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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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RoboPlato said:
To anyone complaining about the Campaign, make sure you play past the first few missions. The early ones are terrible but it actually gets really good after that. Definitely the best campaign DICE has done by a longshot. I'm almost done and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I had really low expectations and I was pleasantly surprised.

This! The SP campaign gets much better. Keep playing it!


So I'm probably breaching some unspoken rule or something but - do we have a server? A gaming group? I don't see anything in the first post :(


TekDragon said:
So I'm probably breaching some unspoken rule or something but - do we have a server? A gaming group? I don't see anything in the first post :(
You can find all that stuff in the Community tab here.

(Yes, yes)


BattleMonkey said:
Yea it's much better now as it really requires a person to actually spot, and not just spam Q across a field to find enemies.

bu .. but that was my prevailing strategy in bc2 :(

Even though it's "cheap" I still sorta miss it. The beta though was very similar to bc2's spotting system.


I played for hours yesterday on the PS3 and really enjoy it. Had a ton of fun flying the jets even if it is impossible for me to take down any enemies in it. I don't know how I will ever be able to get the rockets for it if I cannot do anything while I am in it.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
thehillissilent said:
This! The SP campaign gets much better. Keep playing it!

Aside from a few good missions, I thought it was mostly the same crap. Nothing horrible, but definitely nothing a0mazing.

So, Comma rose. Does it actually do anything? I've been using it and I never see any markers or anything. Just my dude yelling "HEY, GIMME A RIDE BRO" or someshit.


TekDragon said:
So I'm probably breaching some unspoken rule or something but - do we have a server? A gaming group? I don't see anything in the first post :(

Yes on PC we have a server and a mumble for voice communication.

PC Server: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/a0261344-0ad8-4ded-b205-4bdd786ede90/NeoGAF-Community-Server/

Mumble Server Guide: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=399065

We will be using a different BF3 specific mumble in the future but join us on that for now in the Battlefield channel.

For anything related to the PC community go to the PC community thread


Atruvius said:
Aww shucks. They said they would fix BF1943 that had the same issue. They never did.

Seriously why did I fall into the trap of buying another BF game with its shitty broken VOIP
I have not read the reviews, do any of them even mention this?
It is important to remember that no matter how good someone is, if they will end up being a rank 50 or a rank 10 when all is said and done... they are all rank 1 now so there needs to be some time to let these guys who are overly good rank up and hopefully matchmaking does its job.

iSurvivedTheOutage said:
wtf with these lame ass server admins...

makes me not want to even play on anything but gafs servers

That is one big reason I don't like server browsing. I want to play by DICE's rules, not the teenage admin who is a little full of himself in the game.


I think I broke my game. I was trying to fix the install and it quit the process while installing. So now, it gives me an option to install the game but when I try to do so, it doesn't :\
Alienshogun said:
Not a clue bud. I'm the last guy to be giving PC tips.

I would make sure my drivers are up to date and you have the headphones selected in your control panel though.

k, done and done. that still didn't work. oh well I will find my way to the 5.1 thread. thanks anyhow for the try!


OldJadedGamer said:
That is one big reason I don't like server browsing. I want to play by DICE's rules, not the teenage admin who is a little full of himself in the game.

When you find and favorite a good server, you're good as long as that server is still alive. It's awesome. Favorite 5 or so servers with good communities and you'll never have to bother with anything else.

iSurvivedTheOutage said:
wtf with these lame ass server admins...

makes me not want to even play on anything but gafs servers

Are you getting kicked from games randomly, or are server admins being dicks (I hate most admins)? Punkbuster kicks and makes it look like an admin did it.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
OldJadedGamer said:
That is one big reason I don't like server browsing. I want to play by DICE's rules, not the teenage admin who is a little full of himself in the game.
:lol People aren't getting kicked by actual admins, the servers are just terrible and causing issues with people.


Violater said:
Seriously why did I fall into the trap of buying another BF game with its shitty broken VOIP

BFBC2 worked perfectly, squad / play with friends / talk to them...it worked...its not like they don't know how to make it work, so I am holding my breath that they tap the fella who did that code on the shoulder and say, 'hey fella, the new guy over here totally focked up our major release, can you do whatever you did 2 years ago, and apply it to this massive investment we are killing off quickly'


i've been begging for over 5 years.
belvedere said:
Mine was working without issues (other than lag) the first night, but last night I was getting these errors non-stop. Is Battlelog launching your game, then you just get a black screen with no response? I would see that then alt-tab out of the game and see the stopped working message.

Yea, this is exactly what is happening. Most of the time the Error window is behind all of my other windows so I don't immediately know that the game has stopped working.

I've noticed that it is most likely to crash on the times when the Origin overlay box in the bottom right corner starts flashing like mad.

Pete Rock

iam220 said:
Unresponsive. In BC2 you can just point to the general location of enemies press 'Q' and have a bunch of guys spotted. This led me to press 'Q' every time I bing my iron sights up.
It was flagrant bullshit in BC2 as described. It actually works legitimately now and isn't effectively an enormous crutch to situational awareness, hardly what I would describe as "unresponsive".

BattleMonkey said:
Yea it's much better now as it really requires a person to actually spot, and not just spam Q across a field to find enemies.
Campaign is great for a BF game, just hit Thunder Run last night and I have to say I am really enjoying the challenge and pacing. Playing on hard with no aim assist and the lethality is not unlike in multiplayer. If you expect to run into a killzone with a full squad of enemies sighted on your position, you should also expect to die in a hail of bullets as you spray aimlessly from the hip.

The SP just oozes atmosphere, I can understand how the pacing is "off" relative to the overwhelming intensity of other recent titles, but the resulting cinematic feel is very polished and something I am surprisingly engaged by. Including the fighter jet mission in particular, truly impressive.

OldJadedGamer said:
...they are all rank 1 now so there needs to be some time to let these guys who are overly good rank up and hopefully matchmaking does its job.
Has something changed, or is there some type of "matchmaking" other than slots available on the servers for you and your squad? I don't remember Rank or the abstracted Skill Level being a factor in determining what games you entered in any of the past BF games.
KingOfKong said:
I agree with the person a few posts up about jets.. Jets are pointless in this game without bombs. They are for people to fly around pretending they are contributing and for me to easily shoot down and nothing more.

True, jets are pointless. I flew around Caspian trying to hit targets with my gun and it simply wasn't fun.


Junior Butler
RbBrdMan said:
Yea, this is exactly what is happening. Most of the time the Error window is behind all of my other windows so I don't immediately know that the game has stopped working.

I've noticed that it is most likely to crash on the times when the Origin overlay box in the bottom right corner starts flashing like mad.

It's got to be server congestion. Or maybe it was, but because of all the errors it's corrupted our client.

This shit better start working, I've got two LAN parties this weekend!


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Nabs said:
When you find and favorite a good server, you're good as long as that server is still alive. It's awesome. Favorite 5 or so servers with good communities and you'll never have to bother with anything else.

Yes, exactly. Matchmaking is just utter shit. Server lists are a godsend (or, really, a blast from the past).


I don't know why you guys care so much about the whole Jets being "worthless" thing, as long as they're fun to play around in (they are) that's all that really matters to me.


Multiplayer is completely broken for me. I've only been able to connect to one game, all other times I get the login server error.

In the mean time, customer service tells me that everyone is having this problem. EA's customer service is seriously awful. They just make excuses to get rid of people.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Finished the campaign, and outside of being a graphical show piece it was wholly forgettable.

I actually kinda liked the story concept, even if it was thematically the exact same hook you see in every single modern war story (especially video games). For what it was though it had some promise, keeping it simple and block bustery. But, as with all these games, it failed by taking itself too seriously and trying to build meaningful characters without ever giving them enough screen time, or simply failing to understand the nature of the interactive medium.

Mechanically I echo the same as people saying the middle levels are better, which I think they are. They flow a bit better, have better set pieces and shoot outs. That being said, 90% of the game felt extremely scripted and rigid, even moreso than most games of this ilk, with almost zero effort required on the player to progress. Enemy encounters, shoot outs, pacing and everything else based around building an interactive experience is so half arsed, and blatantly takes absolute second place to scripted, cinematic and beautiful set pieces. This wasn't made to be a video game, it was made to be a movie.

Not that I expected anything else, but outside of showing buddies some of the more impressive graphical show pieces I probably wont ever play the campaign ever again.

Now, back to multiplayer!


KingOfKong said:
I agree with the person a few posts up about jets.. Jets are pointless in this game without bombs. They are for people to fly around pretending they are contributing and for me to easily shoot down and nothing more.

Dont the Jets have air to ground guided missiles instead of bombs?I think i saw them in a gameplay video.


zlatko said:
I feel at this juncture that I wasted 50 bucks on just graphics and sound, because the actual gameplay on big maps with 64 players, or smaller player counts and smaller maps is just campers ahoy. The game does a poor job too to let me know where I'm getting shot from until it's too late. I'm also sick to death of getting the drop on a guy, shooting him up first, and then he plops me with 2 bullets.

I swear I'm shooting a tickle ray no matter what I try, and to top it off the class I want to play(sniper) feels like an afterthought to the rest. It's usefulness to the team and its ability to acquire kills is much shittier than in the Bad Company games. What level do I need to be to get a sniper rifle that = 2 shot kill and is semi automatic like the starter? Trying to lead targets and dump 3 bullets into someone who is in motion is a waste of ammo. Plus you have to take into account bullet trajectory depending on if you are higher or lower than who you are shooting at, and it just becomes more of a chore than it should be.

:/ I can get more sniping done with a Scar than the starting snipers.

Sniping shouldn't be easy. Taking into account bullet trajectory is apart of it. It's natural to just want to shoot anything that moves, but knowing how the rifles work take some more time to aim your shot before shooting. Also don't forget to press SHIFT to hold your breath.

Sniping should be about spotting and calling enemy movements. Last night on the GAF server I tried the sniper class for the first time and enjoyed it. I was moving around enemy fire and setting up somewhere and relaying to my time which capture point looked to be open. If it was I told them to head that way and I will provide sniper cover, and along the way I would spot. I enjoyed it and I may stick with that as my main class. I didn't have all that many points but I was helping others obtain capture points for the team by doing the above.

It's only Day 2. Give it some time.


SmokyDave said:
If the game isn't available in my area and I use a proxy to get early access, will I get my wrist slapped?


KareBear said:
Dont the Jets have air to ground guided missiles instead of bombs?I think i saw them in a gameplay video.

They take a long amount of time to unlock. Until than it seems like the jets are useless against ground.


Yeah Battlelog annoyed me at first but after a day of getting used to it. I like it. The server browser in BF2 was one of my biggest complaint with the game and this is a huge step up over that piece of crap.


Dammit, yeah, I broke my game. It's not letting me reinstall it at all. I guess I have to download the entire 11GB again :\


Pete Rock said:
It was flagrant bullshit in BC2 as described. It actually works legitimately now and isn't effectively an enormous crutch to situational awareness, hardly what I would describe as "unresponsive".

Fair point, I mean to say that it was unresponsive when compared to BC2 which was spot happy.
In the 360 version, and I presume PS3. When you go to the Customize section to sset up load outs, is there a way to switch from the American to the Russain versions??
Deadly Cyclone said:
That single player
(not even sure that is a spoiler, but oh well) level is one of the coolest things I have ever played.

They just nail the atmosphere and it actually feels like that is exactly what people in those positions go through each time they get ready for a mission.

The fact that you are a passenger/gunner adds to the experience too, as you are able to observe more than worry about flying. The whole thing just oozed realism more than any other mission so far.

I am anxious to show that level to my father, as he was on an aircraft carrier for a few years.

I have no idea, but it absolutely does feel like this is giving you an accurate taste of what it's actually like. It's great right up until you're asked to get off the rollercoaster and onto a train. Pointing reticles at
bandits is somehow much less exciting than the pre-flight stuff, takeoff and initial crazy disorientation and immersion that
almost makes you physically lean around in your chair. If I could get motion sickness from games, this is where it'd happen.

Favorite part of the campaign so far.


RPG said:
Dumb BF noob question, but how do you spot? I was playing essentially as an Assault Medic last night (on PS3) and kept seeing guys but didn't see anything in the controls about it...

Aim at them and press Select
Kylehimself said:
In the 360 version, and I presume PS3. When you go to the Customize section to sset up load outs, is there a way to switch from the American to the Russain versions??

Yeah, WTF is with this? How can I not customize my Russian kits, esp. since they're independent unlocks?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Let's all hope the 360 servers are working tonight so I can play more than 2 whole games!
VibratingDonkey said:
I have no idea, but it absolutely does feel like this is giving you an accurate taste of what it's actually like. It's great right up until you're asked to get off the rollercoaster and onto a train. Pointing reticles at
bandits is somehow much less exciting than the pre-flight stuff, takeoff and initial crazy disorientation and immersion that
almost makes you physically lean around in your chair. If I could get motion sickness from games, this is where it'd happen.

Favorite part of the campaign so far.
I found that bit really good. All the movement did actually make you feel a bit "ugh" if you get me, but in a good way.

Genesis Knight said:
Yeah, WTF is with this? How can I not customize my Russian kits, esp. since they're independent unlocks?
Yup, seems odd to me. Hope there is an answer to this.

Edit: Another question. Anybody know when Amazon SPECACT pre-order codes will go out?


Deadly Cyclone said:
Let's all hope the 360 servers are working tonight so I can play more than 2 whole games!
This. I ended up finishing the entire SP campaign last night because I could never fucking connect.


U.K Gaf. Anyone order from Tesco Entertainment? My order says dispatched but no money has been taken out of my account and i've only just put money into the account so there was nothing for them to withdraw.. seems odd. Hopefully this leads to me getting it for free.. :p


Bought the game in the store, but can't play it because Origin says: ''the game is not officieally released yet''.

Any word on binding extra mouse buttons?

What changes do you all make to the controls? I'm really glad they have the single crouch/prone toggle from the consoles instead of making me use a different key for each.
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