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Battlefield 4 |OT| Prepare to Leave Beta... Nevermind

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Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
DICE said:
5) Increased the direct damage done by the Attack Helicopter’s gunner cannon. The gunner will be better able to assist the pilot in taking down vehicle targets with this change.

It boggles my mind why this wasn't the way it was on launch. WTF, DICE? No wonder chopper gunner was useless.

DICE said:
Finally, a bug where the MBT LAW would pass through an ACTIVE PROTECTION shield has been fixed.


DICE said:
3) Reduced the range where the M2 SLAM will do maximum damage to vehicles from 6M to 3M. Players will now need to be craftier when placing the M2 SLAM in order to get the full damage potential of this ambush anti vehicle weapon. This change is to primarily counter a tactic of placing 3 mines in the same spot to guarantee a kill on any vehicle passing within 6m. The range was deemed to be too large, making the M2 SLAM far superior to the M15 AT MINE.

Goodbye, stickie AT mines. :(

I don't see any mention of changing Javelin to fire and forget. Damn. :(
I'm trying to unlock the Sniper rifles and it's such a grind. I suck at sniping, don't get much fun out of it and yet I still just have to do it.


I'm trying to unlock the Sniper rifles and it's such a grind. I suck at sniping, don't get much fun out of it and yet I still just have to do it.
That's pretty much why it's the last class I'll do to get guns for, I don't like to camp and snipe all day.
I don't see any mention of changing Javelin to fire and forget. Damn. :(

Jav doesn't need to be fire and forget, imo, it needs to deal more damage. You keep its individual quirks but make those quirks pay off would be my approach. As of now it doesn't deal the damage to make up for how slow and cumbersome it is. When RPG-7 is the better choice, what the fuck is the point?


2 less missiles doesn't change anything, one set of countermeasures negates just one pair of missiles, or just 1 missile if the AA pilot is smart. Though granted with the missile impact change maybe the heli will manage to put some distance between it and the AA between salvos now.

The 20mm AA cannons will still remain the best for AA work (fires much longer than the 30mm, rate of fire and range are still better than 30mm). You'll have to lead more, that's just it.

Active Radar missiles are still the best, and I actually believe not sending the heli in a spiral is good for the AA, you can switch to guns and finish it off quicker now.

The attack chopper nose gun was such a fucking joke. I hope it has actually been properly buffed, not just given a tiny bump in vehicle damage. Can't comment on the Zuni rockets because I don't fly ACs, I just gun them.

Scount guns - I find it hillarious that they say "25mm were supposed to be anti-vehicle, miniguns are for infantery" when the former were GODLY for AI while the latter were really shitty. I predict the 25mm will still be better at infantry killing than the 7.62.

LAW - Good change. I don't really care about the "intelligence" of the rocket, I just wanted my fucking ACTIVE PROTECTION to actually PROTECT ME.

Slams - You'll just have to place them spread out rather than all together now, I don't really see how that nerfs it. AT mines are still shit compared to it.

I never use the STAFF shell. HMG forever. It does make me disadvantaged against other tanks, but I hope that also means it won't bypass Active Protection, like the LAW.


Got my friend a PS4 this weekend and we played a ton. It's nice seeing how terrible he is after he laughed (not in a mean way, just a funny way) about how terrible I was at first (and still am).

We actually got into a game of conquest with some gaffers last night. We were against them at first but quickly switched teams. Team GAF went undefeated in those few games we got to be a part of :)

Also got that marksman assignment done and got that rifle finally!

Still can't snipe to save my life in conquest lol
Staff shells now do 18.75 on tanks.... not worth it anymore... im sure it wont do a mobility kill on helis anymore either
What would use instead though? I'd still use it over laser guided for dedicated anti-vehicle measures.

Hell yes to that law nerf. As a tank driver fuck that launcher! I wonder if the staff glitch is still intact?
I don't think the staff glitch has even been acknowledged as so. If they were to fix that, it'd be a staff double-nerf.

MAA seems to still need changes. Since to 30 mm remain untouched I bet I could still snipe infantry with it.
Well, the 30 MM was inferior to trying to take down aircraft. Not sure why they nerfed the default cannons.

I'm sad they changed the 25mm in the scout – but then again, I was never any good in the scout and since I could get kills with the 25mm, something must have been up.

The lack of buff for AH countermeasures is problematic, though. All that talk about how it couldn't stay in the air and it still only got the gunner buff.


What would use instead though? I'd still use it over laser guided for dedicated anti-vehicle measures.

I don't think the staff glitch has even been acknowledged as so. If they were to fix that, it'd be a staff double-nerf.

Well, the 30 MM was inferior to trying to take down aircraft. Not sure why they nerfed the default cannons.

I'm sad they changed the 25mm in the scout – but then again, I was never any good in the scout and since I could get kills with the 25mm, something must have been up.

The lack of buff for AH countermeasures is problematic, though. All that talk about how it couldn't stay in the air and it still only got the gunner buff.

The only other option for MBTs are infantry weapons for your secondary, and now that i think about it... Ill still probably use the STAFF.


Looking forward to seeing the DMR changes, hopefully they'll be viable and deadly precision weapons again. As they are now, they just lose to damn near everything else and excel at nothing.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Jav doesn't need to be fire and forget, imo, it needs to deal more damage. You keep its individual quirks but make those quirks pay off would be my approach. As of now it doesn't deal the damage to make up for how slow and cumbersome it is. When RPG-7 is the better choice, what the fuck is the point?

Which is why it should be fire and forget. You're a sitting duck for the pitiful damage it does. If it was fire and forget to where I could juke around the tank and cover while dealing damage (while having active protection break the smart lock... you know the counter to that...) I would use it. But as it is? Having to sit in the open with the lock held for helicopters after someone designates it is a little... stupid. If someone designated the target and is holding the lock, why should I have to hold the lock? Double-so if I'm on a roof and targeting a tank that starts to fire on me. IT's a damn smart-fire missile. It isn't like the RPG-7/SMAW that is dumb-fire

Really the only three launchers that should get through active protection is the dumb-fire (and half-dumb-fire) launchers: RPG-7/SMAW and SRAW.

MAA seems to still need changes. Since to 30 mm remain untouched I bet I could still snipe infantry with it.

Let's wait and see if the range nerf helps before making proclamations about the damage and stuff, yeah?

Looking forward to seeing the DMR changes, hopefully they'll be viable and deadly precision weapons again. As they are now, they just lose to damn near everything else and excel at nothing.

I think most of it is the netcode more than anything. But someone over at /vg/ brought up that the recoil is really insane (I don't really feel the recoil on the SKS, it feels the same as the BF3 version to me... outside of the wonky netcode that makes me feel like I'm missing on that than the recoil... whatever) so tighting that up would probably be the best way of doing it than buffing damaging or anything like that.

Honestly, the only damage change I'd do is make the DMR's the same as snipers: One-shot headshots. But then that'd probably be EXTREMELY deadly on PC so... :/
Looking forward to seeing the DMR changes, hopefully they'll be viable and deadly precision weapons again. As they are now, they just lose to damn near everything else and excel at nothing.
I was thinking, I could put a M40 sniper bullet into a person and finish them off with a with my pistol faster at close-range than using a DMR.

I might be exaggerating, but I've done it a lot and after a weekend with an SKS, I'm not convinced I'm far off.


Looking forward to seeing the DMR changes, hopefully they'll be viable and deadly precision weapons again. As they are now, they just lose to damn near everything else and excel at nothing.

They excel at annoying the hell out of me with their sound so there's that.

I wish they'd just remove them from the game. I can't wait for every sniping noob out there to switch to them once they get buffed.


The only other option for MBTs are infantry weapons for your secondary, and now that i think about it... Ill still probably use the STAFF.

Really? To me, as a tank, the biggest threat is ground troops. You don't always have a gunner and with the IRNV you can clear around you very quickly with the HMG.


Really? To me, as a tank, the biggest threat is ground troops. You don't always have a gunner and with the IRNV you can clear around you very quickly with the HMG.

I kill infantry just fine with sabot spam.
Not to mention the fact I'm very mobile in a tank, when i die, its due to locks and AP being down.

I prefer to deal with the annoying helos and other tanks/IFVs to infantry as actual removal is rare in pubs.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I take guided because I don't really care about the machine guns. I generally F2/F1 dance if someone doesn't get in
and then rage when they do get in when I'm in the gunner seat and pilot us to our doom
for the sake of mid-long infantry damage. If I see a C4 in my view, F1/pilot seat and haul ass backwards to lob a shell at them to their doom.

Too bad no one uses the PLD or SOFLAM to let the guided shell be MASSIVE DAMAGE and it's no longer fire and forget. WHY.jpg
Really? To me, as a tank, the biggest threat is ground troops. You don't always have a gunner and with the IRNV you can clear around you very quickly with the HMG.
Naw, having a gunner cures that problem. Anything the gunner can't handle, I wouldn't have been able to handle either. I'll just play a little more cautiously when driving solo.


That's pretty much why it's the last class I'll do to get guns for, I don't like to camp and snipe all day.
I stuck a 4x scope on the l96 (think it's called that) and went to town on objectives. I tried camping but I was lucky to get 5 kills, being aggressive supporting your assault players is the best way to get kills.

I feel like dice got the map design right this time to discourage camping, a lot of inclines and buildings blocking views to heavily populated areas, if you want to do well gotta get close.
Why should they? Helicopters can go down now if people aren't staggering their timings. The repair nerf helped. I think I've only seen 2-3 majorly annoying helicopters now and that's mostly because they avoid counter-measures by going behind the map and stuff more than repairing the damage of getting hit/shrugging it off.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I LIKE being able to repair helis from the passenger seats. If anything, I'd like to see that made more reliable in vehicles--it seems dumb that depending on the boat/helicopter, I have to hunt for just the right spot to use my repair tool on. Might as well legitimize the tactic completely and provide proper surfaces to apply the tool to, or at least balance that. But that's a relatively minor complaint.
The lack of buff for AH countermeasures is problematic, though. All that talk about how it couldn't stay in the air and it still only got the gunner buff.

The lack of buff for any aircraft countermeasures is problematic. Stingers are too good, reload too quickly, and mobility hits on helicopters means you are pretty much perma stun locked because the stinger user will keep spamming until you crash, die, or manage to get to safety somehow and wait for that incredibly long countermeasures reload time. I find the turn radius on those missiles to be too good as well. It makes ECM unreliable, as missiles will do very tight loops around the vehicle when it's active, often hitting helicopters in the process (I can't count the amount of times stingers managed to be shot well after I already activated ECM).

iRAWRasaurus and I were in a match where there was a dedicated group of people camping near our uncap, using MP-APS to block some shots from the helicopters, and of course the good ole' stingers to kill any helicopter coming out of the base. I think it was because I kept killing them with the scout heli as they were camping on top of the E building on Dawnbreaker. Which evidently happens to be where they started camping again with stingers. >.>



Why are people keep being invisible? It's really distracting, lol.
MAA 30 mm cannons is the anti infantry weapon. Since it's untouched so far I can assume that my role in the vehicle is to mow down infantry with air vehicles on the side. That's another huge issue with MAA that hardly anybody addresses. It's broken. 30 mm does more damage than the 20 on infantry, a lot more.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Why are people keep being invisible? It's really distracting, lol.
In theory that exploit was fixed. (Players being able to use the DICE exclusive camo turning them invisible)


Slam nerf is good, but Chopper 25MM getting nerfed is whack. The chaingun sucks, they should buff that if they are going to nerf the other.
Maybe attack choppers will take a step up from 'worthless/transport' with the partner buff.
I stuck a 4x scope on the l96 (think it's called that) and went to town on objectives. I tried camping but I was lucky to get 5 kills, being aggressive supporting your assault players is the best way to get kills.

Aggressive recon ftw

I feel like dice got the map design right this time to discourage camping, a lot of inclines and buildings blocking views to heavily populated areas, if you want to do well gotta get close.

Death to campers


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
SLAMS nerf? Is this real life? I will be invincible now.

You still can't see them on IRNV, IIRC?

I know I had someone bitch about it when I SLAMed them RIGHT UNDER THEIR NOSE after they killed me (must've saw me after I placed the mines down when I was right in front of them, WTF) on Haian in the boat. It's like "dude... you could've avoided that."

In theory that exploit was fixed. (Players being able to use the DICE exclusive camo turning them invisible)

Wait, what? The DICE camo is invisible? WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME OF THIS EXPLOIT!? *trollface* If it isn't fixed, I'm going to town on that.

DICE really should just patch that "exploit" and have it be a big huge "DICE" logo texture on the outfit with their name in black font on a white textured background. BOOM. Would get people off that "exploit" since it's a huge "PLEASE FUCK ME WITH BULLETS" magnet.


You still can't see them on IRNV, IIRC?

I know I had someone bitch about it when I SLAMed them RIGHT UNDER THEIR NOSE after they killed me (must've saw me after I placed the mines down when I was right in front of them, WTF) on Haian in the boat. It's like "dude... you could've avoided that."

Wait, what? The DICE camo is invisible? WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME OF THIS EXPLOIT!? *trollface* If it isn't fixed, I'm going to town on that.

DICE really should just patch that "exploit" and have it be a big huge "DICE" logo texture on the outfit with their name in black font on a white textured background. BOOM. Would get people off that "exploit" since it's a huge "PLEASE FUCK ME WITH BULLETS" magnet.

They don't even use the camo, i don't even know why its a thing lol.
I would love to be a teemo sniping people in pure sight,


Just seen this on BF Blog.

Aircraft and Anti-Aircraft
1) Reduced the total amount of missiles carried by the Mobile Anti-Aircraft vehicles from 6 to 4. The total carried missiles were making it impossible for helicopters to use counter measures to avoid the MAA’s attacks.

2) Reduced the velocity of the MAA’s default 20MM CANNON from 1200m/s to 800m/s to match the 30MM CANNON. This reduction reduces the distance projectiles will travel and should prevent situations where the MAA could engage enemy vehicles without leaving its protected home base. The damage of the cannons remains unchanged, and aircraft, especially helicopters, should remain wary of getting too close to a MAA.

3) Reduced the physical impact of all Anti-Aircraft missiles to prevent helicopters from flipping uncontrollably when hit. The damage values have not been changed.

4) Reduced the cone in which ACTIVE RADAR missiles search for targets, making them require a higher level of skill in predicting where a target will be when the missile is fired. The missiles were previously too easy to aim at long range, making them a guaranteed hit and a clear advantage over the other missile types.

5) Increased the direct damage done by the Attack Helicopter’s gunner cannon. The gunner will be better able to assist the pilot in taking down vehicle targets with this change.

6) Increased the direct hit damage of the Zuni Rockets for Attack Helicopters. The rate of fire of these rockets combined with their smaller magazine pool made them a poor choice over the other two rocket types.

7) Reduced the splash damage and maximum splash damage range of the Scout Helicopter 25MM CANNONS. These weapons were too effective against infantry with a higher splash, making them a clear choice over the 7.62 MINIGUNS in all combat situations. The 25MM CANNONS are intended to give the Scout Helicopter some measure of effectiveness against vehicles, at a clear trade off in effectiveness vs. infantry.

Tanks and Anti-Tank
1) Reduced the “intelligence” of the MBT LAW missiles, requiring the player to aim the missile closer to their target before the smart projectile will activate. Additionally, the MBT LAW now reloads slightly slower. This keeps the MBT LAW in its role of an easy to use, fire and forget weapon available to all Engineers, while also balancing it with the other rocket launchers in favor of skilled AT shots. Finally, a bug where the MBT LAW would pass through an ACTIVE PROTECTION shield has been fixed.

2) Fixed an issue where ACTIVE PROTECTION and the MP-APS did not properly stop 12G FRAG rounds.

3) Reduced the range where the M2 SLAM will do maximum damage to vehicles from 6M to 3M. Players will now need to be craftier when placing the M2 SLAM in order to get the full damage potential of this ambush anti vehicle weapon. This change is to primarily counter a tactic of placing 3 mines in the same spot to guarantee a kill on any vehicle passing within 6m. The range was deemed to be too large, making the M2 SLAM far superior to the M15 AT MINE.

4) Reduced the damage the STAFF shell does to all targets by 25%. This should balance the ease of use of the STAFF shell with its damage potential.

My Slams, noooooooooooo.

Doesn't seem like that big of a nerf to be honest. Throwing 3 slams in the exact same spot is not utilizing the mines correctly anyway. The best way to use either of the mines is to set them up in a triangular formation a couple meters apart, thus giving them a larger chance to be hit no matter the angle of approach and while still allowing them to set each other off. We'll see how much it actually effects them but I think they will still be superior over regular mines, especially because of their damage and sticky power.

As for the other changes, AA changes are welcome, but the attack chopper changes still feel like they are missing the point for it being so incredibly useless. A single man with a stinger will still be able to take down an attack chopper by himself. This is not a good thing. It needs a health buff rather than attack damage buffs. I feel it's never had a problem killing things, it's problem is survival, or a lack thereof.

EDIT: Something else I just noticed as well, the Active Radar missiles nerf is missing the point as well. Active Radar is so powerful because it doesn't give any warning to pilots until it's practically already hit them. I hear half of a beep and instantly get hit with zero time to deploy countermeasures.


I'm trying to unlock the Sniper rifles and it's such a grind. I suck at sniping, don't get much fun out of it and yet I still just have to do it.
I'm currently doing the same. Go for red dot sights or 4x with canted iron sights and do some aggressive close range sniping. I play hardcore and every shot kills, but if I miss a shot in a duel I'm basically dead. It's challenging but also pretty rewarding when you get it going. I recommend shorty shotgun for even closer range enemies and inside buildings. I also use a suppressor to hide my location and the propability to get several shots at enemies before they notice me.

Also, PLD is great for assigning targets to your teammates, or you can use C4 to take vehicles out yourself. Spawn beacon is great to get back in the action quickly if you are not getting the certain flag capped.

I've had fun playing Recon so far in HC conquest although I despise (camper) recons more than anything else.


Good games Rey, went a lot better than last time ;)

My God was I frustrated in Lancang Dam. I went out for a sigaret and when I came back I tried too hard to catch up and rushed and I got slaughtered... hehe. But yeah the last game was a lot of fun :)


Well despite some hesitation I picked this up for PS4 yesterday. Any big GAF games still going on regularly? I only played a few pub games so far and the lack of teamwork was getting really annoying. PSN= Nafai1123
Seriously, this game is still broken as fuck. I can't believe that EA and DICE got away with this.

It's broken and they still have the fucking nerve to release DLC and to organize "Premium Double XP weekends! YEahh11!&é!é! And plz buy premium it's so nice guys!1!!"

Bunch of fucking incompetent morons. I feel so fucking frustrated by the fact that I really want to like this game and I fire it up daily. Yet I get bitched slapped in the face as soon as I want to. It's as if I try to follow through with an already broken relationship.

Seriously, EA and DICE should be ashamed of themselves (don't give me that "bu- but it's EA's fault, they wanted to bring out the game. They're equally responsible). Every last one of the people responsible for this horrible mess they've created should be ashamed.

Every FUCKING time I want to play with my friend, he crashes or I crash (although the crashes have decreased since launch - but believe me, that's nothing to be proud of). Or if it's not the crashes, it's the random disconnects from server. This evening alone I got disconnected about five times and the ONLY error I get is: "Could not join server, reconnect".

Yes, that's right. I couldn't join the server. Except I already joined the server and I was playing for five minutes. An impeccable description of the problem, people.

I could go on and on. I just need to vent and I hope that one of you insects that is responsible reads this.

Shame on you. You ripped people off. I feel especially bad for the people that bought premium and still have a broken ass piece of shit game. Three months after launch. THREE MONTHS. For a "finished" product. Yes, that's right. This is supposed to be a FINISHED product. Not an early access game.
Wait, what? The DICE camo is invisible? WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME OF THIS EXPLOIT!? *trollface* If it isn't fixed, I'm going to town on that.

I don't understand why you incessantly bitch about other players' behavior, and then you end up doing the same thing. "Nobody ever throws ammo! How am I supposed to play Engineer all the time if nobody throws me ammo?" "I can't stand people who don't play objectives. Don't count on me in this round, I'm chasing assignments!" "This glitch is overpowered and stupid. I can't wait to abuse it!"
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