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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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I'm using a surround soundbar. What setting should I be using for audio? I know War Tapes is a Battlefield staple, but what exactly IS it?


I'm weak. :( I ended up getting the game in the end after deciding to wait on the Skyrim front. Ugh. I hate myself sometimes. Though I will use the excuse that I was pretty medicated when I made the decision in the end due to be sick lately. I don't think I would have pushed the button had that not been the case. I can't take it back so I have to deal. Ended up with the PC downloadable version from Amazon due to the lower price at the last minute which might have been a mistake. I downloaded via Origin after putting in the code and the installer files aren't there after it installed. Even though I made sure the option was set to save it. So might have to back up the installed folder itself or take time over the next several days or in a few weeks downloading the Amazon.com installer and back that up. Ugh. I've tried to mess around with my PC setup (chair, light, shoes, etc) so I don't get as tense as I was getting in the pass. Will give it a few days to see if it's working.

Haven't had any issues playing the game. Things are running on high (settings were automatically set) with me just messing with the FOV and resolution (1280x1024, well more the refresh). The game crashes though at random times. So I have to force the program closed with the task manager and then reload everything. They need to fix that. Still don't like the Battlelog. The log forums are filled with people having issues and that really sucks.

Haven't played much of the single player yet but from more videos I've seen it is pretty dull. I might just skip it, which is something I've never done before. I actually had fun with Bad Company 2's single player but not feeling this one outside of it looking and sounding great. Thankfully I don't feel as bad as I thought I would just focusing on the MP do to not having to pay $60. Also the MP has just been that fun. Found the GAF server last night and played a few matches.

64 players is an issue I have with though. Especially in Rush. Matches end to quickly.


Have they fixed the voice chat issues that were in the PS3 version of the beta. Voice chat worked in main menu but in match we couldn't, even if we were in the same squad.


I'd be in the dick
To anyone complaining about the Campaign, make sure you play past the first few missions. The early ones are terrible but it actually gets really good after that. Definitely the best campaign DICE has done by a longshot. I'm almost done and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I had really low expectations and I was pleasantly surprised.
I agree with the person a few posts up about jets.. Jets are pointless in this game without bombs. They are for people to fly around pretending they are contributing and for me to easily shoot down and nothing more.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
belvedere said:
For those experiencing the "BF3 has stopped working" error, has it been determined if this is a server congestion issue?

I get this every other time I try to join a multiplayer server. Literally every other time. It will fail I'll try to connect to the server again and it will work.

This gets frustrating when the server I want to join in nearly full, it will fail, I'll try to load it again and "Server is Full." ... RAGE


Atruvius said:
Have they fixed the voice chat issues that were in the PS3 version of the beta. Voice chat worked in main menu but in match we couldn't, even if we were in the same squad.

No, voice and squad systems are broken.

I think they are doing hours of dowtime during the day today, so hopefully they fix these items first, they are game ruining.
MrOogieBoogie said:
Seriously, is there a point to air vehicles? Especially jets... I've never seen anyone in a jet redirect the flow of battle in any way. They're usually just flying overhead for a bit until they're taken out by a stinger missile.

Welcome to the modern Battlefield games - and I agree with you completely. They had their place in 1942, but the new jets are worthless and really only seem to exist to allow other pilots to fight each other. It's like they're playing their own game up there while everyone else is on the ground capping points.


Trucker Sexologist
KingOfKong said:
I agree with the above poster. Jets are pointless in this game without bombs. They are for people to fly around pretending they are contributing and for me to easily shot down and nothing more.
The cannon nerf is worse than the lack of bombs, in my opinion. That thing used to shred infantry and lightly armored vehicles.


Junior Butler
RbBrdMan said:
I get this every other time I try to join a multiplayer server. Literally every other time. It will fail I'll try to connect to the server again and it will work.

This gets frustrating when the server I want to join in nearly full, it will fail, I'll try to load it again and "Server is Full." ... RAGE

Mine was working without issues (other than lag) the first night, but last night I was getting these errors non-stop. Is Battlelog launching your game, then you just get a black screen with no response? I would see that then alt-tab out of the game and see the stopped working message.
SapientWolf said:
The cannon nerf is worse than the lack of bombs, in my opinion. That thing used to shred infantry and lightly armored vehicles.

Didn't even know they nerves the cannon either. I didn't bother ith jets after flying one in beta and realizend how worthless they are.


GodofWine said:
No, voice and squad systems are broken.

I think they are doing hours of dowtime during the day today, so hopefully they fix these items first, they are game ruining.
Aww shucks. They said they would fix BF1943 that had the same issue. They never did.


KingOfKong said:
I agree with the person a few posts up about jets.. Jets are pointless in this game without bombs. They are for people to fly around pretending they are contributing and for me to easily shoot down and nothing more.

yeah i miss the bombs :(


The jets are pretty worthless as far as accomplishing the objectives on a map, but I'll be damned if they don't add to the atmosphere. I love being the the midst of gun battle and having a roaring jet fly overhead. The sound in this game is sooooo good!
Alienshogun said:
What sound setting is everyone using for 5.1 headsets?

Hey, speaking of 5.1 headsets hopefully you can help me out. i have a good pair and also a turtle beach force dss amp and although when use windows sound test and it shows 5.1 is working, when I play a game it doesn't recognize it. Care to give me any tips on getting my 5.1 to work using win 7?


PoweredBySoy said:
Welcome to the modern Battlefield games - and I agree with you completely. They had their place in 1942, but the new jets are worthless and really only seem to exist to allow other pilots to fight each other. It's like they're playing their own game up there while everyone else is on the ground capping points.
Even if that were true ( which it isn't ) why is that a bad thing? Let their be aerial battles to give more weight to the fight. Also, there have already been plenty of rounds I've seen jets controlling space on the ground, making concerted sweeps over conquest zones to keep the pressure on. Just depends on the pilot.

I for instance re spawned in a jet last night and had no clue what i was doing. Total wasted opportunity ans i was fiddling with buttons, I accidentally bailed out way over the "on foot" line and died on some hill. Now that is a useless jet pilot.


RbBrdMan said:
I get this every other time I try to join a multiplayer server. Literally every other time. It will fail I'll try to connect to the server again and it will work.

This gets frustrating when the server I want to join in nearly full, it will fail, I'll try to load it again and "Server is Full." ... RAGE

Yep, getting this every time. So annoying.
PoweredBySoy said:
Welcome to the modern Battlefield games - and I agree with you completely. They had their place in 1942, but the new jets are worthless and really only seem to exist to allow other pilots to fight each other. It's like they're playing their own game up there while everyone else is on the ground capping points.

Eh, no this is just a sign of shitty pilots. Good pilots who are working as part of their team can make a massive difference in the ground game. Bad pilots just go up in the air and just ignore the ground.


Played a couple of SP missions, pretty awful, but I don't care.

Played a bit of MP, and I'm not sold yet. I had some fun, but I don't really have the feel for it yet. How/Where can I find tha GAF server?

Also; launching via a webpage? lol.


I'd be in the dick
gatisimo said:
The jets are pretty worthless as far as accomplishing the objectives on a map, but I'll be damned if they don't add to the atmosphere. I love being the the midst of gun battle and having a roaring jet fly overhead. The sound in this game is sooooo good!
Yeah, the sound is absolutely amazing. I have the new PS3 stereo headphones and I'm absolutely blown away. Every shell casing falling, footstep, and rain drop is audible as well as the fantastic gunfire and explosions. I don't think sound design gets any better than this.

&Divius said:
Played a couple of SP missions, pretty awful, but I don't care.

Played a bit of MP, and I'm not sold yet. I had some fun, but I don't really have the feel for it yet. How/Where can I find tha GAF server?

Also; launching via a webpage? lol.
The SP gets a ton better after the first few missions.
You know what I love about this game - the discreet spotting system. It's really the single most reason why I didn't care for Bad Company 2, was that when you spotted someone it painted them with an orange diamond which tracked them for like 5 seconds, even if they went behind cover. It was stupid. Battlefield 3 seems to have struck a nice compromise. Spotting is still extremely useful, but at the same allows someone to escape it.


I think the jets might make more sense if the airspace was actually an objective. The longer you stay up there or in a certain area you capture it like the ground objectives. This would give more meaning to have people there and to fly well. In the few games I played I was only concerned with choppers and tanks as they were the threats. The jets were just annoyances I found.
&Divius said:
Played a couple of SP missions, pretty awful, but I don't care.

Played a bit of MP, and I'm not sold yet. I had some fun, but I don't really have the feel for it yet. How/Where can I find tha GAF server?

Also; launching via a webpage? lol.

A bit late to the party there, but most people have gotten over it. I love the implementation of Battlelog.
BattleMonkey said:
Good pilots who are working as part of their team can make a massive difference in the ground game.

Sure. You know what makes a bigger difference on the ground game? People on the ground capping/defending flags.


Arcipello said:
yeah i miss the bombs :(

As I see it, Jets should rule the skies and choppers should rule the ground. Not really missing the bombs.

RibbedHero said:
A bit late to the party there, but most people have gotten over it. I love the implementation of Battlelog.

There's nothing to get over about :p

Web Interface is best interface. Not only for the players whom get a fast and stable (esp for launch) interface thats quickly available but also for the developers as developing interfaces for the web is i'd imagine much cheaper and more industry standard than trying to do so in engine or scaleform or whatever.


RibbedHero said:
A bit late to the party there, but most people have gotten over it. I love the implementation of Battlelog.
'late to the party' the game isn't even out yet for me (officially) ;)

But I get what you're saying though, I'll probably get used to it.

Also, joining the gaf server NAOW
PoweredBySoy said:
Sure. You know what makes a bigger difference on the ground game? People on the ground capping/defending flags.

And? Jets, choppers, tanks, ground forces, they all work better when people are actually concentrating on objectives. One can easily say tanks are useless too when you often have tank players going off on their own just going after kills instead of defending or attacking objectives. Team play and organization makes a big difference in all things. To say jets are useless is because of shitty players in them, and the same applies to all areas of the game.

Jets also have the disadvantage of a higher learning curve which with new game like this obviously has lot of players getting in with no idea what they are doing compounding the issue of jets seeming useless. Get a good player in one though, and they can make a huge impact on the game.


Atruvius said:
Aww shucks. They said they would fix BF1943 that had the same issue. They never did.

I thought they eventually said "look, it was $15 bucks, no new maps, chat isn't being looked at"...but regardless, they spent alot more time, money, and reputation on BF3 than their quick port for 1942, so they better fix it before MW3 comes out, cause people will leave in droves.


&Divius said:
Played a couple of SP missions, pretty awful, but I don't care.

Played a bit of MP, and I'm not sold yet. I had some fun, but I don't really have the feel for it yet. How/Where can I find tha GAF server?

Also; launching via a webpage? lol.
Battlelog as a webpage is genius, it makes joining a game 100x easier. I can be browsing GAF, get to my stats, my friends, my platoon info.. be chatting with mumble, any other kind of IM and simply click Join Game. If I want I can then drag my friends onto that server and they get an invite. The game loads in the background, and when I'm ready to enter the arena, I click Go To Game.

I"m on an SSD so the point from clicking Go To Game to getting in is about 3 seconds for me. I'm in love with Battlelog. Is progressive and well thought out, it works wonders at launch and I"m sure its only going to get better. However because its change, people are going to scared of it, attack it and perhaps only see it on the surface. EA didn't implement Battlelog in a browser because they were lazy, they did it because it was the superior option.

I'm stuck at work where I cannot play but let me tell you, Battlelog means I get to stay connected, if only somewhat to my account, my platoon, my friends, my stats, my unlocks my everything... and right now, stuck at work? Thats magic.
PoweredBySoy said:
You know what I love about this game - the discreet spotting system. It's really the single most reason why I didn't care for Bad Company 2, was that when you spotted someone it painted them with an orange diamond which tracked them for like 5 seconds, even if they went behind cover. It was stupid. Battlefield 3 seems to have struck a nice compromise. Spotting is still extremely useful, but at the same allows someone to escape it.

People just need to spot more often.


alphaNoid said:
I rack up so many points by spotting, its probably the single most thing I do regularly.
Dumb BF noob question, but how do you spot? I was playing essentially as an Assault Medic last night (on PS3) and kept seeing guys but didn't see anything in the controls about it...


OldJadedGamer said:
People just need to spot more often.

How is the spotting system compared to Bad Company 2?

I could only play a few minutes of the beta (360) and couldn't a) make it work or b) understand how it worked. :p


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Battlelog is alright, it works fine and offers a few benefits but it's nothing worth shouting about.

Wonder how long it'll take them to fix all the disconnection/time out issues people are having, shit should have been fixed in the beta.
alphaNoid said:
I rack up so many points by spotting, its probably the single most thing I do regularly.

Yeah unless I am in a frantic firefight with guys popping out of the woodwork I am always spotting as soon as I see someone. I probably spot them before I fire my first round.

FerranMG said:
How is the spotting system compared to Bad Company 2?

I could only play a few minutes of the beta (360) and couldn't a) make it work or b) understand how it worked. :p

Put your crosshair over an enemy and then press the "Back" (Select) button.
RPG said:
Dumb BF noob question, but how do you spot? I was playing essentially as an Assault Medic last night (on PS3) and kept seeing guys but didn't see anything in the controls about it...

Aim at someone and press select on PS3/back on 360.
RPG said:
Dumb BF noob question, but how do you spot? I was playing essentially as an Assault Medic last night (on PS3) and kept seeing guys but didn't see anything in the controls about it...

its Q on PC and on PS3 its select.
MrOogieBoogie said:
Seriously, is there a point to air vehicles? Especially jets... I've never seen anyone in a jet redirect the flow of battle in any way. They're usually just flying overhead for a bit until they're taken out by a stinger missile.

Wait untill everyone and their mother unlocks air to ground missiles with jets, watch everyone in armored vehicles shitting their pants if they go out.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
One piece of advise for every one new at battlefield esp this one. Stick to your teamates! Even better stick to your squad. I kept killing random players while in a squad who were just running out in the open by themselves. You'll be surprised how quickly you'll get points if you stick to your teamates.

Damn I love Grand Bazaar! That flag in the alley way is so much fun to cap and hold.


FerranMG said:
How is the spotting system compared to Bad Company 2?

Unresponsive. In BC2 you can just point to the general location of enemies press 'Q' and have a bunch of guys spotted. This led me to press 'Q' every time I bing my iron sights up. (which for a time transferred over to other games :/) .

In this game it doesn't work like that, I think you need to actually be aiming at enemy to spot them and even than its not guaranteed.


Doc Holliday said:
One piece of advise for every one new at battlefield esp this one. Stick to your teamates! Even better stick to your squad. I kept killing random players while in a squad who were just running out in the open by themselves. You'll be surprised how quickly you'll get points if you stick to your teamates.
So true. I already hit all 3 MVP marks just staying nested in my team as the field medic and reviving them if they got shot down. Made for some fun turf battles that way too.
iam220 said:
Unresponsive. In BC2 you can just point to the general location of enemies press 'Q' and have a bunch of guys spotted. This led me to press 'Q' every time I bing my iron sights up. (which for a time transferred over to other games :/) .

In this game it doesn't work like that, I think you need to actually be aiming at enemy to spot them and even than its not guaranteed.

Yea it's much better now as it really requires a person to actually spot, and not just spam Q across a field to find enemies.


alphaNoid said:
I'm stuck at work where I cannot play but let me tell you, Battlelog means I get to stay connected, if only somewhat to my account, my platoon, my friends, my stats, my unlocks my everything... and right now, stuck at work? Thats magic.

Yep I really enjoy this part. I am watching my friends play via their status and then I can view their games and see how they did. If they sucked they get messages from me. Gotta keep them on their toes.

Form their forums they say they have big plans for Battlelog so looking forward to what they come up with.


RPG said:
Dumb BF noob question, but how do you spot? I was playing essentially as an Assault Medic last night (on PS3) and kept seeing guys but didn't see anything in the controls about it...
There should be a button thats mapped to spot, I'm not familiar with the PS3 layout. But basically when you see enemy units, infantry, vehicle, whatever you press the spot button while your gun sights are aimed on them, they then get marked with a red arrow on them in the game and are also marked red on the map as well. This only lasts for a few seconds and people can hide to evade the spot mark in BF3. Its really essential to helping your team, and you do not need to be a sniper to spot.

I spot mainly as an engineer, my finger is always right next to the spot key on my keyboard. When I see an enemy the first thing I do before firing is hit spot then immediately fire. I've been doing it since the BFBC2 beta so its a twitch reflex how but by doing this it means that if I miss, overshoot or if the guy kills me or gets away, that fucker is now marked and won't live long.

Also, you get points when someone else kills someone you spotted. On some maps you can literally hide and just spot enemies if thats what you want. I think that even on PC, I would guess that less than half of players spot .. its either that people don't understand how it works, how easy it is or that its too cumbersome for their style of play and they do not want to change. Some gamers have been playing shooters for years and years and twitch players dont like to change things up.. they need to.

Spotting will net you points and always help your team know where the enemy is. Do it people.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
KingOfKong said:
Hey, speaking of 5.1 headsets hopefully you can help me out. i have a good pair and also a turtle beach force dss amp and although when use windows sound test and it shows 5.1 is working, when I play a game it doesn't recognize it. Care to give me any tips on getting my 5.1 to work using win 7?

Not a clue bud. I'm the last guy to be giving PC tips.

I would make sure my drivers are up to date and you have the headphones selected in your control panel though.
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