Red Blaster
wtf I get a "Ready To Install" button on BF3 in Origin but when I click on it nothing happens
Red Blaster said:wtf I get a "Ready To Install" button on BF3 in Origin but when I click on it nothing happens
johnny_park said:Do you have to preorder to get the bonus maps?
mcrae said:been applying the patch for fucking 10 minutes already
MrOogieBoogie said:Guys... um... holy fucking shit at the jet mission in the campaign.
How is no one talking about this? I think that was one of the standouts missions/on-rail sections of this entire generation. The visuals are MIND-BLOWING. Just... fuck.
loblaw said:How do you patch it?
edit: Er, is this consoles?
No.Kazerei said:Quick question, is it possible to play offline multiplayer with bots (in the PS3 version)? I tried googling it, but couldn't find a definite answer.
Izayoi said:Who are papagiannakos, Sornatius, CrookedRain, and DisgustipatedAP1? Please send me a PM or post here if you would like to be accepted into the West Platoon.
Daigoro said:so, anyone make an XBOX GAF BF3 tag yet?
Izayoi said:Who are papagiannakos, Sornatius, CrookedRain, and DisgustipatedAP1? Please send me a PM or post here if you would like to be accepted into the West Platoon.
Console gamers MP unlock time I guess. PC, no worries if you use proxy or just wait too I guessbishoptl said:Well, I capitulated and installed Origin to buy the game. All that tough talk about waiting for Steam...damn my weakness.
What's going on with the bitching about Pacific time setting the standard? Y'all know the West side is the best side. /Tupac
West Side would be the best side if the game released at midnight EST ;pbishoptl said:What's going on with the bitching about Pacific time setting the standard? Y'all know the West side is the best side. /Tupac
Did that after struggling with it for ten minutes and then saw your post.Kahoona said:FIXED the "Repair Install" issue.
1. Open up C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 3
2. Rename the Bf3.exe DiP Somethingsomething to Bf3.exe
3. Restart Origin.
Izayoi said:Who are papagiannakos, Sornatius, CrookedRain, and DisgustipatedAP1? Please send me a PM or post here if you would like to be accepted into the West Platoon.
Kahoona said:FIXED the "Repair Install" issue.
1. Open up C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 3
2. Rename the Bf3.exe DiP Somethingsomething to Bf3.exe
3. Restart Origin.
Kahoona said:FIXED the "Repair Install" issue.
1. Open up C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 3
2. Rename the Bf3.exe DiP Somethingsomething to Bf3.exe
3. Restart Origin.
No, but you will have to re-authenticate if you don't want to wait 40 minutes.Red Blaster said:Do we redo the repair install afterwards?
Apply margin said:Do I need to send you anything through battlelog to join or is posting here enough? Id like in, kingaaronaz is mine
Are you really running this game on a computer with less than 4GB of RAM?MadraptorMan said:What were they thinking with this browser-based Battle Log shit? When I play a game on my PC, especially one as demanding as this one, I want that game to have access to as much of the computer's resources as possible, but now I have to have Origin and Chrome open taking up memory and cycles? Now I'm going to have to disable all my extensions every time I want to play this game.. >_<
MadraptorMan said:What were they thinking with this browser-based Battle Log shit? When I play a game on my PC, especially one as demanding as this one, I want that game to have access to as much of the computer's resources as possible, but now I have to have Origin and Chrome open taking up memory and cycles? Now I'm going to have to disable all my extensions every time I want to play this game.. >_<
Jesus Christmas.DTKT said:
MadraptorMan said:What were they thinking with this browser-based Battle Log shit? When I play a game on my PC, especially one as demanding as this one, I want that game to have access to as much of the computer's resources as possible, but now I have to have Origin and Chrome open taking up memory and cycles? Now I'm going to have to disable all my extensions every time I want to play this game.. >_<
Megasoum said:If your pc is not powerfull enough to handle your webbrowser while gaming it's faire to say that it's about damn time you change it....
WTF. They still can't tell which team wins or loses?Ryuuga said:Anyone else notice that the defeat/victory music is mixed up?
Izayoi said:Apply here.
I would imagine so, unless there are enough people here located in Asia in order to warrant an Asian Platoon.MadraptorMan said:I wonder if NeoGAF West is the best option for J-GAF players?
That guy made an A10 gun sound in his shorts soon after I bet.DTKT said: