The guns could be bugged, but it wouldn't be the first time they were released early on PC by accident.
Oh wait... He is cheating... The assignments all have to do with second assault maps, he couldn't possibly have them.
Nope, its a glitch. I have a couple of completed assignments for 2nd Assualt since i got Premium.Yeah, he's hacking. The second assault assignments aren't on Battlelog and most of them have to do with the 4 maps.
Nope, its a glitch. I have a couple of completed assignments for 2nd Assualt since i got Premium.
mhmhmh you might be right since i cant find them on Battlelog. Mhmhmh but ill check again on my PS4 later.And those assignments would be? Since F2000, GOL Sniper Magnum, and the other guns REQUIRE being on the second assault maps for in-a-round purposes, I'm calling bull on that Fersis.
Yeah but im sure i read something like that on my PS4 batllelog oh well.HACKZOEWR
Nope, its a glitch. I have a couple of completed assignments for 2nd Assualt since i got Premium.
What the......some of my attack boat unlocks have to be unlocked again
You just prestiged.
I hope to god it fixes the performance on my end, I'm running an i5-2500k, 2 4Gb 670s and 8Gb ram here and still get them severe FPS drops.since no one has done it yet:
I just wanted to bold the part about the lighting because it was noticeably better on Operation Locker on my 670
Played on a pistol only server for the first time. Probably the most fun I've had playing this game...
I'm guessing it'll be when second assault releases, whenever that is.Any word yet what weekend will be the non premium double xp weekend?
game feels much smoother now after this patch on PC,
Yep, part of the new patch, not sure what the icon looks like yet. Will check it out tonight there's a headshot icon now when you get killed?
Yep, part of the new patch, not sure what the icon looks like yet. Will check it out tonight hopefully.
I thought they might have been actually able to improve the PS4 version since my first game (Conquest in Rogue Transmission) after the patch felt suprisingly smooth but my joy was short lived since it was back to the usual rubber banding and shitty framerates in Paracel Storm right after that...
it looks like a skull with crosshairs.
I'll be impressed if they randomized it. Though I agree a locker fix is hard to get without a functioning server browser.Did anyone realize that the map rotation changed? Instead of going from rogue transmission to paracel storm to golmud railway, it went from rogue to shanghai then lancang dam. Is it randomized now? Or is there a new order? I need to know when op locker comes on. I nees my fix!
For real? Thank the old gods and the new!They also fixed the black screen when you spawn! No need to blind fire anymore
Emblem for rank 100 to 110 changed. It doesn't have the purple color to it. It used to be a ribbon I think now its a plain silver star.
Bad hit detection in full force, sometimes makes the game nearly unplayable, and that's saying something with all the other problems it has.Can someone please tell me why even when I begin shooting someone half a second before they shoot me, I die first and they are still on 50 health? Even though I pumped them full of lead? This is happening a few times
step up yo gameCan someone please tell me why even when I begin shooting someone half a second before they shoot me, I die first and they are still on 50 health? Even though I pumped them full of lead? This is happening a few times
Also there's no option to turn off the chatbox... no prob since no one uses the commo rose.
Hard to when shit like this happens:
Crap happens to me when I'm not even moving as I shoot, happened twice wut
granted whoever was playing in that clip was moving so their ADS accuracy would be low but even still..
Did anyone realize that the map rotation changed? Instead of going from rogue transmission to paracel storm to golmud railway, it went from rogue to shanghai then lancang dam. Is it randomized now? Or is there a new order? I need to know when op locker comes on. I need my fix!
Edit: after lacang was zavod
Crap happens to me when I'm not even moving as I shoot, happened twice though.
I don't have it on X1 which is what the gif is from.=OOh that was actually you, damn.
They removed a couple of Vehicles in Dawn Breaker.DMR's are still kind of bad imo. Looks like they only tweaked the damage drop off. So no more 4 to the body at range, but it's still two the head and three to body up close. It's gotta be a oneshot to the head and two to the body up close for DMR's to be worth it imo.
And unless it's a glitch, Dice has just given the RCB to the attackers on rush on Hainan Resort. WTTTTTTTTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF?!?!?!?!?
They removed a couple of Vehicles in Dawn Breaker.