There's nothing to "slip their mind" over. Base is taken? Flag captured? No enemies on the mini-map? There's a flashing dude requesting ammo/health on the mini-map? DERP LET ME RUN OFF INTO DANGER!
The fucking mini-map shows you who needs health/ammo before they even need to request it. Nobody notices the mini-map at times, I swear. Even spotting goes useless with most people because they don't seem to notice a dude that I've spotted for them coming up to knife them in the ass two minutes after I spotted the and they can see him coming up.
Pilots can't, put people in the vehicles that are that class can by throwing a bit above their viewpoint to get it out of the vehicle and not have it stick to the helicopter right now.
Sigh, I really wish you're wrong, but you're not. I've spotted enemies a few times and people just run by them or something. Same with ammo/meds. I just throw them out whenever I can - heck, it doesn't cost a thing!
What makes me rage hard is when I ask for ammo/meds and that person is just crouching in a corner and not giving a shit.
And people wonder how me and others like me score 7,000 upwards per round! Here are a few tips:
Give out ammo/meds
Attack objectives
Give covering fire
and there's more. I swear. My 4:1 W/L ratio is now down to 3.4:1 because of playing with randoms. Yeesh.
I just played a round of Back to Karkand where one of my squadmates immediately went prone when CQ Assault started. Yes! Right in our freaking spawn point just to snipe!
DICE's heart and mind are in the right place, but they severely overestimated how stupid and how much of an asshats majority of gamers are. Sad but true.