Game crashed today after a long time for me...
I just don't get conquest mode. It's so disorganized. What I always liked about Rush was that everyone was mobilizing towards two objectives. But it seems like Rush is really on the back burner now.
1) Reduced the long range damage of the MTAR to bring it in line with the rest of the Carbines.
1) Adjusted the way inaccuracy is handled when transitioning from Hip fire to Aimed fire. Previously, if a player began firing before aiming, he would keep his hip inaccuracy while aimed, until he stopped firing. This was especially obvious with LMGs on the move. Players will now only be subject to the maximum aimed inaccuracy after the transition. While still terribly inaccurate, this allows for substantially more accurate fire than the old method and should allow players with LMGs to panic fire in close quarters, provided they are aiming.
1) Reduced the long range damage of the MTAR to bring it in line with the rest of the Carbines.
You mean Obliteration?Conquest is the most organized mode. Get a headset and play with friends, teamwork is what this game is all about. No real team work in rush other than running into endless machine gun and sniper bullets.
The rubberbanding on certain maps in 64 CQ is absolutely ridiculous.
The rubberbanding on certain maps in 64 CQ is absolutely ridiculous.
Yep, those are the two. Other maps were fine even on the same server.Hainan and Dam?
The rest have been fine for me. But Jesus those two.
Hainan and Dam?
The rest have been fine for me. But Jesus those two.
Anton Sugar said:Interesting change to the heavy barrel. I only use it on weapons that I don't have issues with controlling vertical recoil.
1) Increased the aimed accuracy of the M1911 to make it a viable choice once the COMPACT 45 has been unlocked. This gives the M1911 a clear accuracy advantage for range, while the COMPACT 45 has a clear ammunition per magazine advantage.
2) Increased the close range damage of the M1911, QSZ-92, FN57, CZ-75 and COMPACT 45. This will allow all pistols to bypass Body Armor at close range. Additionally, the FN57 and the QSZ-92 have had their long range damage increased to allow them to properly bypass Body Armor at all distances. Finally, the CZ-75 has also had its long range damage raised to give it a diverse role among the handguns.
3) Reduced the delay between pressing the trigger and the bullet firing for the M412 REX and .44 MAGNUM. This delay represents the way these weapons work in real life, while also improving their responsiveness in game.
4) Increased the magazine capacity of the QSZ-92 to 20 rounds, the proper amount for this weapon in real life. Additionally reduced the recoil of the QSZ-92 to give it a clear difference from the FN57.
5) Corrected a small error with the COMPACT 45 accuracy when crouched or prone. The weapon was accidently less accurate than intended.
I haven't used it this outing because it apparently increased recoil.
You're making a game.This delay represents the way these weapons work in real life
...and they'll point that out every time people complain about something being unrealistic.You're making a game.
You mean Obliteration?
Yeah works for oblit too. But I find oblit does not work well for a lot of these maps.
Anton Sugar said:Pistol tweaks look good, I think...I spent the 2XP weekend unlocking all pistols, and honestly, I still go back to the P226. None of the others stand out for me. I really wanted to like the Compact .45, but it hasn't clicked. Doesn't help that it sounds like the weakest gun of the bunch.
Funny, I have a lot more fun in Sabotage on all the maps so far than I do in Rush OR Conquest.
The only "what the christ" map is Dragon Peak or whatever that circle China Rising map is. A/B/C is a complete circle. It's fun in a hectic way but not "fun" in a tactical way.
64P Rush with standard ticket count. Your opinion is invalid until you stop playing that mode.
OH MY GOD. I was impressed with my Little Bird flying yesterday... not anymore.
They finally made some proper, significant weapon balancing changes.
I don't know if I'll ever touch a DMR still after this update, I might look at the stats data to see if it would even be worth it, but one thing that I am definitely not looking forward too is hearing more of those shot in the air around me.
Hawk 12G is my favorite primary shotgun when I actually feel like running the risk of using one, so I'm glad to see that they finally increased the accuracy of it and a few others.
Heavy Barrel should have had that accuracy bonus for moving as well, it was silly to only have it for standing still in the first place, I never used it because there was no real benefit to me ever using it at all in the past.
They finally made the 1911 seemingly worth a damn now, I only touched the gun for the Achievement and promptly dumped it when I got it. Stupid that it wasn't even that accurate especially with that DICE scope that only that pistol has.
Nice to see some pistols finally getting some damage increase, now I might actually use them more and see them more as well. I do good with them, but I only ever need to use when things get a bit too hot, it's never by choice or for fun. Nice to see that they're more diversified for roles and playstyles too, as they should have been.
Finally they sort-of wisened up with the REX and .44 Magnum. Sort of. Nobody uses the gun for good reason DICE. You know damn well that you used to have those guns shoot instantly in prior games, don't give that excuse now, especially since there are guns in BF4 that are still crippled in comparison to their real-life counterparts, especially ammo clip-wise. A slow, precision-type gun should not need to have a shooting delay on top of that, especially when you increased how fast you die in this game compared to prior Battlefields. No one in their right mind is going to rely on any of those two guns in a firefight in BF4, you're going to be dead vs. every other gun in the game even if you land the first shot. Hell, even if you survive the slow-ass switch to the pistol in the first place. That's right DICE, you should increase the speed to switch to secondaries. Doesn't have to be weapon switching speed in general, just for the secondaries is fine enough.
Now for the things I dislike.
Boo at them reducing the long range damage of the MTAR - it's the fast firing one and it actually takes some bursting skill to take out someone way out in the middle of nowhere. Now when I see someone camping up on a roof or off in the distance it won't even make any sense for me to back up a teammate or take him out myself. Stop making stupid decisions like this DICE, encourage teams to do concentrated fire, not discourage it.
Finally they fixed that extremely stupid glitch/decision to retain hipfire accuracy while switching to aiming down sights. However, they don't want to completely get rid of it? I swear DICE can be so ridiculous at times. So they want me to come to a complete halt every time someone pops up into my view? So that I can be a prime target for a sniper? Or wait until my sights come up completely so that I don't get penalized? That is stupid. I guess they don't like people that stay on the move, and just sit and camp.
Same thing with the nonsense of shooting too fast with aiming down sights with a sniper - I get that you don't want to encourage quick scoping, but in the instance that I'm using a straight pull and constantly zoomed in, the instant my cross-hair is back on someone else's head after my first shot should be a fully-accurate shot in any neutral situation. Don't punish me for being able to line up my shots quickly, especially if that person is on the run, and then I have to hope that they aren't anywhere near any cover by the time I have to wait to make another shot again according to some silly decision you made.
The Rex takes out people in like 2-3 shots.=3MP-443. My waifu.
Compact .45 is pretty good as well, seemed decent when I tried it in pistol only servers.
M1911 this outing is trash.
M9 is okay.
Five-seveN is hot flaming trash. Don't bother.
Haven't tried the (w)Rex or .45 Magnum this outing. Can't be assed.
Glock is hit and miss but has always been hit and miss with me.
Hey now, that's all the "Rush with free spots" show up. Don't blame when when the PC base even in BF3 wanted 64p Rush. Not my fault. *shrug*
Besides, ya'll don't play that mode anyway so I go for the quickest Rush server I can get into to play rounds on. Generally that's one of the (terrible) U-rock servers that are 64 players and one round ONLY per map. :/
I need to play Sabotage a lot more. I found a decent community server but their kick/ban policy seems a little wonky right now.
In regards to the tar, some guns aren't meant to be medium-long range.
This gun is one of those that aren't, there are plenty of other good medium-long range carbines to use, not every gun should be able to long range kill anything, especially the tar, which had a bugged medium-long range damage counter that was mistakingly given an assault rifle spread instead of a carbine spread.
You have to play differently with PDWs and this gun is treated the same way, as is the ACW.
Just as the medium-long range carbines are weak at short range due to velocity and ROF, such as the 52 (which has decent hip fire) and the 5C.
The ADS "glitch" is some-what realistic. If you're moving while ADS you wouldn't be 100% accurate. That said, they're tweaking it to be more "game-like" but not instant 100% accuracy like BF3 and earlier had. Frankly, I'm leaning toward "keep it" because it means people can't run around hip-fire and then ADS quickly--like quickscoping, but with other guns--which is a good thing IMO. If you're on move and ADS, don't fire for a second to gain the 100% accuracy. You'll bitch and say "well I'll lose the fire fight then" well... you have the choice of panic fire with some inaccuracy included or waiting a millisecond for the ADS to come up and then fire.
I don't use straight-pull, but shouldn't that already NOT penalize you for being in ADS while chambering the next round?
64p rush :lol :lol :lol
No, the ADS thing was not realistic at all, considering it never made the transition to increase the accuracy period, not even in the slightest. Like the blog stated as an example, the easiest way to notice was with an LMG. Even if you kept the enemy right at the center of your red dot, the bullets flew so wildly around him at times. An LMG might not be mean for running and gunning, but it makes no sense to be on my way to an objective or something, and meet someone along the way and not want to immediately shoot and bring up my sights while I shoot and get punished for it. That's like accepting fate that the person laying in wait should always win instead of the more-active person.
My case for both the ADS and the sniper scope cases is that if I'm able to bring up my sights on someone in any situation, and my gun is able to fire, I should be getting the accuracy that is normal for that situation. I should not be punished for having faster reflexes or better aiming skill. This is why I have my aiming sensitivity set to max for every shooter I play for as long as I can remember - to be able to react as fast as possible, even if I have to make a 180 degree turn to kill someone behind me.
And man is GAF slower than usual today. I should be busy with what I have to write anyways instead of refreshing over and over again to get my post to show up.
"1) Increased the damage of all DMRs across all ranges. Specifically, damage has been increased at long ranges to allow three-hit kills against unarmored opponents."
Could someone explain this to me? What's an armored opponent?
OH MY GOD. I was impressed with my Little Bird flying yesterday... not anymore.
OH MY GOD. I was impressed with my Little Bird flying yesterday... not anymore.
I just unlocked it too, lol.Ah damn, not the MTAR! Oh well, kinda figured it'd take a fall. It's way too good.
I'll add you later when I'm online. We played together today, I can see why people send you hate mail. You stayed in the AA that whole Lancang game! Haha!
Just joking, you're a good player!
Watch the DRMs become overpowered as fuck for a couple weeks while they "watch how the rifles perform" before they nerf them back into uselesness.
Shame about the MTAR, but it was expected. Best weapon currently, no matter what the ACE nuts think.
Also apparently the pump action shotguns buff ignores the Shorty![]()
PC Gaf, I'm tired of playing with randoms. ADD me! DarkFlowin
we will peer pressure you into CQ with mumble
OH MY GOD. I was impressed with my Little Bird flying yesterday... not anymore.