kingschiebi said:Just finished it on hard and the biggest problems are that enemies sometimes hit you through walls (even had a rpg go through a mountain one) and that you are sometimes shot directly after an ingame cutscene and die instantly (happened on at least 3 occasions for me).
Pairing that with bugs that make the screen go white (ps3 version here) pretty much makes the campaign the most unenjoyable sp experience i had this year.
Even duke nukem forever seemed better in hindsight.
I didn't experience that level of pointless frustration with CoD on veteran, although MW2 comes close on some occasions.
The worst thing about the "taking it slow" approach is the fact that it felt like missing out on the game. Instead of having cool gunplay, i would sum up that the game consists of 60% "stare at the wall", 30% "press x to not die" and maybe 10% remotely resembling something like having a strategy.
It also is a pretty good indicator for bad pacing if you can breeze through the levels until you get to the next "breach through enemy defenses" section where you will die again and again until you get lucky.
One section in particular made me rage quit yesterday. You are supposed to chase a guy and if you don't run, it is game over. However, there are people shooting at you at a crossing and with 2-3 hits being deadly, you will die just running through. I died trying to just run, died trying to take cover, died trying to shoot back....
Eventually I got through by just running, but it was completely random and had no relevance to skill at all.
NIN90 said:Just today my soldier screamed "Take a load of this you MOTHERFUCKER!" when I revived someone. With a russian accent.
RibbedHero said:So, now that we've played the full game, what's everyone's favourite and/or most played class?
Personally I love support due to awesome M249 and the prospect of the mortars.
Although I have spent the most time in Medic, I am really loving support! The M249 is quickly becoming my favorite weapon. I cannot wait to get and tryout the mortarRibbedHero said:So, now that we've played the full game, what's everyone's favourite and/or most played class?
RibbedHero said:So, now that we've played the full game, what's everyone's favourite and/or most played class?
Personally I love support due to awesome M249 and the prospect of the mortars.
FStop7 said:Engineer is fun to play but way op. Seems like every game is 70/30 engineers vs. every other kit combined. There needs to be some kind of rebalance to make the other kits more appealing. An engineer can singlehandedly take down light/heavy armor, jeeps, aircraft, plus do repairs, plus with the SCAR-H they do just fine as an assault class.
Change them from inverted. That said, I could fly helicopters in BC2 no problem, even with the controls set to normal, I still find them hard to fly.TCRS said:Why does Dice have to mess with the helicopter controls on the 360? The BC1 controls were perfect, the BC2 were okayish after I got used to them (a year after release), the BF3 controls are a catastrophe!!
It goes right when press left, and up when I press down. WTF?
Kylehimself said:Change them from inverted. That said, I could fly helicopters in BC2 no problem, even with the controls set to normal, I still find them hard to fly.
MNC said:So now that the game has been released:
Is this a true battlefield? A true sequel?
Was it worth the hype?
Or is it like "Eh, I'll probably go back to BC2 in a bit"
MNC said:So now that the game has been released:
Is this a true battlefield? A true sequel?
Was it worth the hype?
Or is it like "Eh, I'll probably go back to BC2 in a bit"
Rahk said:Recently I've been using the 4x scope, but the 7x scope worked just as well. It's just your preference. I typically just find some cover from a distance where I can scan the objective for enemies from a distance and if I see any I'll take them out before moving on. Once they are gone or if I don't find anyone there, I'll run to it and find a safe place to go prone or hide while capping it. I usually take out my pistol since I'll typically be inside a building or somewhere without a large viewable distance, and if I'm in a decent spot I can take them out with the pistol since I see them first.
With a 7x scope usually run from cover to cover mostly with a pistol and just use the rifle for people who have yet to see me or if I am at a safe distance. I try not to stay in one spot for too long. Pistols are great, so don't be worried about using them. You have a better chance of surviving if you run into anyone at close range while holding one. About 1/4 of my kills are with a pistol.
But what works for me might not work for others. Also, it might not work as well if you're not in a squad that sticks together since I also have backup.
It's BC3.MNC said:So now that the game has been released:
Is this a true battlefield? A true sequel?"
MNC said:So now that the game has been released:
Is this a true battlefield? A true sequel?
Was it worth the hype?
Or is it like "Eh, I'll probably go back to BC2 in a bit"
I could of swore I changed them. I haven't given them a go really after I realised how different it was, so maybe I'm just dreaming.TCRS said:Believe it or not: there is no option to invert the axes! Dice, in all its wisdom, decided not to include this standard option.
What would it need in your opinion to be BF3?Stallion Free said:It's BC3.
MNC said:What would it need in your opinion to be BF3?
A full set of maps designed around 64 players, maps as good as BF2s.MNC said:What would it need in your opinion to be BF3?
Stallion Free said:A full set of maps designed around 64 players, maps as good as BF2s.
MNC said:So now that the game has been released:
Is this a true battlefield? A true sequel?
Was it worth the hype?
Or is it like "Eh, I'll probably go back to BC2 in a bit"
Orlandu84 said:Although I have spent the most time in Medic, I am really loving support! The M249 is quickly becoming my favorite weapon. I cannot wait to get and tryout the mortar![]()
Salacious Crumb said:I don't think dice could've done anything to quell the "it's just BC3" talk, short of taking Rush out completely and not releasing it on consoles.
Bluth54 said:People have found a couple of hints that Valve and EA may of worked out their differences and will be bringing Battlefield 3 to Steam.
First off is this Sapphire contest, where the prize is a steam code for Battlefield 3:
"One (1) PC Game code for Battlefield 3, redeemable for the game on Steam ( with a Suggested Retail Price of $USD 59.99"
Also someone on the Steam forums found that the PBSetup.exe file, used to install Punk Buster for Battlefield Installs, was updated with a couple of interesting install directories:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Battlefield 3\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\battlefield 3\
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\battlefield 3\
C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Battlefield 3\
Another user confirms it.
I had my doubts that EA and Valve would be able to work something out but it's looking more and more like they were able to.
derFeef said:I don't think the maps are the problem, there are some very good ones. The goddamn full squad spawn is what takes out the most fun for me.
Meus Renaissance said:Game sucks playing without friends especially when you come across a team with squads that actually work together. Domination
pix said:Not sure if posted.
pix said:Not sure if posted.
Rad- said:It's not just maps. BF3 is very streamlined compared to BF2. In some ways for the better but in many ways not...
Wait, so 64 players on maps like the current Damavand/Metro/Bazaar setups are what we should be ok with going forwards?Arnie said:The people who just want 64 player maps the size of Caspian are the same people who genuinely think the 8 class setup of BF2 is superior to what we have now in BF3. And in that respect I'm very glad they haven't hamstrung this game and stopped it from becoming what it is.