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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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I always throw ammo at people who need it but they never stay put to actually receive it. Unless it's like a chokepoint or something.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
How many vehicles can you do this with? I know you can throw kits onto the jeep's hood and they're stay and heal/resupply.

All of them. You can even do it on helicopters but it isn't practical as they have a "bubble" range.

Even tanks can do it. But the issue is blocking pilot/gunner views and the gunner/pilot can shoot the boxes and kill them. It isn't too practical.
Did some pretty hilarious things with my SOFLAM and tank on CQ Operation Firestorm.
I laughed so hard when I marked some enemy attack helicopter, hopped in the tank, fired a guided shell with a flying curve like a banana and killed two guys in one hit.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Well I've got a service star in everything but Recon now. I wanted to make sure I have all the vanilla weapons unlocked before Karkland, just a goal of mine.

I've been grinding OP Metro 64p Conquest. The only thing it is good for is grinding out classes, tons and tons of points.


If DICE is going to make flares reload longer and have AA disable in one hit (and take you down to <30health), they need to fix the random missles ASAP. Nothing is more rage inducing than getting locked, popping flares once they fire the missle, lock breaking, then a random lock and missle comes sailing at you. Also had a TON of instances of AA missles hitting me w/o ever giving a lock-on tone. DICE FIX THIS SHIT.
If DICE is going to make flares reload longer and have AA disable in one hit (and take you down to <30health), they need to fix the random missles ASAP. Nothing is more rage inducing than getting locked, popping flares once they fire the missle, lock breaking, then a random lock and missle comes sailing at you. Also had a TON of instances of AA missles hitting me w/o ever giving a lock-on tone. DICE FIX THIS SHIT.

Keep in mind that they recently changed flares so that if you flare too early (i.e. missile is on path to you but still far away), the missile can still make contact.


Keep in mind that they recently changed flares so that if you flare too early (i.e. missile is on path to you but still far away), the missile can still make contact.

If that happens, the missle never breaks lock (flares just act like they don't work...similar to when you're shot down by laser-designated weaponry). This is a situation where a missle that has been flared will reacquire a lock even though it's been spoofed by the flares.

Also, that whole "if you flare too early, flares don't work" change is stupid given the fact that if someone fires a missle and you're too close, you can drop flares and STILL not lose lock-on. I really don't think DICE has any idea how to balance the vehicles in their game.


Chapel (or anyone else), is there ANY way a Battlelog plugin could be created that can "read" the time left/ticket count in a round, to prevent joins like this?

Possibly, but that would require directly connecting to the server from the browser which probably isn't possible. Though I could create a service that does the checking, and a plugin that reads from that.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
In response to your post PRE-EDIT: Patrick Bateman.

I find it annoying, just because it's more loading and less playing.

Haha, yeah, I changed my post because I remembered some guy the other day who yelled at me because I revived him and then he was immediately shot again. He said "Please don't revive me", and why I asked him why, he said "it's unpleasant to die." I may not understand it, but different strokes for different folks!

The time in between rounds is way too long. After a match ends, there should be 10 seconds to check out your stats before the next map loads. Or, if you are going to give me that extended free period, all me to change my loadouts or game settings.
The time in between rounds is way too long. After a match ends, there should be 10 seconds to check out your stats before the next map loads. Or, if you are going to give me that extended free period, all me to change my loadouts or game settings.

Agreed. So far, they've been good about listening to feedback, so I really hope they make some changes to the round end screen.

Demize posted this a few hours ago:

I'm compiling a potential update balance list that I hope to post to Battlelog tomorrow. Your feedback is appreciated.


I just saw a screenshot of someone who had the chat box in the top-left corner. Is this possible now? Can we actually move HUD elements?


I just saw a screenshot of someone who had the chat box in the top-left corner. Is this possible now? Can we actually move HUD elements?

Latest PC Patch repositioned the chatbox. No the HUD is not customizable (why haven't devs ever added this to FPS?)


Thank you Dice/EA for forcing me to play such a shitty gamemode to unlock the SA-80.

*shudders* at the thought of playing SQDM ever again :\ urgh.
There's nothing to "slip their mind" over. Base is taken? Flag captured? No enemies on the mini-map? There's a flashing dude requesting ammo/health on the mini-map? DERP LET ME RUN OFF INTO DANGER!

The fucking mini-map shows you who needs health/ammo before they even need to request it. Nobody notices the mini-map at times, I swear. Even spotting goes useless with most people because they don't seem to notice a dude that I've spotted for them coming up to knife them in the ass two minutes after I spotted the and they can see him coming up.

Pilots can't, put people in the vehicles that are that class can by throwing a bit above their viewpoint to get it out of the vehicle and not have it stick to the helicopter right now.

dude.... You're playing on consoles, what do you expect? Allow me to explain:

I can probably guess 50%+ of people playing BF3 on consoles came over from COD or a different FPS series and/or know little to nothing about BF3 and only play either for the graphics or to relax after hours of COD. Hell even Decent/Pro COD players admit they ignore the new "objective/support" class in MW3... don't expect them to drop you shit or even know when you're asking for it bro.

-Could be the players aren't COD-DUDEBRO types, could be they generally suck too.
-Though DICE did fuck it up with having the callouts be impossible to hear... same thing happens on PC every now and then when playing with randoms.


Thank you Dice/EA for forcing me to play such a shitty gamemode to unlock the SA-80.

*shudders* at the thought of playing SQDM ever again :\ urgh.

My god I just started doing this too. Clearly I'm not getting this done anytime soon with randoms.

I mean I like that they're trying to get some variety but man I just do not like this mode for some reason.


dude.... You're playing on consoles, what do you expect? Allow me to explain:

I can probably guess 50%+ of people playing BF3 on consoles came over from COD or a different FPS series and/or know little to nothing about BF3 and only play either for the graphics or to relax after hours of COD. Hell even Decent/Pro COD players admit they ignore the new "objective/support" class in MW3... don't expect them to drop you shit or even know when you're asking for it bro.

-Could be the players aren't COD-DUDEBRO types, could be they generally suck too.
-Though DICE did fuck it up with having the callouts be impossible to hear... same thing happens on PC every now and then when playing with randoms.

Thats pretty spot on. Also very frustrating to play lol.


Hell even Decent/Pro COD players admit they ignore the new "objective/support" class in MW3... don't expect them to drop you shit or even know when you're asking for it bro.

It's called support but it doesn't really play a supportive role. For example you can get a UAV in 3 kills with assault package but it takes 4 kills with support package. The only difference is you start over if you die with assault vs support. The reason decent COD players ignore the support killstreak package is because they are capable of getting the same/better killstreaks faster so it isn't the same at all. In fact, I'd say it support is actually less helpful from a team perspective if the person is running higher killstreaks because after they pass 4 kills they won't be getting a UAV again until they rollover whereas someone who can constantly get 3 kills in a row will be launching UAVs all match.


My god I just started doing this too. Clearly I'm not getting this done anytime soon with randoms.

I mean I like that they're trying to get some variety but man I just do not like this mode for some reason.

It only took me 7 games to get the 5 wins with randoms, but my god, during that time I wanted to sell my fucking playstation. It was infuriating playing with such dumb players.

Stick with it though because the SA-80 is a beast. :)


Neo Member
Well I for one like the assignments if only due to the fact that I now have friendly engineers flocking to my tank/amtrac to repair at all times.

Squad DM is bullshit though, hate every second I play it. Also, 50 RPG kills? we don't need more RPG spam!
Well I for one like the assignments if only due to the fact that I now have friendly engineers flocking to my tank/amtrac to repair at all times.

Squad DM is bullshit though, hate every second I play it. Also, 50 RPG kills? we don't need more RPG spam!

yeah, should have been 10 RPG kills, 50 revives, 100 heals, 50 repairs and 100 ammo resupplies. make people focus on more than just kills.


Holy Crap the campaign in this game is awful!

Curse me and my need to finish single-player portions of games for achievements and completeness.
It's called support but it doesn't really play a supportive role. For example you can get a UAV in 3 kills with assault package but it takes 4 kills with support package. The only difference is you start over if you die with assault vs support. The reason decent COD players ignore the support killstreak package is because they are capable of getting the same/better killstreaks faster so it isn't the same at all. In fact, I'd say it support is actually less helpful from a team perspective if the person is running higher killstreaks because after they pass 4 kills they won't be getting a UAV again until they rollover whereas someone who can constantly get 3 kills in a row will be launching UAVs all match.

... you just proved my earlier point about COD players not giving a shit to consistently listen to their team or be aware of the other team players enough to perform specific class-based team actions (ammo/med/repair) while playing BF3.

Don't get me wrong, when I play COD i dont play it for it's objective gametypes, and I read your post thouroughly and understand what you're talking about. 75% or more of COD (MW3 in particular) a Killstreak centric game where a more team-based class approach will lag behind in such a kill-based enviornment but shit.

Solution: play with GAFers or maybe join the PC Crowd if you feel like pushing your team-play skills up a notch (or letting your true skills shine unhindered).

Holy Crap the campaign in this game is awful!

Curse me and my need to finish single-player portions of games for achievements and completeness.

I had just finished the first campaign level, saw the 2nd cinematic right after it and immediately after level 2 loaded up... I quit out of the campaign and have not had an interest to ever launch BF3SP ever again. And I 'Feels good bro'.


People may not see shit on the minimap because it's the most awful minimap of all time.


Sorry if posted before D:

But seriously, I want a new minimap as much as I want to be able to talk to people in my squad regardless of whether or not I'm friends with them. I like to actually make friends online with people who aren't dumbasses, because not everyone with a mic is a moron, especially on PC.

Also, minimap would be ALMOST tolerable if I could choose to make it static and not rotate so that my character marker is always facing north. I also love how there are letters for all the bases, but those letters don't show up on the minimap. Useful!


Trucker Sexologist
The worst thing about the map is that you can't even click spawn points to spawn there. So it's barely functional in addition to being barely legible.

You should also be able to send the map to a second monitor in a dual monitor setup.
Played a small game of Rush on Canals. Dominated using the Littlebird in the first round, but of course you don't get a chopper playing as the Ruskies on the reverse round. Then someone abandoned said helicopter on the land five minutes into the game. This then resulted. Ain't I a stinker!


The worst thing about the map is that you can't even click spawn points to spawn there. So it's barely functional in addition to being barely legible.

You should also be able to send the map to a second monitor in a dual monitor setup.
This is made even worse by the fact that the spawn points on the deploy menu are almost always jumbled in some crazy order.


Wake with three flaggs. THE FUCK DICE?! After we've already seen a 5 flag version on consoles this 3 flag crap and their "balance" excuse BS is an insult to their fanbase. FFS.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Squad DM is so shitty, I swear. Abuse tactical light. You win. :/

(Unless you're on the other side of that abuse and in a shitty squad.)

Cue W/L tanking for this stupid gun. Fuck you DICE. No one can like SDM except light abusers. :|


Neo Member
Unfortunately, yes and that's another thing DICE needs to fix. But you're rare. I know most people are packing medic kits on PS3 and will throw them for themselves, but never for the team, which is what pisses me off.

Hmm perhaps I love my smoke grenades and MASS too much. I really wish that you could swap either the defib or the medkit for the launcher/shotgun. I would ditch the defibs for a medkit if I could. Then I would have the best of both worlds. Better to not get killed in the first place than need reviving.


Why the heck 99.99% of the time I am put on the losing side? I am not a high ranked player and not even good since I just started the MP recently and have not unlocked much, so I should be in the better team to balance out. But no the loser goes to the losing team and get your ass kicked more and more. I really like this game but its so frustrating when every other person you are playing against has the coolest guns and unlocks and you get your ass handed all the time because you have not unlocked any good weapons yet. Oh and that f'in flash light in your face is just salt on the wounds.

Online MP is just too competitive for folks like me who get time maybe once a week to play. If you don't keep up you are so far behind that its not even funny. In good old times before this unlocks/perks crap, everyone used to be on equal footing and all weapons would be on the level for any one to get it first. Your skills mattered more than what unlocks you have or not.



Online MP is just too competitive for folks like me who get time maybe once a week to play. If you don't keep up you are so far behind that its not even funny. In good old times before this unlocks/perks crap, everyone used to be on equal footing and all weapons would be on the level for any one to get it first. Your skills mattered more than what unlocks you have or not.


BF is one of the least casual friendly games, especially if you lone wolf imo. There are basically groups of 4 people working together to destroy you and they all have +ammo +sprint +explosives +flak. You want to get in a vehicle? NOPPPEE you just blew up. Even if you had all the unlocks at your disposal it'd still be an uphill climb since the other people know all the maps, spots, strategies, and are working together but without unlocks the odds are really stacked against you.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
BF is one of the least casual friendly games, especially if you lone wolf imo. There are basically groups of 4 people working together to destroy you and they all have +ammo +sprint +explosives +flak. You want to get in a vehicle? NOPPPEE you just blew up. Even if you had all the unlocks at your disposal it'd still be an uphill climb since the other people know all the maps, spots, strategies, and are working together but without unlocks the odds are really stacked against you.

Actually, I think just the opposite. There are many ways to contribute and help your team and level up.


aka andydumi
Actually, I think just the opposite. There are many ways to contribute and help your team and level up.
Yep. Very much the opposite. Just dont run in thinking you will be a rambo ace on your first day. Take your time, watch, learn the maps, do support of your teammates. Join a squad and stick with them and you learn tactics, maps and they help you like you help them.

And of all MP shooters I have played, I think BF3 probably has the some of the best guns for each class as starter guns or the first unlock. The top/last unlocks certainly dont seem to be better at all than what you will get in your first few hours of play. Also, its better to stick to one gun and unlock its addons rather than always hop onto the newest unlocked gun.
So does anyone at DICE even play Battlefield? I'm beginning to wonder.

I think the bigger question is have they ever actually played a videogame, like ever? Some of the idiotic decisions made in the design this game would have been spotted a game literate five year old.


Mothering fucking teamwork. Just had a great round where 6 people followed my MAV all over the map and we cleared shit out everywhere we went.
So does anyone at DICE even play Battlefield? I'm beginning to wonder.

I was gonna say that they develop like shit and thier QA sucks but in reality it's probably just... EA forcing strict deadlines on their development cycle when the game could have obviously used 6 months of "dev polish time" before the disc even went gold.


Yep. Very much the opposite. Just dont run in thinking you will be a rambo ace on your first day. Take your time, watch, learn the maps, do support of your teammates. Join a squad and stick with them and you learn tactics, maps and they help you like you help them.

And of all MP shooters I have played, I think BF3 probably has the some of the best guns for each class as starter guns or the first unlock. The top/last unlocks certainly dont seem to be better at all than what you will get in your first few hours of play. Also, its better to stick to one gun and unlock its addons rather than always hop onto the newest unlocked gun.

I do stick with my squad and try my best to help achieve the objectives instead of being a lonewolf trying to get my K/D up....that's not me. But you have to fight the enemies and its just so hard to get kills since most have that stupid blinding flash light in your face or other unlocks that do give you advantage. For e.g. I wanted to try the heli. Now since I have no unlocks for it, I keep getting locked and killed by those heat seeking missiles. I don't even have the chaffs to even have a fighting chance to do some kills and get the unlocks (unless I am missing something and already have the chaffs). So basically you are flying bird in the air ready to be shot down within 30 secs near the enemy ground.

I love this game but damn its just brutal playing online. Plus it has no private games so you could only play with friends who might be at the same level like other games (KZ3 for e.g).
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