehichle Destroyed
Player 1 Killed
Player 2 Killed
Player 3 Killed
Player 4 Killed
Player 5 Killed
Squad Wipe
Suppression Assist

The thing kept going for like 5+ seconds of points galore =D

I do love it. Makes up for the billions of times of people bailing before it blows. Well not really.


bluerei said:
Anyone else getting these problems? This is the only game I have that this does it on. Rage, TF2, Deus Ex, Crysis, BFBC2, SC2, SF4AE, Alice works all fine.

Specs, gtx 460 2Win (2x460 GPUs on one card) Not in SLI mode Latest Drivers
6-core i7 980X
24gb RAM

Anyone know a fix?

Set all options to "application settings" in your nvidia profile, see if that helps. I had that exact same graphical artifacts in Crysis 2 but with my ATI 4850, it was caused by focing AA in the CCC.


Having a ton of issues syncing cloud data on Origin. Can't quite figure out what's wrong, but given that everyone else seems to be playing rather smoothly I'm guessing it has everything to do with my connection. To think, I figured I'd have LESS issues if I decided against using my router to play.


Ryuuga said:
Having a ton of issues syncing cloud data on Origin. Can't quite figure out what's wrong, but given that everyone else seems to be playing rather smoothly I'm guessing it has everything to do with my connection. To think, I figured I'd have LESS issues if I decided against using my router to play.
disable the cloud, a lot of us did that on day 1.


GraveRobberX said:
When you get 800+ points from destroying a vehicle, this game gives you the Hardest Gaming Boner EVER!

Vehicle Disabled
Vehichle Destroyed
Player 1 Killed
Player 2 Killed
Player 3 Killed
Player 4 Killed
Player 5 Killed
Squad Wipe
Suppression Assist

The thing kept going for like 5+ seconds of points galore =D
That's why I love AT mines so much. :D


doctordoak said:
Welp, back to BC2 (PS3). There is zero reason to play BF3. Squads are broken, chat is broken, bad lag, poor graphics, broken aiming. So disappointed.
Never played a Battlefield game at launch.


kamspy said:
Anyone else lagging the hell out of the PC version the last 30 mins or so?

Uh nope. If you're lagging either it's your connection or the server you're on. I've been fine.

Oh and I unlocked IR flares by gunning for an apache pilot. That's the way to do it.



I have no clue who thought this effect looked good. This is worse than MW2 strawberry jam.


JB1981 said:
360 still down for me ... Damn
Same here. =/ I got to play some in the late afternoon but then the servers stopped working some time around 7PM EST, I believe.

Ah well, at least there's the single player portion. Hit a few difficulty spikes, but I'm making good pace in the game.


Good god this game is Pure Awesome, have been playing Conquest for a few hours now.
Also I love Seine Crossing, shit gets intense there. One more game and I'm off to bed.


In the Engineer class, what's the difference between the M4 and the M4A1?, when I click the M4 page on Battlelog it redirects me to the M4A1 page so there is no description for it.


GrizzNKev said:
How do I able my 360 controller in the PC version? I turn it on but there seems to be no input.

Like someone else said, make sure it is on before starting the game. But also be prepared for a clusterfuck of controller support in the game. There are alot of issues such as:

* Cannot do any of the QTE's with controller, so you need to have your keyboard and mouse close by.

* In some sections, it will ask you to go prone which you can with the controller, but there is a part in the early campaign where the game does not register you going prone, even though you are on the floor a few inches away from being able to lick it...but the f'n game wont register unless you hit the "Z" key to go prone on the keyboard.

* In some sections like where you have to get a gun on a bridge and help defend, you cannot pick it up wit the controller, even though you can pick up weopons in other parts of the game, there are some parts where the game "requires" you to pick up a certain weopon, for some reason it does not register unless you hit the "E" key.

* Game does not adjust the game prompts to the key code on the 360 controller like most other PC Games.

So in short, it is a clusterfuck of a mess and not worth using the controller right now. I game on my big screen and basically decided to shelf the game until I can play it with my controller.


Trucker Sexologist
doctordoak said:
Opinions are funny that way. There are some atrocious textures and glare effects in 3.
I can kind of see how people who have a habit of looking at the sun would think BC2 looks better.


SapientWolf said:
I can kind of see how people who have a habit of looking at the sun would think BC2 looks better.

It's not even consistent. In one area, if I look at the sun, there's no glare and it looks fine. If I look at the reflection of the sun in the other direction, BAM shit all over my screen.


Ohh...my...God. Guys, you weren't kidding about the controls on PS3. They're straight up Killzone 2 controls, pre-patch. Garbage. I got so far as "cutting the wire" level in the single player before I turned it off out of frustration.

How in the hell can they go from the crisp, responsive controls of the beta to this shit? I am seriously disappointed. The graphics are gorgeous though. Such a shame. I'll probably give the MP a try later on but with these controls it'll probably be an exercise in frustration.

I really hope they patch the controls to the way they were in the beta or I'll seriously trade this in.


Does anyone use RadeonPro with their AMD card and have issues with it not working in this game? It wont display the fps cpunter at all.

I guess Ill either use fraps or the console command but itd be nice if RadeonPro would work with this game.


I'm liking the game overall, but I'm having a real problem seeing stuff in this game, and I never had this problem in BC2. I got so frustrated earlier today on Sienne Crossing or whatever it's called, there's so many windows people can hide in, then you have people laying prone in the bushes, and stuff blowing up every where, feels bad man.


Salaadin said:
Does anyone use RadeonPro with their AMD card and have issues with it not working in this game? It wont display the fps cpunter at all.

I guess Ill either use fraps or the console command but itd be nice if RadeonPro would work with this game.

whats the use of radeonpro besides the fps command?


TheExodu5 said:
It's not even consistent. In one area, if I look at the sun, there's no glare and it looks fine. If I look at the reflection of the sun in the other direction, BAM shit all over my screen.
The bokeh mask is most dense on the left side of the screen. If it was as sparse as the right side everywhere I would have less of an issue with it.
purple cobra said:
Ohh...my...God. Guys, you weren't kidding about the controls on PS3. They're straight up Killzone 2 controls, pre-patch. Garbage. I got so far as "cutting the wire" level in the single player before I turned it off out of frustration.

How in the hell can they go from the crisp, responsive controls of the beta to this shit? I am seriously disappointed. The graphics are gorgeous though. Such a shame. I'll probably give the MP a try later on but with these controls it'll probably be an exercise in frustration.

I really hope they patch the controls to the way they were in the beta or I'll seriously trade this in.
I know! I wasn't crazy. This is the problem, people:

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