Foliorum Viridum said:
This is from one of my fav CS servers:
If it possible to do it, a pretty funky Photoshop job like that would be a great way of making the rules clear without cluttering the server
That's basically what I had in mind. I'm not sure if BF3 will allow splash screens though. BC2 did, but that doesn't really mean anything at this point.
As for keeping people from spawning into the jets, I'm thinking forced spawning. We could time the jet respawn, and make the forced respawning just a little faster than that. Problem solved, along with a rule that only two people can camp the jets at any given time.
Someone mentioned a forum for ban resolution: I was thinking of just having people e-mail, unless you guys think a forum is a better idea. I'm not sure if blogger allows forum software on their servers (I'd have to check).
The basic format for the e-mail/forum post would be:
Battlelog name (this should give us the when):
Why were you banned:
What do you feel was unfair about the ban:
Any other comments:
We've got this thread to discuss server matters, so I'm not sure we need an entire other forum (that people would need to sign up for). I think blogger may have a "send a comment to the author" widget, which we could use instead of having people e-mail as well.
Cuban Legend said:
if you could get that kind of a script working it would be great, since then you could resolve all the aircraft line troubles that admins in organized BF2 servers had to deal with.
until we see the possibilities to which we can stretch our BF3 server permissions, we'll have to deal with these issue somehow.
That's one of the biggest questions I still have. I'm not sure how extensive the logging is going to be, if screenshots will be taken periodically, etc. Until we have scripts to handle some of the issues (like jet spawning, base raping, etc) it's all up to the admins to make judgement calls.
Foliorum Viridum said:
"Please visit to read the rules."
If that rotated every 10/15 mins I'd be okay with that. I view our server as one that will be "mature", maybe not so much because of the people playing on it, but because we're a close community that will respect the rules etc. If someone wants to play with us, reading a few quick rules at the top of our blog isn't really too much of an unfair request.
I honestly think it's the way to go in regards to server notifications.
I don't think I've ever gone into a server and then alt-tabbed out to read the rules of that server (I'm also not the kind of person that gets banned though). I know it shouldn't be that much to ask of players, but I fear that they won't do it.