
Another day, but same bullshit.
Yeah, the hit registration is totally borked somehow. I should've at least disabled it and gotten some points. But nope, nothing!
BTW I Love this battle report for several reasons.
Look at all those crashes. lol
Another day, but same bullshit.
Same thing happens with infantry all the time.
I've blasted tank shells straight in the face of infantry. Not even somewhat in their vicinity, or next to their feet, but literally right in their face and they just walk it off, hide behind some cover and fire MBT after MBT at you. :-/
Getting rounds where regular weapons hardly hit anything as well.
Went as for to try our the 870 with buckshots to see if my shots were registering at all and I went 9-19 ffs...
The a couple of rounds afterwards, things snap into place and I'm on a 15+ killstreak in not even 2 minutes time, while going all out rambo and getting one situation after another where I'm up against 2-3-4 people that I had no right to survive, yet I did.
Only to have my shots stop registering 5 minutes later again and hardly being able to put anyone down.
Of course the game crashed not even 10 minutes later.
I've had plenty of bad nights in BF3 and BC2 before, to know when I'm sucking and how badly my aim can be off, but this is something else. Such a mess of a game.
BTW I Love this battle report for several reasons. One of which is that I never even started the round and exited when the counter was still running, yet it seems to count.
Look at all those crashes. lol
Always a good round when...
Yes you have won the internetDoes that mean we won Battlefield?
I have lost my campaign data twice now on Xbox One. Fucking horseshit. Who can I complain to?
Will they fix it?
Don't get too excited... I'm getting some weird error trying to update the firmware. lol... always something.
Damn...hope everything turns out OK man!
I'm getting my PS4 next week and I'm fucking terrified of having some issues with it like the hardware problems some people are having... =(
Always a good round when...
Unfortunately the Metro under the map hack doesn't work as well on Locker
I'm having issues with the firmware update... it's a bit ridiculous at this point. Been fucking with it since 6pm, it's midnight now.
Apparently updating via internet, the file was corrupted, but it still installed. I need to overwrite it via USB but it keeps saying it's corrupted and giving me an error code. Went online, people say the fix for that error is using a different file (the one you use when upgrading your HDD) but it's larger, and of course I can't find any of my thumb drives... only one I kind find is like a million years old and doesn't have enough space to hold the update.
At this point, it's time for bed... lol. Deal with it tomorrow.
I hadn't have a problem on all weekend. Well, some rubberbanding on one server, but that was all. I maxed all my classes and the ground vehicles, except AA (it is really difficult to grab that vehicle). Of course, I've been avoiding Shanghai and Dawnbreak :-(
Playing some China Rising
My guilin peaks games are just dumb... Like 50-4 average lol.
More amazed by the guy with 1300% accuracy.Playing some China Rising
More amazed by the guy with 1300% accuracy.
EA servers down? Can't connect on PS4.
People who got China Rising along with their pre-order or special edition or whatever won't be able to play until the 17th along with all other non-Premium members. This is because of reasons.I got those China maps downloaded as part of the pre-order Limited edition, but I'm not able to join any of the maps in-game, claims I need to buy premium. What's the trick here?
Server and Client updates goin' on right nowEA servers down? Can't connect on PS4.
Battlefield said:Battlefield @EA_Battlefield
Server Update R15
-Various server side crash fixes, including the top seen crashes on R14
-Activated the reservedSlotsList.aggressiveJoin command that enables VIP players and server administrators directly joining full servers
-Client patch compatibility to make servers compatible with the Dec 09 client update
PC Client Update
-Fixed one of the most frequently occurring client crashes
-Fixed broken collision on containers with open doors. The bug previously made grenades bounce back even though the doors were open.
-Fixed a bug in Defuse mode where defenders could win the round by killing all the attackers without disarming the bomb, if the bomb was disarmed in the previous round.
-Miscellaneous stability fixes further reducing the number of client crashes
-Fixed side gunner jitter when aiming in attack boats & transport helicopters
-Fixed some instances of frame rate drops when shooting at large Levolution objects after they have been destroyed (like the radar dish on Rogue Transmission)
-Fixed broken aiming for passengers on the China Rising dirt bike
-Fixed a bug where the sound when capturing a flag was not playing correctly
-Removed a bug that would double save during MP round transition and SP level transition. This fix will reduce the occurrence of corrupted save files.
anything about those random 20-40fps framedrops during games?
anything about those random 20-40fps framedrops during games?
Maybe its related to this one:?Noticing this on the China Rising maps in particular.
Maybe its related to this one:?
-Fixed some instances of frame rate drops when shooting at large Levolution objects after they have been destroyed (like the radar dish on Rogue Transmission)