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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Nabs said:
Assault has an M320 (launcher) which can equip smoke.

Cool, thanks.

CrankyJay said:
I'm using Ventrillo but when in game it won't register my hotkey (End button) so I can't voice chat while in game. Does anyone have a work around?

I don't think anything in my game is bound to that button.

I usually use the tilde key on vent, but since that brings up the console in-game, I'm using the caps lock key and it's working pretty well so far.


goldsoundz said:
My map rankings. I only play 64 player conquest.

Actual Battlefield maps, and thus awesome maps:
Operation Firestorm, Caspian Border

Good Bad Company style maps:
Tehran Highway, Canals, Kharg Island

Maps that my experience varies on:
Damavand Peak, Grand Bazaar

Why do these exist?:
Operation Metro, Seine Crossing

I'm super disappointed at the lack of a true Battlefield feel in this game, and I have a feeling I'm going to be even more disappointed when Back to Karkand releases. Guaranteed Strike at Karkand will have only five capture points with the right side CP being out of bounds.

DICE, you've had a perfect formula since your very first Battlefield game. I have no idea why you're condensing maps so much. Half the fun in a Battlefield game is moving out with a few dudes and capping points outside of major firefights. I miss the wide open spaces so much, and for fuck's sake, THERE CAN BE MORE THAN FIVE CAPTURE POINTS.

Even with that massive gripe, I'm still enjoying the game.

If they screw up Back to Karkand with only 5 Capture points....going to be so pissed


If someone could get through to one of the guys on twitter and ask them why they chose to do this, but instead they get asked questions like ARE JETS IN THIS GAME LOLOLOLOL
Nabs said:
They need to kill that 45 second shit at the end of matches or at least give us a chance to mess with our classes. How about a chat box so we can make fun of the loser team?

It takes over a full minute to start a new round if you also count the time it takes for the pre-deployment countdown.

Maybe DICE is appreciating those of us who like to piss and eat for 1.5 minutes between rounds?


BoobPhysics101 said:
It takes over a full minute to start a new round if you also count the time it takes for the pre-deployment countdown.

Maybe DICE is appreciating those of us who like to piss and eat for 1.5 minutes between rounds?

Agreed. I usually drink when I play so the breaks are welcome. =)

Wish the loadouts would have accuracy/damage info like in BC2.


That Thunder Run trailer was full of lies after you destroy the rocket artillery. I'm all excited to see what is going on beyond the hill and...flat desert.


BoobPhysics101 said:
It takes over a full minute to start a new round if you also count the time it takes for the pre-deployment countdown.

Maybe DICE is appreciating those of us who like to piss and eat for 1.5 minutes between rounds?

I wish it would at least load the next map or something.

CrankyJay said:
I'm using Ventrillo but when in game it won't register my hotkey (End button) so I can't voice chat while in game. Does anyone have a work around?

I don't think anything in my game is bound to that button.

It might be telling you to use a better hotkey and/or voip program.
I'm kidding...
Is the campaign difficulty supposed to be so fucked up?
I wouldn't consider myself bad at playing a shooter, but this is jst ridiculous on hard difficulty.
Enemies keep respawn, consistently hit me through walls and kill me in 3 shots, even when trying to be prone all the time.
I must have died almost a hundred times now and always on those stupid "run to the checkpoint while infinite respawning enemies shoot at you and only you". No cover, no tactics, nothing - just frustrating exercises in luck.

Am I missing something here or should Dice scrap the whole SP part alltogether next time and get rid of the people who think that infinite respawning enemies are "good gameplay"?

As it seems, I can't even change the difficulty without restarting the campaign.
Fucking A

This pisses me much more off than it is even worth getting angry about, but still...
Just ran through all of the co-op mode with a friend. Fairly fun if pointlessly geared towards apeing COD infantry levels (why were there no tank etc levels?). The helicopter mission is a near perfect introduction to choppers for beginners, which makes it a shame that you can't play it alone to get the hang of things without endlessly killing your gunner (as happened when I let my friend fly). For anyone who is anywhere proficient with helicopters it's pretty yawn inducing with only about 3 enemies that can even harm you.

This is the problem with most of the levels; they're generally pretty simple and lacking in thrills, yet clearly you are expected to play through them multiple times if you want to get the unlocks. A complete run of all six levels on normal (with a couple of mis-steps) only netted us just over 100,000 points, yet the highest unlock requires 440,000. Unless you get significantly more for playing on hard, I can see this being excrutiatingly dull.


The campaign is dissapointing.

Still on the first proper mission but everyone was right in saying its pretty much one big QTE. Ah well didn't buy it for the offline.


I'd be in the dick
Enco said:
The campaign is dissapointing.

Still on the first proper mission but everyone was right in saying its pretty much one big QTE. Ah well didn't buy it for the offline.
It gets better for a while after the third mission. The first few missions are terrible. The end is also pretty disappointing but it had some cool moments and some good firefights in the middle stretch. It was probably the best that DICE has done. I liked it more than the BC campaigns.
kingschiebi said:
Is the campaign difficulty supposed to be so fucked up?
I wouldn't consider myself bad at playing a shooter, but this is jst ridiculous on hard difficulty.
Enemies keep respawn, consistently hit me through walls and kill me in 3 shots, even when trying to be prone all the time.
I must have died almost a hundred times now and always on those stupid "run to the checkpoint while infinite respawning enemies shoot at you and only you". No cover, no tactics, nothing - just frustrating exercises in luck.

Am I missing something here or should Dice scrap the whole SP part alltogether next time and get rid of the people who think that infinite respawning enemies are "good gameplay"?

As it seems, I can't even change the difficulty without restarting the campaign.
Fucking A

This pisses me much more off than it is even worth getting angry about, but still...

Where are you stuck?

I remember first mission (when you have to grab the M249) that it was really annoying, you basically had like dozens of enemies with incredible aiming skills shooting at you, even RPG's with ridiculous splash damage.

Except a few points, hard isn't that bad. Sometime is a good idea let you squad go ahead of you, sometimes they act as meat shields, since they are useless in any other way.
Haven't finished it yet, but SP is a surprisingly fun COD-styled beast. Just finished the mission where you play as Dima. I always love those types of missions, both in this game and in Call of Duty.


Darklord said:
That Thunder Run trailer was full of lies after you destroy the rocket artillery. I'm all excited to see what is going on beyond the hill and...flat desert.
There were a lot of lies in that trailer. The UAV sequence in the trailer had the player spot the base but in the game you just press one button to spot which might as well be "Press the button to continue to the next sequence." It was more pointless than Black Ops' Blackbird sequence.


vidal said:
There were a lot of lies in that trailer. The UAV sequence in the trailer had the player spot the base but in the game you just press one button to spot which might as well be "Press the button to continue to the next sequence." It was more pointless than Black Ops' Blackbird sequence.

The campaign was interesting but needed to give the player WAY more control. Sometimes it just felt like I was running with the script and that's it. Oh, I need to go into this room ok. Now what? I just stand here until they get in and find out what's going on. It kinda reminds me of a FMV game where all you really do is point and shoot and the rest of the time you watch the "actors" play out stuff on a green screen.


Unlocked the mortars. I don't think they're overpowered, I only managed a couple of kills. Maybe in rush since there are two spots that you can constantly target, but not in conquest.
Relaxed Muscle said:
Where are you stuck?

I remember first mission (when you have to grab the M249) that it was really annoying, you basically had like dozens of enemies with incredible aiming skills shooting at you, even RPG's with ridiculous splash damage.

Except a few points, hard isn't that bad. Sometime is a good idea let you squad go ahead of you, sometimes they act as meat shields, since they are useless in any other way.

I was stuck in front of the bank, but got lucky after covering everything in grenades so that i only got hit twice, instead of three times and die.
the first mission "get the lmg" part pretty much sums up the campaign for me so far.
You will die a lt just to get up there and then find out that
- your new position is essentially a neverending killzone
- enemies are only at war with you
- enemies always know where you are
- it was pointless going to that spot in the first place

I noticed that squadmates are useful sometimes, but then it feels like cheating if you hit the ground, crawling through cover while the npc's do all the work.
Just to be clear, i got this game for mp, but one has to ask how much more time they could have put into mp instead of wasting effort on an uninspired and frustrating sp.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Earlier today I joined a server that was dedicated to "Flight School" I tried to get the hang of the jet and choppa's for well over an hour. I just can't do it. I tried with a controller, tried with the Keyboard controls, tried with keyboard and mouse. I spend at most a minute in the air before I start crapping my pants and meeting the ground very quickly.

Eh, I guess I'm a land guy.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
WIsh I knew why I was getting disconneted for 'timed out' responses. Can play a whole rou8nd online then 2 mins into the next one I get dropped.

Aside from that I am loving it but I am very slow going through the mp side of things.


aka andydumi
I keep getting these black screen freezes. At the end of a round when the timer ends and its about to go to the "saving" screen then next map it just gets stuck. Pretty frequent, every 2-3 maps on some servers. Any ideas?


Smokey said:
So are most of you using 360 controller, ps3 controller, or KB&M for your piloting efforts?

ive got a ps3 controller emulating a 360 controller. switched it so that R1 is fire, R2 is flares, L1 is gas, L2 is slow down. works pretty well, 100x better than i was with the kb+m


i've been begging for over 5 years.
AndyD said:
I keep getting these black screen freezes. At the end of a round when the timer ends and its about to go to the "saving" screen then next map it just gets stuck. Pretty frequent, every 2-3 maps on some servers. Any ideas?

I'm getting the same. I turned off cloud storage in hopes that it might fix it but nope. I also have an issue where the first time I go to connect to a server I get "BF3 has quit responding" or something. I'm talking every single first time. I close it out launch the same server again and it works.

These issues aren't curbing my enjoyment of the game but it is a pain in the rear to have to keep connecting to the server I want to play. Especially with the hella long load times.
derFeef said:
Since inverted is default, do you mean normal? Or fully inverted, all directions?

Yeah inverted inverted lulz, so I guess normal. I believe that's how it was in BF2 and 2142, strange DICE flipped it around.

REV 09

kingschiebi said:
Is the campaign difficulty supposed to be so fucked up?
I wouldn't consider myself bad at playing a shooter, but this is jst ridiculous on hard difficulty.
Enemies keep respawn, consistently hit me through walls and kill me in 3 shots, even when trying to be prone all the time.
I must have died almost a hundred times now and always on those stupid "run to the checkpoint while infinite respawning enemies shoot at you and only you". No cover, no tactics, nothing - just frustrating exercises in luck.

Am I missing something here or should Dice scrap the whole SP part alltogether next time and get rid of the people who think that infinite respawning enemies are "good gameplay"?

As it seems, I can't even change the difficulty without restarting the campaign.
Fucking A

This pisses me much more off than it is even worth getting angry about, but still...
You're playing on hard though. Ever play cod on the hardest difficulty... : /
Just done the first half of co-op with Orgun. It's not bad, but it's not exactly good either. It's just fairly bland scenarios without any of the excitement you had in Spec Ops.


My copy will only arrive on Monday but is it okay if I redeem now my code that Amazon.uk sent me?

Something about "skins" for Multiplayer, perhaps?


Trucker Sexologist
RbBrdMan said:
Earlier today I joined a server that was dedicated to "Flight School" I tried to get the hang of the jet and choppa's for well over an hour. I just can't do it. I tried with a controller, tried with the Keyboard controls, tried with keyboard and mouse. I spend at most a minute in the air before I start crapping my pants and meeting the ground very quickly.

Eh, I guess I'm a land guy.
Get a joystick. You really want to have a throttle in this game. Also, can you post a link to that server?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
So I picked it up and the online pass didn't work so I went and got a new one at eb games and it said it worked then said there was an Xbox error I tried again and it keeps saying the code is invalid anyone know what the issue might be?
Oh man I wish there was a battle recorder already. Just parachuted down and killed 2 guys with a rocket while still parachuting and then shot the last guy when I landed on the roof that was confused to where the hell it was all coming from, was coming from a long way up (bailed on jet) and somehow no one noticed, was a real battlefield moment.


Wow, after the match i just played i have changed my mind on the whole flare deal.. cool down needs to be longer or something for the jets. The only thing that you can take out a really good pilot with is rockets launchers. lol spent like 5mins or so just going back and forth with a jet in my chopper.. neither of us killed each other. He would just fly away out of range or i would just duck under him to avoid his lock.


I'm amazed btw how different the perception about Origin's EULA is. Here in Germany, almost everybody is going apeshit about it. See Amazon.de's 1.5 Star ranking of the game.
Meanwhile, I don't have the impression GAF doesn't care much about this, or am I wrong?

I probably won't care much either when I finally get to play the game but I think it's kind of amazing.


WoodenLung said:
Oh man I wish there was a battle recorder already. Just parachuted down and killed 2 guys with a rocket while still parachuting and then shot the last guy when I landed on the roof that was confused to where the hell it was all coming from, was coming from a long way up (bailed on jet) and somehow no one noticed, was a real battlefield moment.
Did that happen like 10 minutes ago?

on the EuroGAF server?
WoodenLung said:
Oh man I wish there was a battle recorder already. Just parachuted down and killed 2 guys with a rocket while still parachuting and then shot the last guy when I landed on the roof that was confused to where the hell it was all coming from, was coming from a long way up (bailed on jet) and somehow no one noticed, was a real battlefield moment.

If you record at half resolution you shouldn't get a FPS hit. My framerate stays at 60 when I record in the game.


WoodenLung said:
Oh man I wish there was a battle recorder already. Just parachuted down and killed 2 guys with a rocket while still parachuting and then shot the last guy when I landed on the roof that was confused to where the hell it was all coming from, was coming from a long way up (bailed on jet) and somehow no one noticed, was a real battlefield moment.


Kharg island is becoming one of my favourite maps. It's actually quite open and lots of ways to flank around.
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