Exactly my thoughts. When the game works it's so much fun but 98% of the time it's a buggy, laggy, unplayable piece of shit. Don't get me wrong, it actually has gotten somewhat better since launch, but this game is still broken as fuck and far away from a product that should have been released. 0 health kills, dying behind covers because of bad netcode, old and new glitches, rubberbanding, lagging, crashing, not able to join servers, getting kicked out from servers for no reason etc. etc.Seriously, this game is still broken as fuck. I can't believe that EA and DICE got away with this.
It's broken and they still have the fucking nerve to release DLC and to organize "Premium Double XP weekends! YEahh11!&é!é! And plz buy premium it's so nice guys!1!!"
Bunch of fucking incompetent morons. I feel so fucking frustrated by the fact that I really want to like this game and I fire it up daily. Yet I get bitched slapped in the face as soon as I want to. It's as if I try to follow through with an already broken relationship.
Seriously, EA and DICE should be ashamed of themselves (don't give me that "bu- but it's EA's fault, they wanted to bring out the game. They're equally responsible). Every last one of the people responsible for this horrible mess they've created should be ashamed.
Every FUCKING time I want to play with my friend, he crashes or I crash (although the crashes have decreased since launch - but believe me, that's nothing to be proud of). Or if it's not the crashes, it's the random disconnects from server. This evening alone I got disconnected about five times and the ONLY error I get is: "Could not join server, reconnect".
Yes, that's right. I couldn't join the server. Except I already joined the server and I was playing for five minutes. An impeccable description of the problem, people.
I could go on and on. I just need to vent and I hope that one of you insects that is responsible reads this.
Shame on you. You ripped people off. I feel especially bad for the people that bought premium and still have a broken ass piece of shit game. Three months after launch. THREE MONTHS. For a "finished" product. Yes, that's right. This is supposed to be a FINISHED product. Not an early access game.
And still, I'm the 1943/BC2/BF3 sucker that paid full price + premium for this. I'm learning my lesson and will vote with my wallet later on.