What I'd hate to see is what has happened in past Battlefield titles, air control being the most important aspect of winning or losing when a team has quality pilots.
In BF2, jets were untouchable to everything except another jet of equal or better skill and they could be huge game changers, often swaying the entire fate of the game if they were left unopposed. The AA options in that game were very inadequate.
In BF3, the jets are a bit more balanced so they don't absolutely rule the game anymore, (except in Rush were Rush jet can dominate completely), but a really good jet pilot can still be untouchable to everything except other jets. It can even kill the AA out of the AA's range quite easily.
In BF4, they seem to be at their weakest as I have a much easier time shooting them down with the plethora of options available. The only problem I'd say in the jet balancing is that most of the maps don't offer adequate room for the jets to fly. It's like I'm flying in a shoe box the boundaries are so small. The only ones offering up flying room are Golmud and Paracel.
They should limit the amount of times a player can be marked as high value to maybe once per match. Or raise the requirements for marking a player as such. I'm not good enough to have this be an issue (only been marked once I think) but it feels completely cheesey.
I often get marked for doing well and I really don't like it, it's punishing me for doing good. My friend got marked last night and he was 5 - 9 but had the most points but it doesn't always go by most points so I'm not sure how it works. There needs to be some sort of threshold to meet the requirements of HVT, it shouldn't just be the best player on the team at the time because they can still be doing badly then they're really screwed. Needs to be like anyone that goes 15 - 0 or something... no wait, actually I'd rather them just remove it altogether, it's stupid.