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Battlefield 3 PC Community Meetup


Mr. Snrub said:
The Frankfurt stuff? It was a goof. Should have only gone to people with servers in Frankfurt.

Yeah, big WTF moment there for me. E-mail says, "don't worry, we're moving your servers to Frankfurt but you shouldn't notice any difference in the quality"

They did move our server, to Texas, if the whois data can be believed. I know they're having problems with their Virginia server farm right now, but Texas? Sorry Euro-GAF, we'll get it fixed as soon as possible (if your pings were fine recently, don't worry about it. Texas is quite a ways from the coast though).

For what it's worth, EA's back end tools for server administration seem to be bugged out as well.

Smokey said:
Texas is fine with me. Amazing pings. I'm in Houston :p

So is the server, actually :p


kch said:
Ping aint that bad on the NeoGaf server actually, even playing from Sweden. Thumbs up!

I had 100 ms to it and I doubt you could have had much less. The propagation delay across the Atlantic is around 100 ms or so and unless you can send your packets faster than the speed of light that's what you're gonna have to live with.

That said, I'll try it out and see how it plays. :)


Zeppelin said:
I had 100 ms to it and I doubt you could have had much less. The propagation delay across the Atlantic is around 100 ms or so and unless you can send your packets faster than the speed of light that's what you're gonna have to live with.

That said, I'll try it out and see how it plays. :)

Yeah it's around 100, but it's not really that noticeable. Seems about the same as when I play on a server with 5-10ms. Only problem is on the nighttime map, but I get rubber-band lag on that regardless of what server I'm on it seems.


Smokey said:
Doesn't sweden have god tier internet speeds?

We do..but I've never even bothered playing on US servers in a FPS before duo to mad lag. Somehow this seems to work great, be it good netcode or a great server :) Maybe even both!
PjotrStroganov said:
And I am sometimes getting a black screen when changing servers. I have to go to task manager to exit BF3. Punkbuster?

This has been happening to me all day, have to close via Task manager myself when it happens.


Smokey said:
Doesn't sweden have god tier internet speeds?

We do, but in the end it comes down to propagation delay, which is basically the time it takes for light to travel from source to destination.

But never mind, I tried the server and it played pretty well actually. Will stay! :)

Edit: Actually I'm pretty amazed how well it works. Netcode is really good. Also: epic tank battle on Seine just now. :p


I always feel so bad for any chumps that ride in choppers that I'm flying. They just should go ahead and suicide to save themselves the trouble. For whatever reason I cannot get the hang of the choppers and I always crash them. But I refuse to give up because I want to learn.

PjotrStroganov said:
And I am sometimes getting a black screen when changing servers. I have to go to task manager to exit BF3. Punkbuster?

I've had it happen a few times, too. AMD or Nvidia card?
scogoth said:
sooooooooo......... reserve slots........ yeah.........

I think we have the ability to set up the list in Procon, BUT, Multiplay recently announced that the reason the server crashes when you kick someone is because no reason is given for the kick. So if you kick and give a reason, the server is okay (this will be fixed). However, if we have reserved slots and someone is kicked because of those, we aren't certain that we can automate a reason, and it would suck to have the server crash.

No worries, Canti and I are working on what we can to get everything in order :D With Menelaus's help, might be able to get our Mumble server properly organized.

Metalmurphy said:
Server was awesome even for me (Euro) up until the last hour. It's lagging quite a bit now.

And by that i mean alot.

Think that's just because of the time of day. Same thing happened yesterday.


I donated for the server but failed to provide special instructions. I did send an E-Mail to the account associated with paypal but never got a reply.

Did I fuck it up?
A.Romero said:
I donated for the server but failed to provide special instructions. I did send an E-Mail to the account associated with paypal but never got a reply.

Did I fuck it up?

We're siphoning the funds from your account as we speak.

PM me your email addy.


Foliorum Viridum said:
I noticed I'm always in the top 10 players. Sometimes top 5.

GAF isn't as Godly as I thought. :p
lol, I was thinking the same thing. I only got in one or two games last night, but this was my here's the scoreboard for my first full game of multiplayer (and first game on GAF, obviously):



Here's my experience on the GAF server so far.

"Okay, I'm gonna-" *gets shot in the back*

"Fuck, time to-" *gets shot in the back*

"Damn, that won't happen ag-" *gets shot in the back*

I'm already tired of conquest and how non-existent the team work is, so off to rush. I'll be playing the GAF server in moderation I think if it stays conquest only.


Yeha guys... you made it in the top spot and made a screenshot, I see :)
My battlefield experience is always pretty inconsistent, that has not changed since 1942. I envy those who are always on the top of the scoreboard but I have no idea how they do that since the game can be so random.

1stStrike said:
Here's my experience on the GAF server so far.

"Okay, I'm gonna-" *gets shot in the back*

"Fuck, time to-" *gets shot in the back*

"Damn, that won't happen ag-" *gets shot in the back*

I'm already tired of conquest and how non-existent the team work is, so off to rush. I'll be playing the GAF server in moderation I think if it stays conquest only.
Where is the connection between conquest and you getting shot in the back? :)
Bungieware said:
Did everyone get booted?

64 player Grand Bazaar! Oh yes

Yep, but rejoining right now. Good games, but the lack of squad leaders issuing orders and teamwork if you are with random squadmates is scary..
JackEtc said:
lol, I was thinking the same thing. I only got in one or two games last night, but this was my here's the scoreboard for my first full game of multiplayer (and first game on GAF, obviously):

Haha. You know when I'm top something is wrong!

You know what I love about this game though? I got that score by literally driving circles around the maps, shooting any dudes I saw along the way and capping lots. And I got the top score. The game before that all I did was follow tanks around and heal them - bam another 5k there.

When it comes to 1v1 shooting I more often than not lose, but I can contribute to the team in other ways. It's pretty goddamn sweet.
Foliorum Viridum said:
Haha. You know when I'm top something is wrong!

You know what I love about this game though? I got that score by literally driving circles around the maps, shooting any dudes I saw along the way and capping lots. And I got the top score. The game before that all I did was follow tanks around and heal them - bam another 5k there.

When it comes to 1v1 shooting I more often than not lose, but I can contribute to the team in other ways. It's pretty goddamn sweet.

I saw you whoring that LAV!


derFeef said:
Yeha guys... you made it in the top spot and made a screenshot, I see :)
My battlefield experience is always pretty inconsistent, that has not changed since 1942. I envy those who are always on the top of the scoreboard but I have no idea how they do that since the game can be so random.

Where is the connection between conquest and you getting shot in the back? :)

Conquest tends to be too random, and none of the squads I've been in ever stick together. So, I end up trying to get to where other people are on my own, or just stuck somewhere fighting by myself - and being by yourself in this game usually leads to death.

In rush, it's more of a straight and narrow - you hit A and B and then go to the next section. It's harder for people to get split up and feels more like an objective based game then conquest (and is more organized, usually).

I've always preferred rush. Conquest is good for when I feel like some massive team death match style action, but that's not the game mode that will hold my interest for long.


Applied for the GAF East Platoon and got denied. :/

I'm a good person.

EDIT: nvm It reached it's member capacity. :(
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