Bungieware said:The G3A3 looks head and shoulders above the rest. But you have to play co-op to unlock it. Fucking stupid.
RibbedHero said:So, some guy and his clanmates on Reddit took the time to measure the damage values of each gun at 8 different distances. This should hopefully tide us stats guys over until DenKirson can get the in-game values extracted.
SCAR looks overpowered, hence the rumoured upcoming nerf. Dissapointing that almost all ARs look the same damage wise.
Arnie said:Damn, servers are down.
Get that EOD bot out and fix them DICE.
BunnyLifeguard said:With suppressor and RDS, yummy.
Glad this one is Assault only. so chances are will be at least a few medipacks around....
In my opinion, classes being around:
support > reckon > engineer > assault.
derFeef said:I got this experience (PC).
engineer -> *long time whistle, crickets singing*
I am rocking support now too, with assault thrown in. I stopped playing engineer becuase of the obvious oversaturation.Ryuuga said:I'm with this man, though I've started playing support myself.
derFeef said:I got this experience (PC).
engineer -> *long time whistle, crickets singing*
sturmdogg said:Are the problems you guys seem to have with the game limited to the PC version? I've been playing the game on the PS3 and I haven't had any of the problems you guys seem to be having.
I was responding to the class population, not my preference.BunnyLifeguard said:Really? Inclusive stinger-festival?
I can imagine, though with an engineer on board and flares your Venom can withstand a while, this is no fun then...
sturmdogg said:Are the problems you guys seem to have with the game limited to the PC version? I've been playing the game on the PS3 and I haven't had any of the problems you guys seem to be having.
Cyborg said:I have the PS3 version. And I have some problems. My main problems is the lag in controles. Do you notice it ?
derFeef said:I was responding to the class population, not my preference.
I was lost in translation, I apologize. And no.. it's not fun with engineers running around everywhere, firing rockets and in almost every killscreen with the SCAR. They like my ammo, thoughBunnyLifeguard said:And i was just asking if it is fun on PC with so much engineers around, since on PS3 the amount is decent.
red731 said:If you have anc LCD(what brand?) turn on the GAME MODE!
I don't have problems with controlers.
If you don't use the game mode, don't even reply since my logic can't comprehend people that don't know their TVs![]()
Cyborg said:I do have a game mode......Samsung D8000 46''. But If you turn the game mode on the quality of the image gets worse
Kak.efes said:Best pilot, or greatest pilot?
Crazy spotting going on there, he had that entire team on lockdown.
ruxtpin said:Is it just me or is the starting gun for the engineer class when playing as an American a piece of shit? I've already upgraded the AKS74U (I think that's it) quite a bit but can't seem to get any kills with the allied equivalent.
It's just you.ruxtpin said:Is it just me or is the starting gun for the engineer class when playing as an American a piece of shit? I've already upgraded the AKS74U (I think that's it) quite a bit but can't seem to get any kills with the allied equivalent.
J-Rzez said:So is the M98 a one shot kill in this game most of the time? I'm about to unlock that, hoping it's a good hitting, and great sounding gun. All I know is that SKS is a real PoS. Shoots fast, takes two shots to the head at times to kill an enemy. I need to get the M39 for my CQC-esque role, and hopefully the Barret is a beast for long range.
It's probably old, but I just found out you can use your MAV to disable sniper mobile spawn points today by accident. Funny stuff.
Anton Sugar said:WTF is with people saying this looks worse than BC2 on the consoles?
Game mode is shit. Not only do I not notice an improvement in gameplay with it on, but it makes the picture look like ass.red731 said:If you have anc LCD(what brand?) turn on the GAME MODE!
I don't have problems with controlers.
If you don't use the game mode, don't even reply since my logic can't comprehend people that don't know their TVs![]()
lionelhutz said:- Am I not seeing things correctly, or does each side have their own weapons? I only seem to be able to edit one set of weapons in the My Soldier screen. If they are different, I don't like this. I'm all for having a lot of weapons in the game, but I don't want my selection to be limited based on attack or defend, etc.
Rygar 8 Bit said:auto applied
ruxtpin said:Is it just me or is the starting gun for the engineer class when playing as an American a piece of shit? I've already upgraded the AKS74U (I think that's it) quite a bit but can't seem to get any kills with the allied equivalent.
Also, on the PS3 - Does anyone else get random lag spikes intermittently? I was running around a map last night, near nobody and I felt like I'd go for a second, stop and then start going again.
Cudder said:Game mode is shit. Not only do I not notice an improvement in gameplay with it on, but it makes the picture look like ass.
BattleMonkey said:The factions have unique starting weapons, but everything can be unlocked for everyone and most are universal unlocks.
lionelhutz said:- Is there a way to see how each gun is progressing? In BFBC2 I was able to check in game the status on each weapon and know how many kills I have with each weapon. Unlocks also seem to be slower.
AEREC said:That was insane...is he using a mouse (going by the button prompts at the beginning)?
Also is there anyway to turn sensitivity up on the mouse while in vehicles only? It feels like they basically cut the sensitivity in half when you get in a vehicle or jet.
Seriously. It's mute land out there. After a few matches i found some people who had mics and we split into two squads and ran riot, as we could actually communicate. Do not know why people are not using their mics on the 360.lionelhutz said:Use microphones on the 360. Having a squad that dosen't talk is annoying.
Anton Sugar said:Also, looks like there is a "rhythm" to using pistols? Not sure if I like this.
Dabanton said:Seriously. It's mute land out there. After a few matches i found some people who had mics and we split into two squads and ran riot, as we could actually communicate. Do not know why people are not using their mics on the 360.
BattleMonkey said:Not a rhythm, just a delay between shots stopping people from basically tapping the fire button fast to create a mini sub machine gun that you can do in other games. It's like people cheesing out the guns in Time Crisis![]()