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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
I'm over this, I can't even have one full round. If I jump into a game it's usually part way through, that's fine. Next round starts and a couple of minutes in and I crash back to desktop with the message 'Connection to Server Timed Out'. This happens every second round guaranteed.

Might just count my losses and get the console version, can't be any more frustrating than the PC one.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
MikeTyson said:
hey guys does this not look like EviLore?




1stStrike said:
Use the rocket pods on ground targets... they're better than the air to surface missiles and do more damage. If your team helps you out and spots ground targets it'll be cake to fuck them up.

Edit: Haha, 10 aircraft shot down... 0 kills. Fucking bail.

Are the rocket pods only for ground targets? I want to help my team out on the ground but I don't want to be a sitting duck in the air. Also this happens to me all the time I think I've only got maybe 15 actual KILLS with the jet on other aircraft. Everyone just bails out as soon as they get disabled.


KorrZ said:
Are the rocket pods only for ground targets? I want to help my team out on the ground but I don't want to be a sitting duck in the air. Also this happens to me all the time I think I've only got maybe 15 actual KILLS with the jet on other aircraft. Everyone just bails out as soon as they get disabled.

You can use them for air targets too just the same. And, to be honest, get good with guns as everybody has flares now. Heat seeking missiles are virtually useless - I haven't fought anyone in quite a while that's not had flares, which means that I need to either get lucky or use guns. Most of the pro's use straight up guns to fuck people up.


Finished the campaign on Hard. I thought the story was actually pretty entertaining although there are some pretty enormous plot holes.

As far as the campaign itself as a "game"... not good. There are a lot of cool moments and sequences, but this is one of those games where the difficulty is raised by giving the AI x-ray vision, god like aim, and they direct every last bit of their aggro at you even if you're ducked behind a wall. There were also several instances where I got killed when I was behind hard cover. In other words, it's _cheap_. Really, really cheap. It's also very rote - in fact the only way to really beat the cheap, superhuman AI in several spots is rote memorization. That's pretty weaksauce stuff. But who am I kidding? Nobody goes to Hooters for the wings, and nobody plays a Battlefield game for the single player.

That said, I would like to see a certain element from the campaign expanded on. Perhaps in the next Medal of Honor game.

Dima. Playing as Dima was the highlight of the campaign for me. Driving through the streets of Paris in a black sedan with suppressed SMGs at our sides. That is straight up Jason Bourne, James Bond awesomeness. I want more of that, a lot more.


1stStrike said:
You can use them for air targets too just the same. And, to be honest, get good with guns as everybody has flares now. Heat seeking missiles are virtually useless - I haven't fought anyone in quite a while that's not had flares, which means that I need to either get lucky or use guns. Most of the pro's use straight up guns to fuck people up.

Yeah, I get that. I just have a hard time finishing people off with strictly machine guns. My strategy for most of today was to lock on, fire off one rocket...wait for their flares to pop and then fire the second rocket, let that get them smoking and then get one quick burst of machine gun to finish them off. Definitely need more machine gun practice though. Got worked something fierce by a few dudes today with those.


-PS3 input lag.

Sound or Controller? cause i notice some slight sound problems, the sensitivity on PS3 also feels fucked up. Still a great game.

But fix the fucking sensitivity for christ sakes, stupid ass car horns can wait.

And when your done fixing real issues instead of adding car horns check into the brighter than the sun flashlights.


ElyrionX said:
Thanks for the tips. I do use shift and I do account for bullet drop as well. A few things I'm struggling with actually.

My biggest problem is the kind of playstyle required with bolt action rifles compared to semi-autos and how to rack up points. If you're carrying the SV98 as a recon, do you head into the thick of the action or spawn somewhere far away so you can find a nice spot to snipe from? How often do you move from spots to spots? After a kill or two? Or only when you start getting fired upon?

Do you also go for objectives? I find trying to grab flags as recon especially difficult when you're carrying the SV98. With the semi-autos, at least you've got a decent fighting chance at close range but with the SV98, you're as good as dead meeting any other class head on. Without going for flags, what other ways are there to earn points besides killing? The proximity sensor and spawn beacons are extremely limited in their usages.

The other problem I have is that at medium range, I keep getting owned by other classes. Usually, it's because they spot me first which I attribute primarily to the scope glint.

Another issue is foliage. I tend to use foliage to my advantage to hide my silhouette but I just realized that there is a video option to lower the amount of terrain "visual decoration". I just set it to low and will test it in a bit but I wonder if this lowers the amount of foliage on the maps, meaning that players with lower video settings will see me in places where I previously believed I was concealed by the vegetation.

If I have the 98 I don't head in and fight. I hang back and use the MAV to help the team out by spotting others and calling open capture points. If I want to rush at the same time then I'll go with the MK10 or SVD.

That's a good point about vegetation, I never thought of that.


Teaming up with friends and getting into the same side.

Also i don't quite understand this, is teaming up with a friend on the same team not supposed to happen? is it not happening and is supposed to? i tried playing with a few friends and it put 2 of it on the opposite team which i find incredibly stupid, they really need to improve it.


KorrZ said:
Yeah, I get that. I just have a hard time finishing people off with strictly machine guns. My strategy for most of today was to lock on, fire off one rocket...wait for their flares to pop and then fire the second rocket, let that get them smoking and then get one quick burst of machine gun to finish them off. Definitely need more machine gun practice though. Got worked something fierce by a few dudes today with those.

Yeah. My biggest issue is that I'm usually up in the air by myself with no support. The other guy in the other plane is off in fucking lala land and there's never anyone on the AA. If I had some support, I'd do fine - as once someone is behind you, if they can fly decently, good luck in shaking them off. I'm rarely able to no matter how much I twist and turn.

I need someone on PC to play with that is cool with flying the other jet so we can back each other up - or even the AA. I can lure those jack asses to the AA all day.

Either way, I just need to be on voice with someone so we can actually communicate.



and thats where I shall stay for the next 3 weeks. First of my last 4 uni exams ever in 10 days...

The beta burned me so bad I still haven't played a single rush game, only played conquest.

The way it should be.


KorrZ said:
Are the rocket pods only for ground targets? I want to help my team out on the ground but I don't want to be a sitting duck in the air. Also this happens to me all the time I think I've only got maybe 15 actual KILLS with the jet on other aircraft. Everyone just bails out as soon as they get disabled.

Isn't that the point? bail out before your plane blows you fair to hell.
Hit your target with some bullets then fire rockets, if you hit with your guns then the plane should explode killing the pilot. works for me anyway.

Salacious Crumb

Junior Member
I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm never going to be good at offensive flying, I can navigate the map with ease, but I can't shoot for shit. Flying without flares certainly doesn't help the situation either.

Apart from that I'm having a god dam blast playing this game on PC. even with all the ea awfulness (mostly origin) I think this game might be my goaty, I'm even turned around on battlelog, I think it's a pretty great service now. It's just a shame you're forced to launch the game through origin.

My stats:



Bazhard said:
-PS3 input lag.

Sound or Controller? cause i notice some slight sound problems, the sensitivity on PS3 also feels fucked up. Still a great game.

But fix the fucking sensitivity for christ sakes, stupid ass car horns can wait.

And when your done fixing real issues instead of adding car horns check into the brighter than the sun flashlights.

The PS3 controller issues are practically game breaking. You overshoot your aim on everything. There's no nuance with aiming. What was a fun but buggy beta became a not so fun and buggy in different ways release.

I'm shelving BF3 until a patch hits that fixes this. It's crap.


FLEABttn said:
The PS3 controller issues are practically game breaking. You overshoot your aim on everything. There's no nuance with aiming. What was a fun but buggy beta became a not so fun and buggy in different ways release.

I'm shelving BF3 until a patch hits that fixes this. It's crap.

I learned to live with it (for now, until a patch releases). I just aim down my sight almost all the time when I suspect there probably is an enemy aound. This way, I am often able to shot first which is basically a win. Because almost everyone else suffers from the same control problems on the ps3 it kinda evens itself out.

I am glad dice already mentioned that they are working on a fix, because if this lag now would be a given, I would probably sell the game right now.


I swear all my bullets do is tickle my enemies. I should change my motto in battlelog to taste the rainbow since I'm clearly a rainbow at people at not bullets.

There's no reason my 6x's point blank on you when I get the drop on you shouldn't beat your 1-2 shots UNLESS you are using a shotgun.

Speaking of shotgun is it a DICE tradition to never balance these pieces of shit right?


FLEABttn said:
The PS3 controller issues are practically game breaking. You overshoot your aim on everything. There's no nuance with aiming. What was a fun but buggy beta became a not so fun and buggy in different ways release.

I'm shelving BF3 until a patch hits that fixes this. It's crap.
eh, it doesn't bother me, it feels like KZ in a way, guns have weight to them


darkwing said:
eh, it doesn't bother me, it feels like KZ in a way, guns have weight to them

translating input lag to realism? no way! dice already confirmed that the lag is not intentional. And I really don't get this "guns have their weight" argument.


With the air to surface missiles, is there supposed to be some indication of a hit? Half the time I can't tell if I actually hit anything, since often times there are no disables or anything.



Bazhard said:
-PS3 input lag.

Sound or Controller? cause i notice some slight sound problems, the sensitivity on PS3 also feels fucked up. Still a great game.

But fix the fucking sensitivity for christ sakes, stupid ass car horns can wait.

And when your done fixing real issues instead of adding car horns check into the brighter than the sun flashlights.
I know how you feel, man. I haven't played much more of the campaign due to the controls. I've been toughing it out in MP just because I want to play the game so badly but that's been frustrating as hell too.

I really, really hope DICE take care of this issue soon. Right now it's my biggest issue with the game. They fix the lag/deadzone and this'll be the only MP game I'll need this season.


Oh man, I just owned it up on Kharg Island in a jet. Most of the pros seem to stick to caspian, but the newbs apparently hang out on Kharg lol.
1stStrike said:
Oh man, I just owned it up on Kharg Island in a jet. Most of the pros seem to stick to caspian, but the newbs apparently hang out on Kharg lol.

All the pros seem to be hanging out at the GAF server these days. Server is easily the toughest one out of any I played before.


Man, fucking EA, having to get my Online Pass has been the biggest pain in the ass bullshit I have ever had to suffer when it comes to gaming.

They still don't sell the game in Japan, so I had to buy an Asian version (HK) for PS3. I went and decided to play some multiplayer on my main Account (Japanese) so I clicked, and started to tell me some bullshit about Online Pass not working. I'm like, ok, let me put the code, I have it here!

But no, it just doesn't work. I go to the in-game store and nothing shows up because it's the Japanese store probably. Ok, makes sense. So I go and spend the next 15 minutes trying to get a new HK account. I try to get a gmail account but Google apparently now has an SMS system to confirm new accounts and the SMS won't arrive. Decide to put up with lame-ass hotmail and create a new account (just to redeem a fucking code I shouldn't even be redeeming, anyway). So I get my account, create a HK account for PS3, go to the game, boot up multiplayer and still the same error.

Wondering what's the deal, I check the paper where it has my code, but nothing. And the instruction booklet is just 2 pages so whatever. Wondering if the servers are messed up decided to check around only to see you apparently have to go into the in-game store. But they don't tell you on the game itself, how the fuck am I supposed to know? So I go there, and there's NOTHING that says redeem Online Pass. Ok... so I randomly select the Karkand thing and an option to put a code shows up. Hey, this should be to get the map itself, not the Online Pass, but you never know... so I put the code and it works!. Now I need to make an EA account. Are you fucking kidding me?...

Anyway, I knew I had an account lying around, I knew my mail but didn't remember the pass, and when you login they use the same screen for new accounts and login, so I had to try like 5 passwords, writing each password TWICE for the confirmation thing if it were a new account. I swear I felt like throwing my controller against the TV...

But yeah.. after 45 minutes I managed to get online. It usually takes about 30 seconds with any other game. I hope this is worth it!. I'm a COD/MW fan rather than BF, but I definitely wanted to give this a try. I've played two singleplayer missions and really enjoyed it, so this will be a good thing to play until I get whatever next game. Really looking forward to the online, but now I gotta go and buy some groceries, lol :p

Aaaaanyway, sorry. Just needed to rant somewhere. Hope you guys don't mind!! :p It's just EA is so mindblowingly retarded sometimes...


I don't think I truly find any map to be great. Caspian and Bazaar are maps I don't really have that much of a problem with. Overall, my mood when it comes to these are just like BC2's in the sense that I'll think they're awesome when my team is winning and I'll think it's ass when my team is losing. Except for Metro and Peak. In any situation on those maps, I'm not having fun.

Canals 64 though, how are the Russian choppers supposed to get anywhere on that map when the AA gun on the US carrier is capable of reaching the chopper from the other side of the map?
Can't get a grasp of how to adequately use the javelin. Gave up on it and just went back to my mine+stinger combo. Enemy vehicles, fear me. Highlight of the night, taking my tank during a Caspian CQ and set up shop under the first toll-gate overpass, with a good b-line into the enemy spawn. Equipped with Optics and a decent gunner, we rained hell from a mile away - with no real way heli's or jets to counter our trolling. It was totally a scumbag thing to do, but lord was it fun.

Card Boy

How are some of you rank 30 and up? Didn't the game just come out? I've being playing for hours and am only rank 4 and i have using Med kits and reviving!


So is it impossible to kill a tank with the jet gun? I make one pass at it, and by the time I can come around again for another run, the engy has fully repaired it. I seriously spent 10 minutes trying to kill one tank, and I never did it. Even crashed head on after one run and still couldn't kill it. How am I supposed to unlock stuff without the minor miracle of a teammate actually killing something I'm attacking?


ElyrionX said:
My biggest problem is the kind of playstyle required with bolt action rifles compared to semi-autos and how to rack up points. If you're carrying the SV98 as a recon, do you head into the thick of the action or spawn somewhere far away so you can find a nice spot to snipe from? How often do you move from spots to spots? After a kill or two? Or only when you start getting fired upon?

Do you also go for objectives? I find trying to grab flags as recon especially difficult when you're carrying the SV98. With the semi-autos, at least you've got a decent fighting chance at close range but with the SV98, you're as good as dead meeting any other class head on. Without going for flags, what other ways are there to earn points besides killing? The proximity sensor and spawn beacons are extremely limited in their usages.

The other problem I have is that at medium range, I keep getting owned by other classes. Usually, it's because they spot me first which I attribute primarily to the scope glint.
I typically move from objective to objective with my squad (friends), but stop behind cover every now and then if I spot anyone. A lot of my kills come from guarding or attacking an objective. I scope out the area first to see if anyone is guarding, then when it's clear I run in and cap the flag.

For areas that are close quarters I pull out my pistol. If you get the drop on them with the pistol, they're dead. Even if you go head to head against an assault rifle you still have a decent chance, just aim for the head. At close range if I have the SV98 in my hands I'll shoot once then switch to the pistol, and have managed to outgun several assault rifles doing that.

If they keep spotting you first you probably have to work more on your positioning.

ElyrionX said:
Traveling the alternate routes is something I need to be doing once I gain some map familiarity.

But what's the point of playing recon if you're going to be using 4x scopes with the sniper rifles? Might as well be playing assault and using the same scope and be more effective at close to medium range.
I find it takes too many bullets to take someone out at medium range with an assault rifle (although I haven't used them much). 4x scope on a sniper rifle allows you take out someone with a single headshot, and it is still possible to get kills from long range with it, just a bit more difficult. I also just find it much more satisfying to kill someone with a single well-placed shot, rather than several bullets.

I just unlocked the suppressor for the SV98. Sounds so awesome, but it's like shooting a bow and arrow for long range! I think I'll continue using it when I run 4X scope though.


AppleSmack said:
All the pros seem to be hanging out at the GAF server these days. Server is easily the toughest one out of any I played before.

It's a shame that I dislike the way the GAF server is setup, thus I never play on it D:

If the 32 player rush server ever goes online I'll play on that one, though.

My stats are pretty bad lol.



KorrZ said:
Loving the Jets ever since I got my heatseeker missiles. Took me hours to finally unlock them and now since getting them I've already unlocked all the way up to the Rocket Pods in about half the time. I hope the buffs they get are to make them more useful to the ground combat though, because it starts to get boring waiting for the same 2 enemy jets to respawn over and over, or the occasional heli.

You're gonna be disappointed.

Some jet impressions:

- One air to ground missile does about a quarter damage to any ground vehicle. When you factor in how difficult it is to get a shot off (in itself), and then with jets, stingers, and javelins on your ass, the least it should do is disable a vehicle in one go. I find the cannon usually does a better job (if about 80% of your bullets hit before gun heat, you'll disable a tank).

- Beam scanning, although great, seriously hampers your ability to make a meaningful impact in a round, since you have to replace radar in order to use it. Radar is pretty much a necessity to view all ground, and air vehicles in your immediate, and medium distance vicinity. It doesn't help that nobody in the games I'm in ever seems to spot shit for me. Honestly, you can forget about dog fighting without radar, as soon as you unlock it, you'll see what I mean.

- I very rarely get taken out in the air. If a missile is on me, flares do the trick. It can get dicey if there's another locked on with flares on cooldown, in which case, you need to trigger your afterburners, and run. A second set of flares are usually ready just as you're about to get hit.

- I haven't had much success with rockets. I still prefer the cannon for the strafing pass.


Rahk said:
I've put down several SOFLAMs but it appears there are either not enough engineers with those weapons, or they just don't pay attention.
Did you tell your team you are doing it? I had that problem with tracer darts in BC2, but after I told my team to be on the lookout for them, I started getting credit for doing it.
samus4ever said:
I have no regard for my life when it comes to capturing objectives.
The way it's meant to be played.
AppleSmack said:
Its Battlefield. I find that the games I do the best in is when my KD is below 1. Also, this is mine:

I'm glad I'm not the only one. My best games I go like 2-6 but have mad points from ammo resupply or vehicle disables.

I enjoy this game so much more when I avoid looking at my stats page :)


Has DICE even addressed the spawn issue in TDM? I just went 5-16 because 12 of them in a row I was spawn killed. I did not get to move more than a foot before I was dropped by someone watching that spawn spot.

The fact you can't spawn on your squad mates, the spots are the worst I've seen in a game EVER, AND there's no spawn protection is just laughable that it never came up in testing for them to fix some or all of those things.
How do the mortars work exactly? I'm working on leveling up my support stats right now. I feel they would work well in rush when you are attacking.
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