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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Rush is downgraded, sure. But I'll take it over boring three/five flag conquest on Console anyday. Opinion may change on PC.

Also only issue with Rush in BF3 is not having some alternate routes at times, some of the buildings in bazaar would be good to take down. I understand (and thank) the point of indestructible cover to give the defense a chance to attack compared to "all the buildings are down, enjoy our tank/explosive/helicopter fire! TROLLOLOLOL" attack rounds at times.

Bazaar should have been more like Karkand, more maze-like and less [+] shape-like

I think we all can agree that SDM is shit this outing. It wasn't too bad in BC2 outside of LOL MAGNUM AMMO, but it was tolerable/balanced. Here it's completely shit with pretty shitty spawns and the BF2 maps really AREN'T built for it in mind. Rush is completely tolerable because you can see DICE took care in placing the crates where they are. SDM? LOL HUGE OPEN MAP WITH THOUSANDS OF PLACES TO BE SHOT AT. ENJOY!

So glad I'm done with the shitty requirements for this gun. Note to DICE: Don't pull this shit again.

Wake Island SDM. who thought that was a good idea!?!??! i thought Caspian Border SDM couldn't be topped, i was wrong!

i can't wait to see what the TDM and SQR variations are like!


Grenade/M320 or shooting the bitches in a suicide attack to allow someone else to arm. OMG WTF

Rush whiners are hilarious. The only issue is the nerf to destruction allowing for stronger chokepoints. Frankly, arming the crates should've been the only way to do the gametype since BC1. Cheese methods are broke and ruin the mode.


Ok, now add the amount of mcoms that can be tank sniped

just Tank sniping or Stationary AT, RPG and 40MM GL shots too?


Future balance changes http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/forum/threadview/2832654624783579995/
So, Volume Two of the Future Balance Changes. We've recently updated with patches that have changed some balance items, and the community has responded with feedback. This list includes some direct responses to that feedback, as well as a very important issue close to several player's hearts: Aggressive Recon.

Bolt action sniper rounds now have a chance to kill at close range if the player is hit in the upper chest.

Why are we making this change?
-Aggressive Recon was a popular (and controversial) play style in BFBC2, the fact that the playstyle is essentially not present in BF3 has been a disappointment to many players.
-The balance issues of BC2 (Magnum ammo increasing the 1 hit kill range) is not present in BF3, the range is set and cannot be improved by players. Additionally the 1 hit kill is not guaranteed in BF3, the target is small and can be blocked by the player's arms.
-Additionally, all kits have access to the Slug shotguns, the 870 pump with slugs is still far superior to a bolt action rifle at close range. It is faster, and it can hit anywhere in the torso to 1 hit kill, though it lacks the accuracy of the snipers at range.
-Finally, Recon is under represented in the game, especially in CQB game modes, giving the Recon player a place in CQB is important to us as developers.

And yes, for those of you who follow me on Twitter, I changed my mind. I hope this change pleases the Recon players, and I believe it will not negatively impact the game for the rest of you.
-Alan "Demize99" Kertz

It’s important to note:
• This list is provided as a way for the Community to give us feedback on potential Balance changes to the game.
• This list is specifically focused on Balance changes. Feature requests and bug fixes are purposefully absent from this list.
• There is no guarantee that any of these Balance changes will make it into a future update at all, nor is this list a guarantee that there will be future updates.

Slightly increased the AEK971 recoil.
Slightly increased the ASVAL recoil.
Added Extended Mags to the ASVAL.
Slightly increased the recoil on the M249.
Reduced the recoil of the SKS rifle.
Fixed aimed firing max accuracy on the Pecheneg to be consistent with other LMGs.
Slightly reduced the recoil of the F2000 and restored it to the previous base accuracy.
Semiautomatic and automatic shotguns firing FRAG rounds now do slightly less splash damage.
Increased the damage of the G3, M60, and M240 at close range.

Claymores can now detonate from vehicles and can be used to disable jeeps or kill the passengers in light jeeps. Claymores will not do any damage to heavy vehicles.
Reduced the spot times on C4 and Claymore projectiles from 30 to 15 sec.
The Radio Beacon, Mortar, Mav, EOD bot, T-UGS, and SOFLAM should now be much easier to deploy.
C4 will no longer be detonatable after a player respawns, if the player is revived within 5 seconds he can still detonate his C4.
The player may now have a maximum number of mines which will persist after the player's death. Deploying more than the maximum of 6 mines will remove a previous mine from the world.
Claymores now also persist through death, the player can have 2 claymores planted.

9x39mm rounds no longer benefit from the Sniper headshot bonus.
Increased the damage of the 9x39mm rounds.
Fixed the AKS74u damage at max range, it was incorrectly higher than other carbines.
Increased the damage of the .357 and .44 magnum rounds at max range.
All semiautomatic and bolt weapons, including all shotgun slugs, now have their maximum damage out to 15m.
Semiautomatic sniper rifles, Assault Rifles, LMGs, and shotgun slugs now have more consistent damage over long range.

Tweaked IRNV to be more consistent across all levels.
Fixed a rendering issue with IRNV view when taking damage.
Tweaked the IRNV zoom times and scope visible areas to be the same across all weapons (some were faster than others).
Fixed the QBU-88 sniper and the L96 IRNV scopes to use the proper aiming reticule.

The spread for Flechette rounds has been reduced slightly on all shotguns.
The spread for buckshot has been reduced on the M1014, DAO-12, and S12k. These weapons have an accuracy advantage over the USAS12 but are not as accurate as the 870.

Semiautomatic weapons will no longer "jam" if the player presses fire faster than the weapon is capable of shooting. Some semi automatic weapons have had their rates of fire adjusted to fit this change.

Slightly reduced the effective blast radius of the RPG, SMAW, and 40mm grenade projectiles against infantry.
Reduced the total number of RPG and SMAW missiles carried from 5 to 4.

Tank rounds will now instantly destroy Jets, Attack Helicopters, and Scout Helicopters.
Fixed a problem when locking on to two nearby targets, the locking should no longer jump rapidly between multiple targets.
Significantly increased the damage of the Javelin and Air to Ground missiles against laser designated targets.
Javelin missiles fired without laser targeting now do more damage to the side and rear of MBTs.
Slightly reduced the locking time of all weapons vs Laser Designated targets.
Increased the locking distance for Jets when locking on laser designated targets.
Slightly reduced the repair speed of the repair tool.
Increased the damage the MBT's primary weapon does to other main battle tanks.
AA Missiles should no longer kill the pilot instead of the vehicle.
Reduced the damage AA missiles do to jets.
Stinger and IGLA missiles now do 50% damage to Jets, Attack Helicopters, and Scout Helicopters.
Slightly reduced the damage of Jet cannons.
Increased RPG and SMAW damage against aircraft.
Guided Rockets will now only track ground targets, as originally intended.
Reduced the direct damage done by helicopter gunners vs armor.
Helicopter guns should now suppress correctly.
Improved the accuracy of the Mi28 gun to match the AH1 gun.
Increased the direct hit damage of the APFSDS rounds for the IFVs.
Miniguns and Helicopter Gunners now more quickly destroy parked cars.
Increased the power of explosions from cars and other explosive static objects.
Dying from the explosion of a car or other explosive static object should now correctly credit the player who caused the explosion.
Adjusted the F35's Center of Mass and Lift Engine for more stable, level flight.
Updated the F35 weapon systems to be consistent with the other air craft.
Changed the Kornets to TOW launchers on Wake Island and moved the spawn position of the AAV to a more level position.
Fixed several bugs with air vehicles colliding with objects at high speeds and taking no damage.
Players will no longer receive suicides or team kills if they crash their vehicle (dying is punishment enough).
You can now spot with the EODbot.

Increased the spawn protection time from 1sec to 2sec. The protection will still be immediately canceled as soon as the player moves or shoots.
Spawn protection will no longer be canceled by the player looking around.
Slightly increased the speed at which a player can shoot again after sprinting.
Fixed some situations that would unintentionally make a player unrevivable.
Reduced the black screen fade in time on spawn.


Everything sounds perfect with the exception of these:
Stinger and IGLA missiles now do 50% damage to Jets, Attack Helicopters, and Scout Helicopters.

2 stinger missiles should not blow up the helicopter. Helicopters already have tons of stuff to deal with already. Other than that, everything sounds perfect, especially the reduced splash damage on rpg/smaw. Lets get this thing back to the alpha levels of fun.

Slightly reduced the locking time of all weapons vs Laser Designated targets.
This one doesnt sound too good either. I sometimes get insta lock-ons (and missle is already fired) enough as it is. Seems like these 2 points will make it hell for an attack helicopter.

Also, am I the only one who thinks that you should only be able to lay down 2 claymores period. Basically i mean, you shouldnt be able to lay down any more claymores until 1 of the 2, already placed, claymores blow up.
I think that would decrease the amount of claymore spam we're going to see on Strike at Karkand (RUSH especially)


Claymores can now detonate from vehicles and can be used to disable jeeps or kill the passengers in light jeeps. Claymores will not do any damage to heavy vehicles.

Claymores now also persist through death, the player can have 2 claymores planted.

Jeeps are pretty fucked.


Last night, servers were so imbalanced - ps3- never saw it like that before, karkland maps were lucky to have 7 vs 8, they never filled up.

I get the impression that conquest assault is not anyones favorite mode, certainly not mine, nor my friends. Feels like the B2K maps are wasted due to it.


So now we go back to reducing the jet's cannon damage after it was just increased in this latest patch? I can understand if they want to make it a couple more hits on other jets, but to make it suck even more against ground targets is ridiculous as the jets are already pretty worthless against ground targets unless there's a SOFLAM up. There's no point to air superiority in this game when all you can do is give like 35 damage to ground targets in a single pass flying as slow as possible. Diving would be more effective at times but you usually can't even see the tanks and shit anyway until you're really close to them making you a great target for the AA that already dominate most players.

AA doesn't bug me too much while in jets but some maps are tailor made for them. Helos are another story and have 50 things that can lock on to them, but the increased damage should possibly help them out against ground targets.

And anyone that plays with me knows I'm a good pilot, especially with jets, so don't say I just suck...lol. It just seems like they went too far in the other direction to fix issues from BF2 but now the jets don't do anything to really affect the outcome of a match. At least they could have had some Mk.82's to drop on targets and at least damage tanks and infantry somewhat, but not only don't you get bombs, you're an easier target and your other weapons aren't great either.

I do like the A-10 though since it can actually do some damage to tanks. I'm not asking to match that in the F-18 with a smaller cannon or anything, but at least let us help the team.

Note: My problems with identifying targets is mostly due to play hardcore where there's no spotting which is fine for the ground game, but makes it impossible for jets to help without using the ATG missiles which take too long to lock on without SOFLAM anyway and miss often. You need to see them to shoot them and even the radar can't help you enough to spot them without a lot of low passes to find them first.
AA is useless! Just get in a tank, the driver should have guided shells and someone in the CITV station. Lock any helicopter and boom one shot one kill. It's a cheap and bullshit tactic to be honest. Helicopters don't stand a chance.
Tank rounds will now instantly destroy Jets, Attack Helicopters, and Scout Helicopters.
Stinger and IGLA missiles now do 50% damage to Jets, Attack Helicopters, and Scout Helicopters.
Reduced the direct damage done by helicopter gunners vs armor.

So, another gigantic nerf to helicopters. I wish they gave context on WHY they are doing some of these things, as they just seem bizarre. The last patch massively increased the importance of the gunner in the helicopter, and now this one makes the gunner less effective. Why?

Ditto also the increase in importance of SOFLAM locked targets, which is a good idea to get people using a really interesting and underused mechanic. However, from what I can make of the notes the jets now get bonus range for SOFLAM locked targets. Helis naturally get nothing.

Improved the accuracy of the Mi28 gun to match the AH1 gun.

Why the hell was this the case in the first place? Totally bizarre. In BF2 the Havoc was less maneouverable than the Cobra but the "pay off" was that it had a more deadly cannon, especially against infantry. It was a pretty stupid idea in that game, but in this one it seems the Havoc just completely sucks compared to the Viper with no positive trade off at all. Why even make one worse than the other one? It just boggles the mind.


AA is useless! Just get in a tank, the driver should have guided shells and someone in the CITV station. Lock any helicopter and boom one shot one kill. It's a cheap and bullshit tactic to be honest. Helicopters don't stand a chance.

Another point that supports my post above yours. There's just too much shit to take air units out with to where it's a constant barrage of missiles you can't hope to shake as your flares reload and you can't even get back to base soon enough unless there's a big structure nearby that you can duck behind to fly back and repair, but then that puts you at more risk due to other things to kill you.

They wanted to stop the frustration some people had from BF2 saying jets and helos were too powerful (I didn't mind it that much actually but I understand a slight nerf) but instead they just made anyone who likes to fly frustrated because you're weak and serve no purpose to the fight below unless you can get a shitload of kills on a contested flag before you have to bug out, but usually there's too many missiles to shake unless you're really lucky. So not only are they weak in that way, but their guns are underpowered considering just how weak they are. The helo pilot's missiles aren't bad but the gunner is definitely underpowered and even inaccurate from a distance so you can't even get a good enough drop on the AA.

The gunner's buff will alleviate some of the problems, but you can tell there's a lot of pissed off infantrymen at DICE. They just didn't balance it well enough to where all sides could be happy and beneficial to the team.

I love the scout helo when the AA is far away though! :D
A good compromise would be to reintroduce the static AA/stinger sites like in BF2 (it would require some major changes to every map with helicopters/jets though) and remove the ability to lock on helicopters/jets with laser guided munitions. I know the Javelin has limited ability to destroy helicopters but for sake of balance it should be for ground targets only. If you want to destroy air targets you should select the stinger. Tank shells chasing down helicopters is just ridiculous beyond words hehe.
Not sure if this is the right place to post this...

Booted up saved campaign on PS3 this morning, fame tries to load, eventually get kicked back to main menu with message "cannot connect to EA online"??

Anyone seen this before, got any ideas? Internet connection is fine and it's only for campaign wtf??
I just started to hit up BF3 on 360 after being unwrapped on my shelf for a few weeks. It's the same BF fare i remember from badcompany1/2 but I'm getting annoyed by the huge Conquest indicators on the screen, is there anyway to remove them or at least make them smaller?
Tank rounds will now instantly destroy Jets, Attack Helicopters, and Scout Helicopters
but not jeeps?

Reduced the total number of RPG and SMAW missiles carried from 5 to 4.
lol, so instead of upping the amount of Stinger/Javelin ammo, they lower the RPG Ammo! MASTER TROLLS!!!

Guided Rockets will now only track ground targets, as originally intended.

Fixed several bugs with air vehicles colliding with objects at high speeds and taking no damage.

You can now spot with the EODbot.


Started playing MP last night and wanted to keep it simple so I went with Team Deathmatch. I like that there is not as much HUD shitting up your screen in TDM.

It really does capture that Call of Duty vibe but it is also a Battlefield game through and through. Weird. Had a lot of fun though. Once the unlocks start coming you can make a very satisfying kit.

In the other Battlefields there is a screen were it shows you how many kills you've gotten with each weapon. I can't find it on BF3. Anyone know where it is?


I'm having to reinstall BF3 after reinstalling windows. After the download from Origin hits 100% it seems to be stuck... I've downloaded a gig PAST the 14.9. WTF is going on?
Started playing MP last night and wanted to keep it simple so I went with Team Deathmatch. I like that there is not as much HUD shitting up your screen in TDM.

It really does capture that Call of Duty vibe but it is also a Battlefield game through and through. Weird. Had a lot of fun though. Once the unlocks start coming you can make a very satisfying kit.

In the other Battlefields there is a screen were it shows you how many kills you've gotten with each weapon. I can't find it on BF3. Anyone know where it is?
you have to check the battlelog website (or a 3rd party stats site) for that now.
Everything sounds perfect with the exception of these:

2 stinger missiles should not blow up the helicopter. Helicopters already have tons of stuff to deal with already. Other than that, everything sounds perfect, especially the reduced splash damage on rpg/smaw. Lets get this thing back to the alpha levels of fun.
Yeah, I hardly use the attack helicopters now even though I enjoy them a lot. You spend most of your time evading lock ons and not actually fighting. Also, it's a real pain in the ass when you deploy flares and still get hit!

Edit: What's with jet pilots just flying in to choppers too? Is this because it's the only way some people can get the kill? Happens all the time.


Edit: What's with jet pilots just flying in to choppers too? Is this because it's the only way some people can get the kill? Happens all the time.

I think it mostly has to do with just an average pilot who gets greedy and thinks he can take your chopper out in time in just one pass so he keeps going right at you hoping to get the kill until it's too late and the helo is suddenly right on top of you. I've had close calls but I always know when to pull away whereas I think the others don't and get tunnel vision on the target and not really paying attention to how close that target is getting to them.

Things fly up on you quick and the average pilot gets greedy and pays the price, but of course there's some shitty pilots who do it just to get the kill or because they can't take anything else down easily.
Yeah, I hardly use the attack helicopters now even though I enjoy them a lot. You spend most of your time evading lock ons and not actually fighting. Also, it's a real pain in the ass when you deploy flares and still get hit!

Edit: What's with jet pilots just flying in to choppers too? Is this because it's the only way some people can get the kill? Happens all the time.

Lock on range needs to be relative to the weapon. I don't really mind if the mobile AA has the largest lock on range, because when killed, it takes a little while to respawn, it's a big target, etc. However, Stinger/IGLA should have a much more limited range. The problem now is that two skilled infantry w/AA can cover a pretty large portion of the maps.

Doesn't help that the maps in vanilla BF3 are on the smallish side. But the way I see it is, mobile AA, in most maps, should be the cornerstone of your team's AA. Infantry AA should be effective enough to protect a small area that you/your squad is operating in (i.e. attacking/defending a flag).
I think it mostly has to do with just an average pilot who gets greedy and thinks he can take your chopper out in time in just one pass so he keeps going right at you hoping to get the kill until it's too late and the helo is suddenly right on top of you. I've had close calls but I always know when to pull away whereas I think the others don't and get tunnel vision on the target and not really paying attention to how close that target is getting to them.

Things fly up on you quick and the average pilot gets greedy and pays the price, but of course there's some shitty pilots who do it just to get the kill or because they can't take anything else down easily.

Many do it on purpose too. If they just scrape the helis from above they'll be fine and the heli becomes uncontrollable for a few seconds, long enough to crash.
New Blog: B2K Reviews

Why no Sharqi trailer?



The pack also includes a new Conquest Assault mode, which has players taking on the roles of attackers or defenders as they fight for control of points.

The new mode isn't much different than the already available Conquest mode, though forcing one side to always defend and the other to attack does make for a different set of strategies from the get go. Unfortunately, this mode is only playable in two maps. The new weapons, which can be used both in the new maps and the old ones, are all unlocked through special "assignments." It's a little annoying to have to unlock something you just paid for, but it does make it feel like you're getting a bit more progression out of your investment.



Seems like every single game I join is an unbalanced mess with the other team totally dominating.

Most of the time I join half way through and I still manage to get the most points in my team, it's like everyone else doesn't even try.


Just looked at my profile and saw that I had 10.2% accuracy.. is this really low or is this normal? I played quite a lot of support giving suppressing fire and I'm not sure if AA fire is counted as well, that could explain it perhaps.
Just looked at my profile and saw that I had 10.2% accuracy.. is this really low or is this normal? I played quite a lot of support giving suppressing fire and I'm not sure if AA fire is counted as well, that could explain it perhaps.

It's normal since it accounts for everything. I'm pretty sure it accounts for everything, mortars, jets, helis, mounted guns, etc. so it doesn't really mean much.

Mine's at 12.7%


I'm not sure if they count vehicle accuracy and things like mortars either. If they did I'm sure my accuracy would be lower than the 20ish% I'm at right now.

Still no medal/dogtag or special knives for melee kills :(
I'm not sure if they count vehicle accuracy and things like mortars either. If they did I'm sure my accuracy would be lower than the 20ish% I'm at right now.

Still no medal/dogtag or special knives for melee kills :(

Well, I added all my accuracies and the average was 23,82%, but it says 12.7% on Battlelog. But I do use alot of vehicles so I figured that must be it.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Well, I added all my accuracies and the average was 23,82%, but it says 12.7% on Battlelog. But I do use alot of vehicles so I figured that must be it.

I shoot hundreds of shots with the AA per minute, so I figure my accuracy would be about 2% if they included that.
I shoot hundreds of shots with the AA per minute, so I figure my accuracy would be about 2% if they included that.
You can't say that for sure.

But I can say for sure that it's certainly NOT just the weapons. Even if I count the weapons I didn't use ever, with 0% and the knife I get 16% not 12%

Also 0% on one vehicle would not drop the average to 2%


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
You can't say that for sure.

But I can say for sure that it's certainly NOT just the weapons. Even if I count the weapons I didn't use ever, with 0% and the knife I get 16% not 12%

You can't add the accuracies like that. For example, let's say your accuracy with the M4 is 25% - you fired 4 shots, hit 1. And your accuracy with the SKS is 75% - you shot 1000 times, hit 750. You wouldn't say your accuracy is 50% (average of 75 and 25) because your actual accuracy would be 74.8% (751/1004).
Well if the Main accuracy on Battlelog is actually all bullets that hit / all fired on all weapons and not just the average of the % shown in the weapon pages, then I guess there's no way to know for sure.


0/10 Valparaíso
1/6 Isla Inocentes
2/8 Atacama Desert
2/10 Arica Harbor
2/6 White Pass
0/10 Laguna Presa
3/8 Port Valdez
3/6 Nelson Bay
1/10 Oasis
2/8 Harvest Day
2/6 Cold War

that's 18/88 that can be collapsed and i'm not even counting Vietnam!

Yeah so attackers can do it on 9 maps out of 11. I know that it's not the case for every MCOM and don't get me wrong, I loved BC2 Rush (that's what made me love the game in the first place actually), it's just that when attackers do that, defenders tend to quit or go in a "fuck defending" mode. Port Valdez was one of my favorite map before that.


Jesus I'm locking targets left and right with the CITV and no one uses javelins or guided misses.

I also fucking hate it when no one in your entire team responds when you ask a question in chat.
Jesus I'm locking targets left and right with the CITV and no one uses javelins or guided misses.

I also fucking hate it when no one in your entire team responds when you ask a question in chat.

They put the chat box in a corner no one can see it anymore. HUGE chat was useful :p
Yeah so attackers can do it on 9 maps out of 11. I know that it's not the case for every MCOM and don't get me wrong, I loved BC2 Rush (that's what made me love the game in the first place actually), it's just that when attackers do that, defenders tend to quit or go in a "fuck defending" mode. Port Valdez was one of my favorite map before that.

The fact that it could be done for ANY map was a huge fail. Valparaiso had no destructible building crates, but had two sets that could easily be rocket sniped. That instantly makes the map a little shitty, IMO.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Jesus I'm locking targets left and right with the CITV and no one uses javelins or guided misses.

I also fucking hate it when no one in your entire team responds when you ask a question in chat.

I almost never read chat. Is there a way to pull it up without saying anything yet?


Can you guys bump this post on reddit. I really dont want a OHK zone in this game as it doesn't address the actual issue with sniping in BF3. Maybe I can actually get an opinion through to demize.

The reddit post.
As an assault recon player in BC2/BF3 I think making the bolt action sniper rifles I think making a non-head OHK range is the wrong decision.

The issue with the bolt-actions in close and medium range is being able to track a target while zooming in with the 7x or 8x scopes (12x scope is meant for long ranges). I think the scope in time/process should be similar to BC2. BC2 scoping allowed you to continue to track a target but, had the negative of OHKs.

Another issue if you make a OHK zone is the difficulty in distinguishing distance in the game. I want to play a style where I am not taking the risky/lucky chance that my single shot was within the OHK range. Hence, I am forced to aim for the head anyway to be a consistent and successful player.

I hope you try tweaking the scope in time instead demize as it keeps the skill/difficulty requirements for assault recon success the same.


Can you guys bump this post on reddit. I really dont want a OHK zone in this game as it doesn't address the actual issue with sniping in BF3. Maybe I can actually get an opinion through to demize.

The reddit post.

I actually dont mind that OHK with sniper rifles. It was a viable tactic in BC2 and didnt really make a different in the overall feel of the game.


I really don't see a problem with the proposed change.

Well its not the issue that snipers face at close range. The difficult is tracking a target. Its even a problem at medium range. The time it takes to scope makes it so your target is behind cover again before you could ever fire a shot.

I actually dont mind that OHK with sniper rifles. It was a viable tactic in BC2 and didnt really make a different in the overall feel of the game.

You didnt play with me and scogoth. It was a pretty broken game mechanic. The only threat were medic chains.


Really easy solutions for tanks vs helis.

Guided rockets still take one hit, but the range of the CITV station is slightly reduced and the lock on time is slightly increased. Also and this really should be for every laser designation tool, full line of sight should be required. If the target is behind some bushes or a barrier, you won't be able to lock on. If your target goes infront of something sizable (like a building), the lock on resets completely.

Also laser designator should have a trade off that it is a laser. CITV and laser painter (on the heli) should both look like the soflam. As in a bright red light. It is so annoying being painted and having absolutely no idea where it is coming from.

Next the gunner in the tank and any coaxial weapons (especially the HMG) do more damage to helicopters. In other words if you are stupid enough to get right next to a tank at a low elevation and just blast away at it, the tank should have the same chance to kill you. However, the damage at range should stay the same.

Next IR smoke needs to be more useful. It needs to last longer and disperse at a greater distance. It should also travel with the tank for a short distance (ie disperse over time). Nobody uses it, so WTF is it good for?

Next, if any air vehicle crashes into another, they BOTH die. I am sick of plans clipping me in my heli sending me into a death spiral while they fly away.


Trucker Sexologist
I actually dont mind that OHK with sniper rifles. It was a viable tactic in BC2 and didnt really make a different in the overall feel of the game.
Me neither, to be honest. It's not going to make much of a difference unless you play Metro all day. There just isn't a ton of CQC in BF3.
Me neither, to be honest. It's not going to make much of a difference unless you play Metro all day. There just isn't a ton of CQC in BF3.

It happens alot when you are assualting, and when your AR takes several hits to kill a person and the sniper simply one shots you up close, it is bullshit. It was bullshit in BC2, will be bullshit here. Many recon players get extremely good at it and you basically get the quick scope like crap that happens in COD. Sniper rifles should be for one they are made for, sniping. They want to improve Recon use in CQC, then they should concentrate on other things than making sniper rifles viable cqc weapon.
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