Foliorum Viridum
Banter is fine. I'm pretty sure he means no spamming music/shouting "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" etc.
Foliorum Viridum said:Banter is fine. I'm pretty sure he means no spamming music/shouting "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" etc.
Cuban Legend said:you should blend 8 into 7.
and make 8 that racisim/biggotry is an instaban. we can set the server to ban for when a player types in from a pool of bannable words. that shit should be intolerable.
Foliorum Viridum said:Banter is fine. I'm pretty sure he means no spamming music/shouting "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" etc.
You are in violation of the rules, instaban. Your intolerance will not be tolerated!Foliorum Viridum said:NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER
Well these rules are more for randoms who might join Mumble than us, I see it.Spl1nter said:No music on mumble![]()
You guys are making this unfun now. The best thing about sc2 gaf on mumble was us playing songs inbetween and before matches.
Spl1nter said:I think a first warning is better especially for words such as 'gay' and 'fag' and there place in internet culture. As long as slut wheel is fine im happy.
No music on mumble![]()
You guys are making this unfun now. The best thing about sc2 gaf on mumble was us playing songs inbetween and before matches.
Foliorum Viridum said:Well these rules are more for randoms who might join Mumble than us, I see it.
Sometimes a sing-a-long etc is great fun, I admit. Thing is - we all know each other and will get to know each other better as we play. We'll know how to have fun, what good banter is, etc etc. We just want a rule that can stop someone joining our Mumble channel and blasting Slipknot without a care in the world.
LordCanti said:If you want to throw up some smooth jazz between rounds, I'm down. I don't want to hear any got'damn death metal though.
I have no idea what sets "smooth" jazz apart from regular jazz. For that matter, the only thing I know about jazz is that it involves saxophones.
... So yeah, a no music rule at all it is.Spl1nter said:Slipknot I agree with, as long as we can play linkin park and nickelback im happy.
Foliorum Viridum said:... So yeah, a no music rule at all it is.
Menelaus said:You are in violation of the rules, instaban. Your intolerance will not be tolerated!
Foliorum Viridum said:... So yeah, a no music rule at all it is.
Foliorum Viridum said:... So yeah, a no music rule at all it is.
Menelaus said:Canada gave the world
and for that I am eternally thankful.
LordCanti said:I think we all know who the king of Canadian music is:
Spl1nter said:I would rank neil young above him.
Mr. Snrub said:I knew I liked you.
Spl1nter said:Im Canadian whats not to like.
Cuban Legend said:heres what i cooked up... I'm running on 38 hours awake right now so excuse any spelling, grammatical, or generally obvious mistakes, this is a PSD i can edit of course... so please give any advice or suggestions to rules.
these are not final, this is a draft mockup:
LordCanti said:Bagged milk. It's an atrocity.
LordCanti said:Bagged milk. It's an atrocity.
1. *line limited to one person per vehicle
5. Not sure squad locking is in
6. People can't choose to be squad leader, so we can't really punish them for not having a mic. Not having a mic in general would be kind of an impossible thing to punish for (most don't have them)
5. Stat padding? Meaning getting kills without trying to capture flags? Hard to police 64 people to make sure they are all contributing to flag capping in some way.
Rules look good otherwise.
ah thanks. so whats the consensus on this. we dont want 2 guys going into a squad and locking it just so they can fly a chopper together alone or ride a tank alone, its a waste of the limited number of empty squad slots that we want to be filled, right?Menelaus said:squad lock = private? if so, it's in.
Menelaus said:Well, what's the point of locking a squad if it's full? At that point, just say no squad locking (might even be a server setting!)
Lines need to be more than 1 person (heli can carry 6 people).
LordCanti said:I meant for the single seaters. Do you really want more than two people standing in the base doing nothing, waiting for the jet? If that's both teams, we're talking at least six, maybe more people (out of 64) that aren't contributing constantly.
For multi-seat vehicles, more than one person should be able to camp them.
(Oh stat padding meaning cheating, okay. Definitely out.)
As for squad locking, I'd have to think about what that would mean for gameplay.
Good luck with that!Kyaw said:We can have designated transport chopper pilots and what not.
Kyaw said:We can have designated transport chopper pilots and what not.
scogoth said:How can we have a line system with spawn into jets.
Menelaus said:2 jets spawn at the runway...are you saying you should only allow 1 person to wait? Or 1 per jet?
Good luck with that!
LordCanti said:We'd force spawns. No one could just sit dead waiting for a jet. What happened in the beta was that the pilot of a jet would die, then sit dead until the jet respawned, and jump in it in front of people that were waiting on the ground. I did this myself plenty.
We couldn't keep people from spawning into a jet within the window they are alloted to remain dead, but the line would just have to wait until that jet crashed. The person spawning into the jet wouldn't be penalized.
Menelaus said:Good luck with that!
sp3000 said:The line idea is not good. I've seen it and BF2 and it leads to half the team sitting at base being useless. Jets are spawn anyway so I really wouldn't worry about this. Just don't implement a line because it's idiotic in practice even though the idea sounds like it works.
Enforcing this is even harder, no admin is going to sit staring at the runway to see whos breaking the rules like a school teacher.
Menelaus said:The question is, is it really that huge of a deal? Waiting for jets is a staple of the series! Yeah, so 4 people are hanging around...the same thing is happening on the other team. And if it's NOT happening on the other team, good on them!
Foliorum Viridum said:I love the fact there's an in-depth debate on the etiquette of waiting for vehicles.
This is why I'm an infantry man. I run and gun, dude. Might hop in a tank if it's sat there.
I agree...I just also think it's a silly thing to have to admin. Getting into breakdancing knifefights on the helipad is the best.LordCanti said:it's just kind of silly to have a good portion of the team sitting in the base, fighting each other for a jet.
So no waiting for the jets then? Spawn in them or nothing?
LordCanti said:So no waiting for the jets then? Spawn in them or nothing?
sp3000 said:If you guys want to actually set this up with some serious thought, then the people who have the most unlocks or experience in the jet should be the ones flying. There is no point in waiting in line when someone with heatseekers and laser guided missiles is not getting the jet while a guy with no unlocks is.
sp3000 said:If you guys want to actually set this up with some serious thought, then the people who have the most unlocks or experience in the jet should be the ones flying. There is no point in waiting in line when someone with heatseekers and laser guided missiles is not getting the jet while a guy with no unlocks is.
sp3000 said:If you guys want to actually set this up with some serious thought, then the people who have the most unlocks or experience in the jet should be the ones flying. There is no point in waiting in line when someone with heatseekers and laser guided missiles is not getting the jet while a guy with no unlocks is.
sp3000 said:If you guys want to actually set this up with some serious thought, then the people who have the most unlocks or experience in the jet should be the ones flying. There is no point in waiting in line when someone with heatseekers and laser guided missiles is not getting the jet while a guy with no unlocks is.
This is my rifle. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my rifle and myself are defenders of my country, we are the masters of our enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.Spl1nter said:me to bro. infantry through and through. however, I am quite proficient at heli's and jets.
Spl1nter said:Anyone can and is free to fly, our server will not be Nazi Germany!
You got me thinking about ME-109s, and then I realized how badass it would be if each server could upload custom livery for their planes.Spl1nter said:Anyone can and is free to fly, our server will not be Nazi Germany!
scogoth said:Only way to unlock is to fly. Your being illogical mr spock