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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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GAF server is fucking amazing fun. Apologies to anyone who happened to be in my heli though (I was RazzamatazUK), BF2 skills don't really carry over, it turns out.


I must ask this question as it still pisses me off to no end:

Why in the hell did EA decide to make the menu available in your browser only? Talk about fucking inefficient(use of resources that is)
Anybody know if it's possible to have Origin move the installation of a single game to another HD?

This is the shitty thing about having these programs like Steam and Origin just install the games wherever the f they feel like.

I want to have BF3 installed on my SSD but not all my other games from EA, but I never had a choice in the matter while it was downloading, and now the loading times are gigantic and frustrating.
Loading times seem to be bugged, I've been suffering some pretty long ones, but a friend who has a nearly identical computer has times closer to the beta. There's definitely something fishy going on.
Get kicked after 3 minutes of playing the mp.

Each and every time. Almost like the server auto kicks me.



I'm beginning to become very frustrated with this game, now when I try to play, it tells me I have to download an "update" when I click on update however it just points me to the store to buy BF3, which I already fucking own.

EA is fucking up the launch of this game big time

EDIT: FIXED looks like I needed to select the reinstall button to install the update :/ wonder how many other people this happened to....


Ok, can someone help me out here. Finally started the campaign mode. Wired 360 controller works fine but how the hell do I do the 1st QTE encounter? I started mashing the controller and nothing would work. I then figured what the hell, I'll just stick to k&m and after getting past the 1st QTE and started moving around again, I noticed the mouse is all jittery and crap. Its basically uncontrollable T_T

I think I fixed the problem by unplugging the 360 controller.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
OMG this game has a pseudoliberal fighting with someone from, i dunno, kentucky or something OMG SQUEE this game is for MEEEE

"history is written by the motherfucking victors"




HotHamWater said:
Loading times seem to be bugged, I've been suffering some pretty long ones, but a friend who has a nearly identical computer has times closer to the beta. There's definitely something fishy going on.
Same here, my friend has a slightly "worst" computer than me and we're using the exact same settings and resolution, not only is he loading faster but he's also getting around 5-10 frames more than me.

He's got a:
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T @3.8Ghz
AMD HD 6870 @stock

2500k @stock
AMD HD 6950 @stock

What the hell, it shouldn't be like that, I want the same/better performance that he's getting :(


Izayoi said:
Public service announcement:

Install the HD content pack before installing the discs themselves on the Xbox 360.

Also, I thoroughly enjoyed the single player. Loved the way it ended, too.

Very true! If you install the game first it will keep asking to install the hd textures and it wont install them. The game looks alot better with the hd texture :0

I cant believe people said the game looks like poo, I think it looks ALOT better then bc2 on the 360.

Wish the servers were working :(
ColonialRaptor said:
Anybody know if it's possible to have Origin move the installation of a single game to another HD?

This is the shitty thing about having these programs like Steam and Origin just install the games wherever the f they feel like.

I want to have BF3 installed on my SSD but not all my other games from EA, but I never had a choice in the matter while it was downloading, and now the loading times are gigantic and frustrating.
Use symbolic links.

Basically, you copy your BF3 folder to the SSD, delete it from the Origin folder, then in cmd you type
mklink /d "H:\Origin\Games\Battlefield 3" "C:\Games\Battlefield 3"
Change the drive letters and folder names as necessary, of course.
and it'll create a symbolic link to the SSD from your other drive that Origin is on. Bam, BF3 SSD goodness.
If you guys are on reddit, upvote my thread on this issue if you could please. There's a BF3 CM there reading things.

Alan Kertz (demize99) isn't a DICE CM. In fact it even tells you that on his twitter page:

"Core Gameplay Designer on Battlefield 3. Personal Tweets, Random Musings, All Thoughts my Own"

Not sure why people get so butthurt about his snide comments… pretty much all of his tweets are snide, even the ones to his friends ;)

The good news is that he's currently playing the PS3 version himself so if there are issues I'm sure he'll see them soon enough.


Neo Member
The loading times are killing me. By the time I get into the action, the match is already a quarter of the way through. Not only that, I am getting stuttering issues during combat. Nothing like seeing two enemies that aren't looking at you, prepare to fire your gun and then freeze for 10 seconds, only to come back and see your dead body on the ground.

Coming from the beta, where I'd always have free access to the jets on Caspian Border because my load times were that much faster than everyone elses. I have to wonder what is causing this issue.


gibon3z said:
I tried doing a repair install. It downloaded an update for 40 megs and now its stuck doing this.


Happened to me. I had to delete the entire BF3 folder, refresh my games in Origin and redownload.

Life's a bitch....but it worked.


Also, people getting crashes, just for shits, try lowering settings to all medium, no AA and see if it still crashes.



Squad system seems broken at the moment
Server list only showing full servers...need more servers??
Can't hear anyone?
Said I was in squad with buddy, but said he was 'in the menus'..the it launched us into a game with one slot left, so I just stayed in lobby. Couldn't hear him at any point.

Controls feel like killzone but twitchy...not really a good thing. If they want realistic recoil, they have to tone down the crazy acceleration on the stick. (maybe with kb/m its easy to aim?)

but it looks pretty.

Single player lost me at the second mission, probably because the controls are jumpy as hell.

I trust they will fix this, as I have to, I traded in most of my other games for this, including BFBC2 (I miss it.) Do devs really build new systems for chat/squad/controls from scratch even when they have something that works 100%.

OK...rant over, day one blues..just bummed, was gonna play for a few hours, 30 minutes was all I could stomach. I'll be on the battlefield soon enough.


gibon3z said:
I tried doing a repair install. It downloaded an update for 40 megs and now its stuck doing this.


PLEASE DONT HAPPEN TO ME. I'm at 80% now :(

How could EA fuck up this much in one night? I still blame that dumb ass browser only battlelog


more money than God
Y2Kev said:
OMG this game has a pseudoliberal fighting with someone from, i dunno, kentucky or something OMG SQUEE this game is for MEEEE

"history is written by the motherfucking victors"


I'm glad someone else is annoyed by all the unnecessary curse words. They're just trying too hard at this point.
kamspy said:
Happened to me. I had to delete the entire BF3 folder, refresh my games in Origin and redownload.

Life's a bitch....but it worked.

This will be my 2nd time re downloading BF3. Screw that. Not going to re download 10 gigs.


gibon3z said:
I tried doing a repair install. It downloaded an update for 40 megs and now its stuck doing this.


Same here. Support told me to X out of it. I did. Now I am in an endless loop of installing, completing the install, and being prompted to install again.

This was one of the "solutions" I was given by tech support to get around the "Your account is not allowed to log in" problem.

What a joke. I realize the conditions of the servers are not ideal, but I would like to see the not ideal servers for myself for 5 seconds with the game I paid $60 for.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
SoulPlaya said:
I'm glad someone else is annoyed by all the unnecessary curse words. They're just trying too hard at this point.
who said anything about being annoyed~~~

Nori Chan

So the Spec Act kid? How do I get it lol

I did buy it from best buy, but the lady didn't give me no code or anything. Did I get jacked gaf?


Heysoos said:
Is there a reason for this?
MDavis360 said:
Wait-how do you do that? I thought installing the game did that...
Blackvette94 said:
Very true! If you install the game first it will keep asking to install the hd textures and it wont install them. The game looks alot better with the hd texture :0
Put disc one in, DO NOT INSTALL IT, and then boot to the main menu. You will get a prompt asking to install it. Do so, and THEN install the disc itself.

If you don't, the game will not properly install the textures, even if it completes the installing prompt.


The secret is not to initialize the patching process through Origin.

A lot of people are throwing it out there for general troubleshooting, but it's busted. If you're going to try to manually update through Origin or repair install, save yourself the time and just redownload or wait for the problem to iron itself out.
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