I like it, should be a permanent effect you couldn't disable. Makes everything look real.
Unbelievable. DICE exceeding its own standards in launching busted video games. I'm really upset reading about this long awaited client update.
If SimCity got hammered by the press then I'm disappointed in anyone who gave this game more than a 5/10. Publishers don't give a fuck about their customers' backlash, but they do care about Metacritic averages. We are talking about a game that's been out for 16 days now and it still suffers from game breaking bugs and that's if you are even able to play at all.
this might be the wrong thread to post in, but, for anyone here that is playing this on PS4, can you guys connect online?
i'm stuck in some origin sign-in loop that won't let me sign into an existing account or create a new account...
What do you mean?
That's what you get for getting a PS4 early!
either your visions is royally fucked or you're joking.
My PS4 copy arrived tonight. Really excited to get into this. I enjoyed the PS3 beta quite a bit so the jump should be huge. BF is the only series I really play MP in for a substantial amount of time so it's nice this is hitting with the PS4.
Actually, what the fuck happened to DICE and their scaling? I've been told DICE knew stuff like that yet when the real deal (BF3) was finally released, I was shocked that Metro Conquest didn't extend to the other side of the park and that TDM was stuck in those small areas. I've read that BF2 would scale the map just on how many players were in it yet none of that was in 3. It's even fucking worst when the DLC maps STILL didn't scale the maps accordingly for 64 players on TDM and, so far, Metro still is broken as fuck in regards of fitting 64 players in Conquest. It also doesn't help that I'm disappointed that DICE won't work on this "One-Size-Fits-All" Philosophy and decide to cut things up where every other game mode has to be appropriate for 32 players despite the fact that they make the biggest maps around that would fit more. They've made BF4 in a mindset like any other developer despite having the software and talent to be a hell of a lot more ambitious then what appears to be in the game (They are but. Why can't the host choose how big a map can be for custom matches? Why can't the borders and score limits that isn't tickets simply expand in 64 Player Anything that isn't Conquest? It's really disappointed DICE attempts to push their engine while squandering what Battlefield can be really become beyond the addition of setpieces and water physics.It's PARACEL storm, BTW.
And TDM maps aren't built for 64-players, so your argument is still crazy.
Once again: DICE did not build maps with 64-players in mind outside of Conquest and that's even debateable *SnoopBlingeeYOLO420SWAG.gif here*.
Just finished the story. Wat.
Also what are those gadget that can make people float in the air and throw C4 on badass chinese boat?
It took me way too long to realise that they had grappled onto the bridge that the boat was sailing under.
I'm on the fence. Is BF4 worth getting if you're a noob to the series and not going to buy the ridiculous season pass?
Or is the non-season pass community good throughout the year?
I'm on the fence. Is BF4 worth getting if you're a noob to the series and not going to buy the ridiculous season pass?
Or is the non-season pass community good throughout the year?
I'm on the fence. Is BF4 worth getting if you're a noob to the series and not going to buy the ridiculous season pass?
Or is the non-season pass community good throughout the year?
GIF of the night.
God bless the netcode.
this might be the wrong thread to post in, but, for anyone here that is playing this on PS4, can you guys connect online?
i'm stuck in some origin sign-in loop that won't let me sign into an existing account or create a new account...
Oh I thought I was alone.It is for a lot of people, diceplease
this might be the wrong thread to post in, but, for anyone here that is playing this on PS4, can you guys connect online?
i'm stuck in some origin sign-in loop that won't let me sign into an existing account or create a new account...
Warning! If you have an Origin account tied to an email thats different than your PSN ID DO NOT ENTER A NEW ID. WORLD OF HEADACHES.
Dunno if this is related, but this popped up in my Twitter feed:
Not quite sure what it means (is he replacing the PSN ID tied to his Origin account with a new ID?) but it sounds like it might be related to your problem.
Any words on stability for ps4?