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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Stallion Free said:
It's as bad as Black Ops/Medal of Honor 2010.

Black Ops is my second favorite CoD campaign, and MoH had a great campaign, it just didn't have any story. It was just a bunch of fun levels.

Hmm, maybe I'll like this.


Neo Member
I'm not sure if this has been asked already, but did they fix the mouse sensitivity for jets/vehicle guns? Or is there an option to change it? I'm still rocking an Mx510, so I don't have any fancy buttons to change mouse sensitivity on the fly.
Guanoape said:
I'm not sure if this has been asked already, but did they fix the mouse sensitivity for jets/vehicle guns? Or is there an option to change it? I'm still rocking an Mx510, so I don't have any fancy buttons to change mouse sensitivity on the fly.

I have this issue too. I'm generally a low-sensitivity gamer, and right now I have my sensitivity pretty well dialed in. But then whenever I hop into a vehicle turret my crosshair starts spinning in circles.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
BattleMonkey said:
It really isn't, it's just like any other typical CoD campaign, perhaps not as spastic action packed. If you think CoD campaigns are crappy, then this is likely going to be crappy to you as well. Short, scripted, linear, silly.... pretty much same crap.

If you love the MW storylines and pacing, then this might seem slow to you and not as fun.

Found it pretty shitty as with all the CoD campaigns, but always give these campaigns a try at least once since they are beatable in one sitting.
Actually, the pacing is one of the problems I've always had with Call of Duty. I always felt as if there was no actual downtime. The game was always cranked up to 11 which ultimately resulting in everything feeling like one continuous note. A slower pace would actually be an improvement for that series.
Game Analyst said:
Are the maps just as fun as the maps from Bad Company 2?

If you are expecting BC2 like destruction based gameplay. No. Especially not in the smaller and urban environments. It does play great though. It's just a different.

But I really have to play some more to really get into it. I really sucked last night and it probably influenced my judgement.;)
Always-honest said:
i don't like the word peasants. Neogaf is becomming a grimm place.

I would like to move up into the elite PC ranks, but as my previous post stated...I dont know if I could run the game lol.
When BF2 came out I just bought a brand new PC, popped in the disc and play for 2 years striaght lol.

Half the stuff you guys are talking about I have very little knowledge of, heck if you see my older post Im not even exactly sure of my entire PC specs :/

Plus you guys alwasy make me worried about buying a PC game cause everytime a new game comes out it seems like a majority of you gusy have to do 100 things to get it to run properly.
My dumb-ass is more of a "pop in disc" play kinda guy. The whole downloading drivers, opening ports, etc.. makes me far to overwelmed that I'll buy a game and not be able to play it or play it at a worse framerate/resolution then its console counterpart.


just spent a couple of hours on a 64 conquest server going through various maps

most of them look pretty cool, but Metro 64 is just plain retarded ... wtf was DICE thinking there? there are 3 choke points in the station, and it just becomes a triple 10vs10 rpg fest from then on. No option to flank or do anything tactical. I liked it as a rush map but this just doesn't work. It either needs more tunnels or some other routes that connect the park and stock exchange plaza.

Fortunately every other map seems to be an absolute blast (except for the lag issues that plague Tehran Highway at the moment) , and the sound and graphics are amazing ofcourse ... performance seems *slightly* improved from BETA, I feel like I can enable 2x MSAA without gameplay disadvantages now

Really sour on the apparent lack of any tutorial/training options though ... am I supposed to learn to fly choppers/jets by camping them on a ranked server then get killed 25 seconds later? there aren't even any unranked servers at the moment!

oh well back to playing :p


I'd be in the dick
Just got back from Kmart. To anyone planning on going there to use the Batman coupon make sure that you dig through the copies for LEs. They only had 2 of them at my Kmart and they were hidden in the back. There also is a $20 coupon with purchase of BF3 so I'll be using that for Uncharted 3 next week.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Bradach said:
is there any downside to doing this? is there a risk that my account could be banned or anything? (sorry for the noob questions)

The downside is if you had anything planned for today, you probably wont make it.

Beyond that there is no downside, EA wont Ban people for getting early access to a game they PAID for.

And i dont think they even care anymore, which is why the pushed the Digital release date up.


n0n44m said:
just spent a couple of hours on a 64 conquest server going through various maps

most of them look pretty cool, but Metro 64 is just plain retarded ... wtf was DICE thinking there? there are 3 choke points in the station, and it just becomes a triple 10vs10 rpg fest from then on. No option to flank or do anything tactical. I liked it as a rush map but this just doesn't work. It either needs more tunnels or some other routes that connect the park and stock exchange plaza.

Fortunately every other map seems to be an absolute blast (except for the lag issues that plague Tehran Highway at the moment) , and the sound and graphics are amazing ofcourse ... performance seems *slightly* improved from BETA, I feel like I can enable 2x MSAA without gameplay disadvantages now

Really sour on the apparent lack of any tutorial/training options though ... am I supposed to learn to fly choppers/jets by camping them on a ranked server then get killed 25 seconds later? there aren't even any unranked servers at the moment!

oh well back to playing :p

What are your system specs?

I'd like to find decent recommendations for a 6850.
dark10x said:
Actually, the pacing is one of the problems I've always had with Call of Duty. I always felt as if there was no actual downtime. The game was always cranked up to 11 which ultimately resulting in everything feeling like one continuous note. A slower pace would actually be an improvement for that series.

Well you might like it then better, the game has lot of moments where nothing is happening but characters chattering, driving somewhere... lot of fluff moments in the game that seem to pad things and space em out... lot less of the pure rush action found in recent CoD titles. Though it does have segments that are basically non stop run and gun.


Picked up my PS3 copy an hr ago at K-Mart. Luckily I got the LE with the Karkand pack (only 25% of the total shipment is the LE one instead of EVERY copy)


Black_Stride said:
The downside is if you had anything planned for today, you probably wont make it.

Beyond that there is no downside, EA wont Ban people for getting early access to a game they PAID for.

And i dont think they even care anymore, which is why the pushed the Digital release date up.
Guess I'll have to reschedule a few things for this evening so! :)
QTE, talk about boring. How many of these things does the game need? Anyway,
I just finished the shopping mall level where you capture al-basir or whatever his name is.
How much of the SP campaign do I have left to go?


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Think I'm done with this until they fix the servers, Alpha had less issues than this.


Is it just me or do the weapons do about half the damage they did in Beta?
Talking about stationary, non sprinting targets, so no "sprint bug".

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Kylehimself said:
QTE, talk about boring. How many of these things does the game need? Anyway,
I just finished the shopping mall level where you capture al-basir or whatever his name is.
How much of the SP campaign do I have left to go?
Like 2ish levels.
kamspy said:
Is anyone getting a Cannot Sync Cloud Data error?

Yeah, and it seems to be stopping me from joining servers. When it works though, wow this game is amazing, and the sound makes things terrifying (close-quarters combat in the Damavand Peak tunnel is SCARY!)


Ughhh I was going to be all good and wait for Friday, but you bastards made me feel all dirty and unlock it early yay!
Hmmm I now have 4 Battlefield 3 games in Origin Alpha / Beta / Release / Unreleased lol

edit: woah at the logo intros, talk about making people have a fit... way too flashy and annoying. :/
Ikuu said:
Think I'm done with this until they fix the servers, Alpha had less issues than this.

Gameplay servers did fine in the beta. Try filtering on those. I guess most other server hosts just discovered the effect 64 players have on one server.


Deadly Cyclone said:
Black Ops is my second favorite CoD campaign, and MoH had a great campaign, it just didn't have any story. It was just a bunch of fun levels.

Hmm, maybe I'll like this.

IF the SP for BF3 can match the intensity and emotion of MoH, I'll friggen LOVE it. I mean, the firefight towards teh end of MoH
When they are all pinned down into a couple small buildings and it looked like they were left for dead, just to be saved in the nick of time by the chopper
was friggen' epic stuff, the sounds, the music, and ambiance and the plight packed the sequence and really made you feel how hopeless the situation was for them... awesome, awesome stuff right there.


Ok so to those who have had issues. i did three things, and i was able to play now without issues !

Give punkbustera.exe admin privilieges in properties, uninstalled and installed punkbuster completely, psuhed on the game in origin to check my game files, and it downloaded 40 mb out of the blue, after all this, i could play without issues in punkbuster enabled games. I had to do the proxy thing for activation again though :p


I am picking this baby up tonight, so if you guys want to be part of a bad ass BF crew add me. PS3 BC2 GAF represent. *posing in front of the mirror doing pucker lips and gang signs*


Terrain deformation doesn't seem to be working for me even though I have the terrain options set to high. Doesn't need to be ultra, right?


Pkm said:
Plus you guys alwasy make me worried about buying a PC game cause everytime a new game comes out it seems like a majority of you gusy have to do 100 things to get it to run properly.
My dumb-ass is more of a "pop in disc" play kinda guy. The whole downloading drivers, opening ports, etc.. makes me far to overwelmed that I'll buy a game and not be able to play it or play it at a worse framerate/resolution then its console counterpart.

Well I downloaded the game and pressed play. Played for a good 3 hours yesterday w/o issues, maybe the occasional disconnect but those are server issues. The people doing 100 things to get it running are the minority I think, those that do get it running off the bat are less likely to post about it.

If you want to have the best possible pc gaming experience and you're not all that tech savvy the best thing you can do is dedicate a machine just to pc gaming (no other software installed) and pretend that a games release date is really release date + 2 weeks.


BattleMonkey said:
Well you might like it then better, the game has lot of moments where nothing is happening but characters chattering, driving somewhere... lot of fluff moments in the game that seem to pad things and space em out... lot less of the pure rush action found in recent CoD titles. Though it does have segments that are basically non stop run and gun.

Don't like CoD at all. And not a fan of these rails-trigger-FPS games. Never buy them. But this is probably why I don't absolutely detest the Dice takes on it. I think the interragation is stupid, but because of the graphics, I can plod my way through and mildly enjoy myself. I can handle something of this nature once every year or two without it grating on me too much. And since it's basically free since I've bought the game anyway, it's worth a spin. I know people say it's vastly inferior to CoD, but I do find Dice's takes more enjoyable (probably says more about how much I hate CoD).
I tried to launch the game quickly before work this morning but I didn't have time :( I won't be able to play until either midnight and if I pass out, tomorrow after work. Can somebody tell me if this will handle BF3 at 1080p, Ultra, with either standard AA or off, and will I be able to achieve 60fps?

Phenom x4 955 3.2 gigz
4gr DDR 1600
GTX 570


Got stuck in the reinstalling loop. :(

Game ran so good last night. Thank god I have awesome 30mbps internet now. If this happened a couple weeks ago on my 1mbps connection, I'd probably go buy the disc.

FuttBuck said:
I tried to launch the game quickly before work this morning but I didn't have time :( I won't be able to play until either midnight and if I pass out, tomorrow after work. Can somebody tell me if this will handle BF3 at 1080p, Ultra, with either standard AA or off, and will I be able to achieve 60fps?

Phenom x4 955 3.2 gigz
4gr DDR 1600
GTX 570

I've got a wildly overclocked 460 and the same CPU and RAM. Getting very playable 30-60fps with a mix of high and ultra with 2xmsaa.


I think the criticism of the SP is a bit too harsh. From the prejudice of BF & SP never go together this is just judged even harsher. From a gameplay point of a view it has some weird bugs and bad design. From a cinematic experience to interesting story I think it delivers. It looks fucking amazing all the time, especially the villa is very pretty but as are many other scenes. Though the story starts really slow and kinda uninteresting near the end it really kicks into gear in my opinion.

Its nothing groundbreaking, it does little new. But as a story and experience its really good. Enough that it doesn't bring the rest down, like a lot of reviews are saying. Maybe they expected too much, or were just too sure before they started playing.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
TheAzRim said:
I am picking this baby up tonight, so if you guys want to be part of a bad ass BF crew add me. PS3 BC2 GAF represent. *posing in front of the mirror doing pucker lips and gang signs*

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