I don't know about you guys, but I'm beginning to think the China Rising maps kind of suck.
For some reason they almost all feel really strangely designed (maybe even rushed), especially Silk Road and Dragon Pass. I like how large Altai Range is (it's the only map in BF4 that makes me go, "WOAH!" at its scale) but at the same time it's like if you end up on foot with no transport vehicles around you have to walk 10 miles with almost no cover just to get anywhere. It's so wide open, it feels like you're constantly being shot at from miles away even in vehicles. Guilin Peaks, aside from the cavern control point, is kind of forgettable in my opinion. It's like a bunch of copy--paste bases spread out in a circular fashion around that central point. It has some seriously weird "Return to the Combat Area!" boundaries as well. Some of them don't even make sense to me. I will say that I think it plays the best compared to the other maps, even if it isn't all that memorable. There are some truly hellacious firefights that occur in and around the caverns!
I've also noticed that all of the maps but Silk Road have this "washed out" effect going on similar to Bad Company 2's Vietnam add-on. Then there's the fact that every map but Altai Range is just plain ugly. Silk Road looks laughably bad compared to every other map and the lighting on Guilin Peaks and Dragon Valley seems very artificial and just plain "off" to me.
What do you guys think about the new maps? Do you feel the same way I do or do you actually like them? As someone who prefers playing in vehicles whenever possible I appreciate that every map but Guilin Peaks features a huge assortment of them, but at the same time I feel like I honestly have more fun playing in vehicles on the vanilla maps because they're just better designed (most of them, at least).
Silk Road is just so empty outside of D flag. . . . Would have been nice to have had a small town somewhere in the map.
Nicebug where I become invincible
Has there been any good deals on Premium (PC) yet? Or is it still too early?
Also found a bug where I become invincible.
Still having crashes? Maybe more luck next week.
This is a fucking joke.
Dec 9 PC Game Update Notes
Shot behind cover when changing stance
Sometimes the character stance could get into a multiple frame desync and be part of the problem where you got shot even though your character was actually behind cover. This would mostly affect players doing transitions into crouch and prone as well as moving when crouched. The impact was smaller in a standing stance. This bug fix eliminates this particular desync issue.
We have also increased the camera height when crouching and moving to more accurately reflect the actual height of your soldier in that stance (the first person camera was too low when crouching and moving, resulting in that you had a poor representation of how much of your soldier that was actually out of cover.)
I've come to the conclusion that China Rising maps suck. The only decent one is that small jungle one. The others are 100% vehicle spam fests with no cover between bases for infantry to travel and in some case, no cover at bases at all. Sight-lines in some are end to end so it's just tank and LAV gunners spamming machine gun and spotting 100% of the time. I don't know about you guys, but I like my maps with diversity.
Huh, was that way I continued to take damage when I was in cover? Weird "bug" since half the time I was standing and sprinting behind cover when I continued to take damage.
I wonder if that glitch in BF3 still exists where you can go prone while your camera and 'weapon' are still at standing height so you can shoot people from behind cover. Don't think I've ever seen DICE say anything about that. I could be wrong, though.
After more than a couple rounds of China, I feel the only map were vehicles are truly advantageous is Altai (although going up the hill is a slow walk were they are very vulnerable). Even so, in F or B the hordes of infantry got me a couple of times by sheer numbers.
Silk Road is very infantry friendly. People are playing it wrong if they keep getting caught out of positions. The dunes and creeks make this map very easy for a couple of engineers to blow a tank in no time, and most of the time, me inside a tank, can't do much about it. They come out from everywhere. D is my worst nightmare as a tank whore. Mines can be set up very effectively.
Dragon Pass has a slight advantage to vehicles, but most of the points have some type of cover for a few save tank shots. Once again, D and C are very difficult for me to capture.
I got those China maps downloaded as part of the pre-order Limited edition, but I'm not able to join any of the maps in-game, claims I need to buy premium. What's the trick here?
The only map in China Rising I like is Silk Road. But that's because it's bright and sunny so I can see shit without DICE's dark filters blurring everything together at times. :/
But I haven't been past the first set in Rush.
After more than a couple rounds of China, I feel the only map were vehicles are truly advantageous is Altai (although going up the hill is a slow walk were they are very vulnerable). Even so, in F or B the hordes of infantry got me a couple of times by sheer numbers.
Silk Road is very infantry friendly. People are playing it wrong if they keep getting caught out of positions. The dunes and creeks make this map very easy for a couple of engineers to blow a tank in no time, and most of the time, me inside a tank, can't do much about it. They come out from everywhere. D is my worst nightmare as a tank whore. Mines can be set up very effectively.
Dragon Pass has a slight advantage to vehicles, but most of the points have some type of cover for a few save tank shots. Once again, D and C are very difficult for me to capture.
I like all the maps except Dragon Pass which always seems to be a staring contest on D. Its too hard to push through the open fields between C-B and E when you can have an AA and/or tank just sitting on E/C. I think they need to open up the back passage way to G and add a flanking route to A to allow the battle to push back and forth. Or maybe un-nerf the Attack Heli so it can break the line =)
And silk road is pretty awesome for vehicles if you stay out of D. Maybe I just like it because when we have 5 drunks in vehicles we tend to dominate.
I wonder if the D chokepoint will let up once everyone stops fapping over the bomber. I miss being able to lone wolf it across the hilly edges of the map like in Dragon Valley.
I've noticed you always have the opposite opinions of everyone else.
Evolved1 said:So apparently I have a broke-ass PS4... they are going to send me another one. But it'll be a few days BF bros.
lol... never ends.
Should've gotten a PC, bro. *DealwithitDog.gif*![]()
"Less of a headache" isn't among them.
Scogoth said:The good news is, until the UCAV gets nerfed, its a lot of fun to troll people waiting for the bomber.
That's why you get both.I
Should've gotten a PC, bro. *DealwithitDog.gif*![]()
There are many very good reasons for getting a PC over console.
"Less of a headache" isn't among them.
That's why you get both.
I've come to the conclusion that China Rising maps suck. The only decent one is that small jungle one. The others are 100% vehicle spam fests with no cover between bases for infantry to travel and in some case, no cover at bases at all. Sight-lines in some are end to end so it's just tank and LAV gunners spamming machine gun and spotting 100% of the time. I don't know about you guys, but I like my maps with diversity.
Sorry manSo apparently I have a broke-ass PS4... they are going to send me another one. But it'll be a few days BF bros.
lol... never ends.
Sorry man![]()
Nice to know I'm not alone.![]()
I would almost consider myself to be a vehicle whore (although most of my time has been spent as Assault using the AK-12) and even I think the maps are overkill. It isn't even necessarily their size, but how they're designed. They're so wide open and there's so little cover, it's basically a 3D spotting fest with vehicles shelling infantry and one another across ludicrous ranges 24/7 (Altai Range, especially). Not a fan at all. Guilin Peaks is pretty cool, though, and arguably the single best infantry-based map Battlefield has seen in a long time.
I wish I knew whether players were on console or PCs.
I can see why you would use an AK12 on consoles, but I would recommend a different gun for assault on PCs.
Sar21 is another example, I'm sure many people use that gun on consoles but it is considered non-competitive on PC.
We need to get together like old times.It's okay, honestly... I have zero time off over the next few days anyway. I was quite aggravated before (mostly because I couldn't figure what the problem was -- still don't exactly know) but they said they would overnight it all and pay the shipping, so whatever I guess.
I'll probably have a working PS4 before we have a working BF4.
I was just looking at Chubz's profile and I noticed he had spent a long time in vehicles, about 26% of his total BF4 playtime.
I looked at my profile, .05%.
Unlocking stuff fucking sucks, I just want to play the game.
I was just looking at Chubz's profile and I noticed he had spent a long time in vehicles, about 26% of his total BF4 playtime.
I looked at my profile, .05%.
That double XP event was so good for this. I unlocked all of the carbines, pistols, PDWs, and engineer kit quite quickly due to that event.
I wish I hadn't waited to unlock DMR's until after that, I am so close to getting the SCAR, which is, apparently, the best one. I might just wait until DMR's get a much needed buff.
There is another double XP event going on now for premium members, but giving EA money is silly as it is.