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Battlefield 3 PC Community Meetup

Smokey said:
How's it being a dick when I ask for ammo and you're the support class in my squad ?! And he says "shoot less, imo" and I'm the dick? You for real right now?

This whole thing could have been avoided if you were in Mumble.



Anton Sugar said:


If you're blue you can fuck off, though. I have zero tolerance for Asari.

Smokey said:

dude was in my squad. whether I typed or yelled "AT C" in mumble according to him he didn't even know where C was nevermind the fact that it spells it out for you in the UI. And he ran by me while I was sitting in C...so therefore he was at C.....

Play assault if you don't want to help people out.

Err, I play Assault almost exclusively, and I help people out all the time with medkits/revives. I think you mean play Recon.
Megalodactyl said:
When are reserved slots going to be implemented?
when DICE puts out a server update that turns them on. They havent done this yet.

So please complain to DICE about this, I'm tired of hearing about it in this thread every page tbh.

It's not like the server is always full, lol. The guys in mumble spend hours trying to fill it to 64 every night.


Cuban Legend said:
when DICE puts out a server update that turns them on. They havent done this yet.

So please complain to DICE about this, I'm tired of hearing about it in this thread every page tbh.

It's not like the server is always full, lol. The guys in mumble spend hours trying to fill it to 64 every night.

It actually only takes about 30 mins to fill now that we figured out how to game the system.


yeah, damavand. next to one of the tunnels...could see guys walking by through an invisible wall. had a blast shooting at them (not hitting), and watching them freak out, going prone, spinning 360s, etc.


Smokey seems to be a bitcher regardless, so I'd just ignore him. He never gets on mumble, and all he does is whine in chat. This isn't the first time he's spazzed out, either.

Also, for the people that bitch about stacked teams and shit - you guys are retarded. Every time you play there has to be a winner or a loser. If you expect to win every single round and never lose, then you're playing the wrong game. Might want to stick to Care Bears games.

I was in the server a couple days ago and my team won like 4 matches in a row. Nobody said a peep. Then, we lost like 3 matches in a row and all of a sudden "dem stacked teams" started up. We won the next two games.

So, yeah, if you're going to bitch constantly just stay the fuck off the server. I go there to enjoy myself, not listen to you whine incessantly like a little bitch.


We have an auto balance script in there atm. It only balances by numbers and whoever joined last is switched first. But it continually checks and balances teams, so at least by numbers teams are balanced.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
achapel said:
Cry some more!

Server has been going strong, full on for a while now. Mostly randoms that I can tell.

Hey I was just on for 4 hours!

I'm pretty sure I went something like 15-1 in wins. Just rollinnnnnnnn.


achapel said:
Cry some more!

Server has been going strong, full on for a while now. Mostly randoms that I can tell.

Everyone is having a good cry while I'm away destroying my life playing Skyrim. Never forget that DICE (well, EA) is the enemy guys, and not each other.

I love you based Skyrim, GOTY. Sorry Dark Souls


achapel said:
We have an auto balance script in there atm. It only balances by numbers and whoever joined last is switched first. But it continually checks and balances teams, so at least by numbers teams are balanced.
Just personal preference, but i'd make it less chatty.


1stStrike said:
Also, for the people that bitch about stacked teams and shit - you guys are retarded. Every time you play there has to be a winner or a loser. If you expect to win every single round and never lose, then you're playing the wrong game. Might want to stick to Care Bears games.

I was in the server a couple days ago and my team won like 4 matches in a row. Nobody said a peep. Then, we lost like 3 matches in a row and all of a sudden "dem stacked teams" started up. We won the next two games.

So, yeah, if you're going to bitch constantly just stay the fuck off the server. I go there to enjoy myself, not listen to you whine incessantly like a little bitch.

Well obviously.

Problem was when the other team had an extra 4-5 players. Auto balance has been switching me around and it's been mostly full these last couple of nights so it's been all good.


1stStrike said:
Smokey seems to be a bitcher regardless, so I'd just ignore him. He never gets on mumble, and all he does is whine in chat. This isn't the first time he's spazzed out, either.

Also, for the people that bitch about stacked teams and shit - you guys are retarded. Every time you play there has to be a winner or a loser. If you expect to win every single round and never lose, then you're playing the wrong game. Might want to stick to Care Bears games.

I was in the server a couple days ago and my team won like 4 matches in a row. Nobody said a peep. Then, we lost like 3 matches in a row and all of a sudden "dem stacked teams" started up. We won the next two games.

So, yeah, if you're going to bitch constantly just stay the fuck off the server. I go there to enjoy myself, not listen to you whine incessantly like a little bitch.

And to think I was done and over this. New day and all that jazz. Everything was said yesterday. Chat log was posted, both could've done better etc etc. Alright cool, I'll keep that in mind going forward....and then I see this.

Who are you, the GAF BF3 police?

I don't have an obligation to get on Mumble first of all. I played a quick session so there was no need for me to plug in my headset and all of that. This notion that herp you weren't in Mumble derp is pretty dumb to begin with. Second of all when I've been in Mumble I haven't whined and if I did man up and say something then and there while I'm on chat instead of being a little bitch and try call me out in here.

Third BF3 is a team game. I'm running around in circles at a capture point waiting for a squad member who is playing Support to drop me ammo. The chat log was posted last page. You don't know where C is then fine, that's ok. But then to say "shoot less" or whatever the fuck was said was pretty lame. Yet I'm supposed to be the dick here because I wasn't in Mumble, he was, so dur it's my fault. The fuck outta here. Next time you want to call somebody do it while I'm in the same chat room/ game as you.

I'm sure I was one of the top donors to use this server, if I want to whine or complain about something I will. Either respond in a way that will continue the conversation or keep it moving. I'm the bitcher yet you come in here with this holier than thou post telling everybody else what to do. Cute.


Maybe just do what I do and play nothing but support so you can supply yourself with ammo.

Oh, and also take the game a little less seriously. That helps too.


Menelaus said:
Maybe just do what I do and play nothing but support so you can supply yourself with ammo.

Oh, and also take the game a little less seriously. That helps too.

I don't take the game all that seriously. It wasn't all that big of a deal to me anyway until the "shoot less" comment was made. I don't see how trying to win the game is taking it seriously. Or if you're new to the game then just say that. That would've been the end of it in my eyes.

The whole point of doing a GAF server was to play with people from this community and have a better understanding of how to play the game. How many times is it said in the BF3 OT how people don't drop med kis. Don't drop ammo. "Why am I the only one supplying ammo to people" on random BF3 servers?

So then when that comes up on the GAF server and I say something about it here, "I'm taking the game too seriously". Not really. If people aren't playing to win/capture points/whatever the objective is in the game, then how about everyone get in Jeeps and race each other around the maps on both teams
may actually be kind of fun
or other silly stuff?

Anyway it's done and over and it's "my fault" for not being in Mumble in the first place. New day, new BF3 experience!
Gonna suck it up and play at 720p tonight for FRAPS-age.

I also think we should bump the Multiplay up to 64 (or seed it first) and see how it's doing. We need to make a decision soon. This $800 is burning a hole in my virtual pocket.

I really want 800 tacos.


Anton Sugar said:
I just banned everyone from the server.

Good move.

Anton Sugar said:
Gonna suck it up and play at 720p tonight for FRAPS-age.

I also think we should bump the Multiplay up to 64 (or seed it first) and see how it's doing. We need to make a decision soon. This $800 is burning a hole in my virtual pocket.

I really want 800 tacos.

I still say we should just go to Disney World.


Anton Sugar said:
Gonna suck it up and play at 720p tonight for FRAPS-age.

I also think we should bump the Multiplay up to 64 (or seed it first) and see how it's doing. We need to make a decision soon. This $800 is burning a hole in my virtual pocket.

I really want 800 tacos.
Go to Jack in the Box, suddenly 1600 tacos appear.


Anton Sugar said:
Gonna suck it up and play at 720p tonight for FRAPS-age.

I also think we should bump the Multiplay up to 64 (or seed it first) and see how it's doing. We need to make a decision soon. This $800 is burning a hole in my virtual pocket.

I really want 800 tacos.

Fuck the tacos. Get some poutine!

Look at all the possibilities. They even have a nacho grande one.


Anton Sugar said:
Lots of good suggestions here for what I should spend this $800 on. I'm going to settle this with a poll.

My vote is for one high class hooker. Alternatively, you could go for like...fifty low class hookers.


LordCanti said:
I wouldn't mind a pair of these http://www.jhaudio.com/product/jh10x3-pro-custom-ear-monitor

Just a suggestion.

Just looking makes my wallet cry

So, everyone up for BF3 tonight? After Chuck of course.

Meh, I'm not sure if I'll be playing tonight. I still need to play the Deus Ex DLC that came out, so will probably give that a whirl. I also need to do some studying, as I'm learning ruby for work so I can get that promotion I've been wanting.


1stStrike said:
Meh, I'm not sure if I'll be playing tonight. I still need to play the Deus Ex DLC that came out, so will probably give that a whirl. I also need to do some studying, as I'm learning ruby for work so I can get that promotion I've been wanting.

$800 ($900?) in donations, and no one ever plays. Pre-order canceled.


LordCanti said:
$800 ($900?) in donations, and no one ever plays. Pre-order canceled.

Pfft, I've played and will be playing plenty. I just want to beat this DLC and do something productive tonight, since I spent the last two days mostly playing BF3 :p


Anton Sugar said:
Fuck yes. If for nothing else, so Spl1nter stops bitching at me.

This is ridiculous. You need to get BF3 on your work computer.

I just hope my friends don't want to do anything tonight, because I'm not in the mood. /antisocial


Ajemsuhgao said:
Been absurdly busy with work stuff for the past few days, but I am definitely playing tonight. What time so people usually hop on?

I usually pop in around ten central. If no one is around, I pop right back out. I have to feed my TV addiction, or I'd show up earlier. A man needs his Chuck/Fringe one two combo on a Friday night.
I've been burnt out since I played a shit-ton the first week, which was full of server instability to boot. I'll always be online in mumble though.

When I finish Sonic Generations/LA Noire, I'll come back in time for Karkand.


Cuban Legend said:
I've been burnt out since I played a shit-ton the first week, which was full of server instability to boot. I'll always be online in mumble though.

When I finish Sonic Generations/LA Noire, I'll come back in time for Karkand.

The one two punch of BF3 and MW3 (which IRL friends make me play) has made me really over FPS games right now. Skyrim is doing a good job of fixing me though.

I think what I've learned is that I can't play hours of the same game night after night like I used to as a kid. I need variety, or I burn out pretty quick.
I used to play mario 64 for hours when I got my N64 as a kid, day in day out for weeks all the way to 120 stars.

I remember the days of BC2 that burned me out, and even the days of BF2/PR. Damn I guess I do need to spice things up a bit if I want to maintain interest.


Anton Sugar said:
Man, I just don't have time for a good SP experience--I barely have enough time for MP as it is. :-\


I vote we ban Anton from both GAF servers until he completes The Witcher 2. He's committing a crime against gamers everywhere by not finishing that game :p


I don't remember who, but whomever it was that was flying the chopper around about ~7pm est last night when it just just Scogoth and Splinter and myself on the server, kudos to your low-altitude flying! Was really fun watching as your gunner, even though there was no one to shoot at and we were just capping points :)
So much drama over one dude not dropping ammo. Pretty funny.

Edit: Bah, server is dead. Too early for you Yanks? I'm going to go back to Modern Warfare 3 and come back in an hour or two to see if any games are going. I haven't played in a few days so I'm up for some action! :)


Foliorum Viridum said:
So much drama over one dude not dropping ammo. Pretty funny.

Edit: Bah, server is dead. Too early for you Yanks? I'm going to go back to Modern Warfare 3 and come back in an hour or two to see if any games are going. I haven't played in a few days so I'm up for some action! :)

People generally get off of work at about 5pm, so an hour from now Eastern. Mid-West GAF will get off an hour after that. Western GAF two hours after that.

Most people like to chillax after work, so we're talking maybe an hour or two after that.

In other words, come back in three, maybe four hours. (More like six before I can play).


You are all weak, I need too setup a disk clone then BF3 all night long!

I might need to get some food at some point. Splinter bring me pasta!
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