I'm testing out this new driver,
I'm running 555M 3GB 770MHz/1000MHz/1540MHz
I'm running 555M 3GB 770MHz/1000MHz/1540MHz
mcrae said:how long does a spot last on a player?
what results in players appears on your minimap?
whats the difference between 2d and 3d spotting? there are options the server can enable right? what do they do?
mr_nothin said:Holy Crap, the performance on these are :O
I got a 10-15 fps increase OVER the .67's which already gave me a 5-10fps increase.
I thought I was playing with MSAA OFF but then I chked and it was at 4x.........
So smooth and mouse lag is completely gone.
But it does seem like AA quality has taken a dive somewhat.
These drivers are amazing for BF3 though!
It seriously feels like I'm playing *ahead of everybody else. It even reduces lag for me. It's like im actually seeing the game instantly instead of being behind a few frames. It's weird but its not hyperbole...trust me!
mr_nothin said:Holy Crap, the performance on these are :O
I got a 10-15 fps increase OVER the .67's which already gave me a 5-10fps increase.
I thought I was playing with MSAA OFF but then I chked and it was at 4x.........
So smooth and mouse lag is completely gone.
But it does seem like AA quality has taken a dive somewhat.
These drivers are amazing for BF3 though!
It seriously feels like I'm playing *ahead of everybody else. It even reduces lag for me. It's like im actually seeing the game instantly instead of being behind a few frames. It's weird but its not hyperbole...trust me!
Players appear on minimap if spotted or if you fire any unsuppressed weapon.mcrae said:i know one of you guys has an answer or two for these
GuiltybyAssociation said:Just tried the new drivers real quick. Pretty good!
Then my game crashed. Not so good.
LonelyIsland said:just crashed twice within an hour.
Backfoggen said:Drivers obviously didn't fix crashing but the performance is so much better for me. I can actually play with a very stable 30-40 fps on my GTX275 with medium to high detail in 1920x1200 where I had to lower the resolution earlier and still got weird stuttering/lag.
The new beta drivers.Ryan_ said:Really? I have a GTX 275 too. What drivers are you using? Because I've been playing on low for the past week, even then with some weird stuttering.
Game is not crashing for me, still getting "Battlefield has stopped working" on startup sometimes. GTX 275.Ryuuga said:Could those of you crashing with the new drivers list your GPU?
Backfoggen said:Game is not crashing for me, still getting "Battlefield has stopped working" on startup sometimes. GTX 275.
elrechazao said:Can anyone tell me what the point is of frag ammo for shotties? It seems to be inferior in every way to flechette.
Also, what's the point of the suppressor on any gun? Increased bullet drop for what seems to be zero advantage?
cdyhybrid said:Just had my best jet game so far. 2500 points on Kharg Island CQ. Rocket pods for tanks and the machine gun for jets and choppers. Next unlock is the guided missles. Assuming I don't have a SOFLAM buddy, are guided missles better than rocket pods for ground targets?
Some people, like me, dont like enemies having 4-6 different ways of knowing your EXACT position all the times (3d spotting, minimap spotting, auto spotting by shooting, sound, killcam, etc etc). I dont like being penalized for shooting my gun and I'm Mr Flanktown. I like to get in there and go around back and capture/kill them from behind. Suppressors let me kill ppl w/o alerting nearby teammates too much.elrechazao said:Can anyone tell me what the point is of frag ammo for shotties? It seems to be inferior in every way to flechette.
Also, what's the point of the suppressor on any gun? Increased bullet drop for what seems to be zero advantage?
If you have a SOFLAM up or its hardcore mode, then yes. Most of the time, it takes forever to lock on unless you use the beam scanning specialization as well and the tanks usually pop smoke before your missile hits anyway. I only said it's better on hardcore mode because it helps you locate the vehicles compared to the rocket pods where it takes a lot of looking just to find a target and it's usually too late to destroy it in that run at that time anyway, so being on a normal server where people can spot the tank makes it a lot easier with the rockets.cdyhybrid said:Just had my best jet game so far. 2500 points on Kharg Island CQ. Rocket pods for tanks and the machine gun for jets and choppers. Next unlock is the guided missles. Assuming I don't have a SOFLAM buddy, are guided missles better than rocket pods for ground targets?
Hahah, nice avatar!demolitio said:If you have a SOFLAM up or its hardcore mode, then yes. Most of the time, it takes forever to lock on unless you use the beam scanning specialization as well and the tanks usually pop smoke before your missile hits anyway. I only said it's better on hardcore mode because it helps you locate the vehicles compared to the rocket pods where it takes a lot of looking just to find a target and it's usually too late to destroy it in that run at that time anyway, so being on a normal server where people can spot the tank makes it a lot easier with the rockets.
If you have a teammate using a SOFLAM though, the lock-on is very quick and the tank's smoke doesn't affect your missile so it always leads to a hit and more damage done.
Needs a Skyrim helmet too, and a dildo bat.mr_nothin said:Hahah, nice avatar!
At first I didn't even realise you could destroy enemy spawn beacons, motion sensors, mortars and other MAVs with it!Snkfanatic said:Ya that thing is a blast, it is a lot more fun that I thought it would be. That and it is great watching the battle unfold when things start going crazy.
White Man said:Do players get pissed if you don't use voice?
White Man said:Do players get pissed if you don't use voice?
Mafro said:At first I didn't even realise you could destroy enemy spawn beacons, motion sensors, mortars and other MAVs with it!
nope, but it's a lot more fun when people talk! well, except when people whine about every death and everything... then they get muted!White Man said:Do players get pissed if you don't use voice?
Same. I only really seem to get a lot of sniper kills on Tehran Highway, Kharg Island and Caspian Border. For most other maps I always get more points just going 0-0 and using the MAV rather than playing normally. I just want that M98B so badly.Kubisa said:So good. I usually fly my MAV pretty high, so I always manage to catch the opponents MAV's within 20 seconds of them going up as they can't look upwards. Also great for finally getting rid of pesky re-spawning snipers in high places.
I've kind of got addicted to it though; it seems like the best way to help the team, and I can't help but use it every match now.
The Faceless Master said:nope, but it's a lot more fun when people talk! well, except when people whine about every death and everything... then they get muted!
I think so, but they* don't show up on your battlefeed.Kentpaul said:Guys do you still get points if you get disconnected ?
Kentpaul said:Guys do you still get points if you get disconnected ?
if *you* get disconnected, yes. if the server crashes, no.Kentpaul said:Guys do you still get points if you get disconnected ?
The Faceless Master said:if *you* get disconnected, yes. if the server crashes, no.
Except that right now, suppressor is broken on half the guns it should work for, and won't work on every gun anyways (like shotguns, for instance).Ryuuga said:Can't answer the question about shotty munitions, but the suppressor prevents you from appearing on the map briefly as you would any other unsuppressed weapon.
Squad management is terrible, especially on a full/near full server. The ability to create additional squads (above the 8 squad limit on 32 player teams) would be a welcome feature. Bad Company 2 did it right - more squads available than the team size could fill.excaliburps said:It just pains me how hard it is to properly play with friends. It's a chore - to the point that it sometimes takes us five tries just to properly squad up! Now that there are 5-6 of us, how on earth can we be in one team in the same game? 3 man squads but two of 'em. Might be a bitch to properly play in a single game. Anyone tried it yet?
IlludiumQ36 said:Squad management is terrible, especially on a full/near full server. The ability to create additional squads (above the 8 squad limit on 32 player teams) would be a welcome feature. Bad Company 2 did it right - more squads available than the team size could fill.