BattleMonkey said:I'm sure there are many factors, though hard to believe they have to check 5000 variables for each weapon
Yeah, if he would have said 500 I might have believed that but 5k sounds like an exaggeration.
BattleMonkey said:I'm sure there are many factors, though hard to believe they have to check 5000 variables for each weapon
mr_nothin said:Wtf kind of argument is that?
I have to gain and unlock a mortar in order to deal (read as contribute) with the mortar spamming problem.
So you add mortars to stop mortar spamming? Great!
Also, mortars themselves wouldnt be too much of a problem if they were implemented
correctly. Why are ppl allowed to just keep spamming away? Why are they allowed to just chill in their own base and spam away? Why are they allowed to spam away in rush where
everyone is concentrated into 1 place? Why is there no limit on the amount of mortars per
team/per game?
I've been on Seine Crossing and each team had 4 mortars going. It was completely stupid.
kendrid said:Tactical light in real life, just in case you missed it:
But if you use the heavy barrel it will increase recoil but yes, it increase accuracy. I have been killing snipers like crazy but I wish ARs could get a 8x scope but I guess that would make the ARs OP.PatzCU said:So heavy barrel increases long range accuracy? I've pretty much stuck exclusively to an AEK with Holo sight and Foregrip, but it realllly is not ideal for long range fighting. Takes about 6-7 shots to take someone out at range and the recoil is all over the place (absolutely destroys people up close, of course).
I might have to try out the M16A4 with bipod+heavy barrel for the larger maps. Thanks for the tip!
zephervack said:In my opinion Mortar should have 3, 4 bullets at most, also, make them impossible to shoot unless they have a clear view of the objective, that would fix most of the mortaring on Seine Crossing, or at least it would be easier to counter attack them with normal weapons.
purple cobra said:I'm waiting to hear on this as well. Controls are the only thing keeping me from playing the game right now.
iam220 said:Here's the sun in real life Notice how it is not at all blinding and yet when you look at it with your own eyes and not in a photograph ....
mr_nothin said:Wtf kind of argument is that?
I have to gain and unlock a mortar in order to deal (read as contribute) with the mortar spamming problem.
So you add mortars to stop mortar spamming? Great!
Also, mortars themselves wouldnt be too much of a problem if they were implemented
correctly. Why are ppl allowed to just keep spamming away? Why are they allowed to just chill in their own base and spam away? Why are they allowed to spam away in rush where
everyone is concentrated into 1 place? Why is there no limit on the amount of mortars per
team/per game?
I've been on Seine Crossing and each team had 4 mortars going. It was completely stupid.
mr_nothin said:Wtf kind of argument is that?
I have to gain and unlock a mortar in order to deal (read as contribute) with the mortar spamming problem.
So you add mortars to stop mortar spamming? Great!
I say give mortars a lot more deviation. Decrease accuracy on those things alot. Hell, itzephervack said:In my opinion Mortar should have 3, 4 bullets at most, also, make them impossible to shoot unless they have a clear view of the objective, that would fix most of the mortaring on Seine Crossing, or at least it would be easier to counter attack them with normal weapons.
No, I dont feel helpless and i dont think snipers are cowardly. I actually dont mind beingjorma said:1) it's not difficult to unlock the mortar, if you havent - that's on you.
2) when i die using a mortar it's either to another mortar or to an assaultweapon. There are plenty of ways to get to me.
3) in rush, they are really useful in very limited situations. beginning of seine crossing is one, beginning of operation metro another, and of course the bazaar. Anything else, it's mostly a waste of time.
4) i dont think you are angry about them because they are unbalanced, i think it is because you feel helpless when you die to them. Much like how everyone likes to complain about 'cowardly' snipers.
Patrick Bateman said:Dice should really consider taking out laser and taclight with the next patch.
BattleMonkey said:So the tac light in real life would be even more powerful!
Relaxed Muscle said:Laser is not that bad. Neither is *patched* tactlight.
iam220 said:Nah, just trying to point out that a picture cannot accurately convey the brightness and distoration of having a powerful light shinned in your eyes. Same thing is true in game, which is why they needed to exaggerate the effect. Making it resemble what it would look like in a picture is not realistic, might as well just rid of it.
&Divius said:Fuck Seinne Crossing. Fuck mortars.
Sooo, dont push through all of the choke points and actually try to capture flags? Ok got it....Atomski said:Get a silencer.. mortars won't find you nearly as much. Also don't stand in the same spot for more than 10 seconds.
I hardly get killed by mortars and when I do its because I'm being dumb.
mr_nothin said:Sooo, dont push through all of the choke points and actually try to capture flags? Ok got it....
BattleMonkey said:Thing is that is how tac lights really look like in real life. They are incredibly powerful and made to blind people in cqb situations. The game over did it with the effect and the range of it, but they do actually work very well even in day light. Got one on my real steel AK and it's very strong.
Using it in daylight outdoors though should basically be a big "shoot me" sign.
Taclight still looks like the player has a huge chunk of burning magnesium on his gun...Relaxed Muscle said:Laser is not that bad. Neither is *patched* tactlight.
Do you stand still while pushing? People that stand in the obvious corners get rocked by mortars. If you are actually pushing through though you should be fine.mr_nothin said:Sooo, dont push through all of the choke points and actually try to capture flags? Ok got it....
mr_nothin said:I called out a few of the balance issues I have with them. They are basically
unlimited spam grenades that you can throw from afar. I'm tired of people saying "oh you
only die from mortars if you camp"....that's BS. I've had so many random mortar deaths.
Atomski said:Get a silencer.. mortars won't find you nearly as much. Also don't stand in the same spot for more than 10 seconds.
I hardly get killed by mortars and when I do its because I'm being dumb.
BattleMonkey said:lasers are fine, to me all they have done is save my ass on multiple occassions as it basically tells me to dive for cover.
Also, this. I read about this yesterday. And Anton...I think you underestimate how much ppl like to spam explosions...even if they dont get a killAnton Sugar said:Suppressors are also bugged right now, half of the suppressed guns still show you on the minimap. Given how many people use suppressors, spam may be reduced as a result.
Really? I swear I am found far less when I use one.Anton Sugar said:Suppressors are also bugged right now, half of the suppressed guns still show you on the minimap. Given how many people use suppressors, spam may be reduced as a result.
It depends on which weapon you're using. You might be using one of the ones that arent affectedAtomski said:Really? I swear I am found far less when I use one.
mr_nothin said:Wtf kind of argument is that?
I have to gain and unlock a mortar in order to deal (read as contribute) with the mortar spamming problem.
So you add mortars to stop mortar spamming? Great!
Also, mortars themselves wouldnt be too much of a problem if they were implemented
correctly. Why are ppl allowed to just keep spamming away? Why are they allowed to just chill in their own base and spam away? Why are they allowed to spam away in rush where
everyone is concentrated into 1 place? Why is there no limit on the amount of mortars per
team/per game?
I've been on Seine Crossing and each team had 4 mortars going. It was completely stupid.
People complain because very few people like to use Support, and never bother to unlock the mortar.Woo-Fu said:Counter-mortar is so trivially easy I don't know why people complain so much about mortars. It only takes one mortar to kill the enemy and destroy his mortar, meanwhile if somebody tries to counter-counter you've already moved on and all he gets is 20 points for the tube you left behind.
Atomski said:Really? I swear I am found far less when I use one.
Wtf are you talking about? So I'm a rambo/lone wolfer now because I have a few complaints about mortars? Did I say anything about taking them out completely or did I suggest a few tweaks?Woo-Fu said:It is a team game. You don't have to counter-mortar but somebody on your team does or the other team has an advantage.
Welcome to combined arms in a team game. If you don't like it, there are plenty of other games where you can run around in circles as infantry just shooting people.
&Divius said:Fuck Seinne Crossing. Fuck mortars.
&Divius said:Fuck Seinne Crossing. Fuck mortars.
Your tweaks would render mortars ineffectual, conveniently allowing you to play the way you want to, safe in the knowledge that you can ignore anybody dumb enough to waste a slot on mortars.mr_nothin said:Wtf are you talking about? So I'm a rambo/lone wolfer now because I have a few complaints about mortars? Did I say anything about taking them out completely or did I suggest a few tweaks?
mr_nothin said:I'm not seeing why nobody would agree that mortars need to have limited ammo instead of unlimited ammo. Did I say take mortars out of the game? No, I said limit them.
Also, why is it that when one calls out an imbalance, that person must get killed by it all the
time? I can see the imbalance in mortars w/o being killed by them constantly. They can be
set up anywhere, have unlimited ammo, very short cooldown period, are pretty much 95%
accurate and can be used by the whole team if one chooses to do so.
Also, this. I read about this yesterday. And Anton...I think you underestimate how much ppl like to spam explosions...even if they dont get a kill![]()
The long-range scopes for the AR's are fantastic at long ranges, but the crazy zoom makes them terrible for close/mid range combat. You need to be pointed exactly where you're already planning on firing before you scope, and even then, a moving target at anything but long-range is gonna be hard to follow. You simply miss out on too much unless you're playing like a sniper.cobragt4001 said:The m16 and ak with 7x and 6x scope are beast goddamn. Those two guns are pretty much sniper rifles with heavy barrel, bi-pod and 7x or 6x scope. I can't wait to see how the G3 handles in long range shooting. Whoever says the carbine rifles are equal to the ARs in BF3 don't know what the hell they're talking about.
Easiest person to kill? The guy on the mortar is hiding behind a wall of hisWoo-Fu said:Your tweaks would render mortars ineffectual, conveniently allowing you to play the way you want to, safe in the knowledge that you can ignore anybody dumb enough to waste a slot on mortars.
Somebody using a mortar is the easiest person to kill in this game after somebody who is AFK. They don't move, they're pinned to a piece of equipment, and they can't even see you coming.
If the enemy team is wasting 4 slots on mortars you use ONE slot to counter-mortar. That person shoots and moves, focusing on counter-mortar. That gives you a 3 person advantage assaulting. Given equivalent skill levels you should win. And yes, one counter-mortar can deal with 4 mortars. The only way they can avoid getting countered is to shoot and scoot, which cuts their rate of fire by ~50-75%(just guessing here but shooting and scooting you put out a lot fewer shells and you can't focus-fire people who are pinned down).
The last time I played Seine Crossing I had a recon in my platoon using the MAV to spot the support guys with mortars on their backs and we were countering them even before they fired their first shot.
You might want to walk a mile in the other guy's shoes before calling for nerfs to a class you yourself are unwilling to level. Mosts teams are already >50% engineer as it is, if we're going to start nerfing we've got a much better target.![]()
Limiting the ammo will do something, even with ammo packs. All Dice has to do is slowWoo-Fu said:I toss out an ammo-bag right before I place the mortar, fire a couple rounds and move, rinse and repeat. Limiting ammo count won't do anything to that.
If you want to make a real change you will need to move the mortar to the same gadget slot as the ammo bag and/or limit the RoF of the mortar itself.
Zeppelin said:[IMG]
dat squad score![/QUOTE]Yup, that was pretty awesome.
mr_nothin said:Mortars are really only a problem on the close quarters/urban maps
and that's exactly why they need limited ammo. It's a close quarters maps...he can
almost spam anywhere and hit ppl. There are so many choke points in the close quarters
maps and that makes the mortars a little bit too effective. Just limit the ammo and that
limits the usage.
Well I'm talking PC gameplay here.mbmonk said:Can you be more specific and cite actual examples? Seine Crossing, on console, almost every flag has a spot to capture and give you cover from mortars. I play on PS3 and mortar spam is non-existent so I don't have the experience base that other players do.
mr_nothin said:Also, I like your idea of replacing ammo with mortars but we're already in short supply of
suppliers supplying ammo :/
mbmonk said:Can you be more specific and cite actual examples? Seine Crossing, on console, almost every flag has a spot to capture and give you cover from mortars. I play on PS3 and mortar spam is non-existent so I don't have the experience base that other players do.
Actually a few smgs and pistols are getting a buff while the an-91 and scar are getting debuffed. Also, either jets will be getting a buff or stingers will get a debuff.Red Blaster said:Jesus guys, all this bitching about this and that will lead Dice into making every weapon suck ass.
The only thing that really needs tuning is the SCAR and RPG splash damage, and that's more of the fact that they nullify some of the other classes strengths over anything else.
When I literally have 4-5 guys playing support on mortars already, I dont think I need to add to the mortar spamming. That's exactly why I dont use mortar when I play support.Woo-Fu said:I find it ironic that you're using a support guy as an avatar but are unwilling to play one yourself to effectively counter-mortar and or provide ammo for your team. Again, perhaps you should consider why you don't want to play Support before calling for nerfs.![]()
Anton Sugar said: