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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Any idea if this would run on a 2011 i5 MacBook Pro, 8gb ram, via Bootcamp?

Keep in mind, the alternative is my PS3, so I'm not expecting awesome settings.


Gold Member
purple cobra said:
Not like I have the best, latest tv in the world but I have a Sony Bravia LCD set. 1080p. 60hz from 2009. I have the PS3 set to 720p. I have game mode on. And the controls still feel terrible. :(

It like a combination of lag, and a big deadzone in the stick. Aiming is seriously frustrating in this game. The controls feel so similar to Killzone 2 pre-patch. I took the time to get acclimated to the controls in that but they definitely weren't favorable. But I really don't have the patience to do it all again for BF3.

I've said it a bunch of times but man, they really nailed the controls in the beta. Even though the beta was glitchy as hell, the controls were tight. But the final game's controls are bad to me.

I want to love this game, I really do. Haven't tried online yet, and I'm kind of dreading doing so with these controls.

Yea its terrible. I have a panasonic plasma thats in 1080 mode on tv and ps3... no change. The aiming sucks hard. BC2 was and the BF3 beta were smooth as eggs. I don't know what the hell happened. They announced an aiming patch earlier..... for pc......*eyetwitch*
Otrebor Nightmarecoat said:
My god, now that mortars are being unlocked its just a spam fest in Rush and conquest. They need a cooldown increase on it.

Wouldnt be a problem if red dots did not appear on the mortar mini map everytime an enemy fires.

They are getting free targets every second.


Mattdaddy said:
Yea its terrible. I have a panasonic plasma thats in 1080 mode on tv and ps3... no change. The aiming sucks hard. BC2 was and the BF3 beta were smooth as eggs. I don't know what the hell happened. They announced an aiming patch earlier..... for pc......*eyetwitch*
I thought they said something might be happening with the PS3 as well?
CatPee said:
My TV is 1080p capable (and stuff looks WAAAAYYYY better in 1080p... even the XMB theme images) and upscales stuff really well. I did try switching back to 720p for a sec and the dead zone issue came back.

Yeah because console can do the upscaling faster then tv.
Remember tv are made for non interactive media like movies and tv series where a user isn't interacting with at least not on a level like a game. so tv have all the time to process those pixels and will take all the time.


Gold Member
Drewsky said:
I thought they said something might be happening with the PS3 as well?

Yeah they said something along the lines of they "have heard of ps3 control issues as well and would check it out", so lets cross our fingers.


lawblob said:
Any idea if this would run on a 2011 i5 MacBook Air, 8gb ram, via Bootcamp?

Keep in mind, the alternative is my PS3, so I'm not expecting awesome settings.

Just gonna go ahead and say HELL NO, buy it on ps3. Also how did you get 8gb of ram in a Macbook air?
All finished up with the campaign. It certainly follows the trend of these types of shooters getting shorter and shorter. I finished it in two nights of playing and in about 7 hours on Normal.

- The gun play feels brilliant. All of the weapons have excellent "weight" to them without the controls feeling "chunky" ala Killzone 2 (playing with mouse + keyboard here). The shotguns in particular are a freaking treat to blow people away with!

- The audio design is second to none. From the gun sounds to the explosions, this game will rock your house like a quality film soundtrack.

- For all of the criticism of Modern Warfare 3 being "same old, same old" in so far as its marketing and demonstrations, this game offers very little in the way of originality or moving the genre beyond where we've been the last few years. It's a heavily scripted, intentionally linear, roller coaster ride of a shooter much in the vein of its competition. In fact, you could put Call of Duty on the cover and you frankly wouldn't be able to tell the two apart from a narrative/pacing/level design perspective in so far as the single player is concerned.

- Having said that, it's a fun ride from start to finish. The story veers more towards realism than Call of Duty but it's not going to blow you away. As mentioned above, it feels so retread that it's hard to really get into it to any major degree. It so closely follows the beats established in Modern Warfare that you have
a nuke that explodes, one of the playable characters dies unexpectedly and a psychotic mad man who manipulates an Arab dictator for his own means
. Sound familiar?

- So if the narrative isn't going to blow you away, what keeps you coming back? Well, the firefights are fun as mentioned but if you're playing on the PC - the tech powering the game! Crysis 2 w/DX11 patch, The Witcher 2 and Metro 2033 will have to make room on the list of the top PC visuals. Every new level is a reason for your jaw to hit the floor and each time you think the game has peaked, it throws another stunning vista or rain drenched light show your way. It's sex for the eyes and I'm sure Dice will get plenty of longevity from this engine in the years to come (Mirror's Edge 2 please!!).

I haven't played the multiplayer yet but I'm sure I will eventually. I've always enjoyed Battlefield multi component since the original game and the mods that accompanied it but it's something that's secondary for me right now until I get some other titles finished up (Rage, Dark Souls).

If you go into purchasing this game for the campaign alone, I wouldn't bother unless you're looking to take in some amazing visuals on the PC platform at a reduced price. The 360 version brings a nice "approximation" of what the game should look like but it truly shines on good quality rig. In the end, it's a fun way to spend 7 hours but it's ultimately disposable content that won't stick with you in any meaningful way. You'll find yourself thinking the same thing you wondered while watching that E3 demonstration of Modern Warfare 3 - "Haven't I already play this?"
Futurevoid said:
All finished up with the campaign. It certainly follows the trend of these types of shooters getting shorter and shorter. I finished it in two nights of playing and in about 7 hours on Normal.

- The gun play feels brilliant. All of the weapons have excellent "weight" to them without the controls feeling "chunky" ala Killzone 2 (playing with mouse + keyboard here). The shotguns in particular are a freaking treat to blow people away with!

- The audio design is second to none. From the gun sounds to the explosions, this game will rock your house like a quality film soundtrack.

- For all of the criticism of Modern Warfare 3 being "same old, same old" in so far as its marketing and demonstrations, this game offers very little in the way of originality or moving the genre beyond where we've been the last few years. It's a heavily scripted, intentionally linear, roller coaster ride of a shooter much in the vein of its competition. In fact, you could put Call of Duty on the cover and you frankly wouldn't be able to tell the two apart from a narrative/pacing/level design perspective in so far as the single player is concerned.

- Having said that, it's a fun ride from start to finish. The story veers more towards realism than Call of Duty but it's not going to blow you away. As mentioned above, it feels so retread that it's hard to really get into it to any major degree. It so closely follows the beats established in Modern Warfare that you have
a nuke that explodes, one of the playable characters dies unexpectedly and a psychotic mad man who manipulates an Arab dictator for his own means
. Sound familiar?

- So if the narrative isn't going to blow you away, what keeps you coming back? Well, the firefights are fun as mentioned but if you're playing on the PC - the tech powering the game! Crysis 2 w/DX11 patch, The Witcher 2 and Metro 2033 will have to make room on the list of the top PC visuals. Every new level is a reason for your jaw to hit the floor and each time you think the game has peaked, it throws another stunning vista or rain drenched light show your way. It's sex for the eyes and I'm sure Dice will get plenty of longevity from this engine in the years to come (Mirror's Edge 2 please!!).

I haven't played the multiplayer yet but I'm sure I will eventually. I've always enjoyed Battlefield multi component since the original game and the mods that accompanied it but it's something that's secondary for me right now until I get some other titles finished up (Rage, Dark Souls).

If you go into purchasing this game for the campaign alone, I wouldn't bother unless you're looking to take in some amazing visuals on the PC platform at a reduced price. The 360 version brings a nice "approximation" of what the game should look like but it truly shines on good quality rig. In the end, it's a fun way to spend 7 hours but it's ultimately disposable content that won't stick with you in any meaningful way. You'll find yourself thinking the same thing you wondered while watching that E3 demonstration of Modern Warfare 3 - "Haven't I already play this?"

Concerning your Spoiler:
Dima does not die. He suffers radiation poison as stated at the end of the game. But who knows what happens after the knock on the door ...


I can't even express how terrible the Beach map on attacking side is if you don't have a competent team.

Run around, get sniped, no teammates to spawn on, congrats, 1 whole minute of slogging it back to shore again.

Futurevoid said:
In fact, you could put Call of Duty on the cover and you frankly wouldn't be able to tell the two apart from a narrative/pacing/level design perspective in so far as the single player is concerned.

Well, you could because the set pieces in this game are, by comparison, amateur hour. The graphics, environments and a few of the firefights are really the money maker because the scenarios tend to fall flat way too much.


Managed to unlock the IR Flares for the Attack Chopper on Caspian. No one on the other team was using Stingers, apparently. Just hovered around A as they tried to take it and took out two tanks and some infantry. I think their jets were too busy dogfighting.
Mechazawa said:
Well, you could because the set pieces in this game are, by comparison, amateur hour.
Well, it's obvious the original Modern Warfare was the template with just enough of the Battlefield (i.e. vehicles) flair to try and differentiate it. Of course, past the original Modern Warfare (which is a fucking brilliant game, IMO), I haven't exactly been blown away by any of the follow-up games in the Call of Duty series either so to each their own on that front.

I will say that
entire Paris level in this game clicked with me big time. Loved the entirety of it!


lawblob said:
Sorry. Meant MacBook Pro, not Air.

Still no, unless its the newest one released. Then you may be able to play on low. I would just buy it for ps3 to skip all the problems you may have with the graphics. If you had a gaming pc then that would be a different story.
Otrebor Nightmarecoat said:
My god, now that mortars are being unlocked its just a spam fest in Rush and conquest. They need a cooldown increase on it.

Why the fuck did they think infinite ammo was a good idea?

Eclipsis said:
I followed Snrub's news thread forever, and my account just got activated so I no longer feel like a stalker.

Hahaha, you lucked out on the server tonight!

(I used to be Mr. Snrub btw)

Good games tonight, GAF. Gonna be interesting to see how different the battles are in a week or two from now when a lot more people have stuff unlocked.


Neo Member
I see the patch notes in the OP, but it's frustrating to see that they're not even remotely trying to address or acknowledge the utterly stupid handling of parties/squads on consoles. Why are my friends and I still experiencing the same bullshit from the beta of squading up, entering a match, and then being split up between both teams?

Even if we make it on to the same team by some miracle of God, we won't even be in the same squad. It's sort of fixable with the squad management menu, but if it's a full game, good luck with that. Which is to say, it's not gonna happen.

Easily the most frustrating part about the game for me and others and they're not even mentioning it. BC2 handled it just fine, so it's not like it's some insane impossibility. Just retarded.
Futurevoid said:

That's all well and good but I wasn't talking about
Dima. I was referring to Miller.

Oh. Yeah lol. But that's not really unexpected.
Once the comm officer says "15 minutes out" and you're surrounded by enemies, I figured Miller was done for. Maybe it's my ability to predict things, but to me it wasn't surprising at all. Especially since Miller is so concerned about getting back home to his kid, that was pretty much a dead giveaway that they were gonna try to make the player feel bad when Miller died. And I did lol. Poor guy.


Anyone else feel like it's a lot harder to be recon in this compared to BC2? I remember being much better at sniping. Of course they gave you one of the, if not the best sniper rifle out the gate.


AppleSmack said:
I dunno man. On Conquest that map for me has just been people spamming rockets and nades down the 2 small alleyways, snipers camping the open tunnel and vehicles just blasting away behind smoke. Its basically 3 choke points.

Get in the chopper and fly round the back.


Happy battlefield day uk, picking my copy up this morning. I have to say this thread has killed a bit of my hype seems there is many issues which could be amped up when the rush of uk people adds to the load today.


AngelSoldier said:
Concerning your Spoiler:
Dima does not die. He suffers radiation poison as stated at the end of the game. But who knows what happens after the knock on the door ...

Apparently the novelization clears up what happens after the game. I want to see the spoilers for it, but can't find them anywhere.


kitch9 said:
Get in the chopper and fly round the back.
If people are having problem doing well and scoring points, you've reached what I think is the number one issue. Battlefield definitely rewards you for flanking or going a different direction than the enemy expects. Taking the obvious route will often end in failure. If half your team is attacking one congested choke point and getting slaughtered, don't run off the cliff with them. Go another route. There is always at least one. Even if you have to go the long way, you can often get the jump on the other team.

Your example is just one of many.


bluerei said:
Anyone else getting these problems? This is the only game I have that this does it on. Rage, TF2, Deus Ex, Crysis, BFBC2, SC2, SF4AE, Alice works all fine.

Specs, gtx 460 2Win (2x460 GPUs on one card) Not in SLI mode Latest Drivers
6-core i7 980X
24gb RAM

Anyone know a fix?




Random triangles are known as artifacts, not a good sign, but seeing as BF3 is DX11 and shader heavy there's a good chance its firing pretty much every transistor on the GPU's on your cards whereas the other games you mention simply are not.....

Have you tried other drivers?


Short bus special
CozMick said:
Be Advised, the PSN version of Battlefield 3 is 13gb!

Took me around 3 hours to download it :)

Do you know if the HD-textures are included? I am thinking of maybe dipping in. But started making myself paranoid that they wheren't there.


KAOz said:
Do you know if the HD-textures are included? I am thinking of maybe dipping in. But started making myself paranoid that they wheren't there.

Not sure, will answer your question once I work out how to make the Battlelog know that I own BF3 :\


Operation Metro on Conquest is actually fun on consoles. It's not Battlefield with tanks and jets and awesome shit, but it's intense close quarters action with 24 players. I was dreading the map and ready to quit every time it came up but I'll keep giving it a go when it comes up in the rotation.
EviLore said:
NeoGAF Community Server is good times!

Seconded. Think I saw you leading my team a few times...

On a secondary note, does anyone know if there is anyway to get into the multiplayer maps offline? I'd like to just drive around a few of them for a bit by myself to try to learn them better. As is, I'm pretty much lost all the time - my in game sense of direction is about as bad as my real life one unfortunately. I do like that you can make the map big though - even though it blocks party of the screen, this is a big help for me that I've never seen in a modern FPS before.
KAOz said:
Do you know if the HD-textures are included? I am thinking of maybe dipping in. But started making myself paranoid that they wheren't there.

There is no such thing as a HD-texture pack for the PS3 since blu-rays are larger + all PS3s come with a decent sized hard drive. You're getting HD texture to start.


Short bus special
Dreamgazer said:
There is no such thing as a HD-texture pack for the PS3 since blu-rays are larger + all PS3s come with a decent sized hard drive. You're getting HD texture to start.

Yes, I know. But I was thinking about the PSN download. :p


God.. this game is so bitter sweet. When things are going good, its soooo fun... but when your team is losing or just being jerk offs... you get stomped, lost more games then i won today and its getting frustrating. No communication on the mics with ps3 what so ever, all day i heard peoples ridiculously loud ass TV's or screaming. :(


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Kibbles said:
Operation Metro on Conquest is actually fun on consoles. It's not Battlefield with tanks and jets and awesome shit, but it's intense close quarters action with 24 players. I was dreading the map and ready to quit every time it came up but I'll keep giving it a go when it comes up in the rotation.

Metro and Damavand Peak 64-player Conquest are awesome. Screw the haters. Love how intense the firefights are.


redhot_ said:
God.. this game is so bitter sweet. When things are going good, its soooo fun... but when your team is losing or just being jerk offs... you get stomped, lost more games then i won today and its getting frustrating. No communication on the mics with ps3 what so ever, all day i heard peoples ridiculously loud ass TV's or screaming. :(

That's pretty much how it goes for any multiplayer game with a hint of team work on consoles. It's the reason I'm burned out on these games.
redhot_ said:
God.. this game is so bitter sweet. When things are going good, its soooo fun... but when your team is losing or just being jerk offs... you get stomped, lost more games then i won today and its getting frustrating. No communication on the mics with ps3 what so ever, all day i heard peoples ridiculously loud ass TV's or screaming. :(

Obviously, you're playing with the wrong group of people



The A-91 with a scope, foregrip and laser sight = amazing.

I just unlocked the javelin too, and damn does that thing fuck up some tanks lol. I love how the tank drivers panic when they get a lock on too driving all crazy and shit - but alas, the javelin finds its mark :p

Eric WK

Kibbles said:
Operation Metro on Conquest is actually fun on consoles. It's not Battlefield with tanks and jets and awesome shit, but it's intense close quarters action with 24 players. I was dreading the map and ready to quit every time it came up but I'll keep giving it a go when it comes up in the rotation.

Ah, man I don't know. The action is great but when one team gets B and their first point on lockdown they can make it fucking impossible for the other team to gain any ground and it stops being any kind of fun for fifteen minutes.
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