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Battlefield 3 PC Community Meetup


Cuban Legend said:
just because you like to attack jets while they are taking off doesn't mean it's not base-rape. It's baserape, and if a douche pilot can find a way to farm kills from you every time you tried to take off, you'd rage too.

anyone in the right mind would not like that being done to them.

If the server rules breed smart but sophisticated gameplay, then we will attract smart and sophisticated players, while discouraging douchebags from playing... I think everyone can agree that they don't want to attract baseraping douchebags.

-IF anyone here agrees with the example of rules I quoted in my last post, that's just a part of the UCB rules, i can post the rest of the rules my old server ran with, if you all are interested in looking at what can be done in regards to what to warn/kick/ban for and how many times.

To be clear a decent 2warning/2kick/2ban system works great for keeping things in line yet allowing for a second chance for player redemption from braking the rules in special cases.

If some baserapes me on take off I deserve it. Hop in the AA defend my turf then take off.


Cuban Legend said:
That is also an easy fix, BF2 had scrolling server messages that could be set to scroll by in the ingame chat at fixed intervals, we can have intermittent scrolling messages that have the rules truncated.
I hate "noisy" servers, so much so that I won't play on them.
Yeah, I totally agree.

CS does it right - splash page with rules that you need to read. If you skip them, tough luck. Spam on-screen, especially since we'll be in the server for countless hours, will get very annoying.


"If you base rape in a vehicle, grief your teammates, or present yourself as a dirty unwashed peasant, you will be taken to the curb."


Menelaus said:
"If you base rape in a vehicle, grief your teammates, or present yourself as a dirty unwashed peasant, you will be taken to the curb."

So we CAN discriminate against peasants then? And is Spl1nter a team mate? I see him more as excellent prey.
Foliorum Viridum said:
Yeah, I totally agree.

CS does it right - splash page with rules that you need to read. If you skip them, tough luck. Spam on-screen, especially since we'll be in the server for countless hours, will get very annoying.
BF2 didn't have them, and BF3 isnt CS as far as i know, so even mentioning splash pages is pointless as a method to let the rules be known.

you guys dont have many options if you want the server to have organizes rules that players can see.
I'd go so far as to say if we can have one message like "Visit BF3GAF.blogspot.com for rules" (or whatever that blog address is) and it's on the player to tab out or use the Origin overlay to go have a quick read.

I mean, we're paying for this thing and all of GAF will know the rules. If pubbers have to spend 10 seconds to load up a site to ensure we don't have to spam ourselves, I'm all for that.
"Please visit http://bit.ly/BF3GAF to read the rules."

If that rotated every 10/15 mins I'd be okay with that. I view our server as one that will be "mature", maybe not so much because of the people playing on it, but because we're a close community that will respect the rules etc. If someone wants to play with us, reading a few quick rules at the top of our blog isn't really too much of an unfair request.

I honestly think it's the way to go in regards to server notifications.
if in the event that we do get a splash page available for our server...which is all up to DICE, we can make one that
-truncates the basic ruleset, whichever it may be.
-shows where to go for full rules/mumble VOIP server

also the server needs to have logs which we save every week or so into an archive, they should log both admin commands input into the CC as well as chat, basically i hope BF3 has a server log like BF2. we'll need it especially if someone wants to appeal a ban or if a ban needs investigation.

-do we need a small forum or something to setup ban appeals?
-regarding PB, it should be on and i've got some buddies who deal with Evenbalance who can get us setup for full PB Streaming if need be.


So why should we even allow waiting for planes when you can spawn into them? The only time you will get them when on the ground is if its low pop. Otherwise people will spawn in faster than you could see it spawn and jump in.

I say we don't allow sitting in spawn waiting for planes. If someone does so, they get warned, kicked, then banned. Of course warned/kicked a lot more than normal. The spawn in jets is nice, and easily takes out any of the issues of tking on the ground waiting for the planes.

It could be one of those rules that if an admin is on, and its annoying (lots of guys waiting) then you take action.
achapel said:
So why should we even allow waiting for planes when you can spawn into them? The only time you will get them when on the ground is if its low pop. Otherwise people will spawn in faster than you could see it spawn and jump in.

I say we don't allow sitting in spawn waiting for planes. If someone does so, they get warned, kicked, then banned. Of course warned/kicked a lot more than normal. The spawn in jets is nice, and easily takes out any of the issues of tking on the ground waiting for the planes.

It could be one of those rules that if an admin is on, and its annoying (lots of guys waiting) then you take action.
I'm glad you brought this up because this is an important issue...

-anyone who just died using the jet last will have no problem spawning into the jet from the spawn screen FASTER than someone waiting on the ground.

-how do we ensure no one hogs the air vehicles continuously if there can't be a line system on the ground when we have 'spawn from death'?

-solution?: implement a long enough respawn time and shorten the jet respawn time so the last person to die in it cant skip line into it immediately after death. but that also brings a problem, the person can just wait out the re-spawn counter and wait for it to spawn and skip line anyway.

Therefore the only solution can be to remove spawning from the death-screen into UCB vehicles at the server-level, I think spawning into the jet actually is nice but is a problem that i hope can be toggled server-side. And TKing for vehicles shouldn't be an issue since as far as the vote is concerned the GAF server won't be hardcore.


Cuban Legend said:
I'm glad you brought this up because this is an important issue...

-anyone who just died using the jet last will have no problem spawning into the jet from the spawn screen than someone waiting on the ground.

-how do we ensure no one hogs the air vehicles continuously if there can't be a line system on the ground when we have 'spawn from death'.

Therefore, I think spawning into the jet actually is nice but is a problem that i hope can be toggled server-side. And TKing for vehicles shouldn't be an issue since as far as the vote is concerned the GAF server won't be hardcore.
I think a script could easily be made to handle spawning from the menu, much easier than anything related to actual in game stuff.

If there is any capability of scripting, you have to know I will be on it and making stuff.

It could be really easy to setup a script that you could queue up for the plane, you say you want to spawn into it, even if it isn't destroyed and someone is using it, people can queue up, and when they die, if the plane is available and they are next in line (it would skip over those that are alive) you would be able to spawn into the plane and everyone else would have to wait. I think that would be awesome, and simple enough that you would get people to actually play the game and not just sit in the menu or in spawn.
achapel said:
I think a script could easily be made to handle spawning from the menu, much easier than anything related to actual in game stuff.

If there is any capability of scripting, you have to know I will be on it and making stuff.

It could be really easy to setup a script that you could queue up for the plane, you say you want to spawn into it, even if it isn't destroyed and someone is using it, people can queue up, and when they die, if the plane is available and they are next in line (it would skip over those that are alive) you would be able to spawn into the plane and everyone else would have to wait. I think that would be awesome, and simple enough that you would get people to actually play the game and not just sit in the menu or in spawn.
if you could get that kind of a script working it would be great, since then you could resolve all the aircraft line troubles that admins in organized BF2 servers had to deal with.

until we see the possibilities to which we can stretch our BF3 server permissions, we'll have to deal with these issue somehow.


I use to play in that same server Cuban Legend. That server was good, I loved the fact that they had the wait inline for a vehicle or get kicked.


Foliorum Viridum said:
This is from one of my fav CS servers:


If it possible to do it, a pretty funky Photoshop job like that would be a great way of making the rules clear without cluttering the server :)

That's basically what I had in mind. I'm not sure if BF3 will allow splash screens though. BC2 did, but that doesn't really mean anything at this point.

As for keeping people from spawning into the jets, I'm thinking forced spawning. We could time the jet respawn, and make the forced respawning just a little faster than that. Problem solved, along with a rule that only two people can camp the jets at any given time.

Someone mentioned a forum for ban resolution: I was thinking of just having people e-mail, unless you guys think a forum is a better idea. I'm not sure if blogger allows forum software on their servers (I'd have to check).

The basic format for the e-mail/forum post would be:

Battlelog name (this should give us the when):
Why were you banned:
What do you feel was unfair about the ban:
Any other comments:

We've got this thread to discuss server matters, so I'm not sure we need an entire other forum (that people would need to sign up for). I think blogger may have a "send a comment to the author" widget, which we could use instead of having people e-mail as well.

Cuban Legend said:
if you could get that kind of a script working it would be great, since then you could resolve all the aircraft line troubles that admins in organized BF2 servers had to deal with.

until we see the possibilities to which we can stretch our BF3 server permissions, we'll have to deal with these issue somehow.

That's one of the biggest questions I still have. I'm not sure how extensive the logging is going to be, if screenshots will be taken periodically, etc. Until we have scripts to handle some of the issues (like jet spawning, base raping, etc) it's all up to the admins to make judgement calls.

Foliorum Viridum said:
"Please visit http://bit.ly/BF3GAF to read the rules."

If that rotated every 10/15 mins I'd be okay with that. I view our server as one that will be "mature", maybe not so much because of the people playing on it, but because we're a close community that will respect the rules etc. If someone wants to play with us, reading a few quick rules at the top of our blog isn't really too much of an unfair request.

I honestly think it's the way to go in regards to server notifications.

I don't think I've ever gone into a server and then alt-tabbed out to read the rules of that server (I'm also not the kind of person that gets banned though). I know it shouldn't be that much to ask of players, but I fear that they won't do it.
Mr. Snrub said:
Okay guys, we're working on getting the server set up in time for launch. Don't know if DICE will have server tools available on launch, but we're going to have a survey with server-related questions ready soon.

What sort of custom server options are you all interested seeing? Give us some ideas for questions (ex: should FF be enabled? should Hardcore be enabled?)

I'd like to see spotting and kill cam turned off. Increased damage is not a prerequisite for me. It might be fun to alternate this with the vanilla mode.


PjotrStroganov said:
I'd like to see spotting and kill cam turned off. Increased damage is not a prerequisite for me. It might be fun to alternate this with the vanilla mode.

Spotting off - no.
Kill cam off - yes please. I hate it.


PjotrStroganov said:
I'd like to see spotting and kill cam turned off. Increased damage is not a prerequisite for me. It might be fun to alternate this with the vanilla mode.

So you want to create a campers heaven?

I vote keep both on.
gillFTR said:
I use to play in that same server Cuban Legend. That server was good, I loved the fact that they had the wait inline for a vehicle or get kicked.
aww shiii, you remember the old FCW days? got damn i want to play on karkand and wake island and Sharqui again... SO BAD :drool:

some of the founders of FCW and it's sister clan GtH are still active in BF2 and will be playing BF3, we should all get together sometime on one of their new BF3 servers or something.

Hell even the old BOX servers are pretty good, 24/7 Karkand infantry only, SO GOOD.


1stStrike said:
Spotting off - no.
Kill cam off - yes please. I hate it.

Turn kill cam off, replace with location killed from cam.

Keep spotting on, promotes team work and isnt wall hacks in this game.
scogoth said:
Is there a location killed from cam?
that would be a nice alternative to the killcam.

All in all killcam and spotting off does make the game more focused on actually trying to visually spot someone instead of looking for orange triangles and pressing Q.
Killcam off makes you think about what lines of sight you were possibly engaged from when shot dead and forces you to actually use your head to find your killer by logicaly searching for where he could have shot you from.

Those two things i feel make the firefights much more intimate and visceral, though they can make them also seem frustrating at times.

If we do stray from vanilla we need to stick to a specific formula consistently, nothing worse than losing traffic because players were used to our server having something on when in their next visit they notice it's off, and vice versa.


scogoth said:
Is there a location killed from cam?

There was in the alpha (if we're talking about a cam that shows your dead corpse until you respawn). I have no idea if it will be in the retail game though.

Personally, I'd be all for turning off killcam if we can, but not spotting. If you see someone, there is no reason you shouldn't be able to quickly tell you team where they are in general terms (as long as it doesn't follow behind cover). I'd rather the spot went into a general area and not right over the persons head, but that's not something we can do anything about.

For a while though, I think we should probably just stay with vanilla settings. Once we have an idea of what can be improved upon, we can start making those changes.


LordCanti said:
There was in the alpha (if we're talking about a cam that shows your dead corpse until you respawn). I have no idea if it will be in the retail game though.

Personally, I'd be all for turning off killcam if we can, but not spotting. If you see someone, there is no reason you shouldn't be able to quickly tell you team where they are in general terms (as long as it doesn't follow behind cover). I'd rather the spot went into a general area and not right over the persons head, but that's not something we can do anything about.

For a while though, I think we should probably just stay with vanilla settings. Once we have an idea of what can be improved upon, we can start making those changes.

yes, end of discussion.
scogoth said:
So you want to create a campers heaven?

I vote keep both on.

Stuff can also be used against other people. No spotting meant awesome stealthy gameplay in BC2. Infiltrating a base was so much more fun this way.

It seems it has been made much less powerful in the final game, so it may be the best of both worlds. I do hope tanks don't get lit up as much anymore as in the beta. It was as if, once spotted, the icon remained visible. No matter what cover was available.
LordCanti said:
I don't think I've ever gone into a server and then alt-tabbed out to read the rules of that server (I'm also not the kind of person that gets banned though). I know it shouldn't be that much to ask of players, but I fear that they won't do it.
Well to be honest most rules are common sense, anyway.

If they don't read a quick list and break the rules? Tough luck. Get warned, then banned. It's not like there's a lack of people who will be playing!


Foliorum Viridum said:
Well to be honest most rules are common sense, anyway.

If they don't read a quick list and break the rules? Tough luck. Get warned, then banned. It's not like there's a lack of people who will be playing!

As long as every player entering knows not to base rape, be a racist douche, or grief, we should be fine. That information can be displayed via text if we aren't allowed a splash screen. The full explanation of the rules can go on the blog.

On an unrelated note, I'm looking through blogspot's features, and I'm not seeing anywhere to upload forum files. We can't FTP them in, which kind of leaves embedding a forum script (that redirects to a third party website, potentially with ads) as the only option. We could also just dump blogspot altogether for a competitor (such as wordpress) that does have built in forum functionality.

Does anyone actually want to join another forum, just for ban resolution? I could list a ban resolution e-mail, and there is already a twitter account up on the blog. Is a forum necessary, when we've got this thread to discuss things and when admins will already be reachable through other means?
LordCanti said:
As long as every player entering knows not to base rape, be a racist douche, or grief, we should be fine. That information can be displayed via text if we aren't allowed a splash screen. The full explanation of the rules can go on the blog.
Exactly. The reason why those rules that spam the servers are so annoying, other than the fact it takes up space and just looks ugly, is that nobody should need to be told "racism = ban" or "baseraping = ban". It's just common sense.

I never read server rules, ever, and I do just fine. The only time I don't is when they have retarded rules like not using the noob tube in BC2 etc and then I don't want to play in those servers anyway.


Foliorum Viridum said:
Exactly. The reason why those rules that spam the servers are so annoying, other than the fact it takes up space and just looks ugly, is that nobody should need to be told "racism = ban" or "baseraping = ban". It's just common sense.

I never read server rules, ever, and I do just fine. The only time I don't is when they have retarded rules like not using the noob tube in BC2 etc and then I don't want to play in those servers anyway.

So you wouldnt play on the GAF server if there was a stipulation that once a round someone must TK Cuban?


Less than a week... too bad I won't be playing till Tuesday evening =(

Will be hosting the midnight launch of BF3 that Monday (12pm to 2am) and then working 10am-8pm the next day. Got to love gigantic launch days!


Spl1nter said:
guess you will just have to tk that griefer.

This is why I vote no to TK. Op Admin wars are deadly.

I've got nightmarish flashbacks to the last Op war I experienced on IRC. No man was spared
Okay, some server updates:

  • 46 donors with $497.80 saved. This is taking into account that we have the server rented for one month already. This server is gonna be packed with GAF.
  • Clanforge (Multiplay's server management tool) isn't available to us until October 25th. We MIGHT be able to get access on the 24th, as that's when they'll be setting the servers up
  • Mumble server will be available on the 25th, but we haven't received any information other than this. We'll keep you posted
someone should post a screen of that BF3CC in here, we need to compare admin apps once they ll are out for us to see.

Only the best for GAF.
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