Giving free kills to support players, either with XM25 or mortar.Can someone explain the design philosophy, behind the buildings roofs on Zavod 311 and how you can "lock" the ladder so no one else can get up?
Giving free kills to support players, either with XM25 or mortar.Can someone explain the design philosophy, behind the buildings roofs on Zavod 311 and how you can "lock" the ladder so no one else can get up?
I haven't had a crash in a long time but on certain levels the lag-rubberbanding-whatever you want to call it make the map hell. It seems like it's the maps that have levolution that turn to trash.Hey guys is Bf4 now at least playable on the ps4? Or is it still buggy and crash a lot?
You're welcome.I was just looking this up now, actually. Fuck people who camp there... Haha.
Seriously? QM is up? Finally!! I'll have to try it once I get home, I was hating scrolling and waiting for servers.Quickmatch is finally working. What a hoot this game is!
As I level up and get a new scope or whatever, is it automatically put on the gun or do I have to go to some screen to put it on there? If so, which and how?
Also, for the scopes, they don't automatically equip - you have to go to the in-game customization menu, which is when you die and you can choose your class. Press "X" if you're on XB1 (not sure on PC or PS4) to customize the class, highlight the gun, and press "X" again to go to a sub-menu to equip the different sights and other things you've unlocked for the gun.
It was. But then they went and made Carbine's all-kit weapons. I run with the UMP as an engineer but I've barely been killed by another PDW myself. I'd say 90%+ of all engineers run with carbines.
Part of the problem is that the PDW's are way too situational as their mid-long range damage and accuracy is too poor. LevelCap always mentions in his reviews that he'd only recommend using any of them in either Domination or TDM...which just goes completely against the role of being an engineer in the first place.
If the PDW's were made outright the strongest automatics at close range like in BC2 where they actually had either the highest close-range damage or fire-rate, then they'd be more viable. A couple of them are up there, but most still not against the majority of AR's or some carbines and LMG's.
Holy crap, thank you! I can't wait to play that map now haha
Holy crap, thank you! I can't wait to play that map now haha
i know what ill be doing tonight, finding dom matches on zavod all day err dayy
It kinda did... until people ran only Magnum Ammo. Worst fucking thing they ever did.
(Well that and the destruction of trees/things to where the maps became the surface of the moon/lopsided in attack/defense favor. And the helicopters. Otherwise still fun!)
I find the PDW-R is really good and probably the best all around PDW. I find it does good at medium range, even beating a few of the carbines.
Yeah, I'm gonna move onto that once I've reached 510 kills and unlocked everything for the UMP. Oddly, the PDW-R seems to have the tightest hip spread as well as probably the best long range performance of the PDW's.
They only fucked thing about the rooftop grates is how hard it is to open it when its locked, especially when parts of the building have been blown off.
It kinda did... until people ran only Magnum Ammo. Worst fucking thing they ever did.
(Well that and the destruction of trees/things to where the maps became the surface of the moon/lopsided in attack/defense favor. And the helicopters. Otherwise still fun!)
Let's just say that when I'm using the PDW-R, I don't feel like I'm at a disadvantage.
I don't think their intention was for you to be able to open them from underneath, someone just figured out a work around involving jumping up on the railing.
Complete opposite of how I feel with a DMR currently.
That was a terrible design decision in the first place. "Let's design a spot where people can camp and nobody can get to them."
I agree, also LAWS.
I find the PDW-R is really good and probably the best all around PDW. I find it does good at medium range, even beating a few of the carbines.
Does it though? I tend to play alone, but most Conquest games essentially come down to whoever has the most Engineers at hand. From repairing Scout Helicopters to taking out armour.
Disagree about RPGs too; They're so versatile. You spawn with like 6 of them... most times you can take out at least one tank with those. Or up to 6 helicopters depending on your aim (though that's highly unlikely, haha). C4 on Recon is extremely limited and with Support you're either playing 'Jihad' or hide and go seek with tanks.
It was. But then they went and made Carbine's all-kit weapons. I run with the UMP as an engineer but I've barely been killed by another PDW myself. I'd say 90%+ of all engineers run with carbines.
Part of the problem is that the PDW's are way too situational as their mid-long range damage and accuracy is too poor. LevelCap always mentions in his reviews that he'd only recommend using any of them in either Domination or TDM...which just goes completely against the role of being an engineer in the first place.
If the PDW's were made outright the strongest automatics at close range like in BC2 where they actually had either the highest close-range damage or fire-rate, then they'd be more viable. A couple of them are up there, but most still not against the majority of AR's or some carbines and LMG's.
Yeah, even when using the ACE 23 or M416 I find myself missing my AK-5C. I wish Assault Rifles and LMGs would get a bump, mostly in stability. Carbines are far too good.
Most of the community is made up of engineers, and most of those engineers use rockets. Its not uncommon to have 2-3 engineers pounding away at you.. Its scary as shit, and i don't care who you are, your not living unless you have immense support if 3 engineers are on you each with their own launcher.. Your dead in under 5 seconds since each launcher has less than a 5s reload outside of the smaw and its 5 hits to a kill most of the time.
Your active protection window is gone at that point and will delay the kill an extra 3 seconds.
I assume you're talking about every vehicle except the little bird? I've kept a bird up with just me and my buddy in it after getting hit by 3 stingers. I just always run the mechanic perk or whatever you want to call it. The only time we get truly fucked is if a tank / wire guided launcher / attack helio gets a good hit on us. Most of our games with us doing this ends up with him going something like 50-2 and me getting 10k points just from repair / stinger use.
For the Battlefield 4 Premium purchase, is the PC one the same as the PS4 one?
Yeah the rebalance was great. I quite like the damage output as well. Even with magnum ammo the damage per bullet after the rebalance is weaker than BF4's. BF4 not only has more damage, but even higher rpm weapons.Damn, looking back at the Bad Company 2 damage chart the balancing plus variety across and within classes was nearly perfect.
Just having that slightly lower base damage model allowed them that extra leeway in either direction to balance the damage around the RPM and accuracy and make each weapon unique and suited to it's class.
Yeah the rebalance was great. I quite like the damage output as well. Even with magnum ammo the damage per bullet after the rebalance is weaker than BF4's. BF4 not only has more damage, but even higher rpm weapons.
F2000 use to be my joke weapon and in BF4 it has normal damage with 950 rpm. I can't wait to get my hands on that.
I also like the lack of attachments.
Best AR in BF4 outside of the Ace.. Cant wait to get that thing.
The unique default scope is just icing.
It pisses me off that we didn't get any word from Dice on when PC and PS4 users will get Second Assault. I don't care for maps, I just want weapons.
Let's not forget the horrors of everyone using the Carl Gustav. I'm one to blame though. Near the end of the games life I had something like 9 plat stars with it.
Carl Gustav is my god. It was the ultimate rocket sniper, abit too good though haI loved the Carl Gustav, the allure of getting double and triple kills was too much to resist, I wish a weapon like that existed in BF4.I also loved the mortar strikes for Recon, The AN-94, and the M16 before they were all nerfed ( which I admit took some of the flavor out of the game for me when it happened) I admit it, I enjoy it when a few weapons are overpowered( to an extent though) in a shooter.
I loved the Carl Gustav, the allure of getting double and triple kills was too much to resist, I wish a weapon like that existed in BF4.I also loved the mortar strikes for Recon, The AN-94, and the M16 before they were all nerfed ( which I admit took some of the flavor out of the game for me when it happened) I admit it, I enjoy it when a few weapons are overpowered( to an extent though) in a shooter.
Anyone has issues picking up Battle Pick Ups? (Those cool weapons that spawn in the map)
Everytime i pick one it throws it away right after.
Yeah but thats the issue, i only press and hold once and it does both actions:You'll throw it away if you change to another weapon
Yeah but thats the issue, i only press and hold once and it does both actions:
1)Pick it up
2)Throw it away/change weapon
But if i move my character during the animation everything is fine.
Another issue that is getting tiresome is the borked Server Browser since the in game battlelog is not working right ie: It doesnt allow me to join friend matches even when there's room.
I end up joining from the MP Menu.
Anyone has issues picking up Battle Pick Ups? (Those cool weapons that spawn in the map)
Everytime i pick one it throws it away right after.
BUT i found that if i move my character while the 'changing weapon' animation it works fine.
Yeah, there's a very small window in which you'll actually pick it up successfully. For some reason if you hold it too long it registers it as two button presses. It does the same with hatches on Zavod.Yeah i think if you hold triangle for just abit too long it will instantly drop it![]()
So what dogtags are people using? I have been using these for a good while.