it's dead for me now. It was fine a few minutes agoMarshMellow96 said:Have the 360 servers just, well, died for anyone else?
it's dead for me now. It was fine a few minutes agoMarshMellow96 said:Have the 360 servers just, well, died for anyone else?
A Penguin said:Any tips on C4? I just unlocked them and have no clue what to do with them.
MarshMellow96 said:Have the 360 servers just, well, died for anyone else?
MarshMellow96 said:Have the 360 servers just, well, died for anyone else?
C4 goes great with just about anything. Put them on MCOMS, enemies, friends, vehicles, EOD bots, and collapsible structures. They can also be used to give your chili an extra kick.A Penguin said:Any tips on C4? I just unlocked them and have no clue what to do with them.
Mayyhem said:WTF I wanted to get a few hours in before work. "Failed to connect to EA Online. Please try again."
NOTICE We see that our Xbox 360 players are dropping connectivity. We are investigating this. Stay tuned!
Brainboy said:Just got the connection issues as well. Happened to check Battlelog and it says:
Gui_PT said:The game just came out, give them time.
Oh sorry, this joke only works on the Reach thread. And in this case, the game did really just come out.
Getting the game tomorrow, hope the problems are solved by then(I know they won't be)
Alienshogun said:They will be ironed out eventually, but this game really is fantastic.
The rubberbanding/lag issues need first priority.
Gui_PT said:Sorry for the dumb question but what's rubberbanding? Also, wanna party up this week or are you playing this on the PC?
TCRS said:So, what sound setting should I use with my 2.1 system? hi-fi or TV? And what's War Tapes?
Rubberbanding is when you're running around and it suddenly seems like you're attached to a random wall by a rubber band for a split second. Some maps are worse than others for it.Gui_PT said:Sorry for the dumb question but what's rubberbanding? Also, wanna party up this week or are you playing this on the PC?
Spike6663 said:I would use War Tapes for the campaign but give it a miss on MP; it makes it very hard to pick up enemy footsteps.
Alienshogun said:It's how lag manifests in the game when your character/vehicle snap back to where they were a second or two before as you sprint/fly/swim etc.
WEGGLES said:Rubberbanding is when you're running around and it suddenly seems like you're attached to a random wall by a rubber band for a split second. Some maps are worse than others for it.
Stahsky said:You know those lag issues where things seem to port forwards and backwards and it seems like time is skipping? I think that is what he means by that.
Eclipsis said:Would anyone else be up for a GAF Caspian-only server? I'd put down some change to make that happen.
It causes me to crash my jet too much :-(.Alienshogun said:It's how lag manifests in the game when your character/vehicle snap back to where they were a second or two before as you sprint/fly/swim etc.
In BF3 it happens a lot on tehran highway(I think that's the one), so that's probably a map issue.
It happens to a lesser extent on all servers on all maps, it's quite annoying and can cause you to die a lot, miss shots a lot, and crash your air vehicles a lot.
WEGGLES said:Rubberbanding is when you're running around and it suddenly seems like you're attached to a random wall by a rubber band for a split second. Some maps are worse than others for it.
jaaz said:Man I know the Campaign wasn't all that great, but the carrier mission was so damn good. I had to replay it and video cap the carrier launch. Here's what it looked like on my rig @1080p (Ultra settings):
I haven't had much knifing issues. Actuallly. Once or twice I was right on the dude and didn't get him and died :[zlatko said:Someone in the comments mentions that rubberbanding is also what is causing people to come out of iron sights without you having touched it. I've had both issues, and it's super frustrating.
Also, to all the people who bitched about CoD knifing being 10 feet out, the stab animation in this game can be launched from 20 feet out no problem. Shit has craaaaazy as lock on from afar lol.![]()
WEGGLES said:I have a quit % of 23... why do they track that when they fucking force you to wait for the next round to start before being able to quit. That's lame.
I haven't had much knifing issues. Actuallly. Once or twice I was right on the dude and didn't get him and died :[
You don't really have time to enjoy the pretty graphics in a real dogfight. The campaign is basically a long benchmark for the engine.gibon3z said:That mission looked good but it was just one big long QTE. Hated it.
Here's hoping it's fixed before people REALLY learn to exploit it. Being knifed is jarring but rare... if it becomes super common.... yuckzlatko said:I'm not sure if I've been the victim of a giant lunge, but I know I have done the 20 footers to others. I was chasing a guy and he was too far off and I just hit F at air, then my character teleported forward, his was rooted to the ground and teleported back to play out the animation. I was like WTF ! :O
You could ask EA support but they'll prob just give you a 15% off coupon and disconnect. ahhahahaPaches-EJ- said:Does Origin have a backup game type feature like Steam? I need to do a clean install of Windows to try and solve an issue and I really don't want to redownload that many gigs again.
I remember seeing you could save the installer in the Origin settings if you check itPaches-EJ- said:Does Origin have a backup game type feature like Steam? I need to do a clean install of Windows to try and solve an issue and I really don't want to redownload that many gigs again.
WEGGLES said:You could ask EA support but they'll prob just give you a 15% off coupon and disconnect. ahhahaha
Dina said:All this squad trouble is on the 360, yeah? Cause it works pretty well on the PC.
I just came in here to ask the same ALWAYS have to quit-you can't leave in between rounds...WEGGLES said:I have a quit % of 23... why do they track that when they fucking force you to wait for the next round to start before being able to quit. That's lame.
I haven't had much knifing issues. Actuallly. Once or twice I was right on the dude and didn't get him and died :[
?MikeTyson said:Someone want to tell me the name of the gaf server so I can search for it the proper way in Battlelog? Those numbers in the OT hurt my head.
Marco1 said:I am now done with this game on Xbox360.
This is the first game I have played that feels that it really needs to be on the next gen of consoles.
The graphics, screen tearing and visibility are awful.
Spike6663 said:I would use War Tapes for the campaign but give it a miss on MP; it makes it very hard to pick up enemy footsteps.
Also, can anyone explain to me why DICE continue to have 5.1 OFF by default in their console BF games. They have the best sound design of any FPS out there, yet most people miss out on it if they don't go exploring the menus.