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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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I'm really not liking how the grenade attachment replaces your health kit, It should just be part of assault no strings attached or maybe it should replace the defib instead. As it is, it's not worth getting it. The health kit proves to be far more useful.

zlatko said:
I'll try to stick with it, but I find myself more and more playing Engineer to stay alive, get kills, and I just use RPGs as my "sniper" rifle. Toss on the +explosions, and I'm rocking 9 rockets. Come at me bro. :)

Gah, that's the problem. Those are way more useful than they should be against infantry, to the point where they're the most effective weapon on maps like Grand Bazar. Wish they got nerfed.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Wonder why they added C4 to Support rather than Recon, was expecting Recon to basically just be Sniper/Special Forces.

Still think Eng. is the most complete class, you've got your Rifle/Pistol for close-medium range, Stinger against air, and mines against tanks or use the RPG for tank/infantry.


I paid an extra £6 for first day delivery with my preorder from amazon UK (supposedly garanteed before 1pm) and its still not here...i'm kind of pissed and grumpy -_-


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
ace3skoot said:
I paid an extra £6 for first day delivery with my preorder from amazon UK (supposedly garanteed before 1pm and its still not here...i'm kind of pissed and grumpy -_-
Should use someone like GAME for games really, always get them the day before on the free delivery (assuming the prices were similar).

Game Update Error. There was e problem while updating your game. If the issue persists, please cancel the update and restart you computer.

And, which is probably the real cullprit, I get a ´Windows cannot access the specified device path or file` error when trying to start the game.

I have now redownloaded the entire game and I still get this fucking message!
ace3skoot said:
I paid an extra £6 for first day delivery with my preorder from amazon UK (supposedly garanteed before 1pm) and its still not here...i'm kind of pissed and grumpy -_-
Complain. Amazon are good with customer relations, you should get some sort of voucher, I'd say.

I always do first class with pre-orders and get them on day of release, so you must be unlucky.


Picking the game up in 1h after work! Looking forward playing it.. Won't be untill another 4h sadly though...
The_Darkest_Red said:
Terrible planning on your part. Why would you throw/attend a party when you could be playing BF3?
Haha, I lol'd hard.




Salaadin said:
So, this being my first BF game online, Im sucking hard. Anyone have any tips? I know the gist is to kill people and complete whatever the objectives are but Im unable to kill anyone and objectives arent getting me a lot of points so Im stuck using starter weapons which, imo, arent that great.

The game is a lot of fun though. Im really enjoying it despite eating dirt most of the time.

Ya stick to the easy free points while you're low level. You could play assault and follow your squad around and stay back just dropping health and defibing them when they drop. Spot enemies when you can. Always take part in capturing control points. Also find a map that scores high. You can get big points on Siene. I think you can rank up a bit quicker in rush too as its a little more action driven. Once you start unlocking some scopes and class specific items it goes pretty quick.


Anton Sugar said:
What's this all about now? The Origin debacle from a few months ago? News travels slowly to Germany.

Don't know about this "Origin debacle", as I don't really care about PC gaming. But it seems like people first realized this over here when they were reading the BF3 terms of service.

It's also the fact that video gaming probably never had a mainstream news story like that over here, as long as it wasn't connected to school shootings, which didn't make any sense.

Germans are very concerned about data and privacy, almost to the point of paranoia.


Bumblebeetuna said:
Sweet! Got the dinosaur dogtag. Got 3 more caps here, first 3 people to quote me can have them.
Me please?

Also I don't know if we needed confirmation on the subject or not but hit detection is indeed client-side.


These 360 server issues are pissing me off to no end. So I thought I'd load up single player. Boom! Kicked back to dashboard. What a piece of shit, how did they think that in any instance that that was a good idea?!

My day off work before a hectic weekend and I can't even waste away in front of the tv.


zero margin said:
no shit, like being able to play the fucker for starters

well seeing as he is the VO producer for the game, he may have a difficult time fixing something not related to the sound design.


This game hadn't really clicked with me until tonight when I properly played it with a mate - this game is fucking amazing. When you have balanced teams and a good server there is nothing like it.


On my server last night, someone on my team managed to fly the Little Bird helicopter into the tunnel on Demovand. We set up a coordinated strategy where he'd hover while firing, while I was slightly behind him on the ground as enginner. Then, he'd land while I fixed him, then returned into the air, and we continued a bounding advance through the tunnel.

It was truly wonderful!
Spl1nter said:


I really do think DICE (with no help from EA, I'm sure) are doing a bang-up job listening to community feedback and altering the game. Some of them are really bone-headed features that SHOULD have been in the game in the first place (squad management, ahem), but I'm pretty confident they'll continue listening to our feedback and will be heavily supporting this game.

I think there's even a chance that there will be less issues that remain unresolved, compared to BF2/BC2, because this is their flagship title. I can hope, right?

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Spl1nter said:
well seeing as he is the VO producer for the game, he may have a difficult time fixing something not related to the sound design.
Perhaps he should have spent some of his time getting non-shitty VO for multiplayer. I'm looking at you "Russia."

Anton Sugar said:
I really do think DICE (with no help from EA, I'm sure) are doing a bang-up job listening to community feedback and altering the game. Some of them are really bone-headed features that SHOULD have been in the game in the first place (squad management, ahem), but I'm pretty confident they'll continue listening to our feedback and will be heavily supporting this game.

I think there's even a chance that there will be less issues that remain unresolved, compared to BF2/BC2, because this is their flagship title. I can hope, right?
Many of these things aren't things the community should have to be pointing out to them. Like the chatbox. If they had played the damn game before shipping it we wouldn't have these issues.
Really enjoying playing the support class. Not even close to unlocking the mortar. By the time I get there, I'm sure it'll be promptly nerfed. Haven't been abused by it much in games yet but I'm sure that will come.

I really like laying down fire with the LMGs. The only problem I have is that when I get caught on the move, I'm dead meat unless I get really lucky. If I can get myself set up, it feels really good taking out guys and medium ranges or pinning them down for teammates. I do wish more people would spot though, it really helps direct my fire. Nothing quite like pinning down and taking out snipers who think they're hidden or outside my effective range.

I think I might be gravitating towards the Rush modes just because things aren't quite so chaotic- there's a more or less defined battle line that you can set up around. In conquest, everybody is running around and points are changing hands so often, it gets really messy.

I think a hybrid Rush/Conquest mode would be amazing. Conquest style maps but with flags that have to be taken in some sort of sequence so that "front-line" control points have to be taken before "rear" control points. Maybe throw in some special control points (no spawn but give access to something or another) to spice things up.


Detox said:
Reposting because it just got buried...
PC-GAF help me, I can't ADS when hold to aim is enabled. No matter what it just doesn't work however click works about 80% of the time although it seems sometimes my clicks don't register. Outside of BF I can right click all day with no problems.
Here's a video of my problem, first part is me trying to ADS with hold enabled.

Try switching your ads key temporarily to see if it works. Also what mouse are you using?
Bumblebeetuna said:
Why can you not cook grenades in this game?

Love it or hate it, Demize said that cooking grenades creates less "moments" in-game. When you cook a grenade, your enemy doesn't really have any chance to fight back or react--it's just an explosion in the face (if you're good at cooking).

When grenades can't be cooked, it creates a moment once the grenade lands where the enemy has to react and show some survival ability.

It's an interesting concept that you may hate, but to be fair, I don't think you've ever been able to cook grenades in BF. You HAVE been able to "hold" the grenade, which you can still do if you select the grenade instead of using quick-grenade.
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