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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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PoweredBySoy said:
I think I'm going to never fire up the single-player just to send Dice a message. Doesn't sound like I'm missing much anyways.

So...you're forming an opinion on something you haven't played and "sending a message" to the devs based on that.

Wicked smart.
Snkfanatic said:
Really? I find myself playing it a lot more than I did on Bad Company 2. Conquest is still the best though
It might be a symptom of playing in pubs, because GAF server is just Conquest, but yeah. It always seems unbalanced to me.

Maybe with a proper team that would change.


I finished the campaign yesterday and surprisingly like it, mostly the second half. Didn't care for the first couple of missions (especially faultline and guillotine). The scripting was buggy in some spots and there absolutely nothing new or revolutionnary about the story but it was still fun for a couple of hours.

BTW, have you guys received your Physical Warfare pack codes yet? Three of my friends received it but I never got the email.


doctordoak said:
Yeah, squads aren't working at all, and neither is chat. My friends and I would try for 1/2 hour to try to get into a game together. We couldn't hear each other all night, or would hear every 4th word. So frustrating.

Hopefully, they make both work as well as BFBC2, and its nothing like BF1943 (which the voice chat never worked, and they never tried to fix it ((ps3)) )


My favorite part of the campaign was when you are running through those rooms with the colored walls and I'm thinking, am I playing Mirror's Edge now? DICE sure knows how to render an office building interior, that's for sure.


DenogginizerOS said:
Played both PC and PS3 last night. Relatively lag free and damn near perfect entertainment. Best launch DICE has ever done. Now, all I have to do is get work and class done in the next 14 hours, and I can play again...

im curious about what you double dippers think about the console versions multiplayer. do the larger maps hold up or does it feel too empty due to the smaller number of players.


It has probably been asked before, but I'm at work right now and I don't have time to read all the comments.

So, how is the console (Xbox) version? How is it compared to the beta? Is it good?
I loved Bad Company 2, but I hated the BF3 beta (laggy, jaggy, buggy etc.) Worth getting? Did they fix the bugs? I'd love if someone could comment on it.
Mush said:
Sigh... Just reached the
forest thing
. How far have I got left to endure?
You're close. 45mins. Maybe an hour.

Also, two of the biggest disappointments for me so far:
1) No basejump in conquest.
2) Can't blow up the antenna in Caspian.
Dreaver said:
It has probably been asked before, but I'm at work right now and I don't have time to read all the comments.

So, how is the console (Xbox) version? How is it compared to the beta? Is it good?
I loved Bad Company 2, but I hated the BF3 beta (laggy, jaggy, buggy etc.) Worth getting? Did they fix the bugs? I'd love if someone could comment on it.

I don't think anyone is actually fuckin' playing it.


There was a record number of people on my friends list playing last night and none of them were playing Battlefield 3.

I wanted to get this game but with the cluster-fuck going on regarding servers and day one patches etc...I'm really not so sure.

A number of people here have said that DICE regularly blows their launch and then fixes everything over time...which I suppose is fine but the way Microsoft throttles updates, if patches are going to be frequent with this game, the 360 is definitely going to be the platform that falls to the wayside compared to PC and PS3.

The launch of this game confuses me.


[PS3] So are squads just plain broken? Was trying to join games with friends last night and when we were able to join a game it put us on different teams or not in a squad.

Also — when on the squad screen is it possible to choose which squad you want to join? Didn't seem like it.


So apparently I held BF3 in my hands but I thought it was a pre-order box! DarthVaderNoooo.jpg!! Tomorrow can't come soon enough!
My overriding memories of battlefield 2 are that it was a meat grinder with "spawn, die, spawn, die" gameplay, if you played with randoms. I dont know what people were expecting? It has always been like this


hide your water-based mammals
Foliorum Viridum said:
You're close. 45mins. Maybe an hour.

Also, two of the biggest disappointments for me so far:
1) No basejump in conquest.
2) Can't blow up the antenna in Caspian.
This on console? Haven't put tremendous time in the PC version yet.


This PS3 chat issue is very frustrating. It works in menus but not in game...

Also the controls feel more 'floaty and loose' than your normal BF game, at least to me and I've been playing since BF1942.
dkeane said:
[PS3] So are squads just plain broken? Was trying to join games with friends last night and when we were able to join a game it put us on different teams or not in a squad.
They definitely aren't working like they should be. I spend at least half an hour to an hour last night trying to get into some games with a friend and it was a rough process, to put it nicely. Sometimes we could join each other from the menus, sometimes we couldn't. Sometimes one of us would make it into a game, sometimes neither of us would. There were even times where I would join a game with him in my squad and he would never see a loading screen. The voice channel would just shut off once I got into the game.

Finally we were able to get into a game together and we both hit circle on the loading screen to get out of being in a squad (since that seemed to be messing things up even worse.) When the game started we were in a squad together. It worked but it was like, um... okay?
LiquidMetal14 said:
This on console? Haven't put tremendous time in the PC version yet.
Don't insult me sir. ;)

PC. I feel like DICE lead you to believe you could blow up the antenna (didn't they say as much?) and not having the basejump in CQ is just shit. It looked so cool in the trailer.


dkeane said:
[PS3] So are squads just plain broken? Was trying to join games with friends last night and when we were able to join a game it put us on different teams or not in a squad.

Also — when on the squad screen is it possible to choose which squad you want to join? Didn't seem like it.

Pretty much, same thing happened to me.

Choose squad just seems like "put me in any squad you want to".

Voice chat needs a tweak too, can I mute people in game / in squad?

I assume these items are top level priority fixes, cause people will abandon the game if they don't work (see Killzone 2 as example).
Darklord said:
They said you could. :|
I thought they did too. Last night in the GAF server we tried and nothing. Tanks, RPGs, C4 etc would not bring down the main antenna or the cables that balance it.

So I don't think you can? That's the conclusion we came to.


cametall said:
This PS3 chat issue is very frustrating. It works in menus but not in game...

Also the controls feel more 'floaty and loose' than your normal BF game, at least to me and I've been playing since BF1942.

Turn sensitivity down, that made it better for me.


hide your water-based mammals
Foliorum Viridum said:
Don't insult me sir. ;)

PC. I feel like DICE lead you to believe you could blow up the antenna (didn't they say as much?) and not having the basejump in CQ is just shit. It looked so cool in the trailer.
LOL glad we cleared that up :p

Yeah, sounds like something that they should be able to add down the road (at a cost :eek:).
I understand the need to get the game out in a particular time-frame. The thing is, is it really worth it when the product on store shelves is going to irritate a huge portion of the original player base? It's like Resistance 3 all over again. The online in that game is great now compared to launch, but who stuck around to notice? I'm not saying that Battlefield 3 won't have millions of active players a few weeks from now, I'm just wondering if the damage they've done is worth the portion of them that they may lose.

Negativity aside I think the game is a lot of fun when it works (PS3).


It's interesting how humvees and vodniks have the same amount of armor as tanks in BC2. And tanks have the same amount of armor as two tanks duct-taped together.
GodofWine said:
Pretty much, same thing happened to me.

Choose squad just seems like "put me in any squad you want to".

Voice chat needs a tweak too, can I mute people in game / in squad?

I assume these items are top level priority fixes, cause people will abandon the game if they don't work (see Killzone 2 as example).

The squad screen seems very broken on 360 so it might be the same on PS3. When changing squads I found I had to.

1) Select "Leave Squad"
2) Back out of the screen and go back in
3) Select the squad I want to join
4) Back out of the screen and go back in
5) I am now in the squad I wanted to join

Also noticing a lot of weird issues with people who left my squad still showing up (we actually had what looked like a five man squad running around). Also I am noticing some odd issues where if you try to spawn on a squad member and they die it drops you down to your base which can suck if it is far away.
dkeane said:
[PS3] So are squads just plain broken? Was trying to join games with friends last night and when we were able to join a game it put us on different teams or not in a squad.

Also — when on the squad screen is it possible to choose which squad you want to join? Didn't seem like it.

Ugh. I was hoping they would have fixed this by now. One of the most frustrating things playing in the beta. I know of about 35 guys on another forum I post on who are ready to squad up together and if this isn't fixed it's going to be a huge disappointment.
Coolest weird thing I've experienced so far: I spawned from a spawn beacon that my friend set and it spawned me about 100 feet up in the air. Luckily I got the parachute out in time but I still have no idea why or how that happened.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
That single player
(not even sure that is a spoiler, but oh well) level is one of the coolest things I have ever played.

They just nail the atmosphere and it actually feels like that is exactly what people in those positions go through each time they get ready for a mission.

The fact that you are a passenger/gunner adds to the experience too, as you are able to observe more than worry about flying. The whole thing just oozed realism more than any other mission so far.

I am anxious to show that level to my father, as he was on an aircraft carrier for a few years.


subversus said:
what's up with online on PS3?

Online is always bad in first weeks for all games.

I was going to take off on friday to marathone the MP, but not worth it, got work to do...will spend my vacation days when its ready for me :)

Where is the best place to report bugs to DICE? (not like they arent hearing this, they HAVE TO know squads and chat are funky)
Deadly Cyclone said:
That single player
(not even sure that is a spoiler, but oh well) level is one of the coolest things I have ever played.

They just nail the atmosphere and it actually feels like that is exactly what people in those positions go through each time they get ready for a mission.

The fact that you are a passenger/gunner adds to the experience too, as you are able to observe more than worry about flying. The whole thing just oozed realism more than any other mission so far.

I am anxious to show that level to my father, as he was on an aircraft carrier for a few years.

I know some people were complaining over the fact that
you couldn't fly the jet
, but I must say, I felt like a bad ass motherfucker playing that part. It was sooooo
Top Gun.


hide your water-based mammals
How the hell does DICE mess up the PS3 chat again? It's been like this with ALL the BF games on PS3. I believe patches fixed that but how do you not have the code in place to not have issues by now?


Foliorum Viridum said:
You're close. 45mins. Maybe an hour.

Also, two of the biggest disappointments for me so far:
1) No basejump in conquest.
2) Can't blow up the antenna in Caspian.

I agree, I was seriously bummed when I found out about the base jump.

About the tower, anybody tried putting C4 on the cement block that holds the support cables?


LiquidMetal14 said:
How the hell does DICE mess up the PS3 chat again? It's been like this with ALL the BF games on PS3. I believe patches fixed that but how do you not have the code in place to not have issues by now?

why dont they just use the working code from BFBC2???

fix this shit guerilla!


RibbedHero said:
I know some people were complaining over the fact that
you couldn't fly the jet
, but I must say, I felt like a bad ass motherfucker playing that part. It was sooooo
Top Gun.


And I knew, once I saw that it was stormy and overcast, that we would get an awesome shot of the jet going through the clouds to exit in the sunshine on top... And I wasn't dissapointed!


Cudder said:
I haven't started SP yet but I have a feeling I'm gonna like it despite the high hate for it here. My standards aren't incredibly high for this kinda games SP. I usually replay single player campaigns 3 times or so.

I even loved MOH single player and that got some significant hate here too. Well see.
If you liked COD's campaign, I guess its safe to say you'll like this one too. Compared to COD, it seems to be more grounded to reality but with the audio/visual presentation jacked up to God-like levels

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
RibbedHero said:
I know some people were complaining over the fact that
you couldn't fly the jet
, but I must say, I felt like a bad ass motherfucker playing that part. It was sooooo
Top Gun.

I think
flying the jet would have taken some of the atmosphere away. I literally felt like I was in the plane during that part, especially during the pre-flight and launch, I was gripping the controller like I was actually in the plane getting ready to be shot off the ship.

Great moment, moments like that make me glad to be a gamer. :p


Deadly Cyclone said:
That single player
(not even sure that is a spoiler, but oh well) level is one of the coolest things I have ever played.

They just nail the atmosphere and it actually feels like that is exactly what people in those positions go through each time they get ready for a mission.

The fact that you are a passenger/gunner adds to the experience too, as you are able to observe more than worry about flying. The whole thing just oozed realism more than any other mission so far.

I am anxious to show that level to my father, as he was on an aircraft carrier for a few years.

It was a great scene.

I know that aircraft carriers would only deploy as part of a carrier battle group but I didn't think of it because I was caught in the moment. When the plane goes over the second carrier and then ANOTHER carrier along with support ships I let out a big YA HOO because it looked so good and pumped me up so much. Awesome, awesome level.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
demolitio said:
I don't think they're hard but they're definitely useless. You have to fly higher so engineers don't fire 50 stingers at you when you're reloading flares so it's hard for a gunner to see anything to shoot, and when you do get hit, it knocks your choppers sidweways and sometimes makes you wreck before you can recover.

I'm good at jets though and can last a while but they're still useless against ground targets since there's no splash damage basically. ATG missiles here I come!

Seriously, is there a point to air vehicles? Especially jets... I've never seen anyone in a jet redirect the flow of battle in any way. They're usually just flying overhead for a bit until they're taken out by a stinger missile.
Dreaver said:
It has probably been asked before, but I'm at work right now and I don't have time to read all the comments.

So, how is the console (Xbox) version? How is it compared to the beta? Is it good?
I loved Bad Company 2, but I hated the BF3 beta (laggy, jaggy, buggy etc.) Worth getting? Did they fix the bugs? I'd love if someone could comment on it.

It's a completely new game against the beta. The lag, mantling, hit detection, sprinting, weapon switching, and other errors are fixed. The graphics are MUCH better.

Right now there are some network problems, but the other poster claiming the 360 version will get left behind seems off-base to me. DICE kept supporting BC2 on 360 unless I'm totally missing something.
Where are the youtube videos with some awesome BF3 moments guyzz?? Last night some tank came flying down the firestorm map and actually flew in the air lol wish I caught that on fraps.
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