I've been found out.
I've been found out.
I'm on PC and had no idea you could zoom the map on the deploy screen.
Don't worry you didnt lose any boost. They won't activate until you do them through the pause menu in-game.I have a noob question: I have a stock pile of Battlepacks that I haven't used and I'm going to start using them. Should I open them all at once, or one by one?
The reason I'm asking is because I opened a couple of bronze ones and they both had 25% XP boosts for an hour of multiplayer... So does that mean that I now get 2 hours of boost? Or did I just waste one?
Symthic updated. F2000 is rather disappointing in terms of side recoil and reload time. It's longer than L85's.
DMR buffs are also on it. ACE 53 looks like a clear winner. I would assume so when trying it out.
Even with the nerf in BF3 it was still good. I don't think a longer reload is gonna not have it rolling over faces in BF4.
Don't worry you didnt lose any boost. They won't activate until you do them through the pause menu in-game.
Hey can I get a little help with the campaign? (I know, weird right?)
I am LTTP.... anyways
Just got to the first part where you drive tanks, in the typhoon. I have no idea how I'm supposed to do this level. There's like 5-6 tanks wandering around, any one of which seems to take out my tank in 2-3 shots. Do I hop tanks? Am I supposed to swap off vehicles? Do I take them out with handheld anti armour?
I've tried all of these but after dying like 50 times I decided the level was pretty shitty. Was so odd. Game was kind of enjoyable until I hit this absurd brick wall of difficulty. Even when scouring through the "digital manual" seeing if there was some button or control or thing you're supposed to do with the tank... nope, it's just a really, really bad tank game. Seemingly.
Can anyone offer advice here or is it just a terribly designed level?
edit - now I've got a twitter pal saying you have to swap between the tank and APC so one can "heal"? is that seriously the idea?
...You could already do thatjust you have to zoom the map in and then scroll it like the Commander mode map. Was pretty stupid and while I'm glad DICE fixed it it wasn't a "mission critical" fix, just people needed to know how the spawn screen worked.ON PC
(Though the spawn screen in 4 is pretty awful outside of the heads up. I'd rather have WASD kit selection like BF3 PC again)
LMAO what? I already did that during launch week like Gamestop said to do and people were "ZOMG WTF HOW ARE YOU GETTING 2XP" on PC and I'm like "well, I preordered at Gamestop for faster install/'download' times from a DVD..."
Cue that Hi I'm Daisy Big Boss naming.gif here.
I'm on the side that it's a glitch, unless DICE is somehow fixing a pre-order bonus from five months back...
The rate of fire is fine. The problem is faster/higher damage guns outclass it but that's because DICE can't balance on a higher fire/lower per-bullet damage and slower fire/higher-damage calculations because people would just abuse that.
As for the Magazine size: AIM BETTER, NUB.
It was good in the beta, and it's good in the final. Just with more guns in the equation it gets outclassed. It's farrrrrrrrr from a shitty gun.
It was nerfed beyond use in BF3. Basically we were left with a gun that wanted to be an AEK but did everything worse. There was no point to it other than it looking cool.
nampad said:>>Whining<<
The F2000 is still god tier in pubs, the reload time makes it unplayable in ESL/gb just like the L85 before it.
Still a good weapon for everything else, easily top 3 for ARs.
Good lord, how? Consider me extremely disappointed. Pre-nerf in BF3 it was my fav gun.
Crakatak187 said:Ace 23 and M416 has similar recoil patterns actually.
F2000's horizontal recoil can't be reduced much at all, so it has limited potential.
Iron sights were good. In close-quarters like Metro it rolls over the AEK anyday.
It's basically an "sub-machine gun" in assault rifle clothing. I found it HIGHLY more mobile than the other assault rifles but had range issues in BF3.
Not my fault you can't hit the broadside of a barn with the starting LMG. Even when it's "outclassed" it still is a decent weapon. Get good and all that.
Here's the shocking development and why I "insult" you: All the guns are decent and have feel. Even the MTAR which I find pretty terrible. The MK5 starting LMG is probably the best LMG until you reach the LSAT or QBB-95.
But hey, you probably have me on "ignore" now (thanks for letting me know about that, I laughed a good five minutes at that) and won't get this but whatever. Not that I give a shit. Rock on. *thumbs up*
Which is really all that matters: Who the hell is going to be playing Competitive Battlefield with all the changes DICE does toward making it not "Game Battle"/ESL/whatever friendly.
In fact that brings up a thought: Did anyone even use the in-game tournament organization shit they patched into BF3? I think "pro" players pretty much dropped BF3 after like... that... USA vs the world or whatever tournament like... after Back to Karkand and before the other expansions hit.
Edit: And looking at that image again the L85A2 pulls straight up with like... no deviation in any direction. WTH?
They choose not to hit the only viable weapons, and what you get is only the viable weapons.
Its all in my write up pages ago.
Until they hit the 23 everything else is less viable in this scene.
When they do, and depending on how its hit, then you will see deviation.
And yeah, pro scrims still exist in battlefield, i play them. (If you were suggesting they didn't?)
This has been apparent since the guns debut in BF4, i myself have even brought it up multiple times in this very thread and its why the gun is my top played in pubs.
It doesn't make sense and i can stay effective with the gun at over 250m because of it, as well as the fact I'm well versed in how it handles.
Bonus reason why ACE 52 is broken.
I was more suggesting who can take BF seriously with the lack of variety in "pro" play. Like you said a bit back: The ACE and L85(?) are the top two Assault Rifles for "scrim"/pro play. That's mostly because of their recoil and damage than anything, I feel.
It's like "competitive Pokemon," people play that but I just have to scratch my head because it's throwing a lot of variables out (in this case: weapons like the F2000 and other guns that are good in non-Scrim) because the game (BF in this case, though Pokemon in this sentence) just isn't built for that sort of thing (competitive play).
...Though, honestly: I'm not sure how they could make Battlefield competitive in a pro-play way. Classes have too many variables to tweak/tune for that.
Just looked at the BF3 scatter-plot again: L85A2's scatter in BF4 is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy tighter than BF3's. So again: WTH DICE?
I mean in BF3 it was good already. Slow-firing and low recoil so faster firing guns like the FAMAS would beat it, but it was a good controlling gun. Now it's a total laser. WTH?
Here's the carbines. Sadly no MTAR accuracy points.
Woah, that range. 86(0?) metters for a carbine seems pretty insane. That's like... carbine/"SMG"s on Engineer in BC2 levels of "holy shit." :lol
It's a carbine in name only to me. It's basically an assault rifle for everybody.
Yeah, when I first picked it up I was killing people mid range on full auto. This is without any attachments, and it was literally mowing down 2-3 guys with a single clip.
Iron sights were good. In close-quarters like Metro it rolls over the AEK anyday.
It's basically an "sub-machine gun" in assault rifle clothing. I found it HIGHLY more mobile than the other assault rifles but had range issues in BF3.
It has no recoil too which makes it a laser. I think about 20-30 seconds into my video, I tag a guy from 50 meters away with a headshot after a short burst. Having said that, I love using it but I feel slightly bored by it at this point.
The AEK has a better TTK and can more reliably hit your target at all ranges. The better hipfire on the F2000 is mostly irrelevant to be honest and the negatives outweigh the positives. The ADS spread + horizontal recoil kills it.
A weapon can be too good. It's like playing a game without cheats and with it. Once the glamor of cheating is gone you get bored.
Well I sent the request. You can meet the rest of the other PS4 obliteration gaf during normal playtime. Which is 6 pm-11pm PST. Except JM and wes. They are contracted killers.
We try to win most of the time, but we do mess around.
Nothing kills it, which would mean the gun isn't worth using.
Hipfire and ROF can easily make a gun, as is proof with the tar.
In practice, the F2000 can quite easily kill at 150m with proper handle and an angled.
Much more reliably than an aek in my experience.
I use it when i want to stay effective in a small scale environment as well as have kill potential at medium range.
Works well, does what it wants to do, and the other top assault rifles, being the 23 and L85, fill their roles just as well.
Its a tar that has shit reload time and can kill at range that is exclusive to assault, it is what it is.
I have used it a bunch and find it very fitting coming from a 23-52 and L85, it fills a nice niche, that i find a decent use for on maps such as zavod,
As i have stated previously, the ACE52 is a thing.
A damn serious thing.
Great. I'd be happy to mess with you guys. I'm over here on the East Coast. That time works out perfectly for me.
Woah, that range. 86(0?) metters for a carbine seems pretty insane. That's like... carbine/"SMG"s on Engineer in BC2 levels of "holy shit." :lol
I find the complete opposite. The AEK's lethal range extends quite a lot further than the F2000's in BF3. The F2000 only stays competitive within 100M imo, but even then the larger ADS spread hurts it compared to the AEK.
I have used it, not only an hour ago in fact.
I kill at the same range i kill with a 23 (not an L85), something the aek will not do as it isn't affective with an angled due to missing out on an ergo, which the gun needs for what it is.
Im very competitive with the gun at these extreme ranges in terms of assault rifles.
I find it extremely simple to handle as well as stated previously, its niche, which is something aek is not capable of at nearly the proper amount of efficiency.
Cannot even count how many time i have medium-long range gibbed somebody only to run into a building and remain effective at hip fire range.
I was talking about BF3, my bad for being off-topic lol. I haven't used the F2000 in BF4 so I can't comment on it in this game at all.
The AEK has a better TTK and can more reliably hit your target at all ranges. The better hipfire on the F2000 is mostly irrelevant to be honest and the negatives outweigh the positives. The ADS spread + horizontal recoil kills it.
edit: I probably should have said the F2000 is pointless rather than useless though. It's still better than a lot of ARs, it's just the AEK fills a similar role but does it better in basically every way.
It does use 7.62 NATO rounds which should have better range and damage compared to the 5.56/5.45/5.8 that the rest of the carbines use. It's actually more of a battle rifle like the G3 or SCAR-H.
New Patch giving anyone direct x crashes? Seems to have done it to me after 3 months of safetly, I have downclocked in that time.
Ps4 after-patch report:
-Every 2nd conquest match crashes.
-Most of the time no sound in TDM. Only background music sometimes.
-Every now and then enemy doesn't take dmg:
I made that.
Great fun! No sound, no dmg...
This is fucking embarrasing, DICE.
Just had a crash during a round of conquest on ps4. Been a while since I've had a crash during a round.
Patch broke my game. It crashes every time I try to enter a vehicle. BF4 PC forums reporting lots of the same.
First issues I've had with the game though, other than the weird sound bug early on that was fixed in the first patch.
Okay, I'm pretty sure this patch made the game WORSE.
Before the patch everything ran 100% fine for me, with occasional rubberbanding. Now, it takes me almost 10 tries to get into the game without it hanging on a black screen or crashing, and the rubberbanding is insane (I was shot at, I ran behind a wall, 3 seconds later I'm dead by a guy nowhere near the wall).
DICE, come on I just wanna enjoy this. I cleared through the campaign for those 3 guns, don't do this to me man.
^Had no problems with the game since the update in december except being stuck in the loading screen occasionally but that didn't bother me tbh.
But now? If I enter a vehicle there is a 50-50 chance the game crashes and the server browser is fucked up too. WTF Dice?
Last night another guy I play with and myself didn't experience any crashing issues when entering a vehicle but then a third friend joined in. His seemed to crash virtually every time.
So crashing is back on PS4. Also TDM/Squad DM has a sound glitch where you hear the end of round music on loop instead of the actual in-game sounds. It stops after it loads a new map, assuming it doesn't just crash in between rounds. Oh and there's rubber banding in those modes now too. That's neat I guess.
Yup, just started playing Conquest in Zavod and everything went ok for a few minutes until I decided to spawn in my squad mate's buggy and the game crashed a few seconds after that into that blue screen. The next two games were stuttery messes and had to stop playing since I felt like breaking my controller in half.
just had a flood zone match where a guy was 62-2 in a littlebird.
fix this shit asap. I suspect he was hacking too but i was the only person on the team using AA launcher to try to stop him too. fucking miserable.
I don't understand how people just play this game so braindead sometimes. They just don't look into doing more than running around with an AR and sniping?
I crashed at the end of the match when i got into an LAV, of course. Then i rejoined so i could save the game stats.
The first time I've tried to play since the new patch and it was not a good experience. Last night I tried for 45 minutes to get unto a multiplayer game. It just continually crashed out to the dashboard (XBox1) or the BF menu with the "lost connection to..." error. It would never make it past the black loading screen with the animated cursor. I reset my network connections, rebooted my Xbox, and it didn't matter. This is almost as bad as launch month.
Yeah same here. Last night myself and a couple of friends game kept crashing every time you tried sitting or switching to the gunner seat in a vehicle.
2 PS4 crashes since the patch today. Had none since December, wtf
Ok WTF I was very rarely getting crashes but had 2/4 games crash yesterday what is Dice doing?
I had a crash yesterday as well (PS4) on Zavod. First one in well over a month, I'm pretty sure.
Game is totally borked. No sounds will play properly. Just the end of round theme on endless loop. Had to power off the system to fix it. Why do I discover a new bug every day with this game?
Played earlier today and had 3 or 4 crashes and massive rubberbanding on a number of maps. I'm crashing more after this latest patch than I ever have.
There's definitely something wrong after this patch. I don't know what they did to the netcode, but almost every death for me is a headshot now. This last round I counted 10 headshot deaths out of 12 total. Making me not want to play the game until the next patch.
Edit: This is exactly the kinda shit I'm experiencing since the patch:
lol seks i just got a coyote for the ak-12 in the silver battlepack today.
Edit: This is exactly the kinda shit I'm experiencing since the patch: