Been stable all day for me.Phanatic8390 said:Is it just me or has this been crashing all day today?
I haven't been able to stay in a server after map change at all and I've never had this problem before
Been stable all day for me.Phanatic8390 said:Is it just me or has this been crashing all day today?
I haven't been able to stay in a server after map change at all and I've never had this problem before
Strummerjones said:Yeah, I ranked up the scout helicopters at a ridiculous pace due to people not knowing how to use/counter them on rush games, but attack helicopters are generally less common in that game mode. I was also cheered to find seat switching still works in this game, which means I can have an excellent pilot AND gunner if I want!
Has anyone unlocked the TV missiles yet? I hope they're one hit kills like BF2s - I can't see them being worthwhile otherwise. They better be after the ridiculous number of points you have to get to unlock them (almost there now).
mcrae said:34% damage i believe
UFRA said:Yes please. People have been saying this since BFBC/2.
I don't know what makes them think it's a good idea to force people to load the entire next round...annoying.
The Faceless Master said:that's what people said about BC1
that's what people said about 1943
that's what people said about BC2
and now people are saying it about BF3
still no DICE
Gui_PT said:Wait... The feature's not there intentionally?
What is silly is that you don't load the next map during the stats screen. Basically just 40 seconds of wasted time. Even bc2 did that.Gui_PT said:Wait... The feature's not there intentionally?
i can only assume that it's intentional as nobody from DICE will comment on it, but they have been asked about it for what, 4 years now?Gui_PT said:Wait... The feature's not there intentionally?
probably because if you die, your mine counter gets reset but the mines stay.vidal said:There are sometimes way too many mines...
The Faceless Master said:probably because if you die, your mine counter gets reset but the mines stay.
Stallion Free said:When you have a rocket launcher out and you turn around and there is a dude there, what else are you suppose to do? It kind of breaks the illusion when they are still standing.
Labeling it as a douchebag move is really unfair.
Trickster said:Maybe people tend to forget they wanted to quit when the next round begins?
yeah it makes no sense lol
Kylehimself said:Can anybody explain the helicopter weapons to me then?
no.mcrae said:you can still only have 6 at a time per engineer
Cheers mate. loads of help. Now I can give them a good go.Strummerjones said:Attack Helicopters
Unguided rockets - All you have to begin with. They are very weak and need practice to aim correctly. A full salvo (i.e. fire to you have to reload) will disable a tank, it won't kill it. You can also kill infantry with rockets, but it needs again almost a full salvo on a tiny target. Concentrate on using them on vehicles and get your gunner to take out infantry (unless they are incompetent/you don't have one, which is most of the time)
Heatseeking Air to Air Missiles - The first unlock weapon. I don't think it's made clear these are actually air to air missiles in the game, but they are. You can fire two at once, and two hits is roughly enough to disable any aircraft. Has a longish lock on time affected by other vehicle's equipment. Fire one shot to get them to drop flares, then wait for a second lock to do damage.
Chaingun - Initial weapon. Does loads of damage and is great against pretty much anything. Excellent against infantry in particular, and with the long range optics unlock you can snipe an insane distance with it. if your pilot is going against a tank, pour this on them and if all goes well you'll get a straight kill instead of a mere vehicle disable. Don't forget to reload after a kill so you don't see a new target only to have 2 bullets loaded.
Air to Ground missiles - Mid level unlock. Works the same as the AA missiles with long lock on time etc, but only fires against ground vehicles. Can only fire one missile at a time and has less range lock-on wise than the chaingun. It does roughly enough damage to disable a tank with one shot, so combine with chaingun for Massive Damage. Tank smoke can throw off the lock. Can be locked on and fired (and will hit!) even if the chopper is not facing the target.
TV Missiles - Late game unlock. Not got these yet, but presumably they are like BF2's where the gunner must hand guide them to the target, thus avoiding any countermeasure such as smoke etc. Presumably also very high damage.
Scout Helicopters
Has unlocks for AA missiles and AGM as with attack helicopters, only you start off with:
Miniguns - Extremely powerful guns with long range (although accuracy falls apart past medium range). Movement affects where the bullets will go, so use the second floating gunsight to see where to aim (it's a bit more complicated than that, but practice makes perfect). Absolutely murders infantry and light vehicles (and enemy choppers), but is very weak against armoured targets. Don't be fooled by them taking damage, it takes AGES to kill a tank, and you will almost certainly get shot down by their gunner for pissing them off. If you must shoot at armour, miniguns are best used to push tanks already damaged by infantry over the edge into oblivion.
Transport helicopters also have door mounted miniguns, but they behave totally differently. They're completely useless at anything but close range, where they are deadly and rip up infanrty and light vehicles. They do nothing to armour at all, but they can be a very nasty surprise against enemy helicopters if they aren't paying attention and stray too close.
Haha. Oh wow.The Faceless Master said:the problem is when you put out new mines after you respawn, the old ones from the previous life don't disappear.
so you can now put out up to 6 more.
and if you die again? you can put out up to 6 more more.
i tested this and i've had out 20+ mines before.
They already fixed the ability to rocket spam by making the free fire rockets take ages to reload and relatively inaccurate.Anton Sugar said:I don't mind breaking the illusion if it means eliminating rocket spam for infantry kills.
If you're on PC, you just press 2 (which of course, means going back to frag mortars is assigned to 1). Not sure about 360/PS3.PoweredBySoy said:So how do you launch these mysterious smoke rounds from the mortar?
The Faceless Master said:no.
you can put 6 out as long as you're alive.
when you die, whatever mines you have out stay out.
that all works as intended.
here's the part where there's a bug...
the problem is when you put out new mines after you respawn, the old ones from the previous life don't disappear.
so you can now put out up to 6 more.
and if you die again? you can put out up to 6 more more.
i tested this and i've had out 20+ mines before.
The Faceless Master said:SOFLAM + Guided Shells = best troll?
Patrick Bateman said:Laser and Tac Lights must be the most stupid things in a FPS-MP ever.
It's of no use except to annoy your enemy.
they're just there to prevent air rape on the jet/chopper spawnsDarthWoo said:Still haven't seen any responses. Has anyone figured out the stationary AA guns? (Centurion and Pantsir-S1) I feel like I can only get hits if the enemy is flying directly at me or at very close range otherwise. They feel like they have nowhere near the range of the VADS and Zu-23-2.
Do the ones after you die still count? Can you get a kill?GJS said:Yea I just went to take a screenshot of this, you can lay as many mines as you like if you keep dying.
compare the reticule size with it on and off, that's an easy way to tell.Binabik15 said:Quick questions: Laser Sight.
The descripitve text says that it makes hip-firing more accurate, does that mean that it helps you to fire without iron sights (which worked ridiculously well with the PP2000 int the beta) does it actually change spread or whatever you´d call it when you hip fire?
yes.7x sight:
The weapon description page sas that you can steady it with the sprint button. The sniper rifles have the 7x sight as standard, right? Does steadying work for them as well? I haven´t touched recon since the beta.
yes. yes.Ballistics said:Do the ones after you die still count? Can you get a kill?
D23 said:lmao, they are so going to patch that mine thing!
RbBrdMan said:Good it will finally get engineers back to repairing, maybe.
The Faceless Master said:they're just there to prevent air rape on the jet/chopper spawns
Patrick Bateman said:Laser and Tac Lights must be the most stupid things in a FPS-MP ever.
It's of no use except to annoy your enemy.
AngelSoldier said:Why do they only give you 3 stingers ? On the consoles, here's how it usually works.
Enemy Helo is circling your MCOM's lock and fire first stinger, flares pop, second stinger hits but seemingly does nothing but make the chopper smoke, by the time 3rd stinger can be fired, flares pop, and you got no stinger ammo left.
Can someone explain to me what the point of the flash suppressor is if you show up on the map when your fire anyway?
AngelSoldier said:Why do they only give you 3 stingers ? On the consoles, here's how it usually works.
Enemy Helo is circling your MCOM's lock and fire first stinger, flares pop, second stinger hits but seemingly does nothing but make the chopper smoke, by the time 3rd stinger can be fired, flares pop, and you got no stinger ammo left.
TheSeks said:You and your team are supposed to take the bird down together. Stinger fire #1-er launches flares. Everyone else fires after flare pops. Bird gets disabled/killed when a second/third rocket hits it.
Same as the tanks being disabled. DICE made "disabled" to make engineers have to work together. It's intended by design.
It's not a suppressor. It's meant to hide your "flash" from people in close-quarters or sniping distances. The mini-map will still show you because it doesn't suppress sound like the non-flash suppressor does.
AngelSoldier said:AHAHAHA. "Team work" ... on the consoles ? You are crazy.
The one on the carrier on Canals is also great at spotting, blowing up jeeps and AVs that come close to the waterfront and woundin, sometimes even killing soldiers all over the map. It might not give you a ton of kills, but seeing them getting desperate and firing their tiny rifles at you while you make them run for cover like insects is hilarious.The Faceless Master said:they're just there to prevent air rape on the jet/chopper spawns
D23 said:lmao, they are so going to patch that mine thing!
JoeMartin said:If anything there should just be a limit on how many can be deployed at a time.