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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Gui_PT said:
If you're not playing against idiots, they'll move somewhere else after getting a few kills.

The camping is horrible and needs to be countered. Since camping is a "legitimate strategy"(for no skilled losers) at least that scope helps a little bit.

It's everywhere. In every map. In every game mode. Every match. Throughout the entire match.

Horrible. Not debatable.

What do you define as camping though? I love when people say I am camping when I stay around a cap point in conquest to defend it. Or in rush when someone yells camping when the the team defending sticks around a mcom


Spl1nter said:
If they are moving around then they are not camping. They are being smart and using strategy and proper tactics. You deal with these issues by rolling with a squad. You dont bunch up into a line formation.

No. It's camping and it's horrible.

And I edited my post a bit because my english is blergh sometimes. Sorry about that.

Snkfanatic said:
What do you define as camping though? I love when people say I am camping when I stay around a cap point in conquest to defend it. Or in rush when someone yells camping when the the team defending sticks around a mcom

Camping in certain spots, not going for the objective or even trying to help the team. Just camping for the sake of having a high k/d ratio.
Spl1nter said:
If they are moving around then they are not camping. They are being smart and using strategy and proper tactics. You deal with these issues by rolling with a squad. You dont bunch up into a line formation.

I think a lot of people mistakenly think that if their killcam shows someone as prone when they kill them, it's "camping".

You don't win rounds by camping, you win them by taking objectives...which, for some ca-razy reason, seems to happen a lot during the game!

Keasar said:
Is it just me, or are guided missiles on jetplanes craptacular? Out of 10 tries, maybe 2-3 grants me a disabled veichle, 1 occasionally gives me a kill. It is just too easy for tanks to go "Oh, you are locking? Smoke lol" and then drive a little lazily to the side. Ive tried taking them from behind, try divebombing for weak spot on the top, side, infront etc etc. Is there a SPECIAL way DICE intended these? Cause it cant be just with the Soflam, a friend tried placing one of those several times and everytime someone spots that giant red laser bulb of "I AM OVER HERE!", they just shoot it down.

Wish I had that kind of luck. I get fucked UP by good pilots using guided missiles.


Keasar said:
Is it just me, or are guided missiles on jetplanes craptacular? Out of 10 tries, maybe 2-3 grants me a disabled veichle, 1 occasionally gives me a kill. It is just too easy for tanks to go "Oh, you are locking? Smoke lol" and then drive a little lazily to the side. Ive tried taking them from behind, try divebombing for weak spot on the top, side, infront etc etc. Is there a SPECIAL way DICE intended these? Cause it cant be just with the Soflam, a friend tried placing one of those several times and everytime someone spots that giant red laser bulb of "I AM OVER HERE!", they just shoot it down.

Use beamscanning. Decreases the look on time. After you drop your guided boom go in for a strafing run with your guns. Always try to attack from the rear as you do a lot more damage to the back of tanks.
Snkfanatic said:
What do you define as camping though? I love when people say I am camping when I stay around a cap point in conquest to defend it. Or in rush when someone yells camping when the the team defending sticks around a mcom

Those guys that just sit around random fucking corners with no objective in sight, Call of Duty style, waiting for people so they can rush out and 'gotcha' like some lame camping ass-spider that hides underneath the toilet bowl waiting to bite your ass.


Keasar said:
Is it just me, or are guided missiles on jetplanes craptacular? Out of 10 tries, maybe 2-3 grants me a disabled veichle, 1 occasionally gives me a kill. It is just too easy for tanks to go "Oh, you are locking? Smoke lol" and then drive a little lazily to the side. Ive tried taking them from behind, try divebombing for weak spot on the top, side, infront etc etc. Is there a SPECIAL way DICE intended these? Cause it cant be just with the Soflam, a friend tried placing one of those several times and everytime someone spots that giant red laser bulb of "I AM OVER HERE!", they just shoot it down.

They do a consistent 34% damage on tanks, with a damage bonus from laser designation. Use Beam Scanning, so that you can get a quick lock. Strafing with your MG after you launch the missile can grant you a disable on the first pass, and you can finish the tank off with your second pass.


Keasar said:
Is it just me, or are guided missiles on jetplanes craptacular? Out of 10 tries, maybe 2-3 grants me a disabled veichle, 1 occasionally gives me a kill. It is just too easy for tanks to go "Oh, you are locking? Smoke lol" and then drive a little lazily to the side. Ive tried taking them from behind, try divebombing for weak spot on the top, side, infront etc etc. Is there a SPECIAL way DICE intended these? Cause it cant be just with the Soflam, a friend tried placing one of those several times and everytime someone spots that giant red laser bulb of "I AM OVER HERE!", they just shoot it down.
Unlock Beam Scanning. It locks on targets faster, typically faster than smokes. With the guided missile and beam scanning, you're still not going to disable vehicles left and right but they'll certainly hit their targets and grant you more assists.


If you are flying I would recommend rockets instead of the guided missile. The rockets allow you to have stealth on instead which I find really useful. You can also disable a vehicles in one pass with the rockets.



Yes, I gave MP another shot. I was much better. My skill stands ata fearsome 18 now. 17 vehicles detroyed, 8 assists. Found a nice little 16 players server with Frenchies, maybe thats why I wasn´t destroyed as hard as before. Even had a 2.0 k/d ratio once and my twam won every round but one? from 9 games. Canals had an EPIC comeback from 26 to 260 tickets and WE WON, MOFUCKAS. Okay, I sat in the AA gun on the carrier most of the round, otherwise all my deads would made us lose, I bet. That thing is so awesome, spotting everything and even killing light tanks.

Just became MVP on Caspian the round before the last, got the last kill in that round as well: stabbing a sniper attacking the antenna and grabbing his dogtag when the screen turned white. Total Battlefield Moment. Unlocked tons of stuff. Scar is is a beast and I haven´t even gotten around to equip the reflex sight I unlocked, because I was always spawing right in to blow someone up. Tanks are GODLIKE, zomg, so much better than BC2.

Alt-tabbed out of the game AFTER the round AFTER the MVP game. Now it says I got disconnected from the server. Battlelog says about the two last games:

Battle Report no longer available

Could not find the Battle Report in the Statistics engine


On the other hand, I DO have the MVP ribbon. So it saved my stats? Because those games were awesome.

PS: Unlocked a lot of tank stuff today, but how do I use it? LMG and smokes I know how to use, but where do I euqip the optics?

Edit: Wow, 24666 engi points. That´s a sign. I have to play until I get the cwute widdle wobot.


Yeah I have beamscanning for that purpose, but still then I dont really like it. The rocketpods are then alot more reliable as they pretty much gauranteed disables a veichle on a volley, that isnt hard to aim and those can be used to also strafe infantry or helicopters. A guided missile feels alot more high risk with less pay and less usability on targets.


Binabik15 said:
PS: Unlocked a lot of tank stuff today, but how do I use it? LMG and smokes I know how to use, but where do I euqip the optics?

In the customization window, there are tabs for the air and ground vehicles.


Baller said:
Is there any way to limit/lock the FPS in the PC version? If I can't have consistent 60 then I want consistent 30. Please advise...

ive never understood this, im assuming it has something to do with the human eye? but lets say youre only capable of having 45 stable fps... why not lock it at 45 instead of 30?

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Man I get that the Carl Gustav was OP in BC2, but why the fuck does shooting a rocket directly at someone's feet take less than 50% health?
Has DICE mentioned anything about fixing the scoreboard bug (in which the scoreboard will only show one player on the opposing team)? There are so many little bugs and glitches in this game, but I can't wait until they're completely fixed. Because although the game can be a frustrating mess most of the time, it's punctuated by moments of brilliance.

In addition, I have to wonder about some of the design decisions for this game. Why, for example, does a flashlight do absolutely nothing to someone using a heat scope? It may not be realistic for it to blind them, but it makes perfect sense within the context of a videogame. Have your scope be temporarily blinded by the flashlight. Have it do anything.
How do heat seekers in helicopters work? My mate is designating tanks but I don't know how to shoot at them with the heat seeker. (360)

Edit: Do my normal rockets seek if designate?


Arment said:
In the customization window, there are tabs for the air and ground vehicles.

I´ll have to look for that.

They should have it like this, IMO: when you choose your equipment in the "spawn on point X" menu, you can double click on the gun to bring up the customisation menu. Or does that already work o_O? Never tried it, hardly got kills with guns until I unlocked the Scar.

I liked how fast the rockets could kill in the beta, they reduced their splash radius and/or damage, didn´t they?

I´m actually liking Conquest in this game, that´s a surprise, I was pretty much Rush exclusive in BC2. So easy to get thousands of points with small teams and lots of flags to capture. And you can get into pretty much every vehicle, since they respwan so fast. That´ll change on higher player servers, but I really like the more slow paced games with a few dudes on each side. I don´t even know the maps, I don´t need five lvl 40 guys ambushing me at every corner.

Perfomance wise I´m pretty impressed, now that I know that the second 6950 always turns itself off when the pc is started and crossfire needs to be enabled each time. Never got below 60 fps with everything on ultra and 4xmsaa, except when I was in an attack heli on Caspian, there it dipped down to 48 fps. Weird, in the jet I had 60 all the time. In the beta I had 40 on average on Caspian.

PS: Now I´ve got a machine gun Wall-E.


Stallion Free said:
Man I get that the Carl Gustav was OP in BC2, but why the fuck does shooting a rocket directly at someone's feet take less than 50% health?

because its a proper battlefield game.


Anyone on PS3 interested in doing a marathon session of the co-op first mission on Easy to unlock all the guns? I need like 220k more pts.

I was doing 11k per run and it was super easy. Got the whole thing down pat.
My sanity is slowly eroding due to my love of helicopters in this game. I understand that I have to wait my turn and can't expect to always get a go in one of the most powerful vehicles in the game, but playing for over an hour across several servers and watching endless morons take off without a gunner and either immedately crash or get otherwise wiped out in second to silly things soon stopped being funny and caused me to grind my teeth.

Then I finally get gunner duty on a 64 player server. Excellent, I usually have to fly due to seemingly everyone else being suicidally fucking terrible at it, so I don't often get to use my near full complement of chopper unlocks to devastating use. We take off. He immediately tries to do what I can only guess was meant to be a barrel roll and crashes us into the ground. "JUST WONDERED IF IT WAS LIKE BF2 LOL", he types as the fireball fills the screen. ALT+F4 ALT+F4 ALT+F4.

Fuck this shit.

Ditto also the useless cretins who lurk around to get the gunner's seat but think that when you're slowly circling an area full of people running around and explosions going off that this means to stare inertly into space, or if you're lucky maybe shoot at a plane 90 degress to the immedate left on opposite side of the entire map.
Spl1nter said:
because its a proper battlefield game.

This. I've had the same thing happen and get frustrated for a second...but then I think, "Anton, you were trying to get a close quarters kill with a rocket. Stop being a douchebag."


Spl1nter said:
If you are flying I would recommend rockets instead of the guided missile. The rockets allow you to have stealth on instead which I find really useful. You can also disable a vehicles in one pass with the rockets.

Jet's are still pretty useless even with all the unlocks. The lack of bombs is the main problem. With the two seater jets gone, it's impossible for jets to have any real effect on the ground. The guided missiles were meant to supplement bombs like BF2 to allow the guy in the rear seat to finish off tank. By themselves the usually disable a vehicle in the best case, which in the ends leads to no kills anyway.

This leads to jets just dogfighting all day not giving a crap about what happens in the rest of the game. Why should they when the only kills they can expect to get are other air vehicles when all air to ground weapons have been nerfed so much.
What the hell is going on with the spawn points in TDM? The match begins and I'm immediately facing the enemy one feet away. I thought he was my team mate but he blasted me away the second the match started. How the fuck is that possible?
Anyone on PS3 interested in doing a marathon session of the co-op first mission on Easy to unlock all the guns? I need like 220k more pts.

I was doing 11k per run and it was super easy. Got the whole thing down pat.

I haven't even tried the co-op yet, but I could shoot dudes :p.
Reposting for new page:

Hey guys, since it's apparent that DICE does look at Get Satisfaction suggestions, I really think we should take advantage of this and get support for some of these ideas (currently, some of the most popular on the site). Please go to these and "like" the idea in order to get the attention of DICE. Unlike a petition or random forum post, this site actually IS looked at by DICE, so it's the best place to contribute.

Note: you may want to make sure you disable the "follow" function, which auto-enables when you like a topic, or you'll get a lot of emails.

Customize Weapon Loadouts Directly from Battlelog
New In-Game UI
When dead, give us options/squad/weapons/classes menu earlier instead of showing deathcam only
In-game ping on scoreboard
6 man squads, Commanders, full detailed map view and squad orders!
Ability to quit after a round has completed
End of round chat
Make chat window smaller or resizable
Practice mode/free roam

And two of my own:

Flashlight brightness based on HDR lighting OR indoor/outdoor location
Improving Party & Join as Party functionality
Strummerjones said:
My sanity is slowly eroding due to my love of helicopters in this game. I understand that I have to wait my turn and can't expect to always get a go in one of the most powerful vehicles in the game, but playing for over an hour across several servers and watching endless morons take off without a gunner and either immedately crash or get otherwise wiped out in second to silly things soon stopped being funny and caused me to grind my teeth.

Then I finally get gunner duty on a 64 player server. Excellent, I usually have to fly due to seemingly everyone else being suicidally fucking terrible at it, so I don't often get to use my near full complement of chopper unlocks to devastating use. We take off. He immediately tries to do what I can only guess was meant to be a barrel roll and crashes us into the ground. "JUST WONDERED IF IT WAS LIKE BF2 LOL", he types as the fireball fills the screen. ALT+F4 ALT+F4 ALT+F4.

Fuck this shit.

Ditto also the useless cretins who lurk around to get the gunner's seat but think that when you're slowly circling an area full of people running around and explosions going off that this means to stare inertly into space, or if you're lucky maybe shoot at a plane 90 degress to the immedate left on opposite side of the entire map.

Basically all of my chopper and jet unlocks have come from Rush servers. I've found it far easier to get access to them there, and I don't immediately get shot down/raped/unsupported by my own team.


BoobPhysics101 said:
Those guys that just sit around random fucking corners with no objective in sight, Call of Duty style, waiting for people so they can rush out and 'gotcha' like some lame camping ass-spider that hides underneath the toilet bowl waiting to bite your ass.

considering they're not by any objectives and they kill you, doesn't that mean you're not by any objectives? i'm assuming you're trying to get to an objective, so, in effect, by killing you, aren't they defending the objective? not to mention draining tickets for every person they kill

sounds like you just need to slow down, check corners, and be ready to shoot


sp3000 said:
Jet's are still pretty useless even with all the unlocks. The lack of bombs is the main problem. With the two seater jets gone, it's impossible for jets to have any real effect on the ground. The guided missiles were meant to supplement bombs like BF2 to allow the guy in the rear seat to finish off tank. By themselves the usually disable a vehicle in the best case, which in the ends leads to no kills anyway.

This leads to jets just dogfighting all day not giving a crap about what happens in the rest of the game. Why should they when the only kills they can expect to get are other air vehicles when all air to ground weapons have been nerfed so much.

The one time I got into a chopper (and didn´t crash and burn, totally unlike the two jets I tried...) I was rammed and destroyed by a jet. Ergo they´re overpowered D:

Btw, when can you quit during a game and still get your points, if at all. Ribbons are awarded at the end only?
squidyj said:
Is that round quitting thing for console? because I can already quit matches between rounds by pressing escape on PC.

I like 6 man squads but not commander so it'd be nice to yknow, keep that shit separated.

Yeah, wish that one had separated the ideas, but it's one of the most popular, so at least it's gotten their attention. Most of the ones in that post are pipe dreams.


Can anyone recommend a couple HD YouTube videos of good players that showcase the majority of the contents of this game?

I'm still considering if I want to buy it. Console vids preferably.


Gui_PT said:
Consoles really need a feature to quit in the post game report.

Yes please. People have been saying this since BFBC/2.

I don't know what makes them think it's a good idea to force people to load the entire next round...annoying.


Spl1nter said:
I always have bf3.exe stop working the first time I try to launch the game. Probably something that requires a client patch.
I dont have this problem anymore since I checked the box "run as administrator"


sp3000 said:
Jet's are still pretty useless even with all the unlocks. The lack of bombs is the main problem. With the two seater jets gone, it's impossible for jets to have any real effect on the ground. The guided missiles were meant to supplement bombs like BF2 to allow the guy in the rear seat to finish off tank. By themselves the usually disable a vehicle in the best case, which in the ends leads to no kills anyway.

This leads to jets just dogfighting all day not giving a crap about what happens in the rest of the game. Why should they when the only kills they can expect to get are other air vehicles when all air to ground weapons have been nerfed so much.

How to fix air gameplay:

1. Increase base jet spawn timer
2. Make afterburners like bf2 (limited amount that recharges)
3. Heavy nerf on mobile AA main cannon (includes base AA which simply is broken on some maps, Canals, Kharg)
4. Single AA rocket does 40 damage (doesnt disable)

What this does, more skill and tactics in dogfighting and reward for dominating the air by being granted more time for air superiority. Makes jets more durable. This will help helis as well as there main issues are the AA cannon and AA rocket damage as well.
Is it just me or has this been crashing all day today?

I haven't been able to stay in a server after map change at all and I've never had this problem before

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Anton Sugar said:
This. I've had the same thing happen and get frustrated for a second...but then I think, "Anton, you were trying to get a close quarters kill with a rocket. Stop being a douchebag."
When you have a rocket launcher out and you turn around and there is a dude there, what else are you suppose to do? It kind of breaks the illusion when they are still standing.

Labeling it as a douchebag move is really unfair.
Guerrillas in the Mist said:
Basically all of my chopper and jet unlocks have come from Rush servers. I've found it far easier to get access to them there, and I don't immediately get shot down/raped/unsupported by my own team.

Yeah, I ranked up the scout helicopters at a ridiculous pace due to people not knowing how to use/counter them on rush games, but attack helicopters are generally less common in that game mode. I was also cheered to find seat switching still works in this game, which means I can have an excellent pilot AND gunner if I want!

Has anyone unlocked the TV missiles yet? I hope they're one hit kills like BF2s - I can't see them being worthwhile otherwise. They better be after the ridiculous number of points you have to get to unlock them (almost there now).


Stallion Free said:
When you have a rocket launcher out and you turn around and there is a dude there, what else are you suppose to do? It kind of breaks the illusion when they are still standing.

Hit him directly with the rocket launcher like all proper battlefield games.

Stall, do I honestly have to break out the zook videos for you.
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