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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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BrokenEchelon said:
You aren't going to get 1080p 60 FPS locked on Ultra with that setup, if that's what you're asking.

You'll get something fairly close though.

40 FPS doesn't sound that bad .... Or would it be better to play the game at high then?


Is there anyway to change the size or position of the chat window? I know that you can change all other hud places but that damn chat window is so big and in the way. I have been killed plenty of time because it got in the way.


Bamelin said:
40 FPS doesn't sound that bad .... Or would it be better to play the game at high then?

I'd do whatever I could to maintain a capped 60. The game looks amazing at anything above Medium anyways. The game auto-detects pretty well, so let it do its work and try setting a few things higher until you notice too many frame dips.


Axel Hertz
RbBrdMan said:
Anyone else having any issues connecting to MP.

I keep getting:
"Something strange happened, please report this issue: ERR_LOGIN_DISPLAYTOS"

Gonna try to restart Origin and Battlelog I guess.
Funny, I'm getting the same thing.

We're on the Maintenance window, but a friend of mine is playing as we speak. She just joined, 10 minutes ago.

I can't join. I bought an US key, she bought a Brazilian key. Maybe that's it?


NullPointer said:
Was just going to ask if the West Coast needed to wait until 9pm PST or midnight PST. Whats this about 3am?

My Origin release date check just says it will unlock at 00:00:00 but I don't know if that takes my time zone into account.

Here's something, really hope that's false..



drizzle said:
Funny, I'm getting the same thing.

We're on the Maintenance window, but a friend of mine is playing as we speak. She just joined, 10 minutes ago.

I can't join. I bought an US key, she bought a Brazilian key. Maybe that's it?

My stats aren't reset and I don't see any servers above 14 or so people. I think the servers are still down for the most part.


georgc said:
Is there anyway to change the size or position of the chat window? I know that you can change all other hud places but that damn chat window is so big and in the way. I have been killed plenty of time because it got in the way.

Oh, you can change HUD dimensions? Lol I'll have to do that.


BrokenEchelon said:
Oh good...

I considered Black Ops' campaign to be the worst in Call of Duty's history...and I thought MoH's was even worse than that.

At least it will look pretty.

Yeah. It'll help a bit because it's a slightly lower resolution, but we're talking nearly negligible compared to 1920x1080.

Look at the BF3 Performance thread. There's several tips for things you can turn down without losing too much image fidelity while keeping everything else on Ultra.

Either way, the game will look great, and it should run at 30 FPS (at the very least) without dips after some tweaking.

If you choose to bite the bullet and drop to 720p I'm fairly sure you'll have no problems with
getting a 60 FPS locked frame rate, but I could be overshooting it.

Actually after checking my ,monitor it's native 1920x1080.

Will check performance thread. Appreciate the advice


Before I found a proxy that worked, I was still being told that the game would release at 3:00 AM in my timezone, so we're still looking at ~5 hours until unlock for those in the US.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Pandoracell said:
Before I found a proxy that worked, I was still being told that the game would release at 3:00 AM in my timezone, so we're still looking at ~5 hours until unlock for those in the US.
Yeah, and meanwhile on Twitter, DICE is teasing about how we will be playing soon (launch at midnight). Those of us who preordered and preloaded are getting put behind retail buyers going to midnight launches. BS bad PR.


Anyone getting the "You were disconnected from the login server" error whenever they try to join a multiplayer game?

Apparently in the beta deleting your host files fixed it, but that isn't working.


Axel Hertz
Arment said:
My stats aren't reset and I don't see any servers above 14 or so people. I think the servers are still down for the most part.
A new notice just went up on the Battlelog:

NOTICE We are aware of the ERR_LOGIN_DISPLAYTOS-error, please be patient while we fix it

Oh god, they messed shit up on the first maintenance, didn't they?


Are there any recent examples of games that unlocked at 12 AM PST as opposed to 12 AM EST, or a rolling midnight unlock dependent on timezone?


herzogzwei1989 said:
who is going to a midnight launch event on the east coast ?

This guy is. Hope we don't have to wait until 3am to play. Damn those consoles at that time, hopefully the PC servers are up sooner. :p


Pandoracell said:
Are there any recent examples of games that unlocked at 12 AM PST as opposed to 12 AM EST, or a rolling midnight unlock dependent on timezone?

Cataclysm did this, and it was fucking bullshit.
Pandoracell said:
Are there any recent examples of games that unlocked at 12 AM PST as opposed to 12 AM EST, or a rolling midnight unlock dependent on timezone?

Many games on Steam unlock at midnight PST (including Valve's games).
Need some feedback on loading times. For me this game has the longest load times of any PC game I have played to date. I am running the game off a HD .


J-Rzez said:
Cataclysm did this, and it was fucking bullshit.

Iced_Eagle said:
Many games on Steam unlock at midnight PST (including Valve's games).

Interesting. As of early this year i'm new to Steam, and every game I can remember that I purchased with a midnight unlock was unlocked at 12 eastern iirc. Had no idea that wasn't totally common.
Arment said:
Using PST is pretty damn lame. Inconsiderate of the east coasters.

Any pretty much the rest of the country.

An hour, let alone two or three make quite a big difference when we're talking after midnight on a weekday.

It should either be released by EST Midnight, or by timezone, there's no reason for them not to do it that way save laziness.


So is anyone doing anything different their second (or third) run through? I went all assault today. Seemed like 80% of everyone that killed me was an Engineer.

Jubs said:
West coast is best coast.

I know! I used to live there. I miss it.

Lost Soul

The jet mission in singleplayer is so crap I wanted to be an ace pilot not a freaking passenger and why can't we start an empty server ffs.
Damn Australian release dates, such a pain. It's good to hear the people who have it enjoy it though, and the performance benchmarks make it seem like a satisfyingly demanding game yet still runnable on mid-tier hardware, good work Dice.
Alienshogun said:
Jesus, you can put a sniper scope on the shotgun now, and it WORKS?

This guy is sniping with a shotgun.


It's a replay BTW>
You could do that in the Beta too. It worked well with the 870.

It was funny as hell, but if it isn't fixed soon, it's gonna get to Gustav levels of annoying... Well, maybe not.


Arment said:
Using PST is pretty damn lame. Inconsiderate of the east coasters.

It really is. I remember when I used to buy a game, squeeze in an hour or two then hit the bed for work in the morning. Now it's like I pick up the game to play it when I wake up the next day so I don't have to go out of the house if I'm off.

Cataclysm was the first time I encountered this, so I'm blaming blizzard.
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