Live Free or Die
Is that through the website or something? So there is no way to edit the loadout from inside the game except when you're in a server?
Anyone finding using mines as an engineer useless (PS4 player)?
I used to love them in BFBC2.
I drop them in front of a tank and they drive right over them.
Is that through the website or something? So there is no way to edit the loadout from inside the game except when you're in a server?
Yep, through either the battlelog site or the app on your ipad or phone.
Might as well get used to it as well tbh, its what the game is designed around.
Ah ok, thank you. that's a weird decision not to have a edit loadout option from the main menu of the game or something.
Haven't hear anything about that, sorry.
Most seem to be unlocking it just fine as of this week.
Not sure if the patch may have bugged it.
Does it say you have completed everything on the assignment requirement ?
Ah ok, thank you. that's a weird decision not to have an edit loadout option from the main menu of the game or something.
Bike + C4 = the ultimate tank destroyer
Uhhh, is this the most ridiculous feat of all time in the game so far?
I understand your meaning. The reason I like the T-88 is because it is so small, you can see your surroundings and track your target much easier.
How big do you want the sight? The bullet you are placing on the person is very tiny comparable to the body.
AS VAL iron sights were god awesome. I miss that gun.
Man the PS4 version runs damn beautifully now. Barring some UI and occasionally delayed sound at the start of matches it's fantastic. So happy the game is really enjoyable now, like Battlefield should!
Isn't it in second assault?
Bike + C4 = the ultimate tank destroyer
Isn't it in second assault?
Yes, but who cares about that.
My waifu the GOL Sniper Magnum is back in that pack as well. <3 <3 <3
This is pretty damn impressive, on a single overclocked GTX 780 Ti.
Think this is the first time I've really seen clear PC footage that looks considerably better than the PS4 version.
So there's an amazing new revive bug where if you accept the revive within 3 seconds, the revive prompt stays on your screen permanently until your next life. The little mouse icon is almost dead center of the aiming reticule.
Ran into it in less than 5 minutes of playing. GG.
This is pretty damn impressive, on a single overclocked GTX 780 Ti.
Think this is the first time I've really seen clear PC footage that looks considerably better than the PS4 version.
So there's an amazing new revive bug where if you accept the revive within 3 seconds, the revive prompt stays on your screen permanently until your next life. The little mouse icon is almost dead center of the aiming reticule.
Ran into it in less than 5 minutes of playing. GG.
i should remind you that you are basing that judgement off of footage on youtube. i downloaded some direct capture footage of bf4 on ps4, and imo those who say ps4 approaches parity with pc with image quality being a mix of high/ultra are out of their minds. if that direct capture footage displayed an accurate representation of the quality on ps4, then ultra on PC is definitely noticeably better than ps4.
Check in your task manager if during your playing, something else is not eating up your cpu usage. This happened to me the other day I was constantly lagging due to bloat on my computer.
Same here. Any way to restore the lost file?Not played this in over a week on ps4 but my game data has been deleted!?! Has this happened because of a patch? FAAAAWWWWK
Hold Options to bring up the scoreboard then press L1/R1 to swap to the big map. If you leave the screen when on the map it remembers it the next time you press Options.Same here. Any way to restore the lost file?
Also, is there a way on ps4 version to view the entire map?
Does anyone adjust the network smoothing factor slider and does it really do anything? Just wondering if it is worth changing from the default 50. (Ps4 version)
I don't know why this game is running so bad for me.
It drops randomly often with not much going on(yes, you are seeing 1 FPS), note that I disabled SLI for the 670s(with i5-2500k and 8GB RAM) and is running it on medium(high and ultra are unplayable for me) at 1440p. I also have these problems as well that makes the unplayable for me in it's current state:
Bad performance
Sound bugs
Texture loading
Rubber banding
Flickering with SLI now
I swear these patches are making the game worse for me because it wasn't even this bad when I played the 1st weeks of it.
It's a shame because I love BF games, played nearly all of them. I'm trying to have fun with this game but these problems are making me play it less. Guess I'll wait until it's fixed to play it again. Oh and the texture loading example:
BTW this game sounds amazing on my new Dayton speakers.
Dec 20 PC Game Update Notes
-Fix for terrain flickering when using SLI/CrossFire setup
-Fix for three of the top crash issues on the PC platform
-Fix for case when soldier can die with 1 HP instead of 0
-Fix for the issue where the revive UI could be permanently shown after accepting a revive
R17 Server Update Notes
-Fix for two server crashes
-Fix for a graphical bug that could occur when players accepted a revive within 1 second
-Server performance optimizations
this is probably been asked once a day but have DICE said anything about bringing back Loadout settings to the menus?
seems ridiculous to have to go ingame/testrange to adjust my loadouts :/
It might get patched in the console versions at one point but no one knows.
As an alternative, use Battlelog on your phone/PC for it at the moment.
Thanks.Hold Options to bring up the scoreboard then press L1/R1 to swap to the big map. If you leave the screen when on the map it remembers it the next time you press Options.