Aim up, do not shoot javelins whilst aiming at the vehicle you just locked onto. I've been managing to kill tanks faster with the javelin than I do with the RPG/SMAW and it provides a different style of game play whilst doing so.Woorloog said:Javelin is underpowered. Considering it can only target ground vehicles, has long lock-on, has only a couple of rockets (4-5 with EXPL) and how slow the rocket is (it is quite easy to dodge), it deals very little damage, barely more than SMAW/RPG7.
Alternatively the issue is that Javelin doesn't hit the tanks top properly, but rather glides and hits its side.
Now i know Engineer is OP ATM but that's due too strong main weapons, not its AT tools but those should work. Just reduce splash from RPG7/SMAW.
If you team up with a SOFLAM recon player it is amazing as you can lock onto anything through objects, ground or air, that has been lased.