I had the most hilarious, fun and tense game a few minutes ago. We're playing Golmud and my team is steamrolling the other guys. The second time I get killed I noticed the mobile AA available and decided to chill a bit since we were having no problems. I stay between the D, F and G flag killing some guys and taking down choppers and I kill the same dude at least 4 times while they are trying to take D.
Suddenly one engineer starts throwing everything he's got at me including the RPG pick up on the hills between D and F (almost died from that one...the thing hits like a truck!). I back away and manage to kill him when he pops up to lock a javelin at me. It was the guy I killed 4 times.
From this death forward he and his whole squad start to hunt me down until the end of the game. I managed to kill him again when he tried to ram me with a jet and I couldn't resist and got out of the AA and teabag him. Man they went crazy after that! Ramming jets, jihad jeeps, parachuters out of chopers firing RPGs and for some time even the fucking mobile artillery all going after me (thank you to my teammates that tried to help and fix me)!
Man this was the most fun and tense BF game I had in a long time! I just didn't want to die and give then the satisfaction of finally killing me and get revenge! Obviously I went back close to my spawn but this "hunt" kept going until the end of the game. He was trying so hard to jihaad jeep me that he would suicide as soon as he saw that I dodged the jeep (that hill where the train tracks pass between the chinese spawn and G is great to maneuver and defend yourself!
Somehow my team managed to lose the game by 12 tickets after this whole thing started so this was a looong game. The guy went 3/34 by the time it was all over, I didn't die a single time after I got the mobile AA. I sent him a message congratulating him on his team victory and saying that I was sorry for the tbags (I did it a lot of times after the first one) and that it was just for fun, no hard feelings etc. I wonder if he will respond...
It's hilarious how much the anti AA gun pisses people off!
Man you scared the crap out of me that time I was playing against you and Olimpia and you were running to my back trying to get my tags! If someone had not spotted you, you would have knifed me for sure!
I was paranoid with my back turned against walls for the whole game after that! Lol!