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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Anyone know how "Skill" calculated out in the statistics page? Is there a link to like a bell curve graph of what Skill is good/average/bad.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Okay, I can't find the answer and I can't figure it out:

Playing 360 version, in a vehicle, but I want to switch from say driver to gunner. How the fuck do I do it?
I can only speak for the PC versions launch, but even with all the little annoyances this has been the smoothest main-line Battlefield launch ever. Remember 1942? That game was unplayable for almost the entire first month it was out. The lag was some of the worst I've ever seen.


Metro conquest 64 is such a joke for farming xp and medals as Assault.

Also you can just camp at the top of some stairs near B and get a ridiculous kill ratio as idiots keep popping out right into your line of fire.

They really need to take conquest off or it do something because it's absurd.


Really Really Exciting Member!
For the campaign, is there some trick on
defending Al-Bashir
part? I'm up to where you have to defend the marine bringing him to the copter, but i keep getting killed since there is enemies everywhere and so little time and place to hide. :(


Bisnic said:
For the campaign, is there some trick on
defending Al-Bashir
part? I'm up to where you have to defend the marine bringing him to the copter, but i keep getting killed since there is enemies everywhere and so little time and place to hide. :(
After a few tries I just ran ahead to the entrance where they were going and went inside while laying down some suppressing fire. They didn't die, neither did I.

edit: this is the part right after you
crash his car
, right?
Any chance that DICE will include proper X360 controller support in the next patch? (lol, I know...) I know the controller will work during a game, but that's the best that can be said about it. Based on what I've heard, I don't think they bothered to use Xinput in and it just uses the Windows generic controller driver. Not only are there no 360 button graphics in the UI, but the shit flat-out doesn't work in QTEs. No one has said anything, but I suspect the sensitivities will feel weird as well... sort of like Valve's L4D2, where microscopic adjustments to the sensitivity slider result in huge differences since, again, I don't think they implemented Xinput. I would've liked to have been able to navigate the entire menu with a controller... Capcom and other devs like TimeGate do an amazing job with this. Why couldn't a game as high-budget as BF3 have the same feature - a UI that swaps button graphics in realtime depending on if you press a keyboard key or a gamepad button.

Hope they've heard some complaints...
NervousXtian said:
Okay, I can't find the answer and I can't figure it out:

Playing 360 version, in a vehicle, but I want to switch from say driver to gunner. How the fuck do I do it?

If the spot isn't taken (which you can tell by looking at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen) you press A to rotate around the positions in the vehicles.


Has anyone else with nvidia cards been having an issue with strange artifacts emanating from the center of your reticule? This is a VERY tame example.

Metalmurphy said:
Just saw some guy cheating, doing 1 hit kills from across the map in a tank, so basically the same cheats as the freaking beta.

Oh and this on a Punkbuster server.... fantastic!

I believe there is currently a bug where if someone kills you with a mine while they are in a vehicle it reports it as a vehicle kill. For instance I have seen a guy in a jeep one shot kill me in a tank which is impossible. This was on 360 so maybe not the same case here.
They've set up this site for feedback in case you missed the yellow tab on Battlelog.
+1 this for instance.
mxgt said:
Metro conquest 64 is such a joke for farming xp and medals as Assault.

Also you can just camp at the top of some stairs near B and get a ridiculous kill ratio as idiots keep popping out right into your line of fire.

They really need to take conquest off or it do something because it's absurd.
Operation Metro C64 is the dumbest thing ever and should not exist as a default option. Only reason DICE forced Conquest onto that map against its will is so they could do the "all maps all modes" marketing thing. Which is true only on paper.
Darklord said:
I do have to admit it's a fucking pest. Customizing has way to many clicks needed. You can't click on the map to select a spawn point either.
I find it difficult to see where the selected spawnpoint is on that crappy map. Need to highlight it better.
Pretty much everything is wrong with the current UI.
goldsoundz said:
I can only speak for the PC versions launch, but even with all the little annoyances this has been the smoothest main-line Battlefield launch ever. Remember 1942? That game was unplayable for almost the entire first month it was out. The lag was some of the worst I've ever seen.

For you perhaps but for me it crashes every other game.


mxgt said:
Metro conquest 64 is such a joke for farming xp and medals as Assault.

Also you can just camp at the top of some stairs near B and get a ridiculous kill ratio as idiots keep popping out right into your line of fire.

They really need to take conquest off or it do something because it's absurd.

Worst thing is, I think the russians? that get B automatically win because its impossible to for the americans to get up the stairs. Played assault and didnt really kill anyone but ended up in like the top3 of my team, with like 35-40 revives.
VibratingDonkey said:
I find it difficult to see where the selected spawnpoint is on that crappy map. Need to highlight it better.
Pretty much everything is wrong with the current UI.

Agreed. When it's in a busy area it's almost impossible to see.


I dont know if this has been mentioned or if it just a stupid idea, but could DICE have decided to not include sniper rifles at all? Why didnt they?
Or, is there an Xbox server that has them excluded?
I would just like to know why they always include them?
Not saying remove the class entirely, keep the recon class exactly as it is with spawn radios etc, just remove sniper rifles from the game.
I am happy to acknowledge the skill of a player who has managed to pick me off with single shot assault rifle fire from a fair distance, but getting killed from a massive distance by someone who I would never even be able to spot annoys me greatly.
(No I am not a COD player running across wide open fields while aiming down sights.)


Menelaus said:
Has anyone else with nvidia cards been having an issue with strange artifacts emanating from the center of your reticule? This is a VERY tame example.


Not yet. Been fine on my 560ti

A couple people have similar issues over in the performance thread though:


WTF mang. How the hell do I time when to release the flares when I'm in a Jet? I thought I had the timing down yesterday, but some guy in the match I was just in took me down 4/4 times. Just could not avoid them no matter what.


The Antitype said:
now this isn't concrete fact just my opinion but
-the other ones take up much more space on the screen once they are on the gun, they are simply bigger (especially the russian 4x zoom (which is an acog version so not your question but still) is simply stupidly big
once you zoom in the eotech one is rather small allowing you to still see most of the screen, the other one take up 3/4 of the screen...

in short: buy american
the russian red dot is probably the only decent thing

oh and had a fun and probably the most frustrating experience all in one match
fun: in a jeep, guy in front of me, decided it's time for some ramming speed, he shoot me, the forward momentum of the car still killed him ^^
bad: 10vs10 inf only caspian border 3 squad mates, all recon all on the same god damned hill, first time I wished friendly fire was on, I think one went 0-1 through the whole match...


VibratingDonkey said:
They've set up this site for feedback in case you missed the yellow tab on Battlelog.
+1 this for instance.
This one makes me sad. Someone asked if we could get some real Battlefield maps as DLC, with many flags and large distances between them. Zhinto answered with

zh1nt0 said:
The intent on larger maps is to allow both vehicle gameplay between the flags placed further apart and infantry focused gaming between the closer ones. Major
chunk of community not interested in too long stretches of transport to battle.

and flagged it as "Implemented", basically saying that the maps are good enough as they are and they won't make any larger maps because a large part of the community is stupid. It really makes me fear for the Back to Karkand pack, surely they can't have ruined the classic BF2 maps with their new design philosophy?


Holy shit, does any one else get a bug making them unable to spawn? I seem to be getting almost every two matches. I have to leave the match every fucking time and it goddamn sucks.


Have yet to play Metro conquest, but I'm having a hard time imaging how it can be worse than Grand Bazaar. Maps an automatic quit for me. Awful.


1-D_FTW said:
Have yet to play Metro conquest, but I'm having a hard time imaging how it can be worse than Grand Bazaar. Maps an automatic quit for me. Awful.
It's pretty much the BF3 version of Nuketown. It's great.


RotBot said:
Really? I thought they taught you to throw hard and bounce it around.

"This technique is inherently dangerous, since fuses may vary from grenade to grenade. Because of this the U.S. Marines (MCWP 3-35) describe cooking-off as the "least preferred technique," recommending a "hard throw, skip/bounce technique" to prevent an enemy returning a grenade."

True, a hard throw and bounce at a distance is preferable under some conditions. But clearing bunkers, mortar pits, and machine gun nests is different than down a street or into a courtyard.

The specific cooking drill at Benning is at a machine gun nest. The scenario being your squad has already charged the bunker and you now lie outside the nest's 'window'. You cook the grenade with the three count then roll your body from your back to belly while releasing the grenade as close to the opening as you can. Usually these nests have chicken wire stretched across the front to bounce grenades back and the actual opening is much smaller than the 'window' itself, so you can be forced to more or less drop the grenade through the opening as opposed to requiring a pinpoint throw with significant consequences if there be a miss.

In my experience, cooked grenades are used almost exclusively to clear gunmen off of rooftops if no air support is present.


1-D_FTW said:
Have yet to play Metro conquest, but I'm having a hard time imaging how it can be worse than Grand Bazaar. Maps an automatic quit for me. Awful.
I like Conquest on Bazaar with 32. Metro is infinitely worse.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Enkidu said:
This one makes me sad. Someone asked if we could get some real Battlefield maps as DLC, with many flags and large distances between them. Zhinto answered with

and flagged it as "Implemented", basically saying that the maps are good enough as they are and they won't make any larger maps because a large part of the community is stupid. It really makes me fear for the Back to Karkand pack, surely they can't have ruined the classic BF2 maps with their new design philosophy?

The new maps are awesome, the game is called battlefield not lets take a stroll from flag to flag with no action. That used to happen a lot in bf2. The only maps with huge problems are davadand peak and metro.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
1-D_FTW said:
Have yet to play Metro conquest, but I'm having a hard time imaging how it can be worse than Grand Bazaar. Maps an automatic quit for me. Awful.

Bazaar at least has the benefit of multiple entry/exit points that level you travel around the map. Metro is literally one big bottleneck. Same goes for Damavand.


bazar needs some more flanking options, I mean there are like 2 or 3 hallways you can go into that are just a dead ends, like they planed it to lead somewhere but then they decided against it and just closed them off
MikeE21286 said:
god I wish that patch would mention something about proper 360 controller support.

How damn hard could it actually be FFS
What issues you been having? Been working great to me. Oh the menu controls right?


Metro rush and Bazaar conquest are goodish for those maps and make them acceptable, but to me Tehran is absolutely the worst map in the game. Every rush zone is terrible, and conquest is engineers camping combined with shoddy vehicle combat
1-D_FTW said:
Have yet to play Metro conquest, but I'm having a hard time imaging how it can be worse than Grand Bazaar. Maps an automatic quit for me. Awful.

You are going to be amazed. Bazaar while not being very good is not even close to the awfulness of metro conquest. Metro is ONE place that gets all action at some escalators. So everyone will just be firing missiles and throwing grenades up or down the escalator and that is how the whole game will be because the middle flag is down the escalators. No one can get the other teams flags anyway unless they manage to get pass the escalators, which they wont because there is 32 people spamming grenades, missiles and shotgunning. So it's a one flag map and the map isn't even open around that only one.


Doc Holliday said:
The new maps are awesome, the game is called battlefield not lets take a stroll from flag to flag with no action. That used to happen a lot in bf2. The only maps with huge problems are davadand peak and metro.
I'd add Seine, Grand Bazaar and possible Tehran as maps with issues. They need to make these maps larger, add more flags outside of the main action so that you don't just have constant firefights and explosions everywhere. The maps are probably better with less than 64 players but that's no excuse, 64 is the standard and if it doesn't work there then there's something wrong with the map.


Neo Member
Menelaus said:
Has anyone else with nvidia cards been having an issue with strange artifacts emanating from the center of your reticule? This is a VERY tame example.

Yes, is your card OC'd? My 560ti was factory OC'd, reduced the speeds by 50hz and fixed all my graphical issues (including that one).
Mr Nightman said:
What issues you been having? Been working great to me. Oh the menu controls right?

Yeah, menu controls plus the QTEs

I have my PC hooked up to my HDTV and I'd rather not have to have a keyboard sitting next to me while I play.

It can't be that hard to fix it. I mean I'd assume the PS3/360 UI is the same thing.


Foliorum Viridum said:
Guys, take the Bazaar hate to the Garbage Thread.


The more I have played bazaar the more I like the map. You are actually able to flank from at least 3 directions for every point.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
playoverwork said:
Any chance that DICE will include proper X360 controller support in the next patch? (lol, I know...) I know the controller will work during a game, but that's the best that can be said about it. Based on what I've heard, I don't think they bothered to use Xinput in and it just uses the Windows generic controller driver. Not only are there no 360 button graphics in the UI, but the shit flat-out doesn't work in QTEs. No one has said anything, but I suspect the sensitivities will feel weird as well... sort of like Valve's L4D2, where microscopic adjustments to the sensitivity slider result in huge differences since, again, I don't think they implemented Xinput. I would've liked to have been able to navigate the entire menu with a controller... Capcom and other devs like TimeGate do an amazing job with this. Why couldn't a game as high-budget as BF3 have the same feature - a UI that swaps button graphics in realtime depending on if you press a keyboard key or a gamepad button.

Hope they've heard some complaints...

Shhhh, I mentioned that the other day and some PC elitist said I should use mouse and kb just like everyone else. :p

+1 for proper 360 pad support.
So, uh, how do you fire a stinger missile in this game?

I have the reticule centered right over a tank, and it won't shoot?

EDIT: Forget it, only works on planes. Got it.


Unlimited Capacity
What is wrong with grand bazaar? Lots of action, lots of paths. It is a little CoDish but its a nice break up from teh hugeness of Caspian Border. Metro is just awful. Just a clusterfuck at B everytime.
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