I'm hoping that this is some MASSIVE upgrade to the stats servers....tired of the lagred731 said:So you know.
I'm hoping that this is some MASSIVE upgrade to the stats servers....tired of the lagred731 said:So you know.
ErasureAcer said:Just got the game on Tuesday. How long are the servers usually down for?
ErasureAcer said:So like 6am central they're back up?
Cyborg said:Guys,
My psn-id is Bosnian. So i try to login on Battlelog, when I enter my e-mail and password the following message appears: BosniaN already taken.
I dont understand this, how do I need to fix this?
RotBot said:Thermal Optics is like a cheat on the tank. I just finished a round with 51 tank kills and 2 deaths (and 1 EOD bot kill). I can see every enemy head popping out from half a mile away.
I run for the AA tank on any map that its on. I've already gotten all of the unlocks for it. Shooting down choppers and jets is an addiction of mine now.BunnyLifeguard said:It really is.....
Obviously not many have found out. Every game i join on that harbor map nobody seems to care for the Tunguska. YET.
This thing with thermal optics is a fucking monster, 10:0 kills at least guaranteed.
jns said:So ive noticed servers now have 'waiting' slots, this is a great thingPity I can't join because of maintenance .....
ErasureAcer said:Anyhow I really suck at this game, so far. I've been playing TDM and my kills are always 4-6 and death 8-12 just about all the time. Fav maps are Seine and the jungly one. Least is Tehran Highway.
KAOz said:Don't play TDM, that shit is tedious man. Go for Rush or Conquest, and earn shitloads of points.
Kills barely do anything towards gaining ranks. It's all about completing objectives and working as a proper team.
I can promise you, don't worry about the KDR. It will be so much better, and YOU will feel like you're not sucking with all the points you amass.
Cyborg said:Ill stop playing the game if the dont fix two things:
1. lag in the controles
2. squad system
excaliburps said:Yeah, me too. I can take going negative (K/D) in a round but I CANNOT stand losing. Especially when I do my best to resupply, take out tanks, heal, spot, etc. It's like I'm Rambo and other teammates feel like they're in a pillow fight or something.
AngelSoldier said:Begin Rant
I cannot wait, for MW3 to drag a large portion of the "stupid" crowd away from BF3's otherwise amazing MP.
*Disclaimer*: No offense to GAFer's though I'm bound to upset a few.
excaliburps said:Agreed. This is where BF shines. You don't have to be a good killing machine to enjoy playing the game. Be a support or medic and do your part while attacking objectives. I guarantee you'll be in the top 1-3 in the scoreboard even if you only kill 2-3 people. Happened to me a couple of times already.
TDM is still nowhere as good as Rush or CQ. CoD is the TDM best in class in my opinion. But for multiplayer goodness? I have yet to play an FPS that's better than BF...for chaos and versatility.
They've been confirmed to be incoming in the latest patch.
Yeah, VOIP, squad need a patch soon. Especially since CoD is coming around.
What are the chances that DICE/EA releases a free map pack for when MW3 drops?
How do you use it to repair/destroy vehicles? I've used it to arm M-COMs and got the M-COM attacker ribbon multiple times, I just can't get it to whip out that repair arm, and I've tried all the buttons on DS3. Do you have to unlock it or something?1stStrike said:lol are you fucking serious? Really?
The EOD bot can disable enemy vehicles, repair your own, and it can even arm an M-COM - all while keeping you out of danger. Or, you can just use it to scout as it's tiny and easy to hide. There's so many uses for it.
Also - arming the MCOM is how you fucking win in rush. If you're not arming the MCOM, or trying to, while attacking then you're a waste of space on your team.
Black_Stride said:This is me exactly, its funny cuz i used to be a die hard MW kill hoarder i played Domination and HQ exclusively cuz i knew kills would be plentiful. Winning was just an added bonus.
But in battlefield i feel like shit when we lose, i fight my hardest to win, ive got a 1.0 K.D and i couldnt care less, cuz my W/L ratio is close to 2.0.
On pretty much every Rush match i have to tell people the game is called "RUSH" for a reason, too many times ill have a team of bad snipers hanging back when we should be rushing the MCOMs....i dont understand how they expect to win doing this.
When defending i can bare the bad snipers, attacking no...its too much for me.
If MW3 will clear out some of the objective ignore'ers it cant come quickly enough...the few times i get a team/squad of people who play the objective this game is peerless.
bishoptl said:I don't see anything in the patch about the ability to remap the commo rose button. Let's do it, DICE
Kak.efes said:Best pilot, or greatest pilot?
Crazy spotting going on there, he had that entire team on lockdown.
noise36 said:Guys,
On PC how do you change you kit for vehicles? or are unlocks auto applied?
&Divius said:Why won't people spot ;_;
Spot first, shoot later is my motto.
&Divius said:Why won't people spot ;_;
Spot first, shoot later is my motto.
&Divius said:Why won't people spot ;_;
Spot first, shoot later is my motto.
Decarb said:Because spotting is nerfed. People do spot, its just that when you spot someone you have to keep him in your line of sight for other team members to see it. If you lose sight only you can see that yellow triangle bobbing around, and that too for few seconds and then its gone.
Amen.AngelSoldier said:/RANT
I cannot wait, for MW3 to drag a large portion of the "stupid" crowd away from BF3's otherwise amazing MP.
*Disclaimer*: No offense to GAFer's though I'm bound to upset a few.
&Divius said:Why won't people spot ;_;
Spot first, shoot later is my motto.
&Divius said:Why won't people spot ;_;
Spot first, shoot later is my motto.
GhostRidah said:"Can not login to EA online backend" every other server...
RibbedHero said:So, some guy and his clanmates on Reddit took the time to measure the damage values of each gun at 8 different distances. This should hopefully tide us stats guys over until DenKirson can get the in-game values extracted.
SCAR looks overpowered, hence the rumoured upcoming nerf. Dissapointing that almost all ARs look the same damage wise.