mcrae said:whats the use of radeonpro besides the fps command?
Custom game profiles, things like that. I mainly use it to turn on MLAA for some games and adjust settings without having to use CCC.
mcrae said:whats the use of radeonpro besides the fps command?
Ysiadmihi said:Same
Oh well, seems like it would have been overkill for other games though.
BigNastyCurve said:It's day fucking 3. Why is the 360 online still fucked up??? "You have lost connection to the session."
Blow me, EA and DICE. Your game is shit.
My god, MW3 can't come soon enough.
Deadly Cyclone said:so i take it i have to unlock rockets on the jets?
just a heads up each bad company and the last two cods did the same thing for the first week at least.BigNastyCurve said:It's day fucking 3. Why is the 360 online still fucked up??? "You have lost connection to the session."
Blow me, EA and DICE. Your game is shit.
My god, MW3 can't come soon enough.
Deadly Cyclone said:just a heads up each bad company and the last two cods did the same thing for the first week at least.
doesnt make it right, but its not just bf3.
Wes said:
That brave jet pilot gave his life to save his buddy. He's pretty much Batman
Yeah. That and probably the deadzone is too big. Really disappointing.AuthenticM said:
bluerei said:Anyone else getting these problems? This is the only game I have that this does it on. Rage, TF2, Deus Ex, Crysis, BFBC2, SC2, SF4AE, Alice works all fine.
Specs, gtx 460 2Win (2x460 GPUs on one card) Not in SLI mode Latest Drivers
6-core i7 980X
24gb RAM
Anyone know a fix?
Jack Scofield said:Holy shit. Three hitmarkers with a sniper rifle and the dude still doesn't go down. What the fuck.
Jack Scofield said:Holy shit. Three hitmarkers with a sniper rifle and the dude still doesn't go down. What the fuck.
Dipswitch said:Fuck me, just had the SP campaign lock up my 360 again - hard reset required both times. Two nights in a row now.
Congrats DICE - BF3 is the first 360 game I've played to achieve that dubious honor. Suppose I can't blame them too much. Their EA overlords clearly mandated the game come out before MW3 no matter what, and it shows. Way to piss off your new converts guys - I won't be buying a DICE game day one again.
BigNastyCurve said:Anyone else just thrilled with the blinding laser sights as I am?
Oh yes, those CoD games with their flawless net code.BigNastyCurve said:It's day fucking 3. Why is the 360 online still fucked up??? "You have lost connection to the session."
Blow me, EA and DICE. Your game is shit.
My god, MW3 can't come soon enough.
Ramirez said:I'm liking the game overall, but I'm having a real problem seeing stuff in this game, and I never had this problem in BC2. I got so frustrated earlier today on Sienne Crossing or whatever it's called, there's so many windows people can hide in, then you have people laying prone in the bushes, and stuff blowing up every where, feels bad man.
AuthenticM said:
This shit is embarrassing. I've had the game since Saturday and have had about 5 good hours since then of solid servers.JB1981 said:360 still down for me ... Damn
It's really shameful. I'll be trading this in for Uncharted 3 on Monday if shit's still broke.BigNastyCurve said:It's day fucking 3. Why is the 360 online still fucked up??? "You have lost connection to the session."
Blow me, EA and DICE. Your game is shit.
My god, MW3 can't come soon enough.
I didn't even register at first that he got credit for the kill roflWes said:
Not like I have the best, latest tv in the world but I have a Sony Bravia LCD set. 1080p. 60hz from 2009. I have the PS3 set to 720p. I have game mode on. And the controls still feel terrible.FatalT said:I dunno. That guy says he has a shitty Best Buy Insignia 120hz TV.
purple cobra said:Not like I have the best, latest tv in the world but I have a Sony Bravia LCD set. 1080p. 60hz from 2009. I have the PS3 set to 720p. I have game mode on. And the controls still feel terrible.
It like a combination of lag, and a big deadzone in the stick. Aiming is seriously frustrating in this game. The controls feel so similar to Killzone 2 pre-patch. I took the time to get acclimated to the controls in that but they definitely weren't favorable. But I really don't have the patience to do it all again for BF3.
I've said it a bunch of times but man, they really nailed the controls in the beta. Even though the beta was glitchy as hell, the controls were tight. But the final game's controls are bad to me.
I want to love this game, I really do. Haven't tried online yet, and I'm kind of dreading doing so with these controls.
Jack Scofield said:I admit, I have been using matchmaking the last few games I played. But the server browser seems screwed up, too. I'll join a server with four bars (DICE doesn't want to intimidate us console peasants with ping, I guess) only to find out that it's located in Europe. I'm in California. What the fuck, how is that a four bar game?
I guess I can give that a shot.CatPee said:Oddly enough, switching the res to 1080p seems to have fixed the control issue for me.
cdyhybrid said:Alright, I'll get on my knees and beg, if I have to. If you're playing on 360, for the love of fucking creation, spot the goddamn vehicles. That's all I ask for. Point at them and hit Back. That's it. I don't care if you go 0-50. Just spot SOMETHING.
CatPee said:Oddly enough, switching the res to 1080p seems to have fixed the control issue for me.
MrOogieBoogie said:Holy mother of God... Damavand Peak + 64 players + Conquest = EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE JESUS CHRIST
64 players just lobbing grenades, shooting rockets, and spraying bullets down a relatively narrow corridor, as medics stay behind reviving people over and over and tanks provide cover/suppression fire. It's one of the most intense experiences I've had in any online shooter. And the best part? ZERO SLOWDOWN. How the fuck? Seriously, somebody explain to me how the fuck that's possible?
Can't believe some people are hating on this map. It's awesome!
dragonelite said:Always put your console on the native ress of your tv.
Letting the tv do the upscaling is a big no no.
AppleSmack said:I dunno man. On Conquest that map for me has just been people spamming rockets and nades down the 2 small alleyways, snipers camping the open tunnel and vehicles just blasting away behind smoke. Its basically 3 choke points.
BigJiantRobut said:Lasers I can sort of understand having a blinding effect since they're, y'know, lasers, and it's much harder to actually point it directly into someone's face.
Those flashlights, however. Holy shit, what a terrible idea.
Rad- said:You don't have to point them into someone's face to work. Just at them. It's pretty crazy too.