The_Monk said:For all PS3 people (and 360 since I think it's the same) is it easy to invite 2 or 3 friends and make a party then search for a game?
I had some problems in the Beta, where I had 2 and 3 friends and we wanted to play together but then one or two went to the other team. Is this normal or will not happen now? Because I love to play as a team with my team RL friends.
Thanks in advance for answering!
JackEtc said:Dunno, I have BF3 on PC. Also he's 11, so he doesn't have it.
def a punkbuster prob.kamspy said:Getting kicked by admin on almost every server. Am I that bad, or is something up with the anti cheat?
For visuals, much, much better. But in terms of actual gunplay, Black Ops is better, and I really didn't like Black Ops.Vigilant Walrus said:is it better or worse than black ops campaign?
I know, what the hell was that? What a joke. And did that really have to be an insta-death QTE?BigJiantRobut said:THERE'S ALSO A QTE FOR FIGHTING A FUCKING RAT WHAT IS THAT SHIT said:Getting kicked by admin on almost every server. Am I that bad, or is something up with the anti cheat?
BigJiantRobut said:You sure he's mature enough to throw fucking shit grenades at enemy shitfuckers?
???JackEtc said:Dunno, I have BF3 on PC. Also he's 11, so he doesn't have it.
IGN Review said:BF3 on consoles is limited to 24-player matches as opposed to the PC's 64, but thankfully most of the massive maps have been modified to suit the smaller player count. DICE has struck a nice balance that allows the levels to feel massive, but still manages to ensure that players come into contact regularly enough for there to be a decent amount of action. It's not a perfect solution to be sure. Whereas in the PC version your team won't be under too much strain if a rogue player decides to steal a plane and fly it around shooting at nothing when he really should be concentrating on capturing points on the ground; you'll feel the absence of every missing teammate while playing on the consoles.
Another console-only feature. For voice with a squad, you gotta either create a group in battlelog (before joining the server) or use a 3rd party program. We generally use Mumble for voip when playing with other gaffers.Smokey said:Is VOIP built into the PC game? As in I plug in a mic and I'm in a squad, I can go ahead and talk with my squad.
NullPointer said:I know, what the hell was that? What a joke. And did that really have to be an insta-death QTE?
Karkand is coming in about a month.cackhyena said:Sooo, if I have the limited edition ( which I do ) from Amazon, is the Karkand map stuff just already just set up to go? Or do I have to have a code for it? I have dog tag codes and something for a M1911, but nothing about more maps.
Nabs said:Another console-only feature. For voice with a squad, you gotta either create a group in battlelog or use a 3rd party program. We generally use Mumble for voip when playing with other gaffers.
Pretty much.BigJiantRobut said:Oh my god, it was insta-death? I didn't muck it up, does itsqueak at you to death or something?
Oh, thanks.AndyD said:Karkand is coming in about a month.
AndyD said:Karkand is coming in about a month.
Smokey said:*sigh*
So how does that work? What if you want to just talk with your squad? I imagine 32 players trying to talk could get quite annoying.
dmg04 said:You need a hard drive to install the High Def Content?
F-----fuh fuhfuhfuh ........ fFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Neckbeard said:I am sure there is a solution here, earlier in posts but I'm too fuming mad to search for it. I downloaded this game from Amazon overnight.
I click to install this morning and it installs Origin. Then I have to download the 11 gigs again from Origin?
Why did I download the game from Amazon in the first place???
AndyD said:Karkand is coming in about a month.
Trin3785 said:so the code is just to get it for free when its available to everyone? Damn, I thought it would be available to play on now...
NullPointer said:Pretty much.
I hit the wrong button and the rat bites your hand something fierce and as you recoil away by rolling over you can just catch a glimpse of a guard standing right on top of you before he opens fire. Mission Failed. Loading... try again.
d0c_zaius said:ok I give up. PC version it is.
AndyD said:Yep. Free when it comes out vs. paid when it comes out. I don't think some will get it early, as it would split the server population.
I think a month will fly by. But the 4 new maps will make a huge difference considering there are 9 now.
Press ~ and type list. I think there is an option for that.ChefRamsay said:Is there anyway to display frame rate through a console command? Or do I need an external program to embed its own framerate count? (e.g. Fraps)
Thanks dudeNabs said:Press ~ and type list. I think there is an option for that.
samus4ever said:I don't know how DICE did it but they managed to make Operation Metro a fun map on PS3 for conquest. BF3 might be the smoothest online launch ever. Not one bit of lag so far. The game runs great. Awesome job Dice. I had my doubts after the Beta.
Interficium said:Sigh... I'm feeling this. Wish they could have found a way to get at least 30 players on consoles.
Mr. Snrub said:I'm sure it's much more fun with 24 players. 64 is a clusterfuck.
Nabs said:Are you sure it's actually downloading and not copying over the files?
k3yring said:Alright any suggestions to cooling off my xbox? It has overheated three times today despite having the game installed on the hard drive. xbox is currently sitting vertical in the open.
Mr. Snrub said:I'm sure it's much more fun with 24 players. 64 is a clusterfuck.
Pardon my ignorance but is there a texture pack for PS3 versions?
ILOVEASIANS said:Have they said how much it's going to be? I didn't look at my copy from KMart til I got home and it's non LE. Not sure if it'd be worth taking it back or not.
FLEABttn said:Blame MS and Sony and their ridiculous internet requirements. You're basically not allowed to use more than 7KBps upstream or downstream on the HD twins so some backwater ISDN users don't feel left out.