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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Red Blaster said:
Jesus guys, all this bitching about this and that will lead Dice into making every weapon suck ass. The taclight was fine and was balanced appropriately, it blinds people but at the same times clearly reveals their position.

The only thing that really needs tuning are the SCAR and RPG splash damage values, and that's more of the fact that they nullify some of the other classes strengths over anything else.

Let's be fair, tactlight blinding you from a short distance is right and understable, blinding you from several meters away like if you were wearing a pair of glasses tinted in white is bullshit....specially on daylight situations.
Alright, assholes and elbows, listen up. Time to start using javelins and guided shells, because if I'm going to spend an entire god damn round SOFLAM'ing everthing in sight, I at least want to see some kills out of it. Nothing makes me feel more worthless than ending a round with 600 points.

commish said:
Wow, are you serious? Then why am I using a silencer with my G36C?!

Because of the lower recoil and no muzzle flash
and reduced long range damage LOL

Muzzle flash is a pretty big "HERE I AM" indicator, though. And Demize said they're fixing the suppressors, as well.
PoweredBySoy said:
Alright, assholes and elbows, listen up. Time to start using javelins and guided shells, because if I'm going to spend an entire god damn round SOFLAM'ing everthing in sight, I at least want to see some kills out of it. Nothing makes me feel more worthless than ending a round with 600 points.


I've been using Javelin a lot recently and didn't see a single SOFLAM lock on.
Finally unlocked the M60. I like it. I thought I read that it wasn't quite as strong as the M240B but it feels at least as strong. When I can stabilize it on the bipod, it's really accurate in short bursts. To me, at least.


mr_nothin said:
Well I'm talking PC gameplay here.

Sure. I understand the maps are larger on PC and I think there is an extra flag to cap on that specific map.

I will refrain from the discussion until I have more experience w/ mortars. I used them for the first time last night on Seine and I didn't get a whole lot of kills. My reason for using them was an attempt to help my team push from "Narrow Passage" up to "Back Streets". Back Streets can be a tough nut to crack sometimes.


Red Blaster said:
Jesus guys, all this bitching about this and that will lead Dice into making every weapon suck ass. The taclight was fine and was balanced appropriately, it blinds people but at the same times clearly reveals their position.

The only thing that really needs tuning are the SCAR and RPG splash damage values, and that's more of the fact that they nullify some of the other classes strengths over anything else.

The game is so imbalanced right now that you really can't blame people for bitching.

That said, as long as DICE insists scattering gadgets about four different classes instead of making more classes with better defined roles, we're not going to see balance. Even with only one additional class, BC1 was far more balanced than either BC2 or BF3.

It's actually kind of sad that, in a number of ways, BC1 felt more like a BF game than BF3 does.


So with the changes made to the tactical light, they've made it useless. If it doesn't obscure the shooter at close range, then there's no point in using it. All it'll do is basically give away your position at any distance.


mr_nothin said:
When I literally have 4-5 guys playing support on mortars already, I dont think I need to add to the mortar spamming. That's exactly why I dont use mortar when I play support.

If you have 4-5 guys playing support on mortars then enemy mortars shouldn't be a problem. If it is a problem then the old saying still holds weight, "If you want something done right, do it yourself."


Trying to log onto battlelog: "Too many failed logins, you have been blocked"
Is this just me? First time trying to log on today, and I have my browser keep cookies for that site so the information was correct when I hit submit.


PoweredBySoy said:
Alright, assholes and elbows, listen up. Time to start using javelins and guided shells, because if I'm going to spend an entire god damn round SOFLAM'ing everthing in sight, I at least want to see some kills out of it. Nothing makes me feel more worthless than ending a round with 600 points.

Which brings up another issue I have with the game. Why arent engineers informed when
SOFLAMs go up? It would make them so much more useful. I actually spent some time with
the SOFLAM and all I did was spot/lock on for half the round. I even spammed the hell out
of the chat box with SOFLAM UP, NEED JAVELIN!
Ysiadmihi said:
The game is so imbalanced right now that you really can't blame people for bitching.

That said, as long as DICE insists scattering gadgets about four different classes instead of making more classes with better defined roles, we're not going to see balance. Even with only one additional class, BC1 was far more balanced than either BC2 or BF3.

It's actually kind of sad that, in a number of ways, BC1 felt more like a BF game than BF3 does.

What's so unbalanced about the game? Aside from how freaking good engineers are as a class, I'd say it's pretty even for the most part. I haven't seen much in the way of any weapon being egregiously overpowered and certainly nothing like the m203 in BF2 1.0.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Anton Sugar said:
Because of the lower recoil and no muzzle flash
and reduced long range damage LOL

Muzzle flash is a pretty big "HERE I AM" indicator, though. And Demize said they're fixing the suppressors, as well.

I guess this means I shall dominate even more when my gun is properly hidden from the enemy?

I don't mind the reduced long range damage, provided I'm hidden from the minimap. It's so nice not having to worry about a UAV going up when I am hiding, pray I'm not found while I recover from 1% health :p
Ysiadmihi said:
The game is so imbalanced right now that you really can't blame people for bitching.

That said, as long as DICE insists scattering gadgets about four different classes instead of making more classes with better defined roles, we're not going to see balance. Even with only one additional class, BC1 was far more balanced than either BC2 or BF3.

It's actually kind of sad that, in a number of ways, BC1 felt more like a BF game than BF3 does.


BF3, while in the need of some tweaking, is the most well balanced BF game to date.


Relaxed Muscle said:
Seine crossing CQ is awful on PC for the mortars reason, get 3 guys spawning mortars, get the other teammates cover both bridges, proceed to baserape ,the first team that does that succefully wins.

I am going to have to check out the PC map. Sounds like the extra flag has a large impact.

But if they can mortar into your spawn and base rape you should be able to easily counter mortar them from your spawn, right? I am probably completely missing the meaning of your post. Sorry.
MrBig said:
Trying to log onto battlelog: "Too many failed logins, you have been blocked"
Is this just me? First time trying to log on today, and I have my browser keep cookies for that site so the information was correct when I hit submit.

Happened last night to me, I put the e-mail and password again and entered without problem, it might be a bug with the site or something.

Panicked for a moment because I thought it might be someone trying to hack me.
Ysiadmihi said:
The game is so imbalanced right now that you really can't blame people for bitching.

That said, as long as DICE insists scattering gadgets about four different classes instead of making more classes with better defined roles, we're not going to see balance. Even with only one additional class, BC1 was far more balanced than either BC2 or BF3.

It's actually kind of sad that, in a number of ways, BC1 felt more like a BF game than BF3 does.

What's imbalanced? Carbines need a nerf, but the classes are pretty well balanced. Explain yourself!
Seanspeed said:
The long-range scopes for the AR's are fantastic at long ranges, but the crazy zoom makes them terrible for close/mid range combat. You need to be pointed exactly where you're already planning on firing before you scope, and even then, a moving target at anything but long-range is gonna be hard to follow. You simply miss out on too much unless you're playing like a sniper.

I find that the assault rifles definitely have an advantage in range over the carbines of the engineers. For me, this is enough to justify using this class. I prefer being on my feet and having that range advantage in a firefight. Perhaps thats just the CoD-fan in me still talking, but its true. I'm only just really getting into the rhythm of healing and reviving, but I'm starting to rack up a lot of points as Assault, even if I tend to die a fair bit trying to revive people. I think I'm safe, but nope!

I use engineer on a few select maps where its vehicle mayhem, but I prefer running and gunning. I'm good at it, and I somehow enjoy that fear I get when I'm alone near an enemy tank. Very tense. I like to tease a tank and distract it as much as I can when I know its hopeless and just hope an engineer or another tank comes to my rescue.

I think getting rid of the IR scope for engineers and reducing the power of the SCAR just slightly would balance out the classes much better. The tactical light could be toned down a bit, but it doesn't bother me all that much. I still kill a lot of people aiming that crap at me, but like I said, I've still got that CoD spray-and-pray mentality sometimes which does still work on occasion.
Usually when I do long range with ARs I try not to engage in close quarter fighting but if I have to then the pistol is good enough or I fire the AR from the hip. I also love using the m26 mass with my assault class so if I get in close range fighting and my rifle is set up for long range shooting I still got a chance with either the buck or frag shells.


aka andydumi
Anton Sugar said:

This is true, and I agree 100% that ammo should be limited. It doesn't matter that Support can resupply himself--make the resupply rate the slowest in the game. It would at least reduce spam.

It should be limited. I also think we should be able to exit enter the mortar. I don't get the whole exit then have to pick and redeploy.

Ideally it should take a longer while to deploy/pickup but enter/leave at will. That way you deploy, use up 2 ammo, exit, throw ammo, resupply slowly, re-enter, use up two ammo, rinse repeat.

So you can set up your mortar then enter/exit and cover an area with a gun, then re-enter mortar. And mortar can be destroyed by the enemy, which leaves you without for the rest of the life (non replenishable).

It would be far more balanced I think.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
KAOz said:
Yes there is. It's on the top on the deck, in the front. Looks like a big domelike thing. It's there indeed.

Thanks, I'll go take a look again. I guess from how the first person who mentioned it described it, I was expecting it to be on the aft section of the ship.

Edit: Nope, still don't see it. See some domes on the aft of the island, but nothing usable.


Red Blaster said:
What's so unbalanced about the game? Aside from how freaking good engineers are as a class, I'd say it's pretty even for the most part. I haven't seen much in the way of any weapon being egregiously overpowered and certainly nothing like the m203 in BF2 1.0.

Ignoring how good Engineers are, Support negates the need for Assault. LMGs are still too accurate (DICE learned nothing from BC2), they have a good anti-vehicle option and they can resupply their grenades by themselves.

If you want to play Assault, you have to choose between either healing or adding some utility to your AR and even then you still have no good anti-vehicle options and LMGs can compete with you at all ranges.

Recon just needs to be better overall. More points for MAV spotting, better range on SOFLAM, something.
mr_nothin said:
I even spammed the hell out
of the chat box with SOFLAM UP, NEED JAVELIN!

It's amazing. The chat box, while being the most invasive, poorly placed piece of shit to hit a multilayer game in the past 10 years, is still, somehow, entirely ignored in this game. It's a freak of nature, really.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Ysiadmihi said:
Ignoring how good Engineers are, Support negates the need for Assault. LMGs are still too accurate (DICE learned nothing from BC2), they have a good anti-vehicle option and they can resupply their grenades by themselves.

If you want to play Assault, you have to choose between either healing or adding some utility to your AR and even then you still have no good anti-vehicle options and LMGs can compete with you at all ranges.

Recon just needs to be better overall. More points for MAV spotting, better range on SOFLAM, something.

Assaults revive. Really, I think if engineers were renamed Assault, and Assault was renamed Medic, people would have less problems with the classes.


cobragt4001 said:
Usually when I do long range with ARs I try not to engage in close quarter fighting but if I have to then the pistol is good enough or I fire the AR from the hip. I also love using the m26 mass with my assault class so if I get in close range fighting and my rifle is set up for long range shooting I still got a chance with either the buck or frag shells.
You might have a chance, but you'll be at a disadvantage. The assault class is already a compromised class and I wouldn't want to compromise myself anymore than I need to.


Ysiadmihi said:
Ignoring how good Engineers are, Support negates the need for Assault. LMGs are still too accurate (DICE learned nothing from BC2), they have a good anti-vehicle option and they can resupply their grenades by themselves.

If you want to play Assault, you have to choose between either healing or adding some utility to your AR and even then you still have no good anti-vehicle options and LMGs can compete with you at all ranges.

Recon just needs to be better overall. More points for MAV spotting, better range on SOFLAM, something.

I find my assault rifles easier to use with run and gun style. Trying to drop out of sprint and blast a guy with the m60 is just not as effective as using the AEK or F2000. also I get to include either healing, a strong shotgun, or a grenade launcher, all of which are incredibly useful. And then you can res dudes. Assault is probably my favorite class.

The problem with recon is the things that help your team win are A. predicated on your team taking notice and advantage of them, and B. not incentivized with points. A good sniper will always rack up more points from distance headshots than someone who flies the MAV to spot the entire enemy team. Upcoming Pistol buffs are going to be a boon to recon, helping them compete in close quarters situations.


commish said:
Assaults revive.

See, that's part of the problem. The fact that Assaults heal and revive takes away equipment slots that should actually be used for assaulting. It really wouldn't matter if they could use medkits and underbarrel attachments at the same time, though.


PoweredBySoy said:
It's amazing. The chat box, while being the most invasive, poorly placed piece of shit to hit a multilayer game in the past 10 years, is still, somehow, entirely ignored in this game. It's a freak of nature, really.
Say it's invasive if you like, it has never blocked me from seeing anything, half the time the thing vanishes before I manage to read what the person said due to having my focus on something else.

Ysiadmihi said:
Recon just needs to be better overall. More points for MAV spotting, better range on SOFLAM, something.
More recon players need to start using iron sights or 4X sights and suppressors, they work great at medium to close range as long as you don't go too rambo, even then you have the pistol and that usually works pretty well for surprising someone.


Ysiadmihi said:
Ignoring how good Engineers are, Support negates the need for Assault. LMGs are still too accurate (DICE learned nothing from BC2), they have a good anti-vehicle option and they can resupply their grenades by themselves.

If you want to play Assault, you have to choose between either healing or adding some utility to your AR and even then you still have no good anti-vehicle options and LMGs can compete with you at all ranges.

Support does not negate the need for assault, and their weapon is unable to compete with assaults at any range, the big advantage they have is not have to worry about reloading which 1v1 is not all that useful but if you get a drop on a squad than it makes all the difference.

The assaults health kit is infinitely better than the ammo kit. Being able to revive is nice too, and although you have to give up your health kit for the 40mm at least it's not as gimped as in BC2 post nerf. As in, it's actually useful.

Assault vs Support is not an issue, they both have different roles and one does not step on the toes of the other like assault vs engineer.

commish said:
Assaults revive. Really, I think if engineers were renamed Assault, and Assault was renamed Medic, people would have less problems with the classes.

I think people would have a big problem with the assault, a traditional anti-infantry class, being given the best anti-infantry capabilities. It's more than just the name that people have a problem with.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Could anyone perhaps take a screenshot of the carrier AA location please? Maybe somebody's just been occupying it every time I've looked for it.


iam220 said:
Support does not negate the need for assault, and their weapon is unable to compete with assaults at any range

This just isn't true. I was using the Pekcheng (sp?) the other day with an IRNV and a suppressor and was able to fire with zero consideration of recoil and still be almost 100% accurate at medium/long ranges. I haven't been able to do that with any of the ARs I've unlocked yet. Same situation as BC2.
Ysiadmihi said:
Ignoring how good Engineers are, Support negates the need for Assault. LMGs are still too accurate (DICE learned nothing from BC2), they have a good anti-vehicle option and they can resupply their grenades by themselves.

If you want to play Assault, you have to choose between either healing or adding some utility to your AR and even then you still have no good anti-vehicle options and LMGs can compete with you at all ranges.

Recon just needs to be better overall. More points for MAV spotting, better range on SOFLAM, something.

Did you try to fire a LMG from you're hip or without using a bipod? Assault rifles are much better in those cases. Support has to go prone or crouch most of the times, put the bipod and then he's already ready to fight mid-range , Assault just has to aim with his F2000 and kick ass. Also LMG's dosn't have other types of shot modes, which put them on even more dissavantage against AR at certain ranges.

Yeah, on close quarters you can let the bullets rain, but overall Assault is much more effective for that job.

Also C4 is way more effective as a troll item than anti-vehicle.


^ nah, c4 is decent against tanks. You just need patience and luck.

Ysiadmihi said:
This just isn't true. I was using the Pekcheng (sp?) the other day with an IRNV and a suppressor and was able to fire with zero consideration of recoil and still be almost 100% accurate at medium/long ranges. I haven't been able to do that with any of the ARs I've unlocked yet. Same situation as BC2.

0 recoil and 100% accuracy? Were you using the bipod?


iam220 said:
Support does not negate the need for assault, and their weapon is unable to compete with assaults at any range, the big advantage they have is not have to worry about reloading which 1v1 is not all that useful but if you get a drop on a squad than it makes all the difference.
What? The support class has 3 LMGs which kill in 4 shots at range, the PKP, M240B and M60E4, they do the same damage at range as the Assault rifles do in CQC, they can definitely compete if you know how to use them.


Relaxed Muscle said:
Seine crossing CQ is awful on PC for the mortars reason, get 3 guys spawning mortars, get the other teammates cover both bridges, proceed to baserape ,the first team that does that succefully wins.
Haven't experienced this on PS3. In fact, I just had the most epic game on Seine Crossing. We were about 150 tickets down and looking to suffer an embarrassing defeat but we somehow pulled back, we just clicked as a team and fought for the flags for the last minutes of the game. I glanced to the left of my screen and saw to my amazement that we were 8-8 in tickets and then I all I remember is getting 2 quick successive kills and the game ended straight after. We barely won with 3 tickets remaining. Man, that whole game was exhilarating.

Here's the team report. Love this game.


GJS said:
What? The support class has 3 LMGs which kill in 4 shots at range, the PKP, M240B and M60E4, they do the same damage at range as the Assault rifles do in CQC, they can definitely compete if you know how to use them.

Ok. I'll shut up until I get those guns and see for myself.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
iam220 said:
I think people would have a big problem with the assault, a traditional anti-infantry class, being given the best anti-infantry capabilities. It's more than just the name that people have a problem with.

Traditionally medics are not the best at anti-infantry combat.

Right now, it's arguable that the engineers are the best at anti-infantry combat; if that's the case, it's because of the rockets, though I think the ability to revive would make the assault better for anti-infantry purposes for team play.

All I want is nerfed splash damage on the rockets. Then we'll see how the classes shake out.
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