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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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Man, the campaign is just so much better than Call of Duty. Just like MoH, much more grounded to real conflicts and less silly in its structure.

Gunplay is just a million times better too.


What the hell did they do to the spotting? It feels wayy off and I no longer get that helpful beeping sound when I overheat it.
kamspy said:
Got stuck in the reinstalling loop. :(

Game ran so good last night. Thank god I have awesome 30mbps internet now. If this happened a couple weeks ago on my 1mbps connection, I'd probably go buy the disc.

I've got a wildly overclocked 460 and the same CPU and RAM. Getting very playable 30-60fps with a mix of high and ultra with 2xmsaa.

Good to know, thanks mang. That means I should be okay with all ultra and AA set to low, I hear MSAA gives big framerate drops?

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
JWong said:
Man, the campaign is just so much better than Call of Duty. Just like MoH, much more grounded to real conflicts and less silly in its structure.

Gunplay is just a million times better too.
Lmao just wait. Just you wait.
JWong said:
Man, the campaign is just so much better than Call of Duty. Just like MoH, much more grounded to real conflicts and less silly in its structure.

Gunplay is just a million times better too.

Eh has some more realistic scenarios and setting, but the opening of the game alone goes into silly territory
Someone flying into Spookie online was quite hilarious. He did not like that.

Anyway some screens from the GAF matches today, Metro conquest is so fucking bad, just 64 players grenade and missile spamming. Also the squad management or lack of is so frustrating.





and lastly, how all my jet flying lessons ends, they should really have let you try that in singleplayer.



Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
is the hd texture pack only for sp or both sp and mp? im only going to play mp and i only have a 20 gig hdd.


Stallion Free said:
Lmao just wait. Just you wait.
Wait for what? Finished the game already.

None of this space EMP nukes, hallucinating dead ghosts, and damn awful slow motion plot twists.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
ACE 1991 said:
Anyone else try to join games and get stuck on "joining server?"
The servers are complete shit, just keep trying and you should get into one.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
JWong said:
Wait for what? Finished the game already.

None of this space EMP nukes, hallucinating dead ghosts, and damn awful slow motion plot twists.
Then your version of grounded/realistic is hilariously fucked up.


Can anyone who received the limited edition on PS3 confirm if the online pass is separate from the limited edition pass (or whatever it's called that gets you Back to Karkand for free) or if they're one in the same?


I played a few hours into the morning last night (XBOX 360). I had a blast. But my buddy that was trying to play was having all sorts of problems, mainly repeatedly spawning without a gun. He also had a huge issue installing the texture pack.

I feel bad for him, son. His first impressions were not the best.
I only played 2 missions of the SP and don't feel the need to finish it.

Might pick it up again today after work.... but might be pulled to MP again.
I may be on much later tonight. I have a big test Saturday, so I really won't be able to dig in until after that.

Add me @ TheInquistor on the 360. I used to play with BC2 GAF. Also added my tag to the main list.
Okay, so my first impressions:

  • SP (first two missions)
    • Decent but nothing mindblowing. Weapons feel great, which really helps
    • QTE's are horrible. I'm not a QTE fan at all, but on a range of QTE inaneness (inanity?), these are up there
    • Graphics are fucking spectacular, for the most part. Occasionally you'll find a bland or ugly corner of the world, but overall, damned good
    • Missions themselves (Train and Swordbreaker) are just okay. Both have felt insanely linear and lacking any sort of "drive". Don't really know how to explain it. I'll play more later, but it's like an interactive story and not a game. And not in a "good" way. Thought it was hilarious that you don't even DRAG your wounded friend, you just press space and he automatically drags him. Devs need to realize that feeling like your actions make a difference is what makes gameplay memorable, not just watching your character "make a difference".
  • Co-Op (first two missions)
    • Surprisingly fun so far. Nothing too amazing, but good to play--can definitely see myself spending some time on this with friends
    • First mission is sort of a horde-mode with a cache of weapons nearby. Fun, if not tough
    • Second mission was fun, though a little strange. Feels like the chopper pilot doesn't have much to do if taking out/ID'ing the enemies is easiest when the chopper is still. I didn't get to fly though, so we'll see
  • MP
    • Fucking awesome, in general :D
    • Could have said this for any mode, but the sound really is top tier. Sound of the battlefield is perfect, every sound feels real and unique. Blows current competition out of the water
    • Animation and character models are gorgeous. There are still some glitches (reload prone animations LOL) and clipping issues (really hate that a sniper can go prone against a wall and essentially become half of a person) but overall, looks great. Ragdolls are MUCH improved from Beta/Alpha
    • Gunplay is fantastic. Each weapon feels pretty unique
    • Glad that, if we HAVE to unlock "essential" equipment, they were smart enough to make them early unlocks that take no time to get
    • Hit detection is much improved from the beta, as well as hit notification (no insta-deaths!). However, there is still a decent amount of "run behind cover, oops, I got shot/bullets followed me around the wall" situations. Feels better than BC2, but still a little DICE-y
    • Pretty obvious that the "choose a squad!" feature was implemented directly after the Beta. The "Join" button is just sort of pasted on the UI, not really in-line with the design standards. Same for commo-rose. But hey, at least they listened to community feedback and took it seriously
    • Battlelog is living up to my expectations. It's already 100% better than ANY DICE server browser at launch and is completely unobtrusive. Other than the TOS error yesterday, been absolutely smooth sailing for me. Now I just need it to remember the "sort" option I choose
    • The maps...where to start...I did play some Rush last night, but mostly played CQ with GAF for a few hours, so I'll leave these to CQ
      • The good: Operation Firestorm is an engineer's wet dream. So many damned vehicles, a decent amount of verticality in the map (two story buildings, pipelines, and roofs). Kharg Island is very similar, but seems to give more opportunities for infantry to Excel. BIG map, very fun, lots of different scenarios that can be approached. Tehran Highway has a lot of potential, though it was always a laggy map for me (apparently, at least one server provider has acknowledged that Tehran is having performance issues). Love the setting. Oddly enough, I really enjoy Grand Bazaar CQ. It's seems small, but is actually a fairly large twist of alleys and streets and allows vehicles to roam the outskirts. Almost feels like an really TDM map, given how quickly the flow of the battle moves/changes. I'm not the biggest fan of Canals yet, but feel it has potential and will have to give it another shot. And Caspian, of course, is Caspian, and has such a good flow to it
      • The bad: not feeling Damavand Peak CQ. Again, another straight line with, literally, an underground chokepoint. Control of the chokepoint will pretty much make or break the game, unless you can get a chopper ballsy enough to fly over and drop off some troops behind the base. Seine Crossing was similar--sort of chokepointish BUT, early in the evening when GAF played, we all weren't on the same page and later started wrecking shit, so I'm giving this the benefit of "bad team" doubt and will try again later.
      • The ugly: Operation Metro CQ--WHO THE FUCK GREENLIT THIS SHIT? 64 player version has three points, and the chokepoint is, literally, the escalator chokepoint from Rush, so winning is a matter of "who controls B". Seriously, this is somewhat infuriating, to see such laziness from DICE. It's surprising, honestly--one of those "there's no way they'd just do that" things.
    • There are some stupid decisions being made at DICE, and I don't understand why they don't learn from every MP game they've made that certain things should be standard. Why can't I see my ping? Why is there no in-game VOIP? Why can't I click on a spawn point on the map to spawn at it, instead of mix-n-matching the spawn list with the map? Why the FUCK can't we choose a spawn leader?
    • Overall...a strangely stable release by DICE. Was playing for several hours yesterday without a single disconnect, server maintenance withstanding


FuttBuck said:
Good to know, thanks mang. That means I should be okay with all ultra and AA set to low, I hear MSAA gives big framerate drops?

I keep the post AA on high, dropping it didn't seem to make a difference. I run 2xMSAA in the campaign and no MSAA in MP. Also, I change HBAO to SSAO, makes a huge difference on my computer without much visual loss.


BattleMonkey said:
Compared to CoD, perhaps. It's got lots of silly, but never goes as batshit as CoD. MoH was much more grounded in "reality"
Yeah BF3 is much more closer to MoH than middleground between the two. CoD is just unbelievable and the story breaks immersion from its insanity.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Got the 360 version here; I can't seem to get battlelog to activate. Website wants my EA account but when I login with that it says I'm not allowed to use this account. Google search returns a number of people with this problem ever since the beta but no solutions.

Anybody else got this yet?
Can someone please help me.

I just bough this game off origin store but the download button is all greyed out.Is there a way to pre-load this game ?


WOW, they really did make this engine purr. My framerate is flawless on high using HD 5850. Also the hit detection seems so good.

Loving it on my first MP game so far. :)


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
So what's the word on the console version? Xbox 360 specifically.

Any significant improvements over the beta?
Has there been any word from DICE about all the stuttering after the 2nd round going on some PCs?

Any unofficial fixes?

hiverbon said:
If you run Origin.exe as the Steam game and not the BF3.exe itself it works fine. You just need to remember to close Origin once you're done with BF3.

That's what I'm doing, and I do get the overlay when someone messages me. But I can't access it through the shortcut. Is that work ok for you?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Weehoo got it working! Tried out the campaign for a couple of missions, which is unbelievably boring and scripted, but I'm not really big on the half game shooting gallery style shooters.

Also, and I'm positive I'm alone in this, I don't even think it looks any good. Cranked up to ultra. I honestly think its the realistic art direction. I know what they're doing here is technologically gorgeous. Textures are awesome, lighting and shadows look lovely, etc. I just don't care. It's weird. Every once in awhile I see these technologically impressive games with heavily realistic art and it does absolutely nothing for me. I know they don't have a choice given the nature of the game, but to me it looks flat, bland and uninspired (I know, I know).

Witcher 2 and Crysis 2 DX11 were both considerably more pleasing on the eyes, in my opinion. Unless some fucked up insane shit happens later in the campaign. Like, it takes place in another dimension. The dimension of dinosaurs and sex.


I'd be in the dick
Tomat said:
So what's the word on the console version? Xbox 360 specifically.

Any significant improvements over the beta?
Huge improvements. Nearly all glitches fixed, less tearing, and a huge visual upgrade as long as you install the HD textures on 360.
EatChildren said:
Weehoo got it working! Tried out the campaign for a couple of missions, which is unbelievably boring and scripted, but I'm not really big on the half game shooting gallery style shooters.

Also, and I'm positive I'm alone in this, I don't even think it looks any good. Cranked up to ultra. I honestly think its the realistic art direction. I know what they're doing here is technologically gorgeous. Textures are awesome, lighting and shadows look lovely, etc. I just don't care. It's weird. Every once in awhile I see these technologically impressive games with heavily realistic art and it does absolutely nothing for me. I know they don't have a choice given the nature of the game, but to me it looks flat, bland and uninspired (I know, I know).

Witcher 2 and Crysis 2 DX11 were both considerably more pleasing on the eyes, in my opinion. Unless some fucked up insane shit happens later in the campaign. Like, it takes place in another dimension. The dimension of dinosaurs and sex.

I agree with Crysis 2, but not Witcher, I also found that one as boring (graphically) as BF3. But I think it's just the campaign that sucks, like you said, it's locations are not very interesting. Playing multiplayer with those graphics is beyond amazing though. You get some pretty awesome looking moments all the time.

P.S. - (I'm also not that very far off on the SP campaign)
EatChildren said:
Weehoo got it working! Tried out the campaign for a couple of missions, which is unbelievably boring and scripted, but I'm not really big on the half game shooting gallery style shooters.

Also, and I'm positive I'm alone in this, I don't even think it looks any good. Cranked up to ultra. I honestly think its the realistic art direction. I know what they're doing here is technologically gorgeous. Textures are awesome, lighting and shadows look lovely, etc. I just don't care. It's weird. Every once in awhile I see these technologically impressive games with heavily realistic art and it does absolutely nothing for me. I know they don't have a choice given the nature of the game, but to me it looks flat, bland and uninspired (I know, I know).

Witcher 2 and Crysis 2 DX11 were both considerably more pleasing on the eyes, in my opinion. Unless some fucked up insane shit happens later in the campaign. Like, it takes place in another dimension. The dimension of dinosaurs and sex.

you seemed pretty down on the game before it even came out so why did you buy it?

Also it is the multiplayer that is impressive with that kind of graphics, scale, animation, destruction etc. Single player is just a campaign afterall.
EatChildren said:
Weehoo got it working! Tried out the campaign for a couple of missions, which is unbelievably boring and scripted, but I'm not really big on the half game shooting gallery style shooters.

Also, and I'm positive I'm alone in this, I don't even think it looks any good. Cranked up to ultra. I honestly think its the realistic art direction. I know what they're doing here is technologically gorgeous. Textures are awesome, lighting and shadows look lovely, etc. I just don't care. It's weird. Every once in awhile I see these technologically impressive games with heavily realistic art and it does absolutely nothing for me. I know they don't have a choice given the nature of the game, but to me it looks flat, bland and uninspired (I know, I know).

Witcher 2 and Crysis 2 DX11 were both considerably more pleasing on the eyes, in my opinion. Unless some fucked up insane shit happens later in the campaign. Like, it takes place in another dimension. The dimension of dinosaurs and sex.

I agree; well for me when a developer goes for realism it usually looks like something is missing, because we obviously aren't to the point of accurately emulating reality yet. Still though, the detail in this game is pretty phenomenal (speaking of mp only).
EatChildren said:
Weehoo got it working! Tried out the campaign for a couple of missions, which is unbelievably boring and scripted, but I'm not really big on the half game shooting gallery style shooters.

Also, and I'm positive I'm alone in this, I don't even think it looks any good. Cranked up to ultra. I honestly think its the realistic art direction. I know what they're doing here is technologically gorgeous. Textures are awesome, lighting and shadows look lovely, etc. I just don't care. It's weird. Every once in awhile I see these technologically impressive games with heavily realistic art and it does absolutely nothing for me. I know they don't have a choice given the nature of the game, but to me it looks flat, bland and uninspired (I know, I know).

Witcher 2 and Crysis 2 DX11 were both considerably more pleasing on the eyes, in my opinion. Unless some fucked up insane shit happens later in the campaign. Like, it takes place in another dimension. The dimension of dinosaurs and sex.

I don't feel as strongly as you, but the visual look they go for isn't flattering at all for some levels/design. Particularly swordbreaker. Aside from the interiors, this level is pretty ugly, IMO, at least the outdoor fighting. Looks very flat and geometric.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
RoboPlato said:
Huge improvements. Nearly all glitches fixed, less tearing, and a huge visual upgrade as long as you install the HD textures on 360.

Hella awesome. Any changes in gameplay that you've noticed? How do Jets and helicopters control (especially helicopters in BF3 compared to BC2. Insane strafing still included?)
Mr. Snrub said:
I don't feel as strongly as you, but the visual look they go for isn't flattering at all for some levels/design. Particularly swordbreaker. Aside from the interiors, this level is pretty ugly, IMO, at least the outdoor fighting. Looks very flat and geometric.

is this the first game where multiplayer levels look better than SP?
Nostalgia~4ever said:
is this the first game where multiplayer levels look better than SP?

Hahah, possibly, in some parts (not near being done with SP). There are moments in MP where the scene you're observing is just unreal.
Mr. Snrub said:
Hahah, possibly, in some parts (not near being done with SP). There are moments in MP where the scene you're observing is just unreal.

yeah it is quite impressive, usually MP is never up to SP graphics. Also, I think two different teams @ DICE did SP and MP.

hmm both look great, it just seems like two seperate games entirely.

one SP team and one MP team. Everybody knows were the real talent went, lol.


I actually think the game looks much better when you're playing MP and the really visually pleasing moments come to you naturally rather than being shoved down your throat. There's something about seeing 10 or more teammates assaulting an objective that's just "cool" and the graphics just augment the wow factor.

I still think Crysis 2 is the best looking game this year though and I never even got a chance to play DX11.



For all applicants to NA EAST Platoon please apply through battlelog and then PM me with your Origin Username. We are near the limit for members and can't accept everyone who applies without verifying GAF membership.
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